First let me state that I’m a Christian (Methodist to be exact) and very firm in my faith. I’m also very firm that other than my relationship
with God through Christ I’m not very sure of anything pertaining to God and the heavens. I believe the Bible is a user’s manual for our life on
earth and is not meant to be a one-stop-shop for all the mysteries of existence.
Without going into great detail of the sources, I’m pulling from Greek/Roman Mythology, the book so of Enoch, the Bible, the Koran, some fictions,
and other “resources” to create this little story/idea.
This is just a quick swat at something I’ve thought about for a long time. It may have It may have some historical “holes” in it, but the idea
In the beginning there was God, God of three beings in one. Together they created the universe and all its inhabitants. Before they created man God
created the heavenly host. This included Angles that were for specific purposes.
Three Arch Angles were given responsibility over the heavenly host (a third each) for the specific purpose that they were created for.
- Gabriel: the communicator of God to all his creation.
- Michael: the soldier of God to be a general of his armies.
- Lucifer: the guardian of God to protect his holiness.
Under each of these Arch Angles were hosts that carried out the will of God as directed by the Angel. When God created man he put the essence of
himself into Man. God then commanded that all of creation – including the Arch Angles – bow down before Man as his most perfect creation (as it
was made in his image).
All of heaven rejoiced save one. Lucifer, arguably charged with the most important duty among all of creation was the most beautiful and powerful of
all God’s creation. When asked to bow down before Man Lucifer displayed hubris and pride overtook him. This was quickly filled with envy and soon
after hate.
Conspiring with the host of creation that was given to him Lucifer defied God and asked that he be set above man. God could not and would not destroy
Lucifer as he loved him like a son but could not allow this treachery to exist in heaven. Thus Lucifer was cast out of heaven and his 1/3 host
followed him.
Lucifer then set about the task of trying to prove to God that he was above man and even above God himself. Filled with despair and hatred Lucifer
created his own kingdom on the plane of existence that man resided. He would build up a kingdom to rival God and force God to recognize his worth.
Meanwhile in heaven God replaced Lucifer with Raphael as an Arch Angle but never again allowed a sentient being to guard his holiness. On earth
Lucifer took it upon himself to corrupt mankind and to force God to see them as inferior creations. Initially it was just the first man (Adam) and
his wife (Eve). But soon Lucifer saw that this wasn’t enough because God was too close to them for man to ever truly defy God.
So he instructed his host to go amongst men and warp them. He ordered they be twisted and that the very secrets of heaven (stolen before he was cast
out) be taught to man so that – like Lucifer – man could begin to rebel against God.
They established themselves as god among the people taking special precaution to never mention the one true God.
All the gods and goddesses of the world were actually fallen angles vying for control and power under Lucifer, all operating with Lucifer’s grand
goal to build a kingdom that would rival God’s. They created complicated rituals to honor themselves and in return gave man access to supernatural
[edit on 10-6-2010 by gncnew]
[edit on 10-6-2010 by gncnew]
[edit on 10-6-2010 by gncnew]