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I mean seriously! Why do we (America) even have border security officers?

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by jam321

I think you never give up, did you ever get around to the home work assignment project vjxen gave you to do regarding the "Anchor Baby Laws" or are you just gona skirt around the issue like always and continue on with your basless pandering.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by jam321


Glad you posted...

Any thoughts on the OP friend?


posted on May, 24 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Go back and review the thread. He admitted they are Americans. Time for you to man up as well.

To the OP

I mean seriously! Why do we (America) even have border security officers?

If… we are going to argue that “illegal’s” provide us benefits?

If… we invite the President of Mexico to speak against the good folks of Arizona and their new laws? Trying to up-hold ‘federal’ mandates against immigrants that are already on the books?

Shouldn’t we just save the money and let them in?

First, we didn't invite the President of Mexico. Our elected representatives did. And as long as Calderon continues to do what Washington says, he will continue to be invited. One he ticks off the US he will be targeted, ridiculed, and blamed for the whole mess.

As far as holding up federal mandates, I personally have no problem with that. I have problems with people bashing illegals while refusing to see that they are not the cause of the problem.

They came because the rules allowed them to come. They benefit because the laws allow them to benefit. Yet, you wouldn't think that by reading most of the threads. Many Americans act as though illegals wrote the laws.

I mean don't you find it strange that the same politicians who time and time again blame the illegals are the same politicians who do nothing about the problem.

This problem didn't start overnight.

IMO, border security should not be eliminated. They are doing the best job they can to catch as many as they can. Unfortunately, their hands are tied with red tape. In the end the politicians dictate the terms and until Americans turn their full attention to the government, only then will this issue and many other issues destroying our country ever be addressed.

As for now, the politicians are winning. they have our attention divided.

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