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Pensacola Beach Hides Oil Beneath Sand!

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:42 PM

4 hours ago | Pensacola Beach, Florida

...heavy equipment that had been working through the night covering the oil, still at it...

Holy hell.

I have more links coming. Can you believe this?


"nothing to see here folks" "get ready for the air show on the 10th!"

Sri Oracle

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Deliberate Oil Cover Up Pensacola Beach (Part 2)

BP contractors cover up oil spill with sand

BP contractors were busy last night to cover up the black oil deposit on Pensacola Beach with sand. Heavy machinery was used throughout the night to cover the thick oil spill with a thin layer of sand and crews were still working by daylight to finish the job.

The local contractors confirmed that they were told by BP to just cover up the large oil patch on Pensacola Beach with sand...

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:47 PM

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:48 PM
That's happening all up and down the coast as far as I can tell.

They're cleaning up the top, but the real goop is a few inches down.

I have seen sand cleaners that can remove oil fouling but only in demonstration. I'm not sure they're ready for prime time.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:49 PM
I just watched the video... where's his evidence they just covered up with sand?

I mean, i can believe it, but all he is showing is a beach with some evidence of tractor work. One could also speculate that they just drove along and scraped off the top layer of oil. Shouldn't he maybe push some sand aside to expose a HUGE layer of oil underneath? All he shows are tire tracks.

And besides, oil doesnt just sit on the top of the sand, it filters down through the layers as it is washed up on shore.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Ah! See, he actually SHOWED the oil under the sand. Good for him.

Still, i'm pretty sure oil doesnt just sit on top of the sand. They are STILL finding oil seeping up on the beaches from the Valdez spill.

this sint to say i dont believe their hypothesis.. i do. I'm just saying this isnt quite evidence yet. show them DOING it. Thats evidence.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 07:55 PM
Yeah it does tend to filter down.. and then stay there.

The link is to a site about the Exxon Valdez spill, and they dug down a bit into the beach and there was still oil there. I am wondering how likely it is to get into the water table..

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by justadood

Still, i'm pretty sure oil doesnt just sit on top of the sand. They are STILL finding oil seeping up on the beaches from the Valdez spill.

Ok so it sinks down into the sand.

But they still find it "seeping up" from the Valdez??

Make up your mind.

Either it sinks or rises. Which is it?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:14 PM

front end loaders and bull dozers... just covering it up. When you leave the public beach you can see the difference.

greg hall newsradio 1620

Having trouble w/ the link if doesn't work... go here:

and click on "greg hall"

The oil still covers the national seashore section of the beach. The "public beach" is completely clear overnight. The oil stops at the property line.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by justadood

Still, i'm pretty sure oil doesnt just sit on top of the sand. They are STILL finding oil seeping up on the beaches from the Valdez spill.

Ok so it sinks down into the sand.

But they still find it "seeping up" from the Valdez??

Make up your mind.

Either it sinks or rises. Which is it?

"Either" why cant it be both?

I suspect it is both, since the oil sinks down through the sand, as well as seeps up since that is how a beach works: water doesnt just hit the top of the sand, it hits the whole beach head, and filters through all the sand. So, stuff filters up and down. is that hard to grasp? have yoou been to the beach? You ever notice how the wtaer does the same thing? No? Well, pay attention next time.

Stop assuming the person asking questions is denying the main point. Cuz it aint true.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Pensacola beach was my beach for over ten years.

Three months out of the year.

While swimming there I met a pod of dolphins, a really big shark, a really big baby sting ray and sea turtle.


A most beautiful beach.

I am old, but will treasure my memories of this wonderous place for all of eternity.

Pensacola Beach, God just a magical place - and then BP had to mess it up all in the name of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Not fair, not right.

A most magical place. I only hope the beings I met there are alright.

People don't realize, don't care how our greed affects the rest of the planet.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by justadood
I'm just saying this isnt quite evidence yet. show them DOING it. Thats evidence.

front end loader in the background.

Is that what you need?

They're doing most of the work at night. Night work was announced on the 17th:

This is what the beach looked like on the 23rd by the sheriffs helicopter:


[edit on 29-6-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by justadood

Still, i'm pretty sure oil doesnt just sit on top of the sand. They are STILL finding oil seeping up on the beaches from the Valdez spill.

Ok so it sinks down into the sand.

But they still find it "seeping up" from the Valdez??

Make up your mind.

Either it sinks or rises. Which is it?

From my link:

"However, oily traces of the spill can still be found on some beaches. The remaining oil generally lies below the surface of the beaches in places that are very sheltered from the actions of wind and waves (which help to break down and remove stranded oil), and on beaches where oil initially penetrated very deeply and was not removed. At these beaches, there are signs of weathered oil on the surface and deposits of fresher oil buried beneath. Sometimes this oil makes its way to the surface and can be seen as a sheen on the water as the tide comes in. Interestingly, despite the fresh appearance of oil at these sites, chemical analysis and biological observations indicate that the oil is actually of such low toxicity that many intertidal organisms can tolerate its presence, even though it can accumulate in their tissues."


*edit to add: I know I am putting up things explaining what happens to the oil after a spill/leak, but I would like to point out that I would not at all put it past BP to just bury the oil in addition to the natural accumulation taking place (hell they didn't seem to think twice about dumping all that toxic dispersant into the Gulf).

[edit on 29-6-2010 by ganja]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:18 PM

So far, efforts to use mechanical rakes to clean up the mess have been unsuccessful.

"The result was mixing the oil into the sand which was the last thing we want to do," Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino said.

Keith Wilkins, deputy chief of neighborhood and community services for Escambia, said high tide and an incorrect screen size on the rakes made the work fail.

Despite intensive efforts by more than 1,100 workers and heavy equipment to clean thick tar from Pensacola Beach overnight Wednesday, massive sheets of oil remained buried in the sand.

An 8-mile stretch of Pensacola Beach that was covered with gooey oil Wednesday appeared to be clean when the sun came up Thursday. But researchers from the University of South Florida and news reporters discovered that oil is buried from about 1 inch to 8 inches deep.

There may be a case to be made for natural tidal effects also covering the oil:

The tide drags sand from the higher elevation on the beach and buries the oil.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Despite intensive efforts by more than 1,100 workers and heavy equipment to clean thick tar from Pensacola Beach overnight Wednesday, massive sheets of oil remained buried in the sand.

Just to clarify, do you think that bit you have in bold means they 'buried' it, or it is buried? Because i read it as is remains buried, where it is on the beach, not that 'they' buried it.

Like i already said, the OP and other videos claim to offer 'proof' but dont actually have it. It just appears to be people who dont know that there is more oil on the beach than what sits on top.

Yes, i suspect 'they' woudl bury the oil for publicity purposes, but even that wont be a very long-term solution. i think the likely scenario is that, as in many other spills, the oil is far deeper than the top layer. Sand is porous, not solid. When any liquid comes in contact with the beach head, it will sit on top, sink in, and seep up. All three, and many more.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Now I hate BP even more.. those selfish bas...... they will do anything to cover up (no pun intended) the evidence.. also save money by not having to pay the workers to clean it up... SELFISH.. GREEDY!!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

PENSACOLA-- Pens-a-Cola


PENS-A-COLA= The Weight (Payment)/ Weight-Out of Oil

=Pens-ion for oil/ The payment for oil/ Pens-a-cola(coal)oil

[edit on 30-6-2010 by problemsolvr]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by justadood

Ironic that they are doing a "cover up" on Pens-a-Cola Beach. Symbolism.
Pens-ion. Pens is latin for weight, to pay; Cola


O.E. col "charcoal, live coal," from P.Gmc. *kula(n) (cf. O.Fris. kole, M.Du. cole, Du. kool, O.H.G. chol, Ger. Kohle, O.N. kol), from PIE base *g(e)u-lo- "live coal" (cf. Ir. gual "coal"). Meaning "mineral consisting of fossilized carbon" is from mid-13c. First mentioned (370 B.C.E.) by Theophrastus in his treatise "On Stones" under the name lithos anthrakos (see anthrax). Traditionally good luck, coal was given as a New Year's gift in England, said to guarantee a warm hearth for the coming year. The phrase drag (or rake) over the coals was a reference to the treatment meted out to heretics by Christians. To carry coals "do dirty work," also "submit to insult" is from 1520s. To carry coals to Newcastle (c.1600) Anglicizes Gk. glauk eis Athenas "owls to Athens."

1795, genus of trees native to west Africa and introduced in New World tropics, Latinized form of a W.African name of the tree (cf. Temne kola, Mandingo kolo). Meaning "carbonated soft drink" is 1920, short for Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola.

non-metallic element, 1789, coined 1780s in Fr. by Lavoisier as charbone, from L. carbo (gen. carbonis) "glowing coal, charcoal," from PIE base *ker- "heat, fire, to burn" (cf. L. cremare "to burn;" Skt. krsna "black, burnt," kudayati "singes;" Lith. kuriu "to heat," karštas "hot," krosnis "oven;" O.C.S. kurjo "to smoke," krada "fireplace, hearth;" Rus. ceren "brazier;" O.H.G. harsta "roasting;" Goth. hauri "coal;" O.N. hyrr "fire;" O.E. heorð "hearth"). Carbon 14, long-lived radioactive isotope used in dating organic deposits, is from 1936. Carbon dating (using carbon 14) is recorded from 1958. Carbon cycle is attested from 1912. Carbon footprint was in use by 2001. Carbon paper (soon to be obsolete) is from 1895.

An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and is hydrophobic but soluble in organic solvents. Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are nonpolar substances. The general definition above includes compound classes with, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and volatile essential oils. All oils can be traced back to organic sources.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:10 AM
wow this is totaly pathetic! Not only is it putting humans at risk, it's actualy going to help keep the oil ON the beaches, only to resurface at a later time after storms & wind have moved the sand around. It will also kill off any organisms that might take shelter from the oil beneath the sand.

Human ignorance completly amazes me, Pensacola would have been better closing their beaches, and then attempting to charge BP for criminal damage, loss of earnings, animal cruelty and whatever else they could find to throw at them.

BP are the ones who are at fault, it is not any of the eastern or gulf states or any other country who is to blame, the British Government are just as guilty for failing to prevent BP doing this as the US Government are. BP are a disgusting company who should be dissolved after all this, and their assets used to clean the mess up.

I can see it from the governers points of view, their state and tourism are what pays their wages, but there comes a time when one must swallow their pride and think outside the box.
Eventualy, although probably not in our lifetimes, the Earth will repair it's self from this awful poisoning. In the mean time, us as human beings have a duty to make sure the damage is as limited as is humanly possible.

Also, by burying the oil, some day a child is going to dig that up, sit in it, put it in their mouths and on their bodies, and as people have taken photos of this happening, and know why it is happening, then they will all be trying to sue the wrong people, their state instead of the abomination that is BP.

I am British, and lots of people over here think this is an accident, and that BP has bought a lot of money into our economy, what deluded folk they are.
We are trillions in debt, the last thing we needed was to have to pay to mop up after BP, which we of course will have to.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by The Chez]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Out of sight, out of mind.

I'm use to the idea of the news not covering some things, but this is something that needs to be out there.

The cost to dig up and clean underneath a pile is going to be much more.

I wanted to see BP do the right thing and get through this ordeal, but if they are trying to cover-up, cheat and harm the people then I want to see the company and every executive in it go down as far as possible.

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