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Obama Nasa plans 'catastrophic' say Moon astronauts

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:25 AM

Obama Nasa plans 'catastrophic' say Moon astronauts

Former Nasa astronauts who went to the Moon have told the BBC of their dismay at President Barack Obama's decision to push back further Moon missions.

Jim Lovell, commander of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, said Mr Obama's decision would have "catastrophic consequences" for US space exploration...

...Nasa still aims to send astronauts back to the Moon, but it is likely to take decades and some believe that it will never happen again.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:25 AM
In the context of the current economic climate I for one applaud this decision. Yes, NASA has unquestionably developed a whole range of new technologies and enhanced the status of the US in many ways. But with people throughout the world - including the US - wondering how they are going to keep a roof over their heads and even put food on the table I believe some realism is well overdue.

The cost of manned exploration of the moon is cosmic. Could the cost ever be worth it when you take into consideration the need for investment in down-to-earth infrastructure and basic services such as healthcare and education? It emerged this week that Kansas City is planning to close nearly half the schools in the disctrict in an effort to avoid bankruptcy, for example.

More could be said of ballooning jobless figures, endangered savings/pension funds, tent cities, etc., but suffice it to say it's time to get real. The moon? How about earth first...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:36 AM
If this happens this is what I think. I think they have the technology to make this type of mission happen faster and probably easier than ever before. I think they are just done telling us they aren't going to waste tax money on it, and kind of saying "no more public missions to the moon anytime soon folks".

I think they are definitely continuing it is whatever they were doing before. Just not wanting to have a big show and have people actually expecting the amazing things they should have already been doing for years...

Lower expectations to nothing and they can't expect anything...

Hell if things keep going the way they are why would they care about wasting anymore money on something like this devoted to the public knowledge and entertainment anyway...? It is not like they don't already have enough information and knowledge of their own? What do they gain?

[edit on 13-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:40 AM
Guess we will find out really soon what the plans are -

Sorry for the thread plug. Obama is speaking soon at the kennedy space centre regarding NASA's future.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Given the Cold War is well and truly over, organisations such as NASA and the European Space Agency, together with individual nations should be pooling their resources in order to establish a permanent moon base and then expeditions to mars...

This will take care of the economic side of things as well as fostering a well needed spirit of co-operation in the world...

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:47 AM
When Obama initially made the NASA cuts I was puzzled. Now I believe that he did so because he knows that this aspect of NASA Space mission is a hoax that is perpetuated as an alternative space program to the real space program.

The real space program has us already with space colonies on a number of moons and planets. As such spending the vast amount of money that any new false Space programs would require, Obama needs the money elsewhere and is a good indication that we are in troubled times.

This latest PR release coming from a "Moon Astronaut" is like a some drooling Fox in the chicken coop reporting on whether there are any missing chickens.
The Fox reports that all reports of missing chickens have been over stated. He can personally confirm that all chickens are present and accounted for.

Well, this same type of response is coming out of NASA. Any such Moon Astronaut would know the truth and is keeping the cover story going because really, now how would it be if Obama cut major programs and no one said anything? Since you know what they do say is always measured and released to the public only when refined and structured in some way that sells some message that has nothing to do with reality.

Good posting. It got me thinking. Thanks again.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 02:58 AM
Some very thoughtful & knowledgeable responses.

MaxBlack et al - would you care to link to any sources to back up your perspectives on the black project space program? I know there's a lot of expertise on this here and a few choice links would help those who know less about that side of things.

Does anyone agree that it's time for a complete rethink in the light of the current economic situation, and Obama is to be applauded here (-at least if the decision can be taken on face value)? *I didn't even mention the cost of current wars.* Or do most people think this announcement is just smoke & mirrors anyway?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:33 AM
If only congress could account for that 9 trillion dollars they "lost".
We would all be wearing jetpacks.
If we had a govt that could govern.(past and present).
We would all be wearing jetpacks.

We have the ability, the only thing in our way is corrupt government.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:58 AM
Well good on Obama! It's time NASA got it's funding cut "Hell NASA never tell you the truth anyway!" Remember when they bombed the Moon "yes they found water" But they never said what else they have found?

I say it is a Bogus Organization! But these scientist are brought off and f&ckin pointless unless they after 30 years they decide to get gonads!

Yer it's good NASA dies! Maybe we can get the truth from other space exploration country's. America a nation of liars!!!!

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:14 AM
The real space program is to watch us from above and control the information from above. And that mission is successfully accomplished.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:19 AM
America shouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Declaring war on Iraq and Afghanistan was also declaring war on America.

The pentagon attack effectively stopped investigation of an enormous amount of money already gone missing.

The gold has gone from Fort Knox.

For some reason there was a mountain of gold bars under the twin towers ... or was it under building 7?
There were pictures at the time from where it was stored, of it being taken away, but no-one, (who is talking,) knows where too.

Funding for Iraq was done in a way that enabled money to be handed out with no accounting. Planes full of money were flown to Iraq, with it being picked up by Haliburton contractors.

As if the ripping off over the wars was not damaging enough, loans were put out that were bound to trap people into buying houses they couldn't pay for, wrecking the housing market and giving an easily kickable focus group to blame America's troubles on.

And we all know about the stimulus payments. However few know that even more money was handed over in secret. This was well documented by ATS posters at the time.

So America has unknowingly been in a war with invisible string pullers, and lost. The results will be far worse than we are seeing at the moment.

Of course this is why the establishment allowed a "coloured" man to become president. Most people are short-sighted enough to forget the first 8 years of leading up to this, and blame it all onto the sitting President.

As to why the administration has gone along with this, remember the missing nuke? This could not have been taken without a chain of command from high up being involved. Imaging the leverage that could be giving someone if they can tell the president it's under Washington, and they'll blow it if they don't get what they want.

Anyone watched the latest series of 24, about nuclear fuel rods?
This is not as fictional as one might hope. Must have been about 2003 a whole load of spent fuel rods was stolen from a nuclear plant.
The company the truck implicated was owned by was owned by an umbrella company with connections to Cheney. The direction the truck was last seen heading for could have taken it to a decommissioned nuclear plant, which was controlled by a company owned by Cheney which had a contract for cleaning it up.
- Perfect hiding place where the radiation would be undetectable and storage already provided.

So you see how much power potential, powerful blackmailers have.

As to who did this, I believe there are a dozen or so wealthy families, spread across the world, who have planned for generations to turn this Earth back into a garden of Eden for themselves and a few sycophants, erasing most of humanity in the process.

As for NASA's space exploration program, the people pulling strings want to live in comfort and luxury, not risk their lives living underground on the moon to escape the deadly radiation. They don't want to go, we don't get to explore. Easy as that.

Sadly the murder of the Columbia astronauts, done so they could not talk about the instantaneous communicator (based on quantum entanglement,) tested on that trip, was all for nothing. The communicator will not be used in the foreseeable future anyway.

Unless it is secretly being used to enable pilots in America to fly unmanned drones in Afghanistan, which is a possibility.

[edit on 13/3/10 by Kailassa]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

I believe that the costs involved with the moon landing project are largely due to the way the project is managed, and also to do with the scale of the engineering required to build the space craft. I think if the future exploration of the moon is to fall to anyone , it should be made the job of Richard Branson. His Virgin Galaxy idea is in fact a very important although little known body of work. He can get clients into space for about £30,000 each, and that is insanely cheap. Imagine the savings he could make on the current cost of serious space exploration, by using a similar business plan? I for one would love to see him given the same buget as NASA, because I think he could get more done, for less cash, faster than they can by a long chalk.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by pause4thought
More could be said of ballooning jobless figures, endangered savings/pension funds, tent cities, etc., but suffice it to say it's time to get real. The moon? How about earth first...

Let me ask you something.... if the space/moon missions are discontinued or delayed,
How many people will be out of a job because they work for the very businesses that build, service and supply the space program?

There is a huge infrastructure involved in going to space and the money is spent in the community, not in space.


posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Yet another reason the fools of the conspiracy to jump to the most outlandish things they could thing. YAWN...good luck....oh wait green men fron mars run everythin

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:31 AM
why has it taken so long for old astronauts to comment on this?
wasnt it a few weeks ago he said no more moon, if they really cared, one would think they would have made a comment next day at the latest

and as for that comment about branson, isnt that people into space actually nothing more then a skip into low orbit for 5 mins?, ie not even a full orbit of the earth, its basically a really high altitude jump, not that im knocking the guy, more to him for doing it, but it isnt really getting poeple into space

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by PennyQ

Let me ask you something.... if the space/moon missions are discontinued or delayed,
How many people will be out of a job because they work for the very businesses that build, service and supply the space program?

There is a huge infrastructure involved in going to space and the money is spent in the community, not in space.


Let’s say President Obama allocates $100 billion dollars to the moon programme. That’s taxpayer’s monies. Once the programme completes and every dollar paid out, that’s $100 billion gone. The workers paid, foreign imports debts settled and as the infrastructure is completed, they too will not be needed and will add to unemployment figures.

US will have a base on the moon. But for what purpose? Scientific observation while humans are being starved on Earth? What are the economic returns? Helium 3, and the high cost for transportation when we are harnessing other forms of energy?

Now compare to this instead:-

President Obama allocates $10 billion dollars to scientific research on for example; exotic rocket propulsion. Test facilities will be created and workers paid. Once they succeed, the rocket propulsion systems can be incorporated onto future manned flight into space.

BUT the spin-offs will come from selling the patents to the aircraft companies around the world, to use its technologies to improve their passenger, military and cargo fleets as well as any other tech that needs improvements.

The returns will be tenfold and more into the treasury for social spending and even future space programmes.

The rest of the $90 billion will be used to fund entrepreneurs and help them get started on creating jobs and buying equipment/research on needs.

When they succeed, these enterprises and workers will bring in taxes far exceed the amount spent, and will continue to grow as they improve on tech and productivity to meet needs into the future.

Which do you choose now? A lonely outpost on the moon at $100 billion or a future $1 trillion to fly to the stars and search for economic resources far beyond the moon?

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

hey, the concept of an instantaneous communicator is very interesting, do you have a link or any kind of info on it?

ive been thinking about quantum entanglement a lot lately and what it might indicate as to the nature of reality.

thanks and peace.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by babylonstew

Do you know that aside from the scientific equipment, the most expensive part of a space mission is ususaly the launch ? Hes getting the hard bit out of the way early ! What I am saying is, that if he can root and branch re invent the way money flows in the business of getting to space, then EACH part of the mission would get cheaper.
Remember, hes not a technician, its not as if he could engineer a cheaper way to get there. But he IS a bloody marvelous business man, and I think with him managing the spending , they could get a lot more for thier bucks , thats all.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by davo2012
There was a great piece in an Australian "New Scientist" magazine about quantum entanglement and its uses in the 1990s.
This got me interested so I kept my eyes open for more info.

Early this century tests were done in America communicating by this method, over a distance of, if I remember correctly, 5 miles. It was partially successful, but apparently transmitting a qubit of data broke the entanglement. (That qubit was still transmitted.)

About a year later the Columbia took off. I had a feeling, because of tiny bits and pieces I'd heard, that this communicator would be ready be testing by then, and this would be the logical opportunity to test it.

After the shuttle disaster there was a huge search organised along its path of descent, supervised by secretive guys in suits. Oddly, the search was overseen by armed watchers.

There was just one article that came out, in print and in the online version of an American newspaper, saying the reason for the search was to find a communications device which was on the shuttle. Within 12 hours a slightly different article was on the same site, leaving out all reference to a communications device.

The next year NASA published this:

Spooky Atomic Clocks

Quantum entanglement does some mind-bending things. In this laser experiment entangled photons are teleported from one place to another.
. . .
two entangled particles can appear to influence one another instantaneously, whether they're in the same room or at opposite ends of the Universe.
. . .
some physicists are busy putting entanglement to work in applications such as "teleporting" atoms and producing uncrackable encryption.
. . .
Atomic clocks also stand to benefit. "Entangling the atoms in an atomic clock reduces the inherent uncertainties in the system," Kuzmich explains.

It seemed to me they ignore the elephant in the room.

You might call my logic a stretch, and sadly I can't give you sufficient proof. The best I can do is tell my story.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by davo2012
reply to post by Kailassa

hey, the concept of an instantaneous communicator is very interesting, do you have a link or any kind of info on it?

ive been thinking about quantum entanglement a lot lately and what it might indicate as to the nature of reality.

thanks and peace.

There's some interesting info here on experiments being done in quantum entanglement.

For more, just google quantum entanglement or quantum communication.

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