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The Gay Agenda -- You Can't Be Serious?

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posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by ah...dehavilland
reply to post by Solasis

*sigh*..but I explained that in my very first post on this thread (did you read it?)

By 'unnacceptable' I tried to explain that it was 'unnatural' and thereby against the designs of nature....READ IT

I really don't want to go on with this conversation if you won't read what I write

Actually, gay anials are not uncommon at it's not unnatural technically. Bonobos and dolphins for example, both some of the more intelligent animals are sometimes having male on male relationships

If you mean "against the bible"...then well, bad argument, Christians are in the minority. And even if you base it on the bible, love and tolerance (which are cornerstones of Christianity) should override anything

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

OK, let's look at this.
You say it's flawed logic to think that homosexuality will lead to beastiality and pedophilia because neither can consent to it. But that has NOT STOPPED IT FROM HAPPENING.
If homosexuals do not want to annoy hetero's why the gay pride marches and such? Why practice in public when it is known to be looked down on?
Comparing homosexuality and religion(neither of which I subscribe to), is comparing apples and oranges.)
You have not presented one logical arguement for your position. Perhaps you should look to the study of the Chimpanzee's social behavior for ideas since it has been proven that they do indeed practice homosexuality.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Ratkiller]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Enough of the Gay crap already. We want our board back!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:10 PM
why did the blacks march? why did they fight, does being black automatically lead to violence and hate? no, they march because they are fighting for their rights as human beings. it should make you feel uncomfortable, gays and straights are equal,

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

It's been a very slow news week. Beats the reptilian threads.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
You all can pretend he's wearing a fine suit all you want but you know its a lie. The emperor has no clothes. To write and answer explaining the birds and bees would be to dignify your absurdness. The evidence is obvious to everyone. You really aren't even being sincere by asking. This is the agenda at work "Let's all pretend its normal. and feign incredulity at the opposition" Its not and you know its not.

Find me another species that cooks their food before they eat it. Good luck. Now find me another species with homosexual members. It's pretty easy, huh?

Therefor it is far more natural to be gay than to eat dinner. You sound really strange making it out to be some crazy unnatural disorder; Not only is it completely natural, it is far more natural than almost all of the activities that adult humans engage in.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by ah...dehavilland
Homosexuality is unnatural. I mean that in a literal sense. Un-natural (dictionary definition) = against the workings of nature.

...that definition is a biased determination of what nature is and what works against it...

Originally posted by ah...dehavilland
And in case you were wondering I am not a religious nut, in fact I'm an atheist, so the so-called teachings of religion play no part in this comment.

...ignorance can be found in all groups - i'm fairly sure thats a fact...

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
My reasoning was that most southern states aren't as progressive as the northern ones

...theres no shortage of backasserdness in northern states (or eastern states or western states)...

Originally posted by russ212
reply to post by undo

And it will still be impossible for whites to get government assistance in any way shap or form.

...reality check: theres tons of white folks on welfare...

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan

"Here, have a condom!" (this indirectly suggests it's normal for 14-year-olds to have sex, as long as they're protected).

But 14 year olds WILL have sex, no matter what you tell them and regardless of whether or not you give them condoms.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Enough of the Gay crap already. We want our board back!!!!!!!!!!

...bear is edible...

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by craig732

It's up to the parents to hand out that condom. But it is easier to hide one's head in the send then to acknowledge basic biology. Teens will have sex. Better talk to those kids. Easier to stay in denial. The responsibility of parenting is up to the parent. Not the state.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:50 PM
Would someone plz look at my previous post and respond a response about AIDS GIFTERS, seems like no body want to touch that subject... yet to me seems quite important. AGAIN... look it up I will not post a link to such filth...

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Gay Agenda? Well, let me see now…last Friday’s itinerary … just one homo- day picked at random…

1. 8:15am – ‘Wake up’ Fausto to keep him in good mood for day.

Item: once F. does his pushups get Mercedes washed downtown while I do my AM shower, wax & shave – NB
nly a ‘soupcon’ of R&G Extravielle de Paris, this time.

2. 9am Breakfast at at Chez Panisse – NB make Fausto say more than "si" or "no" : order- 2 Poached Eggs w/Salsa Avgolemona, Truffles, Granola, ½ caf decaf latte, Strawberry Bran Toast with Apple-Raisin Brie... ignore headwaiter’s Wandering Palm situation w/ F.

3. 10:30am –Fausto to drop me off at Selix until Luncheon while he’s ‘pumping up’ at gym.

Item: pick out new Fumagalli Tux for F for D:Giovanni next Fri;
Item: get Platinum Rolex band re-adjusted –
Item : call Jason for another ‘refill’ of E for this weekend.

4. 12noon –Quick Touch up at the Tanning Salon, Cut, Style, Colour, Perm & Mousse downstairs - have F. meet me in back after 1

1:30- Off to Luncheon with Gabe at 1:45 at Palace- NB: make him pay this time. Side Trip to Toilette on 2nd Floor at 2:30 for a quick check ref Current Trade.

Pop ½ Remeron

4. -3pm – Rush Meeting of The Homo World Agenda to Discuss TOTAL Queer Control of The World’s Financial Centers, the Stock Market, the OPEC Oil Cartel, AIPAC, the World Gold Supply, the World Shadow Government, The Oppenheimer Diamond Cartels, The Jesuits, the Vatican, MegaGroup, the Bilderberg Agenda next May, the Mossad, the Priory of Sion and Larry King.

Pop ½ Cymbalta caplet

5. Attend Garden Court Café ‘Open Forum on Breeder Messaging’ in Advertising’ for Promoting WorldWide Queer Agenda & demolishing BTT/Breeder Thought Transference via, Grade Schools, Public Television, Newspapers, DMV offices, Sponge Bob, Internet Pop Up Advertising, The New York Times, R-rated Movies, Saturday Morning Cartoon Televisoin, Saturday Night Live, Grocery Store Billboards, Synagogue Propaganda, Radio & TV Commercials, Post Offices, Film Trailers,Talk Radio, Stand Up Comedy Routines, Horror FIlcks,Shopping Malls, Bible Translations, Billboard Advertising, MegaChurch ‘sermonettes’, Listener Supported Radio Fund Raisers, Evangelical TV, Silent Radio Crawls, ShowTIme, Discovery Channel, C-SPAN, MSNBC, A&E and CNN.

6. - 4:00pm cocktails 7 afternoon-pedicure & eyes plucked (or touch up).

7. - 5pm- MochaLatte half decaf at Peet’s with F. / try to get Fausto to stop on Mission Video for a ‘quick slurpy’.

8. - 6pm Quick nap at home: NB:small Hydroxytone samples = better with F's home made ‘leche’

9. - 7pm – Light Work out at Spa Fusion, then home to shower, wax & change

10. - 8:00pm Facial with warm Oatmeal, Seaweed & Honey masque & finish putting together complementary-colour outfits for the Evening.

11. - 8:30pm Blue Whale Cocktails at Top of the Mark – F. to wear the tighter ‘crotch cut tweed’ suit with ultra thin maroon nylon ribbed sheers for maximum effect.

9:00 Pop ½ Marflan then 1 Luvox with a shot of

12. - 9:15pm Dinner at 2223, order the poached lobster tail with one new potato & make F. wear some of his Azzaro Chrome when he talks to Jean this time so we can get a good table - Oscar La H is supposed to be in the back with Mario Lz.

13. - 11:00pm Leave 2223, stop off at Little Orphan Andy's to see if Fausto's ex is there, then on the way home pop 2 Seconals, & 2 Celexa’s

11:30pm - don’t forget DermaJuv Application, then bed with F. …

Oh, Mary...don't ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:04 PM
1. A list or program of things to be done or considered

From but feel free to use whatever dictionary you wish. Everyone has an agenda. The housework is an agenda. How we get to work is also one. To be treated equally is certainly one. I'm sure there are members on here that can remember a USA when those who did not possess white skin where treated as second class citizens. That such an affront as to sit on a bus seat deemed only suitable for a white skinned individual was the decline of civilization. Seems crazy now (though I assume for those so entrenched in bigotry it does not) but yet here we are again. Except it is not skin color it is sexuality. Any excuse will do. Just as the Nazi's propagated their hatred so it continues. Any excuse will do. Use the bible, and as I have seen it done, ignore some parts but hey, emphasize others. Whatever gets a bigot off is ok by a bigot.

What is a gay lifestyle btw? I'm gay but mostly I'm helping people from being homeless and using drugs and the rest of the time I'm watching movies on my netbook. Am I missing something? I haven't seen any parades down my street with naked men or clothed men. If you wish to cling on to cliches then paint gay men as transvestites and gay women as clog wearing rugby players. While you are at it paint straight men as wife battering, bear swilling dear hunters. And straight women as shirt ironing, children bearing subservients.

Isn't really the case though is it? Humans are individuals. Some good, some not so good. I believe how we treat others determines our ranking on the good scale.

And you know what, some of my best friends are straight. Weird huh? Not really. I don't care. Might not be my sexual orientation preference but who gives a you know what. My only pre-requisite for friendship is someone is a nice person.

Rosa Parks didn't make everyone nice but she helped change a backward society and it's policies. It seems that the very same society as well as many others have quite the way to go. Only this time it is based on sexual preference. With any luck in 40 odd years people will wonder why such in-equality existed.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Ratkiller
You say it's flawed logic to think that homosexuality will lead to beastiality and pedophilia because neither can consent to it. But that has NOT STOPPED IT FROM HAPPENING.

So what? Murder hasn't stopped either. Are you going to try to suggest a causal relationship between homosexuality and murder too?

If homosexuals do not want to annoy hetero's why the gay pride marches and such? Why practice in public when it is known to be looked down on?

Who cares if you're annoyed? Get over yourself. Just like all minorities have to when they are the butt of hateful jokes and worse. They get over it too. Stop whining. If anyone does anything illegal they will be arrested. There is nothing else to worry about.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Please to reread my post, I also showed, for those intelligent enough to see it, that it is as natural as heterosexuality. This is what happens when emotions take precedent over logic.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
We want our board back!!!!!!!!!!

You do not speak for ATS and you do not speak for me.
If you don't want to discuss the subjects people are talking about, then don't open the threads. That's what I do with the MYRIAD of threads about subjects I'm not interested in. I don't go into all of them and throw a tantrum, screaming, "We want our board back!!!!!"

I enjoy talking about gay issues because they're people issues. There are some big positive steps on the horizon for gay people and equal rights. It's very exciting! That's why the homophobes and anti-gay extremists are coming out of the woodwork to scream about it. (Not saying that's what's going on with you, Blaine). But those people who are starting all the anti-gay threads are scared to death that gay people just might be treated like everyone else! Oh, wouldn't that be a shame!?!?!?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Ratkiller
Please to reread my post, I also showed, for those intelligent enough to see it, that it is as natural as heterosexuality.

That's fine but I didn't respond to that, did I? I responded to two other specific statements you made/questions you asked.

This is what happens when emotions take precedent over logic.

I know, right?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Plastic Chemicals Feminize boys

Bisphenol A Chemical- Everywhere

A lot of these types of chemicals are cummulative...they are passed on from mother to offspring in a snowball effect. It gives insight into the longterm effects of this....

Thats only the tip of it. These chemicals that feminize males are everywhere, in water, and in food products.

There is an agenda at work which happens to include the 'gaying' of society (among other things). But everyday gay people should not feel like they are personally being attacked or criticised, because it is out of their hands. The agenda is orchestrated from the highest echelons of society and the people who partake in it at lower levels are not privy to motive (mainly in media and the entertainment industry).

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Unplugged]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 05:18 PM
We are a gay bi racial couple. Both professionals who have raised two adopted boys from Russia. Both are now 20 and grew up to be straight. We still have to love them for choosing this alternative lifestyle. lol
Your right, we we have no gay agenda. I just want equal rights and be left alone to have my family and a happy and fulfilling life. I have never asked for special rights, only equal rights. I am not more special than the next person, but I do demand to be treated equally. As the boys were growing up, we didnt care who they decided to be with whether it be a man or a woman. We cared about them being happy and being a good person as adults.
I think people misunderstand being gay or being born gay. It was no more of a choice for us than choosing our eye color.
Many people in history used the whole agenda to keep people down. First the prejudice was used against blacks, jews, women, and now gay people. It seems in this world someone always has to be the outcast. Its time for the world to grow up and start giving each other the respect we each deserve as human beings. People seem to thrive on hate, and it only destroys people.
Remember gay people are human beings, and we have feelings, emotions, love, understanding. Maybe if the world recognized this then there would be a little less hate and alot more understanding.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I think you gay people are peaceful people...only fight about things like this

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