posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Originally posted by torsion
Originally posted by UFOmaster
Very interesting images!
Clearly spacecraft interacting together!
Take a look a the post above where Chadwickus has kindly sent a photo of his large ring.
Is further discussion really necessary?
But if you think they're spacecraft, where are they from? Uranus, perhaps?
You are assuming they are rings. I'm not so sure that isn't some trick of the light simply making you think they are doughnut shaped. The single one
could well be, the two together, i think are just either simply balloons or something else. We still have to deal with the thorny question of how they
managed to vanish so quickly.
To assume just because there are golden mylar balloons that is what they are, is as erroneous a methodology as assuming anything that we
anthropomorphise to appear human is artificial.
As it stands at the moment, the balance of probabilities is that they are balloons. Those with a more esquiring mind are attempting to actually back
this this up with concrete reasoning rather than simple broad unsupported statements.
Every case like this adds data to that which we understand. Even if they do turn out, as most of us think, to be balloons the process of actually
proving it, rather than just saying it, is a lesson to us all.