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Alex Jones' Message to Patriots: Warn the nation that the Police State has arrived

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Alex Jones' Message to Patriots: Warn the nation that the Police State has arrived

Incremental tyranny has marched, step by step, up to our door. Are we going to accept authoritarian control over our lives, travel, currency and economy? Will we actually accept martial law in the streets or the internment of “domestic terrorists” and political dissidents?

We must fight back– peacefully, but not passively– and get this film out to all those unaware of FEMA camps, the police state and the high-tech control grid set-up to enslave 21st Century humanity. An enlightened freedom movement, with the principles of Henry David Thoreau, Gandhi, Thomas Paine and Martin Luther K
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:42 PM
What started the American revolution? two main things
1) The king came and was going to take their guns. Is that not going on now?
2) The stamp act a massive tax on everything you have. Troops were allowed to inspect your house to insure you are fallowing this law. Obama care will put a massive tax on us. Cap and Trade another tax. And the Obama care home inspections
Their where other things but those were the leading two. And it is happening now. How much more can the america take?

When you go to comment on this article DO NOT leave some lame comment saying "Alex is CIA" or "Alex Jones is a reptilian" or something like that. Comment on the article. If you do not like Alex good for you I don't want 50 comments saying "screw Alex" every time i post about him all the trolls come out. Lets try to keep to ATS standers.
(visit the link for the full news article)


OKAY some people are finding it hard no to talk about Alex Jones. half of the posts are just of people saying "I do not like him"

U do not like him GREAT! I do not care

Or commetns like
"I like him he is GREAT"

great i do not care. PLEASE do NOT leaving a comment on you option on Alex Jones. Weather positive ir negative stay on topic. This thread is not about what you think about Alex. ok. thank you =)

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Vinveezy]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:53 PM
One thing that Alex is missing, is that these things have gone on for thousands of years.

As the Greeks pointed out, life is cyclical. It will go on and on and on.

Only when we truly grow up as a species, and learn that we must have respect for one another, and all of that "lame love thy neighbour crap", only then can we put all of this nonesense behind us.

Until then, we'll see dictators rise and fall. The only difference will be the country, and the time.

Other than that it will go on and on and on.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:02 PM
How is this breaking news? He has been saying this for years?...

Oh yeah.. A new DVD.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by CanadianDream420]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Of course Alex say this....over and over and over and....
That's his schtik ! His song and dance that earns him a living and makes him a celebrety to internet, uh, alternative types.
He's been saing the same crap for years, it's allways just around the corner, yet never arrives! He's a proto Beck!
I guess you guys just like Hero worship! And ALEX IS A STAR!

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Alex is a bit late on that declaration.

I've known about this police state for a few years now.

Mainly due to this

National Emergency Powers in 2001 to G. Bush Jr. gave him the power to do what ever he wanted.

War is not declared, National Emergency is declared. More things can be gotten away with the Emergency.

G. Bush Jr. said America won. So it is obvious to see that War is not the case, but the Emergency is.

Sorry Alex, a few years to short IMHO.

good post

edited to add: The Patriot Act goes Hand in Hand with the Emergency Declaration.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Walk through the local mall naked and you'll see just how much 'freedom' there is in the world the real battle is not freedom which is illusory and smoke and mirrors at best no the real battle is free will.Control of humanities collective mind a slave controlled planet is the real agenda.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:12 PM
The first American Revolution was sparked by a number of grievances more complex than most people realize.

The 13 colonies each had relatively prospering economies, their own currencies, their own trade, and on top of that they made a lot of money selling goods such as tobacco and cotton to England.

England saw that the colonists were living in much better conditions than most English even were, and out of greed decided that they weren't getting enough out of us, and so started running our economy into the ground with excessive taxes and other limitations on our self-given freedoms.

The colonists were smart enough to see the oppression for what it was, and had already had such a taste of what true freedom and independence was like, they naturally fought it.

If enough of us want something, and are confident we can get it, we can and will get it. That's the bottom line. Even our own military personnel have been breaking rank more and more lately to stand up against what they (rightly) see as blatant corruption and oppression of masses of people.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:21 PM
Oh brother........Alex Jones is a charlatanesque blow hard. What has the guy done except spout his crap over the radio and use his megaphone at rallys. Whoopy doo!!!!!!!!!! He's all talk and no walk. Why doesn't he pull a Nelson Mandela and really stand up to oppression? You know why cause his fat happy arse wouldn't last 5 minutes in prison. He's a fake and a fraud. Even if 100% of what he says is true........he's the worst possible spokesperson for anything in my opinion. He's like the Rush Bimbaugh of alternative media. Between his overhyped DVDs ala Obama Deception to his stupid nonstop marketing of products like Ecola blue water filters.....he's bottomline annoying!

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I like Alex. He fights the Patriot fight every day of every week. He has opened a lot of eyes.

If he's asking these questions now and he's put out a new DVD to try and reach a larger number of people, that's because he must believe that the "curtain" of Marxist suppression is about to close on the already existing Marxist oppression. Such a shift could have explosive consequences.

For instance, I know for a fact that many of the constitutional militias are already itching to get into a real skirmish. They're not going to wait much longer because they know if they do, they'll be hunted and disbanded and carted off. They're already sounding the alarm for their different units to begin coordinating with each other on a broader regional basis. They're also calling for citizens to help with ancillary duties that the militias need performed like clerical/organizational duties.

Hell is first going to "break loose' on Tax Day, April 15th. That's because Patriots are being urged to show up to their state Capitol buildings to protest the obama Administration's sky high taxes.

Then, hell will break loose in a much worse way on April 19th. This is because it's a high day for the Patriots as well as the occultists, the Wiccans and other pagans and the Luciferians (the freemasons?) and its one of the highest holidays of the outright Satanists.

Patriots have been urged to show up with their rifles, shotguns, and side arms along the banks of the Potomoc across from Washington, D.C. If Patriots can't go to the Potomoc, they're urged to again assemble at their state Capitol building.

Tea Partiers have also designated the banks of the Potomac for the meeting place for their throngs on April 19th.

All we'd need for things to get out of hand is for a group of Obama supporters to show up along the banks of the Potomoc as well.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by nuffsaid747

He's opened a lot of eyes because most people are too lazy to do the research for themselves. NOTHING Alex Jones says is groundbreaking or original. When has he ever said something that couldn't be found all over the internet or in books written decades ago? The Obama Deception was a complete and utter joke. The only thing for certain is that Jones has made LOTS OF MONEY off of his hysteria. Alex Jones followers for the most part are as brainwashed as the masses they try to enlighten. I wouldn't trust that out of shape lard arse any day of the week.

I actually used to be a big fan in the beginning but after his complete overhyping of Obama Deception, his behavior in that film and his behavior and nack for dividing people instead of uniting them I've lost all respect for the guy. I mean look at how he behaves. He acts like a prepubescent child throwing a temper tantrum if people don't agree with him or swallow what he says hook line and sinker.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by Zosynspiracy]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Nothing about alex jones' police state theories makes any sense..

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:44 PM
I must openly say, as i had posted within his site, when he openly announced that supposedly agencies were conducting back end attacks on his IT orientated site i did specifically ask for proof which was obviously dealt with a non response.

So as far as a reality check, when one decides to openly accuse an institution and although you may or he or she might have the gravity to muster a percentage of the users against a particular group, i recommend you stick to you swamp rats before your torn apart in a heart beat.

....a direct message. Simple and straight to the point.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by nuffsaid747
For instance, I know for a fact that many of the constitutional militias are already itching to get into a real skirmish. They're not going to wait much longer because they know if they do, they'll be hunted and disbanded and carted off. They're already sounding the alarm for their different units to begin coordinating with each other on a broader regional basis. They're also calling for citizens to help with ancillary duties that the militias need performed like clerical/organizational duties.

I'm not doubting you, but do you have any links you can post to any evidence to support this?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Alex, Alex, Alex. No one takes you and your bull horn serious except for super right wing conspiracy theorists and fortunately everyone knows they are crack pots and have no power. Jeez-this guy is so out of touch its beyond funny...its sad. Alex-go post something on

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
Walk through the local mall naked and you'll see just how much 'freedom' there is in the world the real battle is not freedom which is illusory and smoke and mirrors at best no the real battle is free will.Control of humanities collective mind a slave controlled planet is the real agenda.

So you support people walking around naked or flashing women or small children with their penises? There is a difference between "freedom" and being a total idiot. Those malls are PRIVATELY owned anyhow, if the mall didn't want you arrested for scaring off customers it would not call the cops...but since it is private property, the state is merely upholding the property rights of the mall...that's TOTALLY different than a violation of "freedom."

Anyhow, Alex Jones is selling a product, you can't deny that guy isn't a good capitalist, he's found his niche and he sells.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC

Originally posted by nuffsaid747
For instance, I know for a fact that many of the constitutional militias are already itching to get into a real skirmish. They're not going to wait much longer because they know if they do, they'll be hunted and disbanded and carted off. They're already sounding the alarm for their different units to begin coordinating with each other on a broader regional basis. They're also calling for citizens to help with ancillary duties that the militias need performed like clerical/organizational duties.

I'm not doubting you, but do you have any links you can post to any evidence to support this?

If your not doubting, why would you ask for links as he has openly stated the obvious. At what part of his thread are you not able to understand. Lets not hide behind the "post a link to verify" myself, i am way beyond that footprint on a solid decade.
Next !

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:03 PM
When will he ever learn about conspiracy.
The biggest is in science.
And science will set you free.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 08:09 PM
A previous poster mentioned nudity and running through a mall.

Which reminded me of a scene in Demolition Man movie

skip to 4:40

Love that movie

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

Stars and Flag to you OP. I don't like Alex but then he has to be the way he is to get his message which is a true message through to the sheeples of today. Unfortunately there are only so many ways to say that the Government is about to ruin our lives by control and take away all the fun money and soon take the food budget as well.

People vote for Obama because he said he was different yet it is business, as GW Bush, usual! Promised the wars would be over and he pledged more tax dollars towards those wars than any two presidents put together. Yet sheeples go to work as if everything is okay. It is not.

I tried to protest and after failing gave up and left America and it is only going downhill and faster by the minute.

So the long and short of it if you don't like Alex respect his message. I do.

Thank you for this thread OP.

Oh by the way the reason it has been said before is because everyday the system becomes worse, just read the headlines. George Orwell could not make some of this up in his version of 1984.

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