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White power USA: The rise of Right-wing militias in America

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I came across this article tonight that seems to be pretty accurate to our current situation. I would like to give you come snippets...

RICK ROWLEY: As we talked, Schoep’s men began to organize the caravan that would bring them to their march. Each car was marked with a number 88. In their simple code, eight stands for the eighth letter in the alphabet. Eighty-eight, or HH, means “Heil Hitler.”

JEFF SCHOEP: America was founded by white men, settled by white men, and it was founded as a white nation. So we’ve got our nation to lose. They call us the fringe. They say it’s a fringe movement, but I think what we’re saying is very mainstream. We’re standing up for the American people, and there’s nothing fringe about that. The membership has really spiked, especially in the past few years. It’s more mainstream now than ever before in our history.

RICK ROWLEY: As we approached the State Capitol, he started to lead a chant.

CLIFFORD HERRINGTON: No 'n-word's! No Jews! The Mexicans must go, too!

RICK ROWLEY: Younger members of the leadership quickly silenced him and chose a theme better suited to a mainstream audience.


JEFF SCHOEP: We are looking at a country now that can very well face another American revolution! Our forefathers fought and resisted tyranny in this country, just as we stand here today in defiance of illegals, in defiance of a corrupt system that would just as soon put a bullet in the back of the white man’s head! We stand here in defiance of tyranny like George Washington did, like Ben Franklin did, our forefathers! This is America, our country!

NSM MARCHERS: Sig heil! Sig heil! Sig heil!

RICK ROWLEY: JT says that white Americans have been dispossessed and sees America teetering on the edge of a crisis in which their very survival is at stake.

JT READY: Any event which sparks this off—it could be during an election time, it could be the assassination of a prominent leader on either side—things could erupt. Now, within the white movement, we call it “RaHoWa,” racial holy war. And I do believe in a racial holy war, and I believe that we are already fighting that, except that our side hasn’t even begun to fight back yet. So we’re trying to waken our people for survival.

BART McINTYRE: I mean, we were dealing with soldiers there out of Columbus, Georgia, and they were stealing military guns and explosives off the military base there. They were supplying it to white supremacist organizations.

RICK ROWLEY: Special Agent McIntyre fears that the country could return to the violence of the ’90s, when decorated Gulf War veteran Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma Federal Building, killing 168 people.

BART McINTYRE: Someone’s always looking to be the next martyr. A Timothy McVeigh could happen any day of any week.

RICK ROWLEY: Calling themselves “Tea Party Patriots,” installing themselves as new American revolutionaries, conservative activists have descended by the thousands on town halls, state capitols and in Washington, DC. The tea party movement claims it has nothing to do with racism, but at rallies across the country, race is never far below the surface.

TEA PARTY PATRIOT 1: Coming to a clinic near you.

TEA PARTY PATRIOT 2: And I think the guy’s a racist. I mean, you know, he’s talking about how he’s going to bring this country together. If he gets us any more together, we’re going to kill each other.

TEA PARTY PATRIOT 3: What’s the difference between the Cleveland Zoo and the White House? The zoo has an African lion, and the White House has a lyin’ African.

JACQUIE SOOHEN: But do you think Obama is a real American?

TEA PARTY PATRIOT 3: No, I do not.

TEA PARTY PATRIOT 4: I do believe that he’s trying to change the country in his own image, whatever his image is.

ANJALI KAMAT: And can you talk about the impact of the right-wing media, figures like Glenn Beck, and what this does?

CHIP BERLET: Sure. I mean, what people like Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs do is they provoke an even angrier response. They whip up this anger, but they point it toward scapegoats. And their scapegoats are overwhelmingly not just liberals, but people on the left—community organizers, Mexican immigrants, Muslims, all kinds of folks that are out in middle America. And their—some of their angry neighbors are looking at them as the cause of this problem with our society and with our economy.

So, what you have is this problem here, which Sara Robinson and David Neiwert have talked about, in especially the book The Eliminationists, where once you have a right-wing populist movement and you have political figures in the Republican Party embracing it and saying they’re the real patriots and you have media demagogues whipping up more and more anger, this is a very volatile mix.

It is, in fact, without, you know, using the term incorrectly, the mix that turns a right-wing populist movement into a neo-fascist movement. And the political theory now about fascism is that it’s a right-wing populist, ultra-nationalist movement that turns into a more militant and aggressive mode. Now that’s—you know, it’s not going to happen here. You’re not going to have a mass fascist movement. But along the way, this anger being focused on scapegoats, by the Glenn Becks and the Lou Dobbs and the O’Reillys, leads some people to decide to beat up their neighbors, and it leads others to decide to go out and kill their neighbors. And that’s already happened.

I thought this was a great read and I encourage everyone to view the site, please leave your comments on the subject because IMO I do believe we are seeing a rise of right-wing populism which could mean serious trouble and tensions rising soon. This is not just white versus everyone else. They are trying to start a white-christian-americans versus everyone else including fellow whites that are not christian. I am a white Agnostic so I guess I would fit into their category of hate. They say that many want to see the return of segregation and christianity in school, dark days ahead if they somehow pool it off.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:23 AM
This is completely ludicrous and more propaganda by the main stream media in order to make resistance of any form look bad. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there who are still working through racism and are motivationally charged because of it, what I AM saying is that the MSM makes it seems like this is the makeup of every group that would choose to speak out.

I am a part of this "fringe" that is spoken of, but I can tell you with utmost honesty that I don't have a racist bone in my body. I have many friends of various cultures, Asian, European, Mexican, African American, you name it - and I see them as nothing more than people.

The same can be said for every group I have associated with. Any group that I have been in contact, be in militia or general resistance, has held a firm stand about bringing race even into the matter at all. As a person you have a right to believe what you will, but when it comes for fighting for liberty and freedom - you do it for everyone or nobody at all.

Regardless of any fear mongering they throw out, there is no fear with the rise of "white power" in the US, especially when it comes to the beliefs and goals of the REAL militias who stand for a cause. Racism is an ancient ideology that should have been thrown out long ago, and it simply surprises me that humans are still so draconian to continue to believe such rubbish at all.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:31 AM
they need to be a little more low key about it if you ask me. Im no supporter of right wing, racist militias of ANY kind, but if the SHTF, these might the only people who I can join up with for protection. you can bet that all other races will likely do the same. but seriously, just keep to yourselves and dont cause a scene and wait and see what happens. these guys could stand to learn a few things from secret societies

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:34 AM
Geez, I swear, if you don't brush you're teeth with fluoride, spray yourself down with smell-good chemicals, eat fast food GMO's, don't support state run education, have little trust in the mainstream media and don't trust the government at all, you will be aligned with swastika branded freaks at some point.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Star for you, and I think you're right on this one gwydionblack, I don't think the current rise of the right-wing fringe in America is about race.

This is a whole different animal from what happened in the United States in the 1960s and again in the 1990s in regards to race. Sure some (and I do mean some as in a few, not nearly the majority) of the fringers may be pissed off that a black man is in the White House, but I don't think that's the root of the issue this time.

I think the cause of the issues this time is a cultural rift within the United States, and particularly the American people that is left over from your Civil War and earlier. Call it federalists versus statists, or socialists versus libertarians, what this has to do with is the minority of the American people that never liked the federal government, have a different interpretation of the US Constitution and want government to be a very different affair than it is today.

This actually IS a fight about ideas, not race, the white supremacist movement in America had its last gasp in Oklahoma City with a rented truck and a bomb. The people of the US soundly rejected the act and the racial motivations. The Turner Diaries are a thing of the past, and for the federalists that I side with are making a huge mistake if we treat the current fringers as the same as the racist bigots we fought before.

The principal difference that I see right now is that the current fringers will largely have dialogue and an exchange of ideas, that is impossible with racists, and we on the left should be entering into this dialogue and working our differences out, not immediately jumping to the conclusion that our opposition are immoral bigots.

Rationality will end this fight yet.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:46 AM
i dont get it how the *SNIP* do you link white power with militias?

we all know that skinheads are stupid yet you link em with common militia ...

Mod Edit: Spelling it like that still makes it a swear. cheers -alien

[edit on 6-3-2010 by alien]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Totalstranger
they need to be a little more low key about it if you ask me. Im no supporter of right wing, racist militias of ANY kind, but if the SHTF, these might the only people who I can join up with for protection.

Kind of like the person in prison who joins up with a group founded on a immoral and violent ideology just to survive. No different than the one who tries to get buy through sex.

How much of yourself are you willing to lose?

Make no mistake, you WILL lose a lot.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by reassor
i dont get it how the --- do you link white power with militias?

we all know that skinheads are stupid yet you link em with common militia ...

Skinheads are used as an important tool.
Look at it as youth advertisement to get them in the room eventually.

How you link White-power groups with militias is that they are one.

- Lee

[edit on 6-3-2010 by alien]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:00 AM
Many of you have mistaken the meaning of the post, at least my opinion upon the subject. I am not saying that all people who are Tea Party and right-wing are some neo-nazi racists, I and this post is just stating that the skinheads are trying to infiltrate and manipulate the the far-right to do what they want.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
Many of you have mistaken the meaning of the post, at least my opinion upon the subject. I am not saying that all people who are Tea Party and right-wing are some neo-nazi racists, I and this post is just stating that the skinheads are trying to infiltrate and manipulate the the far-right to do what they want.

Oh well then, absolutely! Those racist psychopaths will use any means to attain their truly evil goals. I don't think they have the support to pull it off this time though. I'm not on the right-wing to be sure, but I believe that there is enough sense at least among the leadership to keep that from happening.

For the love of god I hope I am right on this one!

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:10 AM
The truth is, there is some extreme racism in this country.... Waiting for their chance to "save" their "race" and "country" ......
This hurts that such ignorance and hatred for human beings still exists, in this day and age.
It hurts, if they are seriously using this time of pain and discontent to infiltrate and push their agenda. Such people need to just die off, already. Seriously.

And at the same time.... I hate how the media is using the above scenario to group any gov't criticism with the words of the ignorant. Grouping conspiracy theorists with the recent attacks within the US....
Grouping the racist asshats with sincerely concerned "teabaggers", to discredit them and their concerns.

The media has just been having a hay-day with being able to turn all gov't criticism sound like it's coming from hatred and mentally ill....

I think they are trying to silence our ability to voice our concerns.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:26 AM
I've been lurking around the internet for this stuff.

I know it's an OMG OMG OMG for everyone to see a white group starting this, and well just the mere mention of religion in it marks it down to just blah, but I got to tell you, you can easily find a billion of blacks, and mexican groups plotting to randomly kill white people on a whim.

I think all in all, these black, white and mexican radicals going off on all these extremes, are ****ing stupid retards, flat out.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:29 AM
I am certainly not saying that all neocons are racist skinhead facists...but I am saying all racist skinhead facists are neocons

I wonder why neocons generally dont find that disturbing.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I hope you are wrong....

It's already terrifying just knowing of ONE group of people ready to lash out at fellow citizens, much less several, all hating on everyone.

I swear, it's like the Elite planned for it, so we would carry out the de-population for them, with no work at all on their part.

I wish we coulda matured out of such an age of ignorance already. It's like there's so many flaming idiots about, that it's absolutely assured that most of society will be wiped out without a problem.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

LOL Thanks!

I have no idea why, but that made me laugh.

Maybe the racist asshats can just take the Neocons down with them, and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Lol

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:29 AM
the ridicule of your own patheticness has been brought to bear.

watch as every "race" attempts its own meager ttempt under the broad scape of the already blended and united VOLUME we ll inescapably inhabit.

we are all ONE. there is no ESCAPE from this TRUTH.

we are the WORLD.

the more pathetic pulling away.. the more slapstick .. recoiling ardjuents will fly flippity-flap back in your face,

make friends of other races.
enjoy their observances.

you'll not long be recalcitrant in understanding truth.

another thing...

is prying your own ear towards something GREATER here...
as in the entirety of the human GENOME..

it is not exclusively aryan.
AMERICA was invented for the SOLE purpose of combining all groupings of human species of the planet.. in order to find groupings.

better watch yourself.. and check yourself.. and fal IN LINE with whats going on in the governmental Depts.. because .. we need to combine and unite.. inorder to find what is use-able for us ...
to prove ourselves as global human heroes.... in the face of a threat from ...

outside ... our home....

....we must UNITE!

[edit on 6-3-2010 by prevenge]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
reply to post by Republican08

I hope you are wrong....

It's already terrifying just knowing of ONE group of people ready to lash out at fellow citizens, much less several, all hating on everyone.

I swear, it's like the Elite planned for it, so we would carry out the de-population for them, with no work at all on their part.

I wish we coulda matured out of such an age of ignorance already. It's like there's so many flaming idiots about, that it's absolutely assured that most of society will be wiped out without a problem.

If you want I can compile a list of websites/urls for you to show you all the people who are ready to kill another race for no good reason other than pure hate.

So far only the white groups get banned and the other groups are deemed free speach on the net, so there will be more of the minority groups than white groups but nonetheless, ye seek and ye shall find

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:13 AM


posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
I came across this article tonight that seems to be pretty accurate to our current situation. I would like to give you come snippets...

JEFF SCHOEP: America was founded by white men, settled by white men, and it was founded as a white nation. So we’ve got our nation to lose. They call us the fringe. They say it’s a fringe movement, but I think what we’re saying is very mainstream. We’re standing up for the American people, and there’s nothing fringe about that.

What a B.S. artist. I lost interest after his first line. America was founded by it's indigenous populations. Stolen in assumed ownership, settled in many cases by the sweats and labors of other indigenous peoples stolen from their homes and brutalized by their oppressors.

Now these aggressors complain about the bed they have made for themselves. Really pathetic that a few whiteys would really think they are responsible for single handingly (new word?) building the country of America. Rubbish! many cultures have contributed to, and taken away, from what America has or hasn't become.

[edit on 6-3-2010 by sparrowstail]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Sounds like you are a hater. I don't hate anyone and I like the tea parties Quite frankly im sick and tired of being called a racist by pin head disgusting fascists such as yourself.

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