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The video(s) 'BP does not want you to see'

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by loam

Well done! That was kinda nasty....

Really hope BP are made to pay big time for this.... those vids really did bring home the true footage!!

Those poor fish & birds have got to pay for it with their lives


[edit on 26-5-2010 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:00 AM
Thanks for posting these videos. S&F for you.
These chemicals are only making it worse. Here is a link to the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for the Corexit 9500 dispersant they are using.

Corexit 9500 MSDS (PDF)

ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS : Do not contaminate surface water.

Why wouldn't they use an all natural alternative to clean up the oil?
Beeswax can be made into a PRP (petroleum remediation product).
It is completely natural, non-hazardous, non-toxic, and biodegradable.
It would be better than dumping over 700,000 gallons of poison is our ocean, that only make the problem worse.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by HrdCorHillbilly]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:12 AM
Nice that a Cousteau was brought in to film this video, since they have experience with devastating the seas. Most are not aware but the Cousteau family aquarium is responsible for the greatest environmental evasive species introduction in the Mediterranean sea of Caulerpa algae. The species has wiped out local plant and algae populations.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:15 AM
I have a really bad feeling about this top kill move, BP themselves are only giving it a 60% success rate and that number is little more than, forgive the poun, a pipe dream. Furthermore they admit it may make things worse if it fails. Everything they're doing is making things worse, this and the dispersant they're using too.

With them doing such a poor job of managing it why hasnt anyone else stepped in?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by HrdCorHillbilly

Thank you for the MSDS , good info.

From reading it though I think Coca Cola is probably more toxic than this stuff. Lets b e real.
These videos are propaganda designed to benifit the green movement and raise fuel costs, as well as hurt alot of families that will be out of work because of this leak (leaks).

Why does everyone want to play the blame game? Because its the only way the average citezen can justify his or her lifelong contribution to the problem.

"oh Ive been driving cars, cutting trees, etc, etc all my life, and thats no big deal, but now I get to jump on a "platform" (my little joke) and blame the government and an oil company"

How interesting.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by kozmo

The politics in your country are all wrong. what you really need is a whole new political system. Your next president should automaticaly be put in charge of the armed forces, Navy,Airforce and the Army, you could call him something like `The Commander in Chief, or something like that. That way the next time you have a disaster like this he would immediately take control of the situation with the most highly trained engineers into the gulf within twenty four hours. He could then send a large Bill to the companies responsible and ensure that any persons financial losses are met. Then again its easy for me to say as an outsider, I suppose you know best, it`s your country,. GOOD LUCK my friends. my thoughts and prayers are with you all

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by psyko45

Thank you for the MSDS , good info.

Your welcome, I figured people needed to see it.

I think Coca Cola is probably more toxic

Go have a nice tall glass of propylene glycol. Post when your finished. Let us know how you feel.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Morpheas
S&F.. people need to see these.. it is very bad.. BP needs to stop using dispersants.

People need to stop using fossil fuels and stop helping these bastards to keep living their luxury lives.

BP should be forced to cease it's operations and close. The use of oil as fuel should be prohibited for the general population among many other actions that should be taken to reduce this sort of irreversible crap.

And the US government by now should already have taken control of the situation there forming a team with the best people of all of the oil companies around the globe to deal with this and refrain from leaving this on the hands of the very same company that caused it and has all the reasons on the world to do their best cover it in one way or another.

Anyway... the actions being taken there are beyond pathetic.

And this dispersant they are spraying will only make things worst on the long run. They keep doing it because it makes the aerial shots look less ugly and their business rolling.

All a bunch of #tards.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:42 AM
I can't wait until it rains oil, sick of paying for the crap.

On a serious note though this Oil Spill is pretty F-up, they should just sink a huge ship on top of the pipe or something.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:42 AM
when I found out this oil was not stopped this morning . I was kind of pissed , yet I already understood it would be hard . Maybe today it will stopped . Its perfect weather to try.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:44 AM
I don't get it? I saw the same kind if videos on CNN this AM? what are we not to see?

Think the bigger issue is all the oil boom on the shore, instead in the water?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Go have a nice tall glass of propylene glycol. Post when your finished. Let us know how you feel.

Cheers. I have a feeling Im going to need something to chase down all the BS that the blame-throwers are feeding us.

Lets take a glance inward, shall we.

As soon as you or any other individual can sho-me that you dont play any part in "poisoning" our precious oceans, then you can complain. Until then....enjoy your purchase.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:52 AM
As much as I loathe and despise BP's reaction to this clusterfornication, I need to ask something of the "get the government in there" crowd: How many DEEP sea (like 5000 feet below the surface) operations have the Navy and/or Army Corps of Engineers undertaken?

The physics down there are literally the equivalent to those on an alien world. While there are many tasks that the Army Corps of Engineers is ideally suited for (fixing levies, for example), I just have to suspect that the career engineers who are constantly working with technology designed to work in the bizarro world environment of the ocean floor are more qualified (from a background perspective) to work on the task of plugging this leak.

That said, every single last one of these short-sighted lunatics should be drummed out of the industry and forced to work in fast-food for the rest of their days for not anticpating this kind of problem. BP should have had several additional layers of protection against this kind of occurence and should have had a dozen tested and ready responses on hand in the event of something like this.

I will agree that the military could and should be used in helping with the clean-up and attempted protection of coastal ecosystems. That failure on the part of the administration is unforgivable, but let's not pretend that Obama should be bringing his squad of top ranked ocean floor engineers into the war room and applying is imaginary engineering degree to this problem.

While some people may have voted for Obama because the believed him to have the powers that would allow him to rip off his shirt, take a deep breath, dive to the site of this problem and seal off the leak with his laser vision, none of them are the ones complaining about his lack of action.

All that being said, there should not be an unemployeed able bodied man within 500 miles of the gulf coast. BP, the U.S. Government, the Gates Foundation, The Sierra Club, Warren Buffet and every Hollywood do-gooder with more than 1 million dollars in the bank should be hiring people to tackle this problem en masse. Cleaning up oil is primarily difficult due to it being labor intensive.

BP should stop buying dispersant which sinks the oil to the sea bed and start buying man hours. THAT will get this mess cleaned up.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 09:59 AM
Here in America its our way of life to wipe our collective ass with this planet and our own environment. Has been for a long time. Its inevitable that our hand would occasionally break through the paper and now we're getting some on us. Big surprise. Our domestic and foreign policies are cut from the same cloth. We treat each other no better for the most part. Money is whats important to us and not much else. One of two things is going on here. Either this thing IS NOT FIXABLE or its in the interest of those with the means to fix it TO NOT FIX IT (this one is where my bet goes). Dont feel too bad for Earth. When shes had enuf of us she'll be sure to let us know.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:11 AM
This video is very disturbing. I do not consider myself an environmentalist and this whole BP mess has me disgusted. I am disgusted with the oil companies and with our government over this whole mess. We as Americans are going to feel the effects of this oil spill for many years to come if not the rest of our lives. Letting it get to this point is not acceptable. Maybe it is time somebody who knows how to handle this step up and take care of it.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:23 AM
where are the environmentalists now ? to talk crap and death threat about who questions the logic behind global warming is one thing, but I didnt see any type of real movement against this ...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
Greetings fellow Nano-Earthlings,

O-man is going underground so to speak, maybe something to do with a real Memorial Day celebration... where's waldo(N.Korea subs)?... you think they are going to tell the cattle(Joe six pack) when WW#3 is going to start... __javascript:icon('

Or maybe the Aliens are coming to save us from the Biblical Oil coming out of the Volcano of Sin... whaaaat? you think you all know whats going on in the real world?

Notice how all the BP pigs last names have something to do with biblical things,
Mr Wells and Mr. Salt etc.

Nuke the well and collapse the great abyss(cavern).

Mark my words the Mud will not plug the well.

But wait what about the BBQ and sports shows on this weekend?__javascript:icon('

Maybe its just all one BIG conspiracy and chickens really are lizards(What came first chicken or the egg?... the Lizard silly.__javascript:icon('
')) BBQ lizard anyone
May peace be with us all... the greatest treasure in the universe.

Mr. X

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by psyko45
reply to post by HrdCorHillbilly

Thank you for the MSDS , good info.

From reading it though I think Coca Cola is probably more toxic than this stuff. Lets b e real.
These videos are propaganda designed to benifit the green movement and raise fuel costs, as well as hurt alot of families that will be out of work because of this leak (leaks).

Why does everyone want to play the blame game? Because its the only way the average citezen can justify his or her lifelong contribution to the problem.

"oh Ive been driving cars, cutting trees, etc, etc all my life, and thats no big deal, but now I get to jump on a "platform" (my little joke) and blame the government and an oil company"

How interesting.

You have a decent point of view, and not to turn this off topic, but if a better more natural energy wasn't suppressed, maybe we wouldn't have to completely rely on fuel... Hmm... No that's stupid, crazy talk.

Oh yeah, synthetic organisms can be created now, and transistors comprised of 7 atoms each; but gosh darn, no source of energy is better than crude oil! It's the best *Nacho Libre voice*

Maybe this oil spill can run just long enough to suck out enough money to cause the release of alternative forms of energy.

Maybe this oil spill was somehow from the expansion of the ocean floor caused by global warming? Better get some more planes in the air and spray some aluminum! That reminds me, I need to eat; sorry for blabbing!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Thankyou for sharing these videos OP.

Please do not get me wrong here, I am very much against BP dragging it's heels on cleaning up this mess. However, could Tony Hayward simply be ordering the press back as crude oil can cause physical injury and he certainly could not be neglegent on camera with so many witnesses as to not order the individual to be taken away and later the press.

It just seemed logical to me, if you put yourself in his position, last thing he needs is some overly curious individual paddling in crude oil without protection and suffering burns to the skin amongst other injuries.

Just one case like that will take this eco crisis substantially further in the public eye as the media would sensationalise that one case for all it is worth and you know they would.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Skellon]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:12 AM


Maybe this oil spill can run just long enough to suck out enough money to cause the release of alternative forms of energy.

Theres the crime. IMO, no better than any terrorist that uses fear instead of democracy to further thier agenda.

Im all for alternative fuels, but we have to use the system we have until it is changed to accomplish the goal.

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