reply to post by manta78
Boy I sure am glad we are talking about what this thread is really about, ME! One long post at an attempt to destroy my credibility with nothing on
I post one of your statements from a thread in 2008:
"All these things that are happening in the world aren't real to me. Yes they are happening but they are not whats important."
You confirm that is the way you still feel in this thread today here:
"that comment is true to this day."
That is true. I have reconnected with my true self, my Cosmic self. Events in the space/time matrix while they actually happen, are illusionary in the
perspective of The One Truth.
You then say:
"Yes these problems are happening"
You then say again:
"Yes these things are happening but not in the manner in which people think is real. "
And again:
"So not that this isn't happening, because it is, but everyone's senses are distorted."
The above answer is exactly the same as to this part. Things do happen in this matrix. Events happen. They quite often to not happen in the manner
which people believe. People believe their five senses. TPTW know this and manipulate the senses.
Sounds like you are backpedalling to me, and basically confirming the first statement by saying that things that are happening in the world are not
real to you, and yes that they are happening, but they are not what's important, to use your own words.
Classic attempt at suppression and convolution my words. First you say that I am backpedaling which is merely putting words in my mouth as I have
perfectly stood my ground with valid answers. Then you close by saying you are using my own words which alludes to the beginning of your statement in
that I am backpedaling.
Things are not real in the matrix though they sure seem to be but in the grand scheme, we are all eternal so yes, this matrix is not real. It is a
training ground.
And if you feel that none of this is important, then you truly have become alienated towards life on Earth.
No I have reconnected with who I truly am. I have unplugged from the matrix. I wonder if you can do the same.
All this work just to discredit me? Can you be any more transparent? Sure seems like a lot of work you're going through....especially to not get
See you back home.