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What Every Should Know About Iran!

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Well, not I've served in military, but seen enough loved ones die in front of me, that I have NO interest in being in military. Joining military is just another way to sink lower in my opinion... if I join a military that means that I'm obligated to take someone life... sooner or later... and I'm NO God and so to think I have the power to take someone else life that is just like me from the other side is just disgusting... shameful. I'm against ALL militarizes complexes and what they stand for. Miniseries ONLY exists because of desperation of people and uneducated mentality created by the governments... how come you never see any of these politicians going to war... right.. they're MUCH better then the rest... right? That's what wrong with our world today... people are labeled and put status on them... they feel obligated "because I'm patriotic and love my country" ... this kinda crap is why we're so damn divided in th world... this mentality needs to stop.

And so you ask why don't I go back and join some libertarians and free my country... well there are few things to this you need to understand... first off I AM trying to set my country free, I don't believe in violence and anger and protests, etc... I believe in power of mind and heart, so I'm here today spending my time and energy sharing a part of my life with the strangers on the web across the world... to educate them on the other side, not telling you what to do (as most people expect these days... just feed me mentality) but asking you, to just put yourself in our shoe, in their shoe... understand your so called "enemy" and realized .... we're ALL THE SAME... Secondly even by throwing the government we're NEVER going to be free... freedom comes from inner self and support of other human beings, not some damn government... government for the people, no longer exists and hasn't for a long time...

What I presented to you is the history... it is not some biased fictional stories created to hate US and Brittan ... it is FACT... I'm not here to hate you and your people... i'm here trying to explain to you there are powers behind the scene that are manipulate us human beings all over the world, simply... for them to gain power over the masses. So for you to get defensive and say go back to your home and fight for their freedom... is simply unsubstantiated statement.

And yes I do love Canada, in fact all my friends are mostly Canadians and are dear to my heart... what I am afraid of is our conservative government is following the path of destruction.. in every step put forth them by US and Brittan and one thing I learned from the past is that these two major bodies have proven a very bad record on humanity and their intention. More and more you see how they're NOT for the people and are designed to control the people for their own secret agenda of how to gain more power in the world, to achieve NWO.

Like said many times earlier, I am supportive of ALL people... but against ALL governments! They have failed to be there for the mostly needed... when one day of money spend on war, can feed the starved people around the world for a year... when toxic chemicals are put in our food... to create a monopoly over pharmaceutical institutes... when the freedom to explore your consciousness via plants are taken away from you... when questioning the wrong doing labels you as a "nut" ... when the top news is Britney snatch and not the innocent people being killed across the world via hands of these true axis evil ... when people are judged by what they wear and look like, rather then who they truly are... there is something REALLY wrong with this said system.

I believe the world can change based on silent protest of mind/heart ... if we all support one another, rather then taking defense on someone else perspective, maybe we can change the world... and be a free government society!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Skellon

Thank you Skellon, I appreciate the time you took to read it... I'm only trying from the bottom of my heart to show that ultimately we're all the same.. we laugh.. we cry... we love and want to be loved just like any other human being across the planet... again... my experience was small picture in this enormous world, many don't get to voice their lives. By travelling the world I've learned so much about people... and have learned deep down inside... we ALL want the same thing..... to be ... free... so we explore our consciousness and travel a world with not boundaries and borders... to learn from one another... and maybe.. just maybe we will then be welcome to the stars to join other intelligent beings...

I'm contributing what I can... at my level... to make this move happen.. small .. but still valid..

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

lol, no worries about the spelling.. i'm bad at it too now, barely can read Farsi.. my mom would be ashamed if she knew... You know what's so interesting is that so many people GET IT... and I'm so relieved to see that, so thank you for sharing your story, it is so nice to read all these replies.

As soon as I'm about to loose hope in humanity... people like you come around and remind me not to give up... there are still good in so many... It is true what you say about the financial side, I think the old might dollar has been come our worse enemy... think about it.. we work 40h/w if we're lucky to even have a job... just so that we can feed our family... if we don't' work.. we can't survive... so many people I know that are very wealthy are the most unhappy people... they didn't use to be this way, when they had little... so overall sure you get more toys in life, but happiness doesn't come from some colorful paper with a number on it... true happiness comes from letting go..

Years back the building I lived in burned down to ashes (some electrical problem in the main panel), i lost everything.. yet again..
, unfortunately didn't have insuarce (never believed in it.. guess learned my lesson) and begin self employed and loosing all your portfolio in the fire.. made me job less... I only had my short, tshirt, slippers and my dog... and nothing to my name... I felt.. this urge to cry and be sad... but I just couldn't because I had the sense of "freedom", it's weird but it was the best thing ever happened to me... forced to start soul searching again (was making too much money and lost touch with my higher self).. after two years of it... i finally found myself again and realized what really life is about....

It was about experiences (good AND bad), I realized if I die.. I can't take anything over with me... my pride.. ego... car... job title.. nothing... the only thing I can take over is my experiences. So I decided to be the best I can to others and appreciate every second of life as I'm on lease here.. and just by accepting this and being at peace with your inner self... happiness is the only feeling you can experience. Now life turned back up again for me... just lucky things keep happening to me.. over and over... so all I can be is appreciative of what I have... my health.. my soul.. and my loved ones...

Life is really about that... so if we ALL promoted this type of mentality and supported and educated ourselves on spirituality the need for money will vanish and so will these elites as they only have power over us... because we need what hey offer... money.... no need to join a cult, a religion, an institute.... just let go.... and be free... obviously much tougher then said, but if we support one another... it's the most amazing experience we can all have... the understanding and accepting of Oneness!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

Soo.. What you're trying to say is that Iranians aren't killer robots sent from the future to destroy America's way of life? Huh, you don't say.

I am from Iraq, lived there for 10 years as well. It used to be a gorgeous place to live in! We had palm trees, green grass, developing areas, just a booming place.

After the wars, it was never the same. It couldn't recover because of the many sanctions that were placed by the UN. It is truly sad. I have seen it go from a country with potential to a third world country. It seemed as though it was done on purpose through a well guided strategy.

Heartbreaking! Good thread.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
reply to post by lpowell0627

So as to say why they started small... well before you can start running.. you need to learn how to crawl, then stand up and then walk... so spend enormous money and resources on something you never have build before is bad strategy, start small, experiment... then move up!

No offense, but you obviously don't know anything about building power plants. You don't start small and then build on an addition. Nor do you build one too small to produce power and use it as a prototype to do it right the next time. It's not like the plant they built is made out of clay and cost $100.

Which is fine. You don't have to know about power plants. But then you certainly shouldn't go on and on about the steps they are taking to produce power for their people. And using this as proof of the peaceful intentions of this country. The fact of whether or not they currently have nuclear weapons -- which is merely speculation of your part -- is rather moot in my opinion.

The problem with Iran as a whole is that frankly I think the actual people of Iran are the last on the list as far as Ahmadinejad is concerned.

Look, I have nothing against the people of Iran. I have nothing against any person in any country per se -- how could I? I don't even know them. If someone from Iran moved into my neighborhood tomorrow I would welcome them with open arms and a clean slate, just as I do with everyone I meet. But again, that's not the point.

I find these threads to be riddled with hypocrisy.

How often are Americans blamed, ridiculed, lectured, etc., because of the actions of our government?

How often do I have to read about the terrible catastrophes that our 'zionist' government and the greedy 'zionist' fat Americans have done yet again?

When these foreign countries burn our flag and chant:
Death to America!

Do you really think they are only talking about our President? Maybe Congress too?

Of course not.

Further, for the same arguments you make in favor of the people in Iran, I would encourage you to make the same regarding the people of Israel and Americans as a whole.

After all, we are all just human.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

Would you be willing to fight in order to not become a slave, or would you embrace slavery rather than fight as a soldier?

If you are the kind of person who would not willingly be a slave, and would choose to fight for your freedom, then your dismissal of those who volunteer to become soldiers and fight to defend the freedoms that you enjoy are pure hypocrisy.

We are all here trying to express our powers of our mind, or, our ideas. You are no better than anyone else taking the time to post on these boards.

Here is a FACT that you should embrace, Britain ended slavery around the world, with the help of the U.S..

If it wasn't for the influence of Britain and the U.S., slavery would probably be openly practiced today in most Islamic countries.

I believe the world can change based on silent protest of mind/heart ... if we all support one another, rather then taking defense on someone else perspective, maybe we can change the world... and be a free government society!

It would be great if this belief worked, but it does not, and blaming the people who have fought to establish what liberties we manage to enjoy, what levels of justice and decency that exist in this world, is not being a part of the solution, but being a part of the problem.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627

Originally posted by freighttrain
reply to post by lpowell0627

So as to say why they started small... well before you can start running.. you need to learn how to crawl, then stand up and then walk... so spend enormous money and resources on something you never have build before is bad strategy, start small, experiment... then move up!

No offense, but you obviously don't know anything about building power plants.

But then you certainly shouldn't go on and on about the steps they are taking to produce power for their people. And using this as proof of the peaceful intentions of this country. The fact of whether or not they currently have nuclear weapons -- which is merely speculation of your part -- is rather moot in my opinion.

The problem with Iran as a whole is that frankly I think the actual people of Iran are the last on the list as far as Ahmadinejad is concerned.

How often are Americans blamed, ridiculed, lectured, etc., because of the actions of our government?

How often do I have to read about the terrible catastrophes that our 'zionist' government and the greedy 'zionist' fat Americans have done yet again?

When these foreign countries burn our flag and chant:
Death to America!

Do you really think they are only talking about our President? Maybe Congress too?

Of course not.

Well no.. i'm no expert and I said that earlier... but why do I think it's for peaceful purposes? More reasons to be peaceful then not.. it's common sense.


- Electricity is number one reason, as I mentioned, with 77 million people, power shortage is very common, specially with their new electric car that is being produced by the government (which is a great step toward the better and cleaner planet)

- One major advancement in a society is advancement of technology, by Iran becoming less dependent on wester world for it's resources, they're freeing themselves from this economic collapse as they'll become more independent (which also causes their agenda of being disconnected from the western culture), this also allows to get them into pharmaceutical complex by creating many potential cures for major diseases, which again creates more resources for the country and might aid the people

- Don't forget they rely on Western countries to buy their oil, yet their starting to find way not to become dependent's on it and for it to become purely and export resource

- Like said earlier, do you know so many nuclear countries that are AGAINST Unites States? Many... and most are more then glad to sell their bombs to Iran in the black market (as I said it's the #1 resource in buying ANYTHING you want)

- Lastly, US and Britan have 2 agenda by creating this mess... ONE create instability in the region which allows them to have a their hand in piece of a pie (Iran's Oil), SECOND they are NOT allowing a third world country that isn't consider an ally to become a first world country (Nuclear technology allows for many advancements including space exploration, which is the direction the next superpower will be taking)


- Well let's look around.. US... Russia .. Israel .. N.Korea.. etc.. all have nuclear weapons... what have they gained in terms of advancement... peace... prosperity... power... nothing that helps their government nor their people. If someone is going to star war, nukes will not get them anywhere, it will only label them as evil.. lets not forget the only country used nukes in a war was US. Guess who is in the top 5 nuke weapon country in the world.. Israel. Who has shown more signs of hate and warmongering over the last decade?

- In the history of Iran there has never been a terrorist that was directly link to Iran... yet we see many terrorism on foreign soil from US, Brittan and Israel. The question should be why not challenge the dangerous and paranoid governments with itchy fingers on the red button... why challenge a country that so far has shown NO sign of terrorism and hostile actions in the world other then hate slogans (for obvious reasons for the history of Iran). Show me ONE hostile action that compared to above 3 countries... that will make them MORE dangerous... ???

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

In the history of Iran there has never been a terrorist that was directly link to Iran.

Nonsense, Iran sends terrorists into Iraq all the time, and has been linked to many international terrorist acts.

Iran has consistently been described by the United States as the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism. It actively supports terrorist groups, most prominently the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The Iranian relationship with Hezbollah demonstrates one accepted explanation of why states sponsor terrorism: to indirectly influence politics elsewhere.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:01 PM
A form of bonded servitude is practiced by Iraqi Bedouin. Itinerant workers are bonded to a Sheik and his family and will work for food and clothing but no pay. Apparently, they are not paid because if they had money of their own, it would raise their expectations too high! Slightly off topic but perhaps also occurs in other ME/Islamic countries?

The first time I remember learning about Iran (1979) was through the media images of the burning of effigies of first Carter and then Reagan by followers of the Ayatolla. The vitriol on the faces and in the voices of those who cried for the death of America and Britain shocked me all the more when I learned that Iran was Persia! I simply could not equate the friendly, peaceful demeanor of my drunken Persian friend with the hateful rhetoric I'd seen and heard on the tv. I was in my late teens and really did not want to care about what a bunch of old guys in black cloaks had to say about America or it's presidents. But I did care about the hate.

Amongst friends and family, the discussions about the deposition of the Shah and the imposition of strict Islamic rule, the degradation of women, the return of the death penalty and the call to Jihad against the West were both just a joke and something to terrifying to comprehend.

Yes, in general, the people of any nation are decent, law abiding, peace loving folk. And any one of us, as individuals and nations have the potential for great destruction.

So no, I cannot agree with the premise of the OP, that Iran are a nation without fault and anything they do that is not peaceful is not their fault, it's because of those other bad (like the Shah) leaders in those bad countries.

I completely agree with the post that questions any nation's or coalition's right to dictate which nations may or may not develop nuclear technology. Iran is developing other, alternative energy and for this reason may be seen as a market threat to those who have controlled the world's resources for over a century. If Iran is developing nuclear weapons and I think they are, then that is their choice. But for any Iranian to claim that Iranians' are entirely peaceful when we have no proof one way or the other about their nuclear weapon capability is slightly incredulous.

[edit on 9/6/2010 by teapot]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by freighttrain

In the history of Iran there has never been a terrorist that was directly link to Iran.

Nonsense, Iran sends terrorists into Iraq all the time, and has been linked to many international terrorist acts.

Iran has consistently been described by the United States as the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism. It actively supports terrorist groups, most prominently the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The Iranian relationship with Hezbollah demonstrates one accepted explanation of why states sponsor terrorism: to indirectly influence politics elsewhere.

So US news is not very biased? Not to consider the fact that 96% of the world's media is owned by 6 Jewish companies. Vivendi, Time Warner, Disney, Bartelsmann, Viacom, and News Corp.

How many times has Iran had a hand in western politics or bloody conflicts? How many times has US had a hand in Middle East conflicts? Few were justified, maybe, but the recent Iraq war was unjustified.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by freighttrain

Would you be willing to fight in order to not become a slave, or would you embrace slavery rather than fight as a soldier?

Here is a FACT that you should embrace, Britain ended slavery around the world, with the help of the U.S..

If it wasn't for the influence of Britain and the U.S., slavery would probably be openly practiced today in most Islamic countries.

I believe the world can change based on silent protest of mind/heart ... if we all support one another, rather then taking defense on someone else perspective, maybe we can change the world... and be a free government society!

It would be great if this belief worked, but it does not, and blaming the people who have fought to establish what liberties we manage to enjoy, what levels of justice and decency that exist in this world, is not being a part of the solution, but being a part of the problem.

Your statement is full of flaws... Institutional slavery has been around from the dawn of mankind, in 1444 the Portuguese discovered a village of blacks in Africa, they attacked them and kidnapped as many as they could, they used their labour for profit, and that was the modern day foundation of what we all know of slavery. This set the stage for black slavery in the new world, and what is called the triangular passage from Africa to the New world, to Europe, this was based mostly on Skin Color and Status Class. This continued through hundreds of years, lets not forget how the American and British slaughter all the natives while establishing the country you're so patriotic about. North America was created on blood of many innocents as the invasion of the aboriginals were taking place... this went of way after the moder slavery was being abandoned by the middle east and part of Europe... so I have no idea where you get you facts on Americans and Britts stopped the slavery, this was done AFTER majority have already done so... they just stopped killing more... and thought you in school that the Americans are heroes... that mentality has bee projected by the said system for decades.

Also, after the blood she and the invasion of the aboriginal the founding fathers did see a brighter light in the tunnel and created the constitution to rebalanced our coexistence... I really do believe the constitution (allthough way later after the first constitution created by Cyruss the Great a Persian King) was created on good faith to rebalanced the unbalanced world CREATED by US and Brittan in the first place. SO basically they attempted to correct their mistake to some degree and set rules to follow to keep at peace.

Unfortunately hundreds of years later... your country was stolen from you behind the scenes by the original European Elite group that have since controlled our entire systematic structure. The deep root of it can be traced back to Rome and the White class which considered themselves to be the higher status quote species on Earth. Meaning any other color was treated on a lower degree and were driven to poverty, slavery, corruptions, etc... this system was designed to split the world a apart and to see the Whites as higher species then others, sure we don't talk about this publicly cause now it's labeled racism, but we do it differently, use political agenda to drive the personal agenda of dehumanizing the OTHER people around the world. For example by NOT allowing them to technologically evolve... hint.. Iran's Nuclear Pro gramme.

The sad part is because of the mass population growth world wide, the color of skin can't cut it anymore, so they now look at the world in 2 colors... The super wealthy and the Poor Class... the middle class is designed to be gone.. so that leaves less then %5 of the world population controlling %90 of the worlds resources... meaning we're yet again.. becoming the slave to the system... same picture.. different frame.

For your information, there are MANY understood ways our world works... yet still exists to the unseen eyes. I firmly believe with the power of our intention we can change the world as I've done that over and over again for my self... I do not need anymore proof that this works. So The old way of change was use hammer and nail... yet equally effective is our INTENTION... and that's what I"M focuses on by these threads. So NO there isn't just ONE way of dealing with problems in our world... join military and FIGHT for your freedom by killing others and angering them more.... it's by preaching peace and love and demonstrator throughout your lives. This will teach OTHERS how to love and this will create a wave that will change the way we interact on and how we live in years to come.

I am hopeful and I do think this is a better approach then to kill one another in the "name" of peace... so far this method HAS NOT worked... let's learn form our mistakes and correct it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by freighttrain

In the history of Iran there has never been a terrorist that was directly link to Iran.

Nonsense, Iran sends terrorists into Iraq all the time, and has been linked to many international terrorist acts.

Iran has consistently been described by the United States as the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism. It actively supports terrorist groups, most prominently the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The Iranian relationship with Hezbollah demonstrates one accepted explanation of why states sponsor terrorism: to indirectly influence politics elsewhere.

As you just proved my point... "Iran has consistently been described by US"... I shall end this here.. again.. NO direct terrorism EVERY from Iran.. give me examples... Not Ties... to Iran.. or Supported by Iran.. I can say the same about ANYONE.. as they're ultimately supported by someone else's Agenda and ties to someone the deeper you go... NO DIRECT EVIDENCE.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by teapot

Correct me if I"m wrong.. but I thought I mentioned this few times.. I'm NOT saying that ALL Iranians are peaceful ... member when I said it's 30-70? Also I don't support the current government or Shahs or any of the previous ones... except the time of Cyruss..

But I do agree with you, that I don't believe their intention is to create bombs... when it can simply be purchased via allied countries... intention is to become independent... and US and it's allies WILL NOT support that as they'll become a threat in an economic stand point.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

But this makes you a hypocrite and I don't understand why you can't see that.

You are saying that Iran is wonderful/innocent in all of this and has no ties to terrorism -- simply because the US and the UN does say that and it should all be negated because it's the US.

That argument is no better than saying of course Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, because they are Iran.

You can't produce an entire thread based on the premise that Iranians are good people because after all they are human, and then turn around and say that the US citizens, British citizens, Israeli citizens, don't deserve the same exact respect for being humans as well.

I'm beginning to think that what started out as a very well written, thought-provoking thread, has turned into nothing more than Iranian propaganda with a "the US is evil" mantra.

As a side note, I have chosen to ignore your reasons for Iran seeking only peaceful energy sources since it is all opinion with absolutely no supported facts. Further, you prove my point when you start going on about "everyone else has them, so why shouldn't Iran", which is entirely different argument than the question I posed to you.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by freighttrain

So US news is not very biased? Not to consider the fact that 96% of the world's media is owned by 6 Jewish companies. Vivendi, Time Warner, Disney, Bartelsmann, Viacom, and News Corp.

How many times has Iran had a hand in western politics or bloody conflicts? How many times has US had a hand in Middle East conflicts? Few were justified, maybe, but the recent Iraq war was unjustified.

Thank you for clarifying what I'm trying to say... One thing I do like about Ahmadinejad is that he's not a push over... and let's not forget he's just a hand puppet like Bush and Obama, etc... But in one his recent interviews with RT he said something thought provoking about how the media operates...

about 4 min. in...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:05 PM
I would encourage you to review the following information regarding Iran and is something that has nothing to do with the United States.

Salman Rushdie
The Satanic Verses

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

You take what ever you want from this... funny I wrote so much about so many aspect of my PERSONAL experience... to try to show a bit of the image from the other side... somehow your focus has been only to prove your biased perspective... i have NEVER said US and Israel and Brittan are EVIL PEOPLE... I've simply try to bring up examples as to say why WE ARE SO DAMN DIVIDED... why Iran Government is against the west.... for every disease you need to find out the cause to understand and cure it. And so I'm sorry that truth bothers you... past is past... and histories are made everyday by people making choices.

It was you that started questioning me on the ethical reason from why I THINK the nuclear program is about... and so I shared MY OPINION.. .you can ignore me as much as you want... but don't put words in my mouth and troll on my thread... you completely missed the intention of what I wrote.

I don't want to get into this nuclear discussion anymore, so I'm going to state what I would like to see...

ALL GOVERNMENTS of the world to vanish... PEOPLE UNITE... and HELP ONE ANOTHER GROW... so that we can evolve! I'm doing MY PART...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

I know you want to hear what YOU want to hear... but that's NOT reality my friend... to understand something you can't turn a blind eye to things you're not proud of and say.. IT NEVER HAPPENED... again I'm not trying to point figures at YOU... I'm trying to show WHY things are THE WAY THEY ARE... so we can fix it... if that's NOT your agenda, then we're NOT in the same path.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

I notice you didn't bother answering my question.

Your knowledge of the history of slavery is completely wrong.

Muslims were taking slaves out of Africa as early as the 12th century. Slavery was a common practice throughout Africa.

The trans-Saharan slave trade grew significantly from the 10th to the 15th century, as vast African empires such as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, and Kanem-Bornu developed south of the Sahara and marshaled the trade. Arab slave raiders also penetrated south, up the Nile River to present-day Ethiopia, capturing thousands of slaves and sending them down the Nile to Egypt. Over the course of more than a thousand years, the trans-Saharan slave trade saw the movement of at least 10 million enslaved men, women, and children from West and East Africa to North Africa, the Middle East, and India. The slaves and their descendants contributed to the harems, royal households, and armies of the Arab, Turkish, and Persian rulers in those regions.

The Africans who facilitated and benefited from the Atlantic slave trade were political or commercial elites–generally members of the ruling apparatus of African states or members of large trading families or institutions. African sellers captured slaves and brought them to markets on the coast. At these markets European and American buyers paid for the slaves with commodities–including cloth, iron, firearms, liquor, and decorative items–that were useful to the sellers. Slave sellers were mostly male, and they used their increased wealth to enhance their prestige and connect themselves, through marriage, to other wealthy families in their realms.

While the Atlantic slave trade was dying down around 1850, the trans-Saharan and East African slave trades were at their peaks. In the 1850s the Ottoman Empire nominally outlawed slavery in much of the Islamic world, but this had only a minor effect on the slave trade. One of the main justifications European powers gave for colonizing nearly the entire African continent during the 1880s and 1890s was the desire to end slave trading and slavery in Africa. By the dawn of the 20th century, European forces had defeated most African slave trading states, and the trans-Saharan and East African slave trades came to an end.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

You have just proved my point, you don't care about the facts, you are just here to paint yourself and Iran as the victim of the U.S..

Here is another source on Iran's role in world terrorism.

While I admit that the U.S. has its problems and U.S. corporations certainly cause a lot of problems around the globe, your insistence that Iran does not carry out terrorist activities is only proving that you do not care about the truth and that you are only here to spread propaganda.

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