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NIBURU - Scientific methodology? ....Please?

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posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by ET_MAN


Man that was full of kook.

Any site that references Sitchin and recognizes him as a reputable source just lost all its credibility.



posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I've done copious ammounts of research for some definitive data or conclusions and even Zackaria Sitchin falls short of anything confirmable or even probable.

You post pictures of the milky way and graphics which are all irrelevant without the theories of how the people came up with these ideas. Many theories include the Mayans or the Sumerians and neither source can be proved reliable enough to make a scientifically methodical conclusion.

If you think i'm not interested by such a posed planet/celestial object or that i don't pay attention to real scientific data then you are wrong. I pay close attention and i am interested in physics, astronomy, science and philosophy.

Any amateur/proffesional astronomers got any reliable data? which can be theorised by the planets movemets in relation to other stars that would fit theories or claims that people like you are making?

Don't you realise that you are going to be held accountable for your ignornace, lack of method and mindless prophecy regarding a serious subject? You will be held accountable and you will see youe true ignorance and gullability.

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