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My first sighting of a UFO, today

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Hi all,

Just wanted to share this here.. at home they'll think I'm crazy if I do

I was walking to a friend of mine this evening, it was dark with a nice bright moon and just a few clouds in the sky.

I was looking at the stars as always when an airplane flew over with its distinct rumbling sound and blinking lights. The plane wasn't at a very high altitude, I'm guessing 2 or 3 km up in the air, could be less.
I followed it for a couple of seconds when suddenly something else caught my attention.

When the plane flew over, I saw 3 faint dots in a triangular formation approach the airplane from the right side ( I can't say if the triangular dots were at the same altitude, I just don't know ) , and passing the airplane on the rearside.

But, it didn't have any blinking lights like you would normally see on an airplane, and it was going WAY faster. It didn't make ANY sound, and you would expect something going that fast making a lot of sound. ( or it was way high up in the air and the sound was suppressed by the sound from the airplane flying over )

You could compare the difference in speed to someone on a bicycle compared with a car on a highway.
It was in my view for about 5 seconds, before it disappeared behind the horizon.
I almost cried for not having something to record it with on me.

So I saw a UFO, finally... but to be isn't that exciting lol.



posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Solidus Green eye

Thanks for sharing i have seen something similar three lights in triangle formation /shape but they almost looked transparent or like they where submerged in water or something. I would not worry about the lack of pics/video would have just looked like lights in the sky and nobody would believe it anyway ...would cry cgi or just airplanes...even if the picture was as clear as day....I am a believer but some will never be convinced......cheers

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:57 PM

My first sighting of a UFO, today

Do you mean your first sighting of today?

So were one of those your "first" to? Or were you lying then or now? I knew a girl in highschool that had a bunch of "firsts" too.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Solidus Green eye

Hi all,

Just wanted to share this here.. at home they'll think I'm crazy if I do

You've been on ATS for almost five years, but now it's almost like starting over!
And you're right, they'll probably think you're crazy. At least here, you have a fifty-fifty shot.

Originally posted by Solidus Green eye
So I saw a UFO, finally... but to be isn't that exciting lol.



Weird, huh? Not a lot of use to you, but now you know.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:21 PM
I remember my first UFO sighting like it was yesterday. October 28, 2008. I had noticed this bright, orange light, brighter than the other orange lights below. This thing, whatever it was, just hovered and got brighter. Taking a closer look it had somewhat of a pill shape then it just dissappeared. When I told people back at the house I told them all about it, they did not act surprised at all.

What really got me on edge is that my grandmother told me two days later that there were strange sightings of three orange lights across the world. I had tried to find these reports on the internet, but I just cant find where the report is.

So I just gave up and took it for what it was. Unknown.

I will tell you though, that sighting was what started my interest in UFO's.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Double post, sorry.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by zaiger

I think in both those cases the OP suspected but could never prove to self that that was a ufo siting, but knows for sure this time. Because they've obviously been there more than once, it means he/she should examine memories and delve deep. They're there.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by zaiger

This is the first I saw something that could not be explained away by something as simple as a satellite or sundog.

But I understand what your point
.. I may need to correct my Title on the post.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:38 AM
Hey ... sounds good, but it wasn't exciting? I remember my one and only real UFO sighting...way back in 1972. Yup, I'm that damn old.

My mother was taking me and my brother to church to practice the Xmas play...nativity. I was 10 and he was 8. Our church is in the country, it was late fall, and so dark early.
We were riding along about 10 minutes from the country church, when we saw a light in a field going along about 6 feet off the ground. It was about 75-100 yrds away. We first thought it was a tractor, a farmer plowing under his field for winter using headlamps. The light came to the end of the field and to a tree line...BUT instead of turning around, it went UP THE SIDE OF THE TREE LINE, OVER THE TREES AND DOWN into the next field.

We were shaken and by now freakin' out. What was that? The same scenario played out across 2 more fields as they ran parallel to the road. We had no where to turn off to, no drives, so we just kept going.

Finally, we get to a curvy part of the road and the woods get thick, but the light simply went just above tree top level, and basically shadowed us parallel to our route. It got closer and we had to look up as it was almost flying directly above us. My brother started crying, my mom was speedeing up, and me...I was fascinated. By now, we came to a creek bottom and crossed a bridge, go back up the next hill and the light did like wise. This time, it kept going straight up and disappeared into the cloud cover overhead. When we got to church, the youth leader turned...and everybody looked...they all commented as how"Y'all look like you've seen a ghost." and we all hesitantly laughed.

It wasn't a helicopter, no noise, no dust from rotorblades. It wasn't a plane, they don't maneuver like that. I've never seen at any airshow, nor read of any craft in 1972 that could do what that did. The light was clean and white, almost like the latest halogen lamps.

There is nothing to show or prove what I saw, but let me tell you, it changed my outlook on things. What seemed impossible before, was now never challenged my faith in God. It did make me open to the ideas that other things may exist.

Good luck and good hunting.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Wow that must have been scary!

Cool experience tho... never seen anything like it after that day?


[edit on 2-3-2010 by Solidus Green eye]

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