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Illegal Immigration- The sides that aren't talked about.

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posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:26 AM
South Park’s episode “Goobacks” is a satyr of America’s illegal immigration problem. Although this issue is shown in South Park as a silly and outlandish situation it is neither for hard working Americans who were born or naturalized in this country. To make matters worse we are in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and the pressures are stronger than ever for America’s working class, a majority of which who barely make it by living paycheck to paycheck. As the vice slowly begins to tighten around their necks illegal immigration is rapidly rising in uncontrolled numbers. Although we know the core issue of illegal immigration is the loss of American jobs to foreign nationals many people are oblivious to the slew of socio-economic factors that threaten the well being of its citizens and their children. In this paper I intend to cover those issues, shedding light on the pieces that have remained hidden.
The United States school age population has grown to a record of 55 million. Between 1990 and 2000, enrollment had increased 14 percent. The National Center for Education Statistics says, “the student population should almost double by 2100”. Yet if there was no school age immigrants (about 250,000 a year) and the children of immigrants (about 725,000 a year), school enrollment would not be increasing. The number of students in the United States who are immigrants or the children of immigrants has tripled in the past 30 years. In 1970, were only 7% of the school body was immigrants. In California, half of the students beginning school are immigrants or children of immigrants. The result of this increased illegal immigration population is 14 percent of schools exceeding their maximum capacity by 6 to 25 percent, and 8 percent exceed it by more than 25 percent. To relieve overcrowding, more than 1/3 of schools use mobile trailers, and 1/5 hold classes in cafeterias and gyms. The problem has become so large there is now a federal Bilingual/Immigrant State Grant program that helps school systems that encounter increases in their population due to illegal immigration. This program has to award about $700 million a year (National Association of Bilingual Education) which does not cover the free school lunches that illegal immigrants take advantage of. The problem with all of this is the American born child who is entitled to a top notch education has to settle for a much lower educational experience. And to make the matters worse, the American parents are not paying taxes to better their children, but to illegal immigrants children.
Another problem that needs to be addressed is most illegal immigrants originate from third world countries who’s medicine has not caught up to modern day standards. Since illegal immigrants do not go through screening like all other legal immigrants that enter this country diseases that were once eradicated from the United States populace like malaria are making a comeback except this strain of malaria is resistant to the run of the mill preventive measures. Diseases that are entering this country are Malaria, Dengue (a flu-like illness spread by the bite of an infected mosquito that often leads to Dengue hemorrhagic fever, a severe, often fatal, complication of dengue fever), Leprosy, Hepatitis A-E, Tuberculosis, Chagas Disease ( A blood disease that was not detectable till 2006), HIV, Schistosomiasis, Guinea Worm Infection ( drinking contaminated water and ingesting a small water flea which carries the Guinea Worm in it. Similar to Aliens the movie, this worm grows to over 3 feet long in the human digestive track and then makes its way to the skin of the limbs causing blisters and swelling, then ejecting itself from the infected upon entering water to give birth to millions of babies and repeat the cycle), Whooping Cough ( an infection of the breathing passages of the body, deadly to infants and toddlers), Cysticerosis ( similar to tapeworms except they are free t

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:28 AM
they are free to roam the body and can reside in the brain), Morgellon’s disease( a mysterious infection described 300 years ago that causes multi-colored skin fibers to pop out of formed lesions causing sharp pain and crawling of the skin) and a host of others. In the south of Texas a case of hepatitis A-B was found and traced back to illegal alien food preparers working at a Chi Chis. Over 600 people were infected by 2 people who had not been screened before entry into this country. To make matters even sweeter for the tax payer, when an illegal becomes sick they head to the hospital with no way to pay for their treatment they are forced to pick up the tab, but at a reduced rate to be fair….
Finally the most daunting side of illegal immigration is they are able to decide presidential elections. In 1993 the “Motor Voter Law” was passed by the Clinton administration. This law allowed anyone applying for a state driver’s license to be automatically registered to vote. Since the law makes it an offense to ask whether that person is illegal thanks to the “Don’t ask Don’t Tell” policy included in the bill, illegal immigrants could not be screened. In Florida this caused the number of illegal immigrant voters to sky rocket 557%, from 90,000 to 665,000 while the native voter population only increased 15%. Although there were increases in voters due to the new law there still was tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of ineligible voters who went to the polls and canceled out the votes of American citizens of all colors, races and creeds, men and women, including veterans who served with honor defending our system of Democracy. How is it possible that the nation remains mute to the overthrowing of America's most cherished possession -- the right to vote, by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens?
Although some opponents of enforcing illegal immigration may argue that we need illegal immigrants, you should ask yourself if seeing other American citizens lose their job or get lower wages, their health and our most important right to vote are things you would potentially be willing to waive. Even though illegal immigrants argue they are looking for a better life, a country in as bad as shape as ours needs to worry about the welfare and well being of the citizens that were born and raised here legally and have no other place to go. Illegal immigration is destroying the livelihood of our countries sons, daughters, fathers, mothers and grandparents. If illegal immigrants desire so much to live here they should do it the way that every other naturalized citizen did. Just because the boarder is open doesn’t mean the constitution of this great country should be walked over as well.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by citizenoftheuniverse]

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