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Ann Coulter brings heat to Canada

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:37 PM

I love it. It's about time our Canadian PC institutions got stirred to their core.


LONDON, Ont. -- Americans will “punch back” on their country’s historic health-care deal passed this week, U.S. conservative firebrand Ann Coulter predicted Monday.

“Americans don’t like this health care bill,” the outspoken commentator said during a speech at the University of Western Ontario.

“I don’t know how we’re going to have the punchback, but four years of Jimmy Carter brought us Ronald Reagan.”

In a wide-ranging speech on political correctedness, Coulter said there’s a double standard for liberals and conservatives.

But she sparked the biggest reaction — boos and applause — when she told a Muslim student to “take a camel” in response to a question.

The student recalled Coulters comments after the 9/11 attacks.

Coulter called on Muslim leaders overseas to be killed, their people converted and make them use flying carpets.

“Since I don’t have a magic carpet what mode of transportation should I use,” the student asked

Crowds jammed the UWO hall to hear Coulter, who arrived trailing controversy on a Canadian speaking tour that also includes a stop in Ottawa.

Coulter’s right-wing, and often provocative comments have made her a lightning rod for criticism of conservatives in the U.S., many of whom are still stinging from Sunday’s historic squeaker of a vote in Congress to approve President Barack Obama’s bid to extend health care coverage — through the private marketplace — to more than 30 million uninsured or under-insured Americans.

Costs will be increased for Americans already covered to help pay for the package.

Coulter, 48, is a writer and commentator whose outrageous comments garner her widespread media attention.

She has suggested women lose the right to vote in order to ensure only Republic presidents, expressed regret bombing terrorist Timothy McVeight did not target the New York Times and refused to publicly condemn the killing of an abortion doctor.

A student group called the Campus Coalition for Democracy, and two young conservatives in London, Ari Fine and Andrew Lawton, arranged through the University of Western Ontario student council for Coulter to speak.

The International Free Press Society and an American group that promotes conservatism in young women, the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute, are paying the $10,000 fee for Coulter’s appearance.

Coulter’s visit drew fire even before she arrived.

Megan Walker, head of the London Abused Women’s Centre, said Coulter’s comments cross the line and promote hatred and violence.

“She’s venomous . . . She crosses the line and promotes hatred and violence.”

Walker’s comments provoked a response from a woman instrumental in bringing Coulter to London, Mary Lou Ambrogio, whose group, the International Free Press Society, is paying $10,000 for the appearance, the balance of Coulter’s fee coming from an American group that promotes conservatism in young women, the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:59 PM
anne coulter is a visionairy of our times, she speaks truth to power. As a revolutionary she breaks the mold and alot of people disagree with her but she stands up to tyranny using her voice in the media like the trumpets of jericho to bring down the corrupt regime of government.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
anne coulter is a visionairy of our times, she speaks truth to power. As a revolutionary she breaks the mold and alot of people disagree with her but she stands up to tyranny using her voice in the media like the trumpets of jericho to bring down the corrupt regime of government.


Ann Coulter.. visionary.


Do you mean this Ann Coulter?

or this one?

or perhaps this one?

Yes, if only we had more visionaries like her telling women not to vote, telling Jews they're somehow 'imperfect', and calling for the extermination of the Islamic people.

Or is there a different "Anne" Coulter with an 'E' at the end of her name who isn't a complete raving lunatic?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:07 PM
i hope she gets jailed for hate speech when she gives her talk.
she's an evil bitch with absolutely no morals.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:14 PM
She was warned by the University President to curb her racist euphenisms before speaking to the students...

Reminds me of how in college this crazy conservative christian dude would show up every day for a bit on the campus green and just talk the craziest dribble imaginable.
In fact, this evangelical young lady was the only one there applauding him and he turned to her, pointed his finger, and told her to keep her mouth shut as women should be seen and not well as her skirt (which was below her knees..) was far too short so she was obviously a "harlot". She froze. It was priceless.

Anyway, the guy attracted the largest crowds ever and I rather have fond memories of this.

That is the best analogy to what Coulter is doing there.

She is a thoughtless pig and while there are times I thought she was just being inflammatory as to get herself is obvious now she really believes the verbal diarehhea that spews from her mouth.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by billybob

i hope she gets jailed for hate speech when she gives her talk. she's an evil bitch with absolutely no morals.

Just as you, I don't like Ann Coulter. In fact, I disgust her. Hearing her spiteful talk makes me want to vomit. Nonetheless free speech is important for an open society. If you applaude when the government steps in to ban speech you don't like, don't be surprised when you are targeted next time.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 03:40 AM
I for One will not jump on the Hate-anne- train, What seems to make her look so bad is having big things to say but being forced to say it in tiny little rapid fire sessions full of loaded questions. The Woman can say what she wants but maybe she should cover her head when while doing so.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Signed_X]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:40 AM
Coulter always reminded me of a genetic experiment cross-breeding a baby giraffe and an Afghan hound. It's just a pity the scientist weren't able to hold on to the intelligence of either animal and she's the way that she is.

Free speech goes both ways. Coulter is free to spout as much racist, sexist, xenophobic and inhumane drivel as she likes but I'm also free to point out that she's a #ing idiot.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Something weird in one of your videos..the second one. Matthews and Coulter:

Watch the upper right-hand corner of the screen when the camera is filming Coulter. Strange, isn't it?

Never mind. It appears to be a poster. Freaked me out at first!

[edit on 23-3-2010 by mishigas]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by drwizardphd

Something weird in one of your videos..the second one. Matthews and Coulter:

Watch the upper right-hand corner of the screen when the camera is filming Coulter. Strange, isn't it?

Truly FREAKY....

Never mind. It appears to be a poster. Freaked me out at first!

[edit on 23-3-2010 by mishigas]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

i'm from canada.
we have free speech, as long as you don't promote hatred and violence.
and, awesomely, i applaud it.
you can't say, "kill all jews" and get away with it, here.
hitler is rolling over in his grave.


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