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A Strange Feeling as of Late...

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by darkbake

You're right, the emitting of Light you felt is, what I think, the Positive Energy you have that is emitted to your surroundings. In my case i could see it with my eyes and I could see that people were reacting on it, they were looking at me, sensing it.
I hope you will have also an positive Transformation experience in the near future, as you can then see it also, not only feeling it. It´s really amazing.

For your dreams, I think you are prepared for something by a higher force, maybe subconsciously.
Myself I have not experienced dreams like if I was dying or giving exact dates, but I have had dreams after the failed Transformation-experience that gives me Hope for the future.
Some dreams are definitely some sort of personal message´s to you, you will remember the important one´s.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Viddelcy

I am going to suggest to you that you stop thinking in finite terms of what you can contribute and start the work again. You can make the choices you need to make to forge ahead in a positive way. I simply refuse to believe that our "all" doesn't understand that as humans we are fallible and will make terrible mistakes along the way.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't ask my Goddess/Spirit, whatever you want to call it to make yourself happy, for guidance and strength to do the right things and be wise and open-eyed. I make mistakes, and feel badly for them, and then try to not do so again.

Put away what happened before, what you call your failure, and make it right. I believe in you.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:03 AM
TS, I thank you for thanking me.

Now that that is over, LOL, I am so happy I found this thread and found those of you who I have connected with. Every time I go out to look at Orion now, or have one of "those moments", I think of all of you and I am thankful I am not alone.

Thank you all for being so willing to be here and share so openly. My blessings to you all.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Hello Everybody.

I read this PDF book today (that I'm going to link to you), that struck a huge chord with me. It ties up a lot of the stuff that I had been researching, but still doesn't answer the bigger question about what is going on with the universal powers. Anyway, it is a very interesting read, and I would recommend that you all download it and read's about 258 PDF pages, so it might take you a while.....I just read it all in one day, and I was floored by some of the stuff.

Take a gander at it, read it thoroughly, and when you're done, feel free to post comments, insight, etc.

Peace be with you all.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:06 PM
A strange feeling as of late.... you know it!

At first, it was strange as in uneasy feeling. It has now reached the point where I am prepared for whatever comes my way. We've waited long enough. Something very huge is going to be going down super duper soon.

All I know is, it is the first time the stars have been out in over 7 days for me. So later on tonight, I will be staring up at that sky and having a great time. Won't you join me? Remember that we all look up at the same sky. Well, you know, for the most part.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

It is unfortunately cloudy here my friend, but I stare at the stars every chance I get. When the weather gets better next week I will be taking a trip to the countryside with a nice warm blanket and a thermos of hot coffee and will be star gazing all night.

Peace be with you.


posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

Hey Solar,

First thing I do when I'm in my garden for that 'after dinner smoke' is look up and take it all in.
I love it!

Also, as usual I'm still totally in the flow of 'the feeling' and was not surprised when Synchro kicked in and I noticed this thread...

A part of me thinks that we may be experiencing alot of the effects of waves of electromagnetic energy. For all of us who are sensitive to this 'feeling' we're having, these waves could be affecting our vibrations in a positive way. This is beneficial to our spiritual understanding and development.

One the flip side, these spiritual/astral blockages we have discussed are to stunt our understanding of these entities that would seek to hold back our spiritual development.
I feel there is a concerted effort by these entities to stop us 'uncloaking' them. Once we have 'uncloaked' them, (sorry, can't think of a better word), it might lift the veil even more...

Is the feeling we're having, something to do with fact that we're so close to seeing their manifestation, or their 'true colours' as it were and them fighting back??

Folks, keep fighting them with the authority we know we have.
Let go of all fear because fear is what they want and fear itself is an illusion.
Stand fast in your knowledge of 'self', your True Self.
Your True Self is not you as a singular, but all of us together as One.
Not one of us here is alone - when you deal with what's against you, we all deal with it together!!!

Much love...

Edit for crap spelling

[edit on 16/4/10 by zosomike]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by zosomike

oh shi-
we're bombarded by different waves from space everytime, but this is starting to be too much... I lol'd a bit with a certain comment about ET calling home, but it still scary.

This started to look like a diary of some sort, so I'm gonna share a recent succession of events that are happening to me lately (last 3 or 4 days)
3 nights ago i was meditating before sleep and here it was, a tiny dot of the brightest light you could ever imagined. My forehead and crown started to itch and heat, like burning acid pouring on my head. Yesterday was the same. The same dot, the same itching.
Let's see what's going to happen tonight (I'm going to do it right now, I'm turning off the computer after finishing this very sentence...

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Ceriddwen

Thanks Ceriddwen for your kind and right words! Your are right about it.

After the experience, and it could be just a learning path to open me up to new ideas about how we perceive Reality and how it controls us all, i am not sitting desperate thinking I failed, but I am learning all the way till now and beyond to open up to a new reality. The thing is, and I was saying it all along after last years experience when my memory came back, is that we live in sort of a Holographic/Multi-dimensional Universe.

I kept saying that our current Reality is merely some sort of illusion. I was Activated and Transformed to go to see trough the Veil. And I am just feeling sad that I can not help others with this because of my so called ´failure´.
But I know there is a wonderful future for mankind in the making and that it is very, very close, knocking on our front-door as so to speak. I hope that as much as possible people will have this Transformation very soon to finally go to a beautifull new World/Reality where things are possible you now can´t even imagine.

I know it´s difficult to understand, that´s why I shall submit an new interview of David Icke about his new book, explaining this for more understanding to all of us. I know he hit the ´Pandora´s Box´ with this, the esoteric secret knowledge of the ruling Elite as to how they can and do influence us and keep us in the dark. It´s all in the thinking, as you giving energy to it, the Elite want´s constantly our attention to think/focus on things, and that is so to speak fueling our reality, and influencing our body´s. (Emotional) Fear is their weapon.

This is also interesting for the Topic-starter truthseeker1984 and everyone else, because according to Icke, we are now being influenced by HAARP (and in my opinion also Cell-towers or satellites) possible to put thoughts and dreams and other things in our lives that are originally not ours. (58min-62min)
Even attack us with directed Electro-Magnetic Fields/Energy if they want so (56min-58min), but the key in this is to just ignore it and it then has simply no influence on you. It´s all about your thoughts and reactions to it.

I don´t want to ridicule, and if you don´t buy what he say´s it is no problem. He is just opening our mind´s to new ideas of understanding, just I am also an open minded thinker and looking for explanations to things I actually see and sense in my own Reality. It is no secret that I regularly see the so-called Shadowman (black human-form figures in my house, always moving and dissolving when i see them, a sort of consciousness energy-field in the air where the light is just broken/darkened) and some white sparking burst´s of energy around me.
I also saw once my screwdriver was lightning up on the yellow back (signaling on-off-on-off-on-off) as the material was just giving light. I know this is a message from another consciousness on another realm, but it starts you thinking of how little you know about the Reality we live in.

[edit on 18/4/10 by Viddelcy]

[edit on 18/4/10 by Viddelcy]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:08 AM

O.K., I have not been on in a while! Happy to see that this thread is still going STRONG!

My offer is still on the table! About meeting up maybe once a week or every other week; to meditate, discuss where we are and what is going on, then sharing it here too. I am in CO and there are many people I know in Arizona that would like to do this too.

Anyway, I was just listening to the above post: David I

I am only about 20min into it and already bells and whistles!

O.K. a bit on my background: I am 37, I started having experiences when I was about 3. I do not recall the very first, but they have been relayed to me by my parents.

I had experiences with the dead since then. Though, it is a life long learning experience

I tried everything I could to shut "them" out when I was a teenager, wanting to be 'normal' and fit in
That lead me down a VERY self-destructive path for many years: 13-18.

Then I decided I was crazy, all the while reading all I could about the paranormal.

When I was 22 I moved to Arizona from NY. I went through a very profound time of transformation there! I understood finally what I was to do and how and started several companies. I went to school for Psychology (neuroscience and sociology). On an investigation I met by chance a para-psychologist who then deiced to test my skills.

I then went on to be tested by Dr. William Roll & Dr. Gary Shcwartz (sorry I can NEVER spell is name right!). Well, it ended up that I had some abilities and was not crazy etc..,


Anyways, there is a bit about me.

Now, listening to what this person David is saying is very interesting!

As everyone here knows we all feel that we have been limited in our connection as of late, feeling all of these odd sensations, visuals, etc.,

O.K. now what caught my attention was when he was saying that they may be doing something that would inhibit our vibrational capabilities, limit our processing of perception. It is true, our brain is a vast computer system, run on electricity, in which our bodies respond to stimuli.
As a sensitive I have done research on what happens to us when we are in charged locations (high EMF, GMF etc..,) Are bodies respond and we then perceive "other" information not directly received via our 5 senses. Persinger (hope I spelled that one right LOL) has done a great many studies on this very topic too.

Anyway, if 'they' know this, then, well, couldn't that be what is happening now?

Those of us who have been OPEN for a long time and for whatever reason did not get manipulated into a mass society frequency (as David says: via schooling, media and other such means of control); which I have a theory that those of us who did not underwent some life altering situation or situations which made us rely on these 'other' senses as survival mechanisms, anyway, another discussion altogether.

Perhaps we are now being affected by whatever 'they' are doing? I initially thought it was due to the earth changes that are happening, that are interrupting our
connections. With all the calamities that are going on nearly everyday my thought was "well, shoot, we are being absorbed empathetically with all the awful earth vibrations and the resulting deaths etc..,"

Maybe, and I do not know much about this HAARP thing, but I do feel that the government had created technology to shift earths natural course; maybe this is also interfering on purpose and/or as a side effect with our ability to produce the natural vibrations to ascertain our connection?

Hence, we feel shifted, sick, unfocused, anxious, depressed, distracted etc..,
Though there are those awakening within this chaos, which boy do I feel for them to have to go through it now, the vibrations are beyond us to control through previously learned techniques?

Just a thought?

PS: I have had three dead people from previous investigations show up recently. Thy have something to say! I will chat with them soon!

So, I am going back now to listen to more


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984

I read this PDF book today
Take a gander at it, read it thoroughly, and when you're done, feel free to post comments, insight, etc.

I did download and read it. It gave me details to support things that I have long believed to be true, and for that, I appreciate it. Guess we are on similar pages TS, though at this point, I am not surprised by that. Look forward to reading other offerings by this author.


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 11:56 PM
I will watch the David I video when I have more time, but let me say this in response to posts about it:

While I am not qualified to comment on HAARP or any other technologies out there that many feel are affecting them, having read TS's linked to book, I will say that what wouldn't our "leaders" want more than to take over the world in a hostile way to control us? That is what they are doing now. I am SURE that they know the truth of our history, and SURE that they want to emulate the darkest parts of that history because they have egomaniacal qualities that scream to control. Rather than taking the lighter path, and allowing us to transform for the good, they would rather have us transform back to the pre-Adamu peoples so that we can be better controlled. We see evidence of this every day and if they ARE using technologies to make us more into the sheeple they want and less of the Adamu we are, then it is just what they have been doing all along, isn't it?


posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984

I read this PDF book today
Take a gander at it, read it thoroughly, and when you're done, feel free to post comments, insight, etc.

I'm by page 128. Reading long texts in english is still a bit hard for me (well... not that hard, just slower than when reading in spanish, and sometimes a word bothers me till I open the dictionary, check the meaning, close the dictionary and come back to reading) It's a very interesting text and certainly ringed a bell inside me too, like confirming that I'm not the only human being who links certain events of our history in the same non-traditional/weird way. I gave it to a friend too, he's also reading it and also very interested.

Thank you TS! the bad thing about this is I'm late with my homework for Draw I because this
I love to draw, but I love reading the most.

EDIT: dislexia tiem!

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Caggy]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 10:22 AM
Ceri and Caggy,

I'm so glad that both of you have read/are reading this book. While many scholars will downright deny the things that this author brings up, it does bring up interesting questions about our origins. However, it still brings up the point of where did these supposed creators come from? I think this particular book was the "missing link" in my reasoning that I needed, and it was something that confirmed my beliefs from a very young age. I just wonder what it would mean if it were indeed all true? The fact that each one of us posting on this thread are all tuned to a higher source makes me wonder if that is something that we inherited from the supposed gene splicing that this author talks about, or if we were chosen by an even higher source to carry the burden of this responsibility. This book brought up more questions than answers for me, but I guess that is a good thing. Being a lifelong learner has been my goal, and I think I was made better by reading this book.

Peace be with you.


posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Well, add one more to the list of people who feel the same things.

Spirits out of the corner of the eye (although no "evil" spirit dares get to close to me because of this energy bubble that I have around me since I was young)

Flash of lights

Electric shock

limbs jolting and spazzing on their own

Lack of sleep, with too much sleep on the weekends and still feeling tired.

I was trying to get through the entire thread, but stopped on page 10 for a bit to post this.

No one is crazy, it really is happening, but I do think it has something to do with gravity waves.

The sound of silence is deafening, and the not sleeping part is starting to take it's toil.

I'm sure I'll add more later when I can read a few more posts.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

Energy of this planet are shifting, some are saying it is symptoms of ascension since we are moving toward the4th/5th dimension.

You can google for ascension symptom.

I do sometimes notice the energy of this planet is shifting, if I pay attention to it.

Just enjoy the process

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Dragon33

Well I don't know if it is an increase in electromagnetic waves coming
from multiple sources that is making us jumpy or something big that
we sense is going to happen..maybe it's both.
heard on tv that when the lights go out for some reason..we loosen
up..the tensions caused by the electrical currents diminishes until the
lights come back on.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
Ceri and Caggy,

However, it still brings up the point of where did these supposed creators come from?

That is something the author never answered, just said that they were there and that they did this. I wonder where they came from as well. Who made them?

I think this particular book was the "missing link" in my reasoning that I needed, and it was something that confirmed my beliefs from a very young age. I just wonder what it would mean if it were indeed all true?

These things he brought up about creation are things I have felt to be true from a young age. Just thoughts that came to me, while I was studying the Bible in church of all places.

The fact that each one of us posting on this thread are all tuned to a higher source makes me wonder if that is something that we inherited from the supposed gene splicing that this author talks about, or if we were chosen by an even higher source to carry the burden of this responsibility.

I can answer this for myself, but not on a public forum. I cannot answer this for anyone else though.

I enjoyed the book and would love to read the rest of what he has written on this subject, i.e. Part II.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by BRASSKNUCKS
i am in the Chicago land area. we have recently had another small tremor in the area not long ago and i haven't been sleeping right, getting up in middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. in years past when this happens it was around 2:30/3:00/3:30 am but typically closest to 3. now it has been sometimes in this time area but at other times completely off the wall at anytime. i have been seeing again "shadows" that are gone once you try to focus and you know you just seen it but now its completely gone.
i also know in this area the fishing is completely messed up if that means anything to anyone. also Ive had a odd feeling in general as of late and not sure what it is or how to explain it and i am completely normal mentally by the way and not on any meds or drugs.

Interesting...and here I thought I was going even MORE insane! T TOO have been seeing "shadows" or black amorphous spots/shapes that seem to flit by suddenly and when I turn to look, whatever it is, disappears! I had such a bad "migraine" last week, that I ended up at Northshore hospital's ER. I have been waking up at the wee hours again, (I have insomnia anyways...) around those strange triple numbers times: 3:33am, 4:44, am, 2:22, etc....but mostly around 3:33am. I went almost 3 months without having an epileptic seizure, (I was getting one every month at the full moon for about a year, then they just suddenly stopped in January. I had one on April 5th (or around there....too lazy to look for the exact date...) I have been hearing this hum, (especially in the early mornings) that I have not heard in the 3 years we have lived in this Chicago area.....
Hmmmmmmm....very interesting......

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Skada

Spirits out of the corner of the eye (although no "evil" spirit dares get to close to me because of this energy bubble that I have around me since I was young) THIS is freaky too! I am no longer a spring chicken here, well into my early 40's...and I have had this kind of "bubble" (I called it a "force field") since I was a child too. When I was little...before age 7 or 8....I could actually SEE this field around my bed at night....(hard to describe)..but it was like T.V. snow that would have these "sparkles" of gold, silver or other sparkler colors in it...and it would FEEL like a the hairs on your arm going I DO seem insane.....
I no longer feel nor see the "force field" and most of my life I have attributed my seeing it as a defense mechanism from having been severely abused as a child....

Peace, ya'll!

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