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People in our Dreams

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posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:44 PM
There are about 10 dimensions known to science that the brain does deal with. Given that we barely can identify with three let alone begin to comprehend the rest. Naturally there are individuals who do very well in expanding themselves into other dimensions. Some might refer to this as out of body experience's.

One such outcome of understanding particular dimensions is having the ability to project your thoughts or suggestions into another persons mind. To some this may sound very familiar, to others, it may sound simply as crazy.

Quantum consiousness

To speed up the process, here is a simple video of understanding. Keep in mind this has nothing to do with spiritual self awareness but is purely a dimensional outlook on what you perceive as reality.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

THats pretty amazing. I often think of some of the dreams I've had if the other person in them was having the same dream just from their point of view. I'm starting wonder whats real? Whats really real?

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Hellas

Another theory is that the difference between dreams and conscious life is a filter that allows you to believe you are separate from everyone else, and the truth is, we are all one.

When you close your eyes the world doesn't disappear but when you open them, half of it does.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Hellas
How is it that we see strangers in our dreams that seem to be familiar?

It's simple. Everything in dreams is archetypal in nature. Like when you dream of your house and it contains elements from other places you've lived in the past.

Take people you know, and think of their physical characteristics and personality traits as different lego blocks. Everytime you meet someone with new traits, you acquire a new lego block. We build our dream characters from familiar pieces.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by The Cusp

Originally posted by Hellas
How is it that we see strangers in our dreams that seem to be familiar?

It's simple. Everything in dreams is archetypal in nature. Like when you dream of your house and it contains elements from other places you've lived in the past.

Take people you know, and think of their physical characteristics and personality traits as different lego blocks. Everytime you meet someone with new traits, you acquire a new lego block. We build our dream characters from familiar pieces.

Ok I can see what you're saying.. The thing is then how is it that I love this person in an instant? Why? I mean her face isn't familiar but then it kinda is.. And I think that every time I fell in love I wake up very fast.

Every other dream scenario seems to last longer.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Hellas]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Hellas

I think in our dreams we go alternate universes where alternate versions of our selves reside. As far as just creations of our imagination-my experience is that this is not a valid argument. I never resonated with the dream interpetation theory. To me, the latter is just bunk. Think of it! You exist in countless other dimensions and universes! How cool is that! Namaste

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

I always found it interesting that a dream that last an hour in "dreamland" can be just minutes in the real world.. Maybe that's how we have to imagine the concept of time other dimensions, afterlife etc...

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Hellas
Ok I can see what you're saying.. The thing is then how is it that I love this person in an instant? Why? I mean her face isn't familiar but then it kinda is..

I've experienced that as well, but have no explanation for it. You might as well ask why we fall for people like that in the real world. It could just be that it's easier to do in dreams because the object of your affections returns your feelings. The emotions you feel dictate how your dream characters will behave.

Originally posted by Hellas
And I think that every time I fell in love I wake up very fast.

Every other dream scenario seems to last longer.

Never really had that problem during my hopelessly in love dreams. What may be happening is you're focusing too much on the object of your affections, not leaving enough attention to sustain your surroundings.

Everything requires your attention to exist in dreams, including your surroundings. So zooming in on your girl like tunnel vision will cause your surroundings to fade away which inevitably leads to waking up.

Originally posted by Klaatumagnum
I think in our dreams we go alternate universes where alternate versions of our selves reside. As far as just creations of our imagination-my experience is that this is not a valid argument. I never resonated with the dream interpetation theory. To me, the latter is just bunk. Think of it! You exist in countless other dimensions and universes! How cool is that! Namaste

I've never subscribed to dream interpretation either, as I believe dreams are a direct reflection of what you have your attention focused on, filtered through your own personal archetypes.

I've been keeping a dream journal for over 15 years, and I've certainly had dreams that seem to suggest parallel universe scenarios, but they were all one shot deals. They never repeated with places that were exactly the same. Sure, when I was having them, I had spontaneous memories of past dreams, but there is no way to tell if I made those memories up on the spot or if they were actual memories of past dreams.

If you think your dream realms are stable realities, try mapping them out and joining together different dreams on that map. It's an impossible task that will quickly dispel that notion. Although there are a group of Russian dreamers who call themselves the "Dream Hackers" who solved the dream mapping problem.

According to the Russian Dream Hackers, the center of your dream map is your home, which is a composite of all the places you've ever been. Likewise, you only have one composite city, one composite river (if there are rivers in your life), ect. There are however borders in your dream world, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. Dream mapping doesn't work if you take the content of your dreams literally, but can be done if you think of the content as archetypes. The dream hackers did have an english translated site at one point, but it's gone now.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 01:45 AM

I've been keeping a dream journal for over 15 years, and I've certainly had dreams that seem to suggest parallel universe scenarios, but they were all one shot deals. They never repeated with places that were exactly the same. Sure, when I was having them, I had spontaneous memories of past dreams, but there is no way to tell if I made those memories up on the spot or if they were actual memories of past dreams.

Does that help you to remember more of your dreams dreamed in a night?
Regarding the spontaneous memories, I too experience that and have a hard time placing them as dreams or made up thoughts..

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:06 AM
how does the mind create and recognize the faces during our awake time?

how does a meaningful sentence arise from a string of syllables?

the mind, and its ability to apply recognition patterns non-linearly, can build meaning out of a nearly random set of data. desire and mindset can play a heavy role in determining what is "seen" and "heard".

once, under a significantly altered state of mind, i witnessed a friends face morph in real-time into a strange amalgamation of recognizable yet non-descript traits of other people i have known. in this sense, it is pretty amazing that when we see a person, we see a consistently recognizeable face that persists through time. i honestly believe that a real person's face is every bit as much a mental abstraction as it is a concrete reality.

the mind is a TOOL, folks. and it has some pretty cool tricks under the hood. is it that I love this person in an instant? ...

because the functions of "love" are every bit as fickle and at-will as what i have described above.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Hellas

what about psychologists appearing in your dreams that you never seen before asking you about your beliefs?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:06 AM
This is a question i have always wanted to ask. I always have dreams with strangers in them. Some times there are lots of people, like a big gathering and we are all just there talking to one and other.

I used to dream of a man that i was deeply in love with, but i would never see his face. I had the same dream for years. I would be in his arms and feel so in love, but i would never see his face.

Those dreams stopped about 8yrs ago, about the same time i met my partner and soul mate.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:04 AM
any dream people or persons i have contact with are not autonomous individuals... they are just role players, or perhaps they have behavior traits that make them candidates to enter this dreamscape reality.

stereotypical people i see quite often...
the angry/scared villagers 'a-la' frankenstein.
conmen, muggers, the occasional cowboy or herder,
the 'chasers' as i excape by levitation in the manner of an iconic hoverboard.
too many others to detail

one might say that the persons one engages in the dream state are single purpose entities, sort of in the manner that 'Angels' are made (created) for a mission or purpose...[a singular purpose not a one-time-only assignment or mission...ergo this dream person/Angel may visit many dreamers over the ages]

the dream entity would be unique to you but in all probability it will fufill the archtype model if compared with other individuals' dream people or composites as someone suggested in one of the very informative replies in the thread.

thats all i have to offer for now, as
this type of interchange really needs a live webcam exchange, an open mike kind of forum...

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Hellas

I've been keeping a dream journal for over 15 years

Does that help you to remember more of your dreams dreamed in a night?

It helps me to remember big time. If fact I usually have to pick and choose the most interesting dreams because I just don't have to time to write out all of them. My recall does wane on occasion, but as long as I keep at it, it picks back up after a week or two.

On a 2 or 3 occasions, I've even experienced "Total Recall", where I could remember with perfect clarity every single dream I had. This only lasted a few minutes upon waking, and would fade away like dreams do, but during that time I remember everything. It's kind of weird because I would remember everything at once, and if I wanted to remember the dreams sequentially, I had to pick which ones I wanted to hold onto, because it took longer to take notes on them than the total recall lasted.

Of course saying we have multiple dreams in a night is inaccurate. As long as our sleep isn't interrupted, we only have one long dream. It only seems like multiple dreams because we don't recall the parts that link them together.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 10:54 AM
People in our dreams...

Some of you feel they are from alternate universes some feel they may be from past lives, but I personally feel that they are from our current lives.

There are several people that I had dreams of in my past that I've recently met. Though, when we see them in our dreams we feel that we are meant to be with them for the eternity, and some of us automatically hope for them to be our soul mates. The one girl I met was awesome, when I met her in school I was like wow... but I could never bring myself to ask her out, but man every time we talked the sparks flew. So I do not believe that because we see it it is finite, I believe they are possible scenarios of choices we make. Many of my lucid dreams though I die... by making bad choices. I am working with some guys that had killed me in past dreams... and I am just now meeting them. It is very disturbing... but a lot of my other dreams have not come to pass because I avoided certain scenarios that they presented in my dreams. I think it is possible that dreams are warning of the future, or they could be gifts from the future... I really don't know. All i know is that I have met some of them in my life travels. If they are truly from an alternate universe... I wish myself well...

edit for spelling

[edit on 17-7-2010 by rjmelter]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Hellas

Some cultures, the ancient ones believe that we travel while we are dreaming, to other dimensions, paralle worlds or universes.

The great Taoist master Chuang Tzu once dreamt that he was a butterfly fluttering here and there. In the dream he had no awareness of his individuality as a person. He was only a butterfly. Suddenly, he awoke and found himself laying there, a person once again. But then he thought to himself, "Was I before a man who dreamt about being a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly who dreams about being a man?"

[edit on 10-3-2010 by ofhumandescent]

as cheezy as this sounds......That thought is beautiful..........

Is this who we are, or is this the Dream and we are somewhere else?

Or are we both ? since duality is everywhere in existence doesn't that mean there would have to be at least 2 of us at every given time?

The "us" us...and the dream us........

Maybe dreams feel different because that is how that realm or dimension is.......It's just different and a different experience and we don't know how to handle it yet...

Maybe that dream state where anything can happen is where we are going to end up..

think about this:....What if our dreams are the future and we anaylize them in our sleep to help us get to where we are going or to "that point".....

It is not just chemicals.......if it is...PROVE IT.....o yea you can''s just theory

dont' post BS evidence either...

How many scientists have seen this chemical reaction in the brain while a person is dreaming? none....= bogus claim to divert even the so called " smartest" of us...

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:48 AM
I gotta get the member shakesbeer in here.

But anyways, without much elaboration.. i've dreamt I was some white haired dude, I could see colorful auras around people, I was super super super wise and disciplined like my mind was blanker then blank to make me more aware... some dudes tried to attack me, they had red auras...leather armor or something with swords.. i waved my hand, a flash of white came out of it and they dissapeared.. with no remorse its like i killed them or teleported them. I walked up to some priestess looking woman with a purple aura and kissed her, dream ended. I suddenly felt really funky like i was travelling through time when I woke up with a number "11500" years roughly.. and the word atlantis, and this is where the story loses cred.. the word "2012".. I was like 10 years old at the time.. I thought nothing could happen in 2012 that would make sense to me, i learned about it from this class about the mayans, as for auras and stuff, never really heard of those...atlantis..thought that isnt real, shrugged it off.

I learned later that around 11500 years ago is when atlantis apparently went down.

Anyways, fast forward, I dreamt I was the same dude again, i was in some temple, i asked some duded to like erase my soul or something, give me a reboot so i can learn on earth (i was too advanced to really get it). They reluctantly did something, and I felt something huge drain from me, i became a floating ball...dumb as hell.. like a puppy dog.. happy yet confused, i wanted to be there with those people but they sent me away, just like that I went from like a god in this dream to an idiot, a child.

All this stuff was before I was exposed to anything metaphysical, in fact it was the catalyst for my interest 10 years later. But what really did it was this dream of this girl.

I would see myself with this girl, with our friends, I was older and even perceived myself older which was wierd for a kid.. (let alone going inside the mind of some god-like being)... so it was wierd comprehending the adult mind.. but i was in there an observer.. attracted to this woman, which was also wierd for me... but I had at least 10 dreams like this, following life sequences, and I watched some of them happen as real life events already. I got major deja vu and it changed my whole perspective and I started meditating and found my way on this message board around 5 years ago.

Well before I met this girl I dreamt about, I know her now and its a complex and major life theme that I won't get into, but its some serious sh$% for me. Its an ongoing process, a learning process. How do you act when you think you know what you know, are things meant to be or do you make them happen? Its been tough, but for a reason I know it.

Anyways.. I have a friend who met his wife in dreams, she thought the same, when they got together they were instantly together, married very soon after that.

I do think dreams are very underestimated, we live different lives or simply play out certain unconscious and shared themes... as if life isnt that as is.. another kind of dream.

I once dreamt I was everything.. i didnt have to see it, or hear it.. but I felt it.. I was the rocks, the trees, i was space... I could be inside a flower if I wanted to and observe it from the outside. I had no identity.. i was "WE".. and we were complete, perfect and happy. When I woke up I couldnt comprehend it at all.. what with 360 degree vision!.. to name one, but that concept of multidimensional/locational consciousness and shifted sense of identity.

InfraRedMan.. I hope you meet her again some day, dream land or this world. If you meet her in this life flip me a message, would love to know.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 11:52 AM
I think an interesting factor is creating people in your dreams.. if they were a simple fantasy with nothing to it, nothing symbolic or important, bla bla... well one thing its interesting you can create the face, and voice of a person you've never seen.. but also create a unique personality for them.

That's one thing that really caught me.

With a whole different set of friends, girlfriend etc... a whole different life... and you know how to react to them, you know what you're doing, where you're going, who those people are to you... and then you gain lucid control and you're suddenly like who the hell are you people, i'm getting out of here and going to do something else.

But you suddenly forget who they are, where you are, or what you were doing when you gain this level of lucidity.

A different level is being aware its a dream, and still participating... your references stay the same.. you are there as an observer but you maintain the knowledge and personality of that version of yourself, the people around him, and his life. etc.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by CavemanDD
I once dreamt I was everything.. i didnt have to see it, or hear it.. but I felt it.. I was the rocks, the trees, i was space... I could be inside a flower if I wanted to and observe it from the outside. I had no identity.. i was "WE".. and we were complete, perfect and happy. When I woke up I couldnt comprehend it at all.. what with 360 degree vision!.. to name one, but that concept of multidimensional/locational consciousness and shifted sense of identity.

When that happened, did you find that you were unable to act or do anything?
I had the same thing happen in a dream, where I was aware I was everything, right down to the molecular level, just aware of everything humming away. At that point I could no longer act. Hell I couldn't even want to do anything.

After having that dream, I kind of understood how a God could allow bad stuff to happen. It's because he's unable to do anything about it.

Originally posted by CavemanDD
That's one thing that really caught me.

With a whole different set of friends, girlfriend etc... a whole different life... and you know how to react to them, you know what you're doing, where you're going, who those people are to you... and then you gain lucid control and you're suddenly like who the hell are you people, i'm getting out of here and going to do something else.

But you suddenly forget who they are, where you are, or what you were doing when you gain this level of lucidity.

A different level is being aware its a dream, and still participating... your references stay the same.. you are there as an observer but you maintain the knowledge and personality of that version of yourself, the people around him, and his life. etc.

I think that's what you're describing there. True lucid freedom to act requires a sense of separation. To me, lucidity ends the moment you get sucked back into the plot of the dream and start believing it's real.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by The Cusp]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by The Cusp

ah man.. I forgot another one which was crucial to my perspective on dreaming...

Astral projection... ok i'm laying there in bed... hell, there was one projection where I was awake.. and I could still feel the body buzz.. i mean i was awake dude.. wide awake, and I made myself drift back into the body buzz.. my eyes never closed or at least my vision stayed the same, kept looking at my bedroom wall from the waking world.. but then I got out of bed and I was somewhere else,, same wall... outside the house was entirely different.. oh and I could fly and morph through walls.

When I astral project I try different experiments each time.. thinking back, this one time I projected and i'm walking around the house thinking i'm lucid, conscious, on top of things you know.... and then I look around and think "ok thats familiar"... go in the backyard "thats familiar"... then I wake up and I'm like that was a completely different world!!

But the point is.. even when I was in my most lucid state... going into this from the "waking world"... things still seemed familiar.. the new world i IDENTIFIED as my own!... so that to me speaks volumes... I identified that as a familiar setting, i knew where I was etc.

Really is like another life. Like I said, i've gone from being wide awake.. and fading into this world without blacking out and my references stayed the same... well sometimes I would be like "whoa.. yeah ok i'm projecting".. I would know as soon as I move out of bed, i would feel lighter etc.. but even then my surroundings I for the most part think are the same.

Just damn interesting I tell ya if its not a different life..I just, i know what i'm doing there, i know who those people are, my mind feels coherent, not confused and hallucinating.

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