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Better Off Today Than 3 Years Ago

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 10:57 AM
We were told George Bush destroyed the worlds' opinion of America. That he was so inept in responding to our allies with his cowboy justice against America's enemies, made up or real. We were also told that Obama was going to change all of that.

Ronald Reagan asked people in 1980 if they were better off today than they were 4 years ago.

So here we are, a couple years later. Domestically, many Americans are upset for the exact same reason many Americans were upset with Bush -- Obama's ignoring the nations' opinion and pursuing his own agenda. Not very surprising, everything he's doing he said he'd be doing. However, what about the foreign policy? Have we made those friends back he said we would?

Well, he's sought to cater to our enemies. How's that gone? Iran's building nukes again. North Korea's shooting South Korean boats. Saudi Arabia is telling Israel to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities while our administration makes Jew jokes.

At least we've kept our allies, though, right? Well, we've pretty much destroyed relations with Israel. Most Israelis and Orthodox Jews think that, in the past two years, we've strained relations so far that there isn't a chance of reconciliation. In the US, antisemitism isn't just on the rise, it's become politically acceptable. Those who don't believe the Jews did it (insert whatever horrible thing you want in place of "it") are in league with Israel in some dastardly way. The way the past couple of years have gone, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Kristallnacht taking place this decade here in the US.

We've been pretty solid allies with the British for over a hundred years, though. A single administration couldn't wreck that, right? We'll see. Already that relation is very strained. This is happening recently because of Obama's attacks against BP for their oil spill. Obama has also made the point of calling the company "British Petroleum" instead of its actual name, "BP". Thereby associating the British nation with the catastrophe taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.

What about Japan? Since 1945, the US and Japan have been allies. That relationship was tested in the 80s with fear of an economic takeover by Japan, but those fears turned out to be unfounded. However, this year we're finding relations with them tested, too. The strain isn't our fault this time, though. Instead, it revolves around Japan's prime minister making campaign promises to violate a treaty between our nations and remove the U.S. military base located on Okinawa off the island completely. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan ( this was never discussed in a conversation Obama and Kim had.

Things seem to be going well with South Korea at the moment, but that, too, could be tested if North Korea continues its overt hostilities against South Korea. We'll know where we stand with them in a year or two.

So here we are, with our enemies still our enemies, and many of our closest allies starting to agree with our enemies. If Obama's goal with foreign relations was to isolate the US even further, he has done a fantastic job. Since he said he was hoping to do the exact opposite, one must wonder if he intended to keep that campaign promise, and if so, what that could mean about his effectiveness as the foreign relations savior we were all told to believe him to be...

So, are we better off today than we were 3 years ago?

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 11:37 AM
No, we are not.

I have no hard feelings for those that where crying and carrying on at our last Presidential Inauguration, they really felt positive change would happen.

The average Joe finally got his proof that our government is horribly corrupt...The "Answer" candidate has merely pushed along (and added to) the same policies we had in the Bush years.

Tensions are higher, people are madder, global war is closer, global financial meltdown is closer.

Now....having said all of that...
can I also answer if I am better than 3 years ago?

YES....I have a much better and broader understanding of the world around me. I spend ALOT more time with my kids. This has hurt my golf game, but Oh Well. I make WAY, WAY, WAY less money than I did 3 years ago. I now have to worry about real how can I make this $20 bill last another 4 means so much less to me now.

Last summer I got rid of a '07 Merecedes and bought a '95 4runner...It's a piece of crap but I like it. I exercise more, I drink less beer, I lose myself in deep thought for hours....

Thanks for asking

[edit on 12-6-2010 by Signals]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 11:49 AM
Heck, I'm not. Three years ago I was a dynamic young CEO of a fortune 500 company. I had a bentley and a rolls royce, a place in the Hamptons, an apartment in London, and hot and cold running women. Now I'm a call boy living at the Y.
I blame Obama.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 11:49 AM
We need change, and as far as I am concerned the politicians are not the way to do this, they're obviously in it for the fame, the glory, the money, and self interest...No one will take us seriously if we keep being led by the evil that leads us around on the rope and chains... we need to take back our government, fight for change and then repair our relations with the rest of the world. We really do need another revolution. Seriously. It doesn't even have to eb a violent or bloody one. It can be a peaceful one, the first thing we can do is ask to impeach the president we all can write letters to congress whcih ask for impeachment and demand someone that will take care of the important issues and not only that they should be someone who would do their job without retitution unless they do these things: Shrink the deficit, repair world relations, end corporate lobbyists, conserve our resources, and get us out of IRAN and Iraq. And clean up this oil debockery.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Interesting in that we are in another recession. It also is Not the first recession in US History and certainly not the last.

The Banks control our economy thru boom and bust cycles by controlling the expansion and contraction of credit creating the illusion of economic prosperity as well as economic downturn.

When they flip the Recession switch , they simply come and collect their collateral in the form of Homes and Vehicles for pennies on the dollar.

It's the oldest scam in the book and in the bible, it was called Usury.

Exodus 22:25 If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.

Remember Andrew Jackson ? And his battle against the Banking Cartel owned by the British Crown and predecessor to today's Federal Reserve ?

This is exactly what he was trying to warn us of and subsequently prevent.

Remember what Mayer Amschel Rothschild was quoted as saying....

"Give me control of a nation's money
and I care not who makes the laws."

Our current President and administration as with all of our presidential candidates are bought and paid for by the elitists.

One only has to to look as far as the millions in financial backing consistant amongst all of our "Front Running" Presidential candidates.

In that they are ALL members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Democrat and Republican.

Am I better off today than 3 years ago ?

Yes, in actuality I am.

Why is that ?

Because I for one listened to Andrew Jackson's words and resultingly I don't subscribe to the debt instruments of the Usurers and their worthless paper called US Dollars and subsequent enslavement to the hidden tax called inflation. And instead placed my wealth in true wealth ....Gold and Silver bullion.

And I am much better off because of it.

The Truth Shall Set You Free !

[edit on 12-6-2010 by nh_ee]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:03 PM
I mean absolute disrespect when I say this, screw you.

So if I say Zionist, I am anti-Semite? So I am Hitler for saying I don't like the Israeli regime? I don't have any problem with Jews, and that is the truth and I'm sure most people who use the word Zionist would agree with me on that.

As for South Korea, ever think that maybe having military exercises on a paranoid regimes border might send it over the edge eventually? North Korea attacked S. Korea and you're saying we should do what exactly? Go get them? Maybe blow Pyongyang into rubble? Invade and set up a right-wing capitalist regime? We know that it has always succeeded in the past.

And as for relations with Israel I say good, break them and break them now! Israel is a threat to the world, they are an apartheid state that is protected by the US in the UN, is not required to hand over their nuclear information to the UN but is allowed to bomb Iran because they suspect them of making nukes, and acts as a pirate nation killing innocent people delivering aid outside of your territorial waters.

I think that is a really bad country and just being their friend is dangerous, let alone financing their regime.

Why don't you tell us Mod what would be your ideal foreign policy strategy? Maybe send all of the Palestinians to internment camps? Spread the Zionist state to control Jordan too? Bomb Iran and overthrow North Korea?

As for the question if we are better off today than 3 years ago I would say no. Obama is Bush on the foreign policy side, he is itching to mass murder innocents in the ME for oil and Israel. Israel has no legitimacy anyway, how can you claim that land belongs to Jews just because your Torah says? Get real.

[edit on 6/12/2010 by Misoir]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

You say we could all write to our congress and ask for Obama's impeachment. I imagine we could ask for a trial of Obama's impeachment, but my question is, is there anyone on ATS that would be interested in setting something like this up?

I promise I'm not trying to single you out, I'm very guilty of it myself, but we all talk and talk and talk, but someone needs to try to organize this. How do we go about this? I've thought of purchasing a website domain that doesn't get too far into conspiracies but presents evidence of any and all politicians being corrupt and I dunno, maybe it could have some sort of sign up sheet or maybe it could set a day for everyone to rally together and send letters to our own politicians demanding action be taken.

I don't want to derail the thread, but if anyone is interested, please message me. I don't know law, I don't know the ins and outs of politics, I don't know a whole lot about website design, but heck, we have to start somewhere. I guess I'm interested in starting a discussion of how we could go about this. Maybe we can steal Obama's platform, "CHANGE!".

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
So if I say Zionist, I am anti-Semite? So I am Hitler for saying I don't like the Israeli regime? I don't have any problem with Jews, and that is the truth and I'm sure most people who use the word Zionist would agree with me on that.

Where'd my post say that? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your rhetorical questions, as context is very significant, but I'm curious as to where I said all of that. Feel free to quote it.

As for South Korea, ever think that maybe having military exercises on a paranoid regimes border might send it over the edge eventually?

Which is exactly what I'm talking about. It's South Korea's fault they were attacked. The victim shouldn't have looked so appealing when they were attacked, shouldn't have worn that dress, shouldn't have been near that neighborhood. It wasn't the mugger/rapist/attacker's fault. It's terrible that people still have that mentality, but it's not a new one. It is, however, a very common one in the US amongst some political leaders, which is one reason why I attribute that attack to us.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by Misoir
So if I say Zionist, I am anti-Semite? So I am Hitler for saying I don't like the Israeli regime? I don't have any problem with Jews, and that is the truth and I'm sure most people who use the word Zionist would agree with me on that.

Where'd my post say that? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your rhetorical questions, as context is very significant, but I'm curious as to where I said all of that. Feel free to quote it.

The way you phrased your 5th paragraphed sounded like a very sarcastic way of saying people who oppose Israel are anti-semites. I could be wrong but that is the way I interpreted it.

As for South Korea, ever think that maybe having military exercises on a paranoid regimes border might send it over the edge eventually?

Which is exactly what I'm talking about. It's South Korea's fault they were attacked. The victim shouldn't have looked so appealing when they were attacked, shouldn't have worn that dress, shouldn't have been near that neighborhood. It wasn't the mugger/rapist/attacker's fault. It's terrible that people still have that mentality, but it's not a new one. It is, however, a very common one in the US amongst some political leaders, which is one reason why I attribute that attack to us.

Is that sarcasm? The US politicians are so pro-war that they will never accept that this is our faults, N. Korea is crazy and you can only push a crazy person so far before they snap. I think the faulting is mutual since N. Korea is pretty crazy too, but we like to 'poke the bear'.

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