posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Seeing as this could have been prevented and withstanding that, could have been vastly more "contained".. the implications of this manufactured
catastrophe are grim.
In one fell swoop they are destroying a large group of peoples ability to generate income from themselves, for themselves/their community, which
equates to further g0vernment reliance, they are saturating large volumes of air, land and water with private poisons, which the more pessimistic half
of myself only knows is nothing short of engineered mass culling, they are using the same disinformation techniques as the 911 event to spread the
truth thin, so as not to be fully perceived with the casual glance.
The phantom enemy, BP, is positioned for us to hate, while nothing is really done, besides the same things.
I fear even more horrible atrocities to come, on a scale seldom seen. It's almost as if the powers have committed the profane to the dark lord