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The Link to Everything (LONG)

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:13 PM
I'd first like to say this is a very long post and that that I am young, younger than most of you here, so this might all be common knowledge... nonetheless it should hold a revolutionary change in my life and guide me on my way to the pursuit of happiness. So I'd at least like to share it with ATS because the people here possess a very positive, open mind.

My whole 18 years, I've always thought I've had a gift...I've always thought I was psychic or special. I could feel the presence of unknown energies, often able to predict upcoming events, read everyone's emotions and intentions just by looking at them, even make a persons body part twitch just by thinking about it.

I just always wrote it off as the egotistical reality of myself. That I was just lucky or instinctively fueling my own needs to feel special.

Well, I had an epiphany not too long ago that led me on a trail. A trail to find the link of human interaction, why we react to the presence of someone the way we do. Almost as if trying to relate philosophical ideas to the accepted scientific agenda of our language. I just combined everything I have been taught in my life, and came to one simple conclusion.

So the main questions we all ask...
Why are things the way they are? What is our purpose? Where are we going?

Well when you think about those, how do you even began to grasp a question like that, how is it possible to put an answer like that into words?
Proven scientific logic

The answer to those questions is all in Electromagnetic Telekinesis...

Question 1: What substance relates us to everything us in the universe?
A: Energy. Since our first Science class in 7th grade, we know energy is the basic result from the work generated in our universe.
But how much of that is knowledge you truly understand and how much is the recollection from what you were told by science books?

Question 2: What is the basic structure of the universe?
A: The atom. Just like energy, we are taught the atom is the simplest and smallest form of matter in the physical world, its core (brain) the nucleus consists of protons, electrons, and neutrons...all respectively creating a positive, negative, and neutral charge.

Okay we all know the things that make up our physical world... it's the scientific explanation to how we move, what we see, and everything that emits a sensory reaction in the universe. We can see lightning because it generates a visible stream of light but what's more important is we can feel the effects of its power...we know it’s there, not because we see it, but mainly because we know it's power and how electricity runs everything around us.

But it's also a simple fact that our thoughts, souls, every bit of our intelligence isn't visible...but we know it's there because of the power it generates in us...the power of our brains power the movement of our body's. Where do our thoughts come from? Now here's the catch...who is to say that alleged fourth dimension we hear so much about isn’t virtually the same as the science of the physical world…we can just not sense it.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:18 PM
I remember hearing about something in my childhood called electromagnetic fields. And because of a lack of terminology, I decided to just refer to the object that best describes the “universal link”… as an electromagnetic field.

Question 3: Every person and every object has been scientifically proven to generate a "physical" yet invisible electromagnetic field around it. What exactly does this energy do though?
A: I wasn't really sure what scientists thought of our electromagnet field, I just remember hearing about it years ago and decided to do a quick search on it today... it confirmed everything I’ve thought about.

In the 1800's, Mesmer, the father of modern hypnotism, suggested that a field similar to an electromagnetic field might exist around the human body. Mesmer suggested that the power of this electromagnetic field, which he believed behaved as a fluid, might also be able to exert influence on the field of another.

Question 4: We know sharks and other animals have a sensitive reaction to the fields of other fish, despite poor eye sight. And being the much more intelligent species why we can't knowingly feel the presence of their fields?
A: That's the irony of it. Maybe we are so intelligent that we read energy fields without even being able to process their presence. We subconsciously process the transfer of these energies.

Question 5: What is important about this energy, and what exactly do they say?
A: Okay this is where things get a little sketchy...what if everything in our reality, everything you physically see, smell, feel, think is due to the direct correlation to the amount AND type of energy we produce. There are only three base types of scientific energies, positive, negative, and neutral. Everything you think about and do run off those three circumstances.

These indirect and indistinguishable way we connect to everything around us without even realizing it are the transfer of these energies, it’s our subconscious...the power that lies in the back of our mind that we never fully process into a thought...the 90% of the brain we don’t use when thinking...that single connection to everything in the’s all doing work, just not work directed into our physical reality.

Everything in the worlds produces an electromagnetic field, energy, mass... and it they create physical identities to every object that is readily available to our conscience (processed thought) to interpret through our sensory organs. Our eyes, nose, mouth, are just the first-hand indicators of these energies. It’s the reason we rely so much on seeing something for proof that it exists.

Despite us not being able to see wind, we can still feel it so we believe in its existence.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Consciously…no, it is not in our line of sight or reality, but subconsciously…yes, the energy it generates is very real.

Question 6: That’s ridiculous, we communicate through language and speaking and action…not an unseen field.
A: Yes, 10% of interaction is through or senses. Our dependency on physical interaction has evolved so much that we no longer need to be able distinguish these telepathic signals between us, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Our words and hand motions are generally a great indication of what someone else is trying to communicate...but not always. There are people who can deceive.

Those people called pathological liars, who despite having a negative intention… can prove a positive intention by generating proof by their sensory organs. That is why the law is so sticky. The word of one person is always as strong as anyone else’s…we are all equal in distributing energy. But the law is based on physical proof. Even though they can lead a life of deception, if there is no sensory details to back it up, then it’s, in theory, the truth of your reality.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Question 7: How do other species communicate with each other?
A: Through this energy…everything is telekinetic. Everything has a telekinetic electromagnetic field that can pick up the positive or negative fields of each other.

We can tell if a dog is sad, not by his physical expression… because their expressions change on a miniscule scale…it’s because we can feel it.
It’s why animals can sense a person’s intentions and feeling towards them. Some animals run off with the approach of a negative human being or bark because the sense a presence they don’t like. It’s why the run up to a known animal lover.

Question 8: Are you sure we just aren’t so advanced that we notice miniscule changes in the physical appearance of others, that we can just guess their disposition? Like if a person is sad…we judge that by their gloomy look or low tone in voice.
A: Those things are good indicators of a person’s emotion, but not always. That’s what deception is…when someone acts in the opposite way of what your “instinct” picks up. This is how you can usually tell someone is lying.

Ever wonder why if you look slowly glance at a person in a passing car they almost always look back at you, even though you are out of the apparent line of their peripheral vision.

You often hear the term: Feel eyes staring at me…it’s the recognition of someone trying to read your energy. We are all psychics, we can all feel energy.

Question 9: If this energy exists, what’s the point of language and how was it invented?
A:We created language because it’s a more efficient form of communication. It gives our lives more meaning, because we can better communicate our emotions with each other (getting on to what emotions are later).

Imagine not knowing a language and not being able to communicate with anything. You would stare at a blank wall for hours, and no words would pop in your head to describe how it’s white, or big, or how it supports the roof. You would have to point at something and belt out a sound for language to catch on. And if that’s the case, how do animals catch on without emitting sounds? Whales do send sonar waves, however cats do not. And cats do share obvious emotional connection and understanding when together for long period of times. Not because of what they say, but because of what they can read based of the vibe the other one sends, that they eventually get accustomed to.

Question 10: Why do only humans and animals possess a power to read the electronic field?
A: We don’t. Every particle on energy in the world can generate its own reading. Our brains are just huge generators and storerooms of this energy, giving us the greater power of the knowledge around is. We generated these special sensory organs, based on the knowledge we were able to obtain; almost as if these energies have Ionic bonds that connect them together in a mass form that created their own energies and turned them into our bodily limbs.

And why do humans analyze these thoughts so well with each other, compared to a dog being able to read us? Not just because we are smarter, but because each species has formed their own form of telepathic communication (plants, insects, animals, humans).

We as humans have our own form of telepathic communication with each other, a special code that other forms of life can’t read. It’s because we are physically and intellectual similar, it’s a code we understand but others cant because of our immense trust in each other because of those similarities.
It’s why twins possess this amazing understanding of each other, not just because they grew up and learn together, but because their genetic make-up is so similar, they confide full trust in each other.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Much like pheromones an animal leaves behind. It’s a special coded energy that delivers a message via smell. That’s why ants can release this pheromone and can smell it and react to it, but we can’t. It’s a special language between those trusted brothers.

We often want to read the thoughts of another person, but think we can’t. And no, we cannot formally analyze what words they are thinking in their heads, but we can feel the pluses of energy that create those words.
Our human counterparts lay down the laws of what is generally accepted among us.

Most of us generate negative thoughts to killing. If a person believes killing is right, it is pasted on their electromagnetic make-up for all to see. Although we don’t know they believe in killing until we physically talk to them, we can sense that it is one opposing force to us.

That’s what makes our first instincts usually right. However this can be deceiving, because we as humans make some charges bear more importance than others. Like killing somebody is seen as a big negative it adds up to the same single charge as, let’s say…not liking a certain food.
After discussing their differences, the charge may turn into a neutral one, you don’t like it but you accept them for what they are.
If we sat in room with a total stranger, in a rather close proximity even without looking at them, we will sense whether they are more positive or negative for us.

We can’t feel the electromagnetic field of someone on a TV or through text, we only see their physical identities, but through close encounters we can.

Question 11: What directs that flow of human energy?
A: Our brain. Think of our brain as big generator and store room of these electromagnetic energies. We can both create and store them.
And our brain just doesn’t interpret human energy, although that’s the main focus of our brains. Think of our brain as a small man trying to direct the traffic on a four way street. Everyone holds their own street they direct their own flow of traffic. They either let in the energy, or refuse it entry. This energy is what we call knowledge. Knowledge is just the amount of energy we hold, you get to decide what personally what enters and what doesn’t…giving you the illusion of reality.

Let’s break down the immense power of the brain all the way down to its core.

The brain, scientifically, is just a bunch of atoms.

In the fourth dimension, that is exactly what it is as well, you just can’t physically see these atoms. Each nucleus in the atom in your brain has either a positive or negative charge. Just like in the fourth dimension, all your brain does is process millions of yes/no decisions a second. The smarter you are, the faster that rate is.

That is where emotions come into play. The more negative you are… the most negative charges of energy you let in, the more your collective reality represents that. A depressed person often has more negative thoughts. A positive person is happy about almost everything.

We often perceive positive as good and negative as bad. Just like our connection to another person, if someone has a lot of interests as us it connects as a positive, generating the opportunity of friendship. Friendship is just the trusting of another person. You trust they will positively influence you.

If we want to be like someone or they have something we want, we let down our guard to them, and let them effect us positively.

YOU are what generates your personality reality. YOU make things good or bad.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:29 PM
The more negative energy you create with your thoughts, the more people will not want to talk to you. It’s not because of your appearance, and although good physical indicators are a good way to judge someone, it’s your “vibe” that has the most effect on someone. We are just big atoms, creating our own unique positive or negative signatures.

It’s why a confident person generates a strong voice, because they believe in themselves. It’s hard to act confident when you aren’t, because people can read your image.

Everyone has a base form of energy that they let in when they meet a person. The first judgment often has to be mainly positive in order for them to allow more flow of energy into you. It’s often referred to as caring.

Trust is just the measure of the amount of energy you let transfer to someone. Even negative energy can bare trust, just in a non-reliable way.

Question 12: Why is this energy important to human communication?
A: Because each part of energy we let in, either positive or negative, creates our own personal identity.

It’s why if a happy person in the room, it seems to take everyone else of their negative thoughts and focus on the positive ones.
We have about 12 different emotions. Each one is directly identifiable to the ratio and type of negative/positive charges that we let in. But people all react to emotions differently, that’s what makes it hard to distinguish a person’s true desires.

Ever wonder why playing a certain type of music to a plant scientifically effects their growth?

Positive electromagnetic energies make it grow bigger than a negatively affected plant in the same conditions.

People sitting in close proximity of each other all combine in one big energy fusing circle. All of their collective energies direct their way in and out of each other. It’s why a room generally acts in one set of ways…either upbeat and excited or quiet and negative.

I have generated such a strong electromagnetic force that I can make one of my best trusted friends leg twitch… just by intensely on focusing on a generating a twitch in my leg. My strong energy enters their head and overrides their energy for that one quick moment.

If you generally care for someone, they will know without a word being spoken, but the fact we all react differently to that energy is the way we respond. Some generalize caring for someone as a predominantly negative thought.

It’s why serial killers sense fear and combat it with rage. It’s why if you like someone, they could react negatively to you, it’s not because they don’t like you…it’s just the way the show the caring.

We live in two words, physical and electromagnetic.

Electromagnetic is creates a negative energy that makes you sad. Physical creates a negative energy that causes pain. It’s everything negative…directly effecting our minds and bodies.

Question 13: How did it all start?
A:Newton said energy can never be created or destroyed, but that’s not entirely true with these electro energies. In our physical world, all matter is already there, but our thoughts aren’t. If energy cannot be created than reproduction of our babies would be instant…we also wouldn’t evolve. Babies expand their minds and learn bit by bit until they can hold larger pieces of information. And because we transfer over ourselves onto them, it does not mean we lose energy, they just create their own.
The universe would not continually expand if it wasn’t for the new creation of these energies

Energies can be created through bonding (reproduction) but it can never be destroyed. That’s the reason the universe expands infinitely… we constantly process and create energy on a miniscule scale but it all combines into the massive universe. It’s why black holes are so powerful, it’s because they contains vast amounts of energy….they are just massive brains with no construction of reality.

[edit on 12-3-2010 by Nostradumbass]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:33 PM
The first particle on energy created another in either a positive or negative form. That created another and so on and so forth. Every reaction generates a response in way or the other. Each action equals an opposite and equal reaction.

Ever hear of karma?

Each statement you make about another person must generate a response out of them. If you say nice hair, it generates either a positive or negative reaction to them. They then create a new energy based on the statement you gave.

It’s why electricity can combine a bunch of seemingly ordinary particles and make them into a machine like a computer. A computer is just an artificial custom model of our brain, it just processes different information and looks different.

Question 14: How do we see this energy world?
A: Meditation is no crock. We just have to intensely focus on take our minds off our sensory world the focus of our language, and just let our mind sit. It’s like sleeping where we don’t get to process our thoughts through our reality before imagining them. Tap into your unused energy, it’s just like a dream world a hypnotic state. It doesn’t so much take intense focus as it takes the intense focus of letting everything in your world drift away. Just imagine if there was no sensory world, it would be the cosmetic world we live in at all times…just a drift of energy.

Everything we think, do, and feel is just a form of this floating energy. Our brains our small black holes that absorb it.

It’s why we are all connected. We are all made up of these small electric atoms. Our brains process the illusion of space-time by the act of collection.
Because we cannot instantly remember something, we have to process it…it produces a time like effect. The further away from our knowledge the object is, the further away we see it.

You hear about people bending spoons with their mind, although that would take an immense amount of energy and it’s probably been done by one individual and then faked me hundreds of others, it’s a very probable outcome.

Question 15: How can we make this knowledge useful in our physical world?
A: In every way imaginable. This electromagnetic world directly powers our physical world. Our senses can just see a small portion of the actual universe.

If every thought you generate is a positive one according to our human species, then your emotions will always be positive. If you are negative, and generate a negative field, the less people will want to talk to you…unless your physical appearance is immaculate, then they will turn most negatives into neutrals.

It’s like a disease, if you act confident and actually care about what a person has to say, then you will have a happy life.

Our basic need is to be positively charged, to be liked. Money, talent, appearance are all physical things that generate positive reactions. However if you always look at new people with respect and admiration then they will look past your neutrals…unless the person’s code is different and the negatively despise being liked by people.

Weeding out the negative influences of others, but still radiating your positive energy to them (caring), makes you a great psychiatrist.

Question 16: Why is love so important and the strongest emotion?
A:Love is strong because it is the complete opening up of all your defense mechanisms of negativity, and trying to make them positive or at least neutral with that one person. We reproduce with the ones we most love.

Could it be proven that the two couples most positive and in love with each other reproduce the most physically attractive or smart baby? Who knows. It is the trusting of positive energies that makes us so physically and emotionally care about them.

It combines the 10000trillions x10 of positive energies that both effect them… rolled into one.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:36 PM
Question 17: So what happens when we die…what is the purpose of this?
A: One answer I’m not entirely sure about. But when something dies, the physical world ceases to exist for them, but because energy is never destroyed their energy lives on. Perhaps, the energy lives on in our memories of them and then through reproduction, we are reborn again in our species in a much different form because our energies all get mixed together in a floating world. Our sensory memory is gone, but perhaps that’s why an animal is born with instincts…they retain that knowledge back based on the energy that is known around their species.

The purpose of this? My guess is to gain infinite knowledge. To keep recycling and pumping out energy until we become our own gods, trying to not destroy what we already have.

Perhaps a much smarter species lives over us in a different dimension, in a different dimension. They are all creators…maybe we are our creators who just reset the process.

Question 18: Where did the first energy come from?
A: Your guess is as good as mine, there is no way of knowing that without consulting the highest power on the food chain. That’s where I draw the line…I like my sanity.

I know that was a ridiculously long post, kudos if you read it all. There is probably a plethora of grammar mistakes, but I tried to write it fast as possible. I appreciate any feedback on this...I've been contemplating it for a few days and decided to put it down on paper. Thank you.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Wow !

I think you really made some good points here and I agree with alot.
I'm also familiar with experience of the un seen.

Great thread and my respect for you and it !


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Thanks,very good post!As far as I understand,you said that we create new energy by having babies ,but I also hope we can do this by simply increasing our own amount of energy by meditation or just being a positive and good human being.Otherwise I can't contribute anything to our universe,cause I am gay and no babies in sight at the moment,but then again,gay people are not threatened by extinction,so we are useful too, for achieving oneness etc.
No,seriously...a very good thread with a lot of work behind it and so much better than just posting a link with the question:what do you guys think about it?
Well done,thanks!

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Well we create energy every second...that's the glow of our electromagnetic field. That's why we dream when we keep our brains working. Reproducing is just the birth of a new absorbing energy.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 03:47 PM
Anyone have anything to comment? I'm mostly looking for a whole in the theory, it just seems so scientifically acceptable that it's hard to find loopholes.

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 04:32 PM
yes for 18 you are very well on the way -- check out John Chang:

Then get the Level one sitting meditation c.d. from

it's the basis of the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" translated by Charles Luk. Practice that and experience -- become -- transform -- the mind body.

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