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Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

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posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
well hott dayim !!!!

about time,
best wishes to the group.

If I didn't live on the east coast .....

Good hunting gentlemen !!!

Oh please, if you didn't live on the east coast....

wait for it...

you still wouldn't do a #ing thing.

I'm so sick and tired of everyone talking about what they would do about this or that if it wasn't for this or that.. give me a damn break.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:21 AM

THeyz NazIIz

lol... They are Americans, Where in this country, they have a RIGHT to believe in, and practice, what makes them HAPPY. Just because you don't like or approve of it, that doesn't make them any less American that you or me.

What's more, it has been successfully PROVEN that America pretty much has evolved into a Nationalist Socialist Country anyway... so who's worse, those that openly admit it, or those who secretly subvert American Freedoms with it in the face name of Democracy?!

If I didn't know any better, Obama probably sports one of thier club vests around the house...

Local militia's are a bunch of girl scouts compared to these dudes, and of that I am certain.

WOW...heh, you're pretty funny. You must not have lived in America (if you even do) that long huh? Local Militia is retired military - usually - or offspring of such. I wouldn't go and discount American Ability just yet lol...

Pertaining to the U.S. of A. - I think that Arizona should request help from a source who have a long standing tradition of this sort of thing - the Texas Rangers... At least if Texas sent in Rangers, the Feds would have second thoughts about counteracting this effort as they'll get satisfaction knowing that a tried and true organization was there to back this effort's play.

I guess it all rests however on how serious the Feds want SPP to exist so... I forsee that these fellas have stepped into a pile of bees once the first illegal is taken down.

Mexico will demand justice, or threaten war... Which may be EXACTLY what this group of DEA funded 'vigilantes' want to start...

[edit on 6/19/2010 by Megiddodiddo]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Megiddodiddo

THeyz NazIIz

lol... They are Americans, Where in this country, they have a RIGHT to believe in, and practice, what makes them HAPPY. Just because you don't like or approve of it, that doesn't make them any less American that you or me.

Just like I have the RIGHT to think they are pieces of # for their backwards thinking.

I don't see where any of us that are being critical of the group said that they weren't Americans.

And wrong, they do not have the right to "practice" actions that make them happy if it involves infringing on another persons right to the same.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

What's more, it has been successfully PROVEN that America pretty much has evolved into a Nationalist Socialist Country anyway... so who's worse, those that openly admit it, or those who secretly subvert American Freedoms with it in the face name of Democracy?!

Maybe YOU are a closeted Nazi, but I for one detest the idea of fascism. There are some of us that DO respect our REPUBLIC, and like the idea of freedom for ALL.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat

I must of missed the part about these guys being "well regulated", in fact they would seem to have no regulation at all. I must be confusing "vigilantes" and "Well regulated Militia" again.

My bad.

They seem to be pretty organized to me.

Yes you must be confusing those 2 things again.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by cagliostro
It's funny, in a Greek tragedy sort of way, to see how many people think an armed angry mob is the answer to so many of today's problems.

In some cases if you're backed into a corner, you must do what you must to survive.

Kidnappings of US citizens by mexican criminals.
Killings of US citizens by illegals.
Violence against US citizens by drug cartels, illegals, etc..
Mexican military incursions over US borders and attacking US border agents.
This has been going on even during the bush administration so it's obvious the federal government has no plans to intervene so to defend ourselves, thus,
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity," are starting to take action.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by draevin
This is going to end badly if they actually come into conflict.

The feds will step in and do everything the can to stop them. "For the own safety" would be my best bet.

Obama is going to "address" the nation (aka say "Don't you do that!") if TPTB even acknowledge it at all.

These guys will be labeled as Anti-Humanitarian Extremists.

It will either come to them selling out, or being shot by the Feds.

I could be wrong as I'm only guessing, but nonetheless it will be extremely interesting to pay attention to.

Will become either absolutely nothing, or a huge contributor in the revolt against the Fed's.

Look how our government is being used against us--and we can even anticipate it! We have the problem with illegal people and drugs. The government does little to stem the problem.

But let our own people get sick and tired of no decent federal action and attempt to take the matters into their own hands and, holy crap, the government is there tomorrow arresting people and making all sorts of threats and actions against vigilante groups.

That tells you what the feds fear the most. Not the drugs or people coming in, but its own citizens that may get started on a roll that builds and builds until it takes on TPTB themselves.

Political Science 101's first law says that a government's first responsibility is to protect itself from all threats to itself both from within and without. This is exactly what we will be seeing.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by whatukno

I'd like to thank you, broahes and others. You have given me a bit of hope this site hasn't gone completely off the deep-end.

Do you people know what neo-nazi's do in this country? You ever hear of a boot party? It's pretty gruesome and it's not an urban legend. It involves steel toed boots and kicking a person to death.

There is your group. Get your heads right people. This group just says "If you ain't white, you ain't right". Some of you cheering would get tossed out of this country too.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by antonia

And thank you as well.


I wish more people could look at this for what it really is.

This is indeed a Nazi group. No one can dispute that. To say "I support them, while I don't support their beliefs".. is ignorance at its finest. They are doing this because of their backwards ideas on the "white man's place".. not because they love America.

I was really mad the past few posts I made in this thread. Now I don't even know what to say after reading more and more of this thread.

I will say this though:

If you support these people and what they are doing.. knowing that they are indeed Nazis.. then I hope you die. That's harsh, sure, but it's honest.. and it's not a threat.. it's my sincere hope. You are just as much of a problem here in America as a drug, the government that pushes daily to own you, and far worse than any day farmer that is working for 2 dollars an hour to feed his family back home. I have seen what a lot of the illegals run from. I have spent time in Mexico and Central America.. if I lived like some that I've seen, I would bring some dope across the border to ensure that I never had to go back to that.. I promise you, so would you. Don't give me any # about legal, not legal.. I promise you that you would break the law to survive. We all would. Lucky for you, behind your computer screen.. you don't have to.

Resistance is Peace.


[edit on 19-6-2010 by broahes]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

lol... They are Americans, Where in this country, they have a RIGHT to believe in, and practice, what makes them HAPPY. Just because you don't like or approve of it, that doesn't make them any less American that you or me.

Um.. these people are advocating the murder of human beings... I'm not sure which America you're from, but the one I know doesn't afford any group the right to engage in extremist acts of violence.

What's more, it has been successfully PROVEN that America pretty much has evolved into a Nationalist Socialist Country anyway... so who's worse, those that openly admit it, or those who secretly subvert American Freedoms with it in the face name of Democracy?!

Oh? It's been proven? Guess I missed that memo.

Why stop there then? Why don't w just turn the dogs loose, round up all dem dang ol' illegal rats and puttem in concentration camps? That'll teach'um!

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Mister Boots

Have we learned Nothing from history?!

Yes. We have learned not to invade other people's countries unless we're looking to fight. We further assume that Mexicans are every bit as intelligent as Americans. Ergo, those illegally invading across the southern border must be looking for a fight. Doper vs. Nazis. Who'd have ever thought it would come to that?

I may be new to this site, but I got the impression that ATS was devoted to toppling the corrupt forces that control this world, and combating ignorance... not just another cesspool of paranoid right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Nah. That's part of the charm of the place. You can ALWAYS expect someone to try dragging out the old 'left-right paradigm' to bludgeon their opposition with.

Not to mention the FUBR scenario of sending out Neo-nazis to guard the border, clearly just looking for an excuse to shoot some Mexican immigrants.

1) - At least SOMEONE has the testicular fortitude to do it. Looks like it's just their turn now. Maybe they'll shame some actual humans into doing their part, too.

2) Why would any 'Mexican immigrants' be out there? Can't they read English? The signs pretty clearly warn that it's dangerous out there. Maybe US Immigration should have warned them in the appropriate language when they went there to pick up their papers either prior to, or at entry into the US.

No papers? Out there in no man's land, which has been de facto ceded by the US government without authorization from the citizenry? Well, in that case they're not 'immigrants' of ANY nationality, having ignored the 'immigration' thing... They're properly called 'illegal aliens'.

Bloodthirsty Vigilantes aren't going to solve the drug war by any means, it's just to boost the E-peens of some racists and wannabe rambos and cause an even bigger mess

Meh. at least someone's willing to get the party started.

and like any good, ignorant wingnut, you blame it on the "Liberals" and the "treehuggers,"

Personally, I call 'em like I see 'em. If that makes me a 'wingnut', then so be it, I'll wear the badge proudly. Consider, however, that those 'liberals' you mention are on the left wing of the left-right paradigm, and so are 'wingnuts' as well, and in company with neocons and socialists of any stripe, 'national' or otherwise, they ARE the left wing, counterpoint to the conservatives on the right wing.

'Wingnuts' should watch WHO they're calling 'wingnuts'.

and push forth the same aggressive nationalist image that's killing our world

It's debatable that is what is killing the world. Care to debate it? That debate would be another thread, however.

What a bunch of tools.

Meh. I've been called worse things by better people. That's the way folks talk when they're fresh out of logic. Resort to emotion and name-calling. Have fun with that.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

This weekend, JT Ready and a group of armed men plan to take Arizona's border battle into their own hands.

Ready is a member of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, and he and his citizen's militia group are tired of waiting.

Wasn't the Nationalist Socialist Party the NAZI party? I'm all for protecting our border and armed militia being the forceful arm of our attempt at reclaiming our sovereign lands, BUT i'm afraid of the group perpetrating the action.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:40 PM
I can't find the thread...for proof...but if my memory is not as bad as it can be...

The druglord leader is still in the top 40 of the most powerfull ppl/leaders in the world...hope this little group has thought of what they may really be getting into.

I can see this goiugn 100% upside down in a matter of hours...esp since the guy went public and the ....drug lord guy has had somw time to be to say...

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by whatukno

WOW... I get labeled by?... someone who uses an icon in his avatar that represents White Power?

nice job Pecker Wood.

By the way, like my signature suggests, you don't understand me or know my business, lets not reveal an immature disposition and keep it respectful... shall we?

I've got stripes that show my Patriotism, and I didn't earn them just to have my understanding of FREEDOM FOR ALL dictated to me.

Just like Communism is alive and well in America, so too is Taoism, Fascism, Racism, Socialism, Judism, and Alcoholism. It's the ism that makes it what it all is - a practice, and a lifestyle of personal belief and choice.

It's the American Constitution that allows all this, so... did you wish to change that aspect of being American, so it can fit your personal definition of what America must be like?

If you truly despise fascism, then why do you sit idle while Obama trains his Brown Shirts? Passes National Socialistic legislation? Hell, Congress doesn't even think that we Americans have a right to choose our own nutritional well being. That American Wealth belongs in German Banks, and not American. That you pose a threat to them, for just being an American Patriot. That you're worthy enough to exist under rule of (under) thumb, where you become certifiable, licensed, and registered.

Finally, they've created a system outside of the Constitution where your personal vote is a fictitious one, where Admiralty Law is what governs you, and where freedom of Press, Choice, Speech, Assembly, and Religious Expression no longer exist; where your 2nd amendment rights no longer apply and for God's sake, you MUST have insurance!

So, tell me... How do you like living under an Internationalist Socialist democracy?

Makes you real proud to understand the State of the Union as it exists, huh?

These Americans who have chosen to act upon thier Constitutional Right to defend YOU from the invasion of a foriegn entity should thus be looked at as just that - volunteers placing themselves in harms way to protect America, instead of recieving a label of disregard and contempt.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Well since you looked up your response on wikipedia, because you couldn't conjecture your own response with knowledge, you had to copy and paste what you read, I feel compelled to respond.

It is the duty of the President of the United states, to address, rectify, and or remedy any situation that would suggest invasion. This is truly the case. The president has made it abundantly clear that he nor the feds are inclined to do anything about it. So it means rednecks with chewing tobacco, minute men, or the "Nazi's" have to stand up for our country, with others of our country men, then I salute them...having the courage to stand up for what one believes in is a hell of alot more admirable than one who does nothing but look up answers to a thread that he copied and pasted because you couldnt come up with a witty response of your own!

Grab a gun, man a post then come talk to me you #ing TROLL!

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

You obivously havent done your homework on just whom the minute men of today are? What, did you think they're little old retirees? Nope, the ones going out there, most of which are ex-military are going over. I also hear some ex- blackwater security force guys are going over who has the big guns now? More like Mexican't military!!!

[edit on 19-6-2010 by SurefireII]

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by SurefireII

No I have not done as much as I should have but a large portion of the "drug Lords" guys were trained by our military...and are/or was in all asspects of our training and know what to expect..IMO...

It's almost like a civil on's gonna be nasty no matter how it goes...

Just wish ...the feds would enforce legal immigration is all, i don't claim to have any solutions...

Maybe high enough penalties for getting caught would turn it around ...but again....there is families both US citizens and mexican, on both sides of teh boarder and there in...lays the problem IMO...

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Megiddodiddo

This is the only part I am going to reply to, because it's the only part of your disconnected rant that has anything to do with this subject.

These Americans who have chosen to act upon thier Constitutional Right to defend YOU from the invasion of a foriegn entity should thus be looked at as just that - volunteers placing themselves in harms way to protect America, instead of recieving a label of disregard and contempt.

These people have no Constitutional right to be vigilantes, If you are referring to the Minutemen militia, the only way they would have that constitutional right is if they followed the rules proscribed for the militia in Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution. These are just Thomas Jefferson Masturbators, beating off to the 2nd Amendment without having the ability to fully understand it.

They are no better than the Cartels they say they are against.

It's a bunch of bull.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:03 PM
I wish the Government would close our borders... Federal OR State..

But I don't like Nazi's .. or Nazi wannabes actually..

It's such a stupid absurd plan and so blatantly public, I can only wonder if it was done on purpose to get people who want the borders shut down to agree with them, then get called racist for agreeing with Nazi's. Like so many on the thread have..

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I wish the Government would close our borders... Federal OR State..

That is the exact thing, the people that are actually responsible for closing the border is the Federal Government. They need to do their jobs and actually go down to Arizona, with troops, and make damn sure that the cartels know they will get an ass kicking if they come over here.

When you leave it up to the people, the wrong people often show up to do the job.

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