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The Division of Mankind Part 2

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:13 PM
The Division of Mankind Part 2

I look at this forum every day, as many of you do, to read the most recent news from all around the world, and see whatever is new and exciting. Of late I have seen a lot of religious fighting.

Conspiracy against Christians

The '0ne true GOD' only "0urs"?

The Frightening Rise Of Christian Persecution

Christianity, Satans Greatest Deception

Air Force Christians To Be Persecuted For Hate Crime?

Can anyone see a pattern here? It seems that religion is being examined under a microscope these days, and for no wonder, Archeology is slowly but surely proving religions wrong more every day.

The latest battle is Christians and Pagans, and me being a Pagan at heart, I myself posted in there. I don't suppose anyone has heard of a Christian Wiccan?

Can a person be both a
Christian and a Wiccan?

Christian Wicca

Christian Wicca Meetup Groups

Slowly we are becoming one, whether we like it or not. What divides mankind/womankind anyway? Three things:
Every situation that comes along, one of these defines who we are to others.
We hate because of one or more of these, we vote and practice politics according to one or the other, we think our God is the only one out there, and all of the other people's Gods and Goddesses are simply demons in disguise. Isn't it time to put aside our differences in these three simple matters for awhile, politics, religion, and race, and see if the world does not change right before our eyes.


We of the human race, see that? We all together are a race, after all. Anyway, we of the human race are of a differing skin color. Rarely are two people the exact same shade naturally, and may spend time in tanning beds to achieve the dark skin look. What is skin color anyway, but a lack of, or an abundance of Melatonin, and other factors.

Human skin color can range from almost black (due to very high concentrations of the dark brown pigment melanin) to nearly colorless (appearing pinkish white due to the blood vessels under the skin in different people. Skin color is determined primarily by the amount and type of melanin, the pigment in the skin. Variation in skin color is largely due to genetics.

As a general pattern people with ancestors from tropical regions and higher altitudes (hence greater UV light exposure) have darker skin than people with ancestors from subtropical regions. This is far from a hard and fast rule however, because many light skinned groups have managed to survive at the equator by way of social adaptation. The same can be said of dark skinned groups living at subtropical latitudes.


Women are Men, and vice-versa

As we saw in this thread, men and women are not all that different, and I know that women would never choose to live without us, and we could never live without them, and that is that. We have each other, and should love each other.

The only thing left is politics, and I think we could all do without them, couldn't we? There is just so little that divides us all, and folks, we are now connected too. With the advent of the cell phone and the internet we are all basically connected to each other, I think we are like 6 people away from knowing everyone on the planet.

What I am trying to say here is humanity is coming to an understanding, an awakening of deep inner knowledge that has been hidden from us for many generations. We are upgrading on the DNA level, and soon will be growing more strands to completer the twelve we originally had.

As wee see the old ways, the old belief systems go by the wayside, let us not forget those who have placed all of their hope and belief on these promises made to them over and over. Those of us who are here to help uplift humanity must stand ready to help anyone, no matter their color, religion, or sex. Some have said that all can awaken in a twinkling, if only they wish to awaken.

Now we must talk about aliens. LiveForever8 made a recent post about some documents that sum it up pretty good that the government is hiding ET from us.
Twelve Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously

ET Beings, be they good or bad, are here. They have been here. The thing is, do we need them? Well, I happen to think we do need them, but note that all are not our friends...


Aliens Invade; Government Panics; Sinister Vats Appear; Film at 11



posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:14 PM

As much as I have railed against posting bible quotes, this one fits perfectly with what i am trying to say:

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

That which is our enemy does not live on this third dimensional plane of existence where we all exist. There are many dimensions, some say 10, some say more. I have seen myself in one of these different dimensions, and I would bet that some others in here have seen this too.

The first time it happened, I was in my doctor's office, of all places, in the little room they pout you in, after they call you from the bigger room where the TV is.
I was sitting there, knowing I had a wait, so I closed my eyes as I often do in these situations, and began to meditate. Now I have always seen a spark when I close my eyes, the little bright spark would always last a second or two, then go away. but this time it came closer, and got bigger. then the spark turned into an eye. An almond shaped eye, dark but there was a brightness to it, and a feeling of extreme love.The eye opened wider, and I saw a tunnel. the tunnel had rings around it on the inside, and curved away into what seemed like a long way from where I was sitting. I looked with much curiosity through the tunnel, and I could see my yard, where I lived as a child. I saw my own self there, playing, I saw my mom and Dad, and my sisters, I saw the chickens and the dog, I smelled the smells, and heard the sounds. I was astounded at this, and stared as anyone would. Just then the nice lady doctor I use came in, and she was taken aback by what she called a "burst of energy," and she told me that she had seen the remnant of the portal hole as it disappeared. She knows about me, and I quickly told her what I had seen. The point is, I saw this.

Humanity is coming to a new understanding, people, and we had better get ready for it when it comes. I don't know what it will take to make humanity forget their petty differences, but rest assured that something will happen that does just that. There are many theories of what will happen to Earth and it's inhabitants on December 21, 2012. I have read it all, and believe me, there are some pretty wild theories out there. First off is the Pole Shift. My thought is this is being actively prevented. I will not say how, and will present no evidence. I also happen to know there will be no nuclear war of any kind. This will not be allowed, and our friends will see to it.

UFO reports from Nuclear/Atomic Sites

UFO incident: Shut down of nuclear missiles by UFO witnessed by USAF captain, garners media coverage

1967-The Malmstrom AFB UFO/Missile Incident

UFOs Blamed for Nuke Missile Failures

Did UFOs Cause the Shutdown of ICBMs at Malmstrom AFB, in March 1967?

It is pretty obvious that they are able to affect missile sites, and as far back as the 1960s, it figures they could shut down all of them inside 20 minutes if they want to.

Earth is a very old planet. It have been here and nurtured life for way longer than any of you can begin to understand. Many civilizations have come and gone, they left remnants of themselves. We have "legends," and "myths" of civilizations with names like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu. these were real civilizations, I believe, and by studying these past gone people one can understand the true fall of mankind didn't happen all at once. No, it took time, and it took effort. Earth is also home to many different beings, from tiny two dimensional life forms to giant whales, that are may man has never seen, and many die off and become extinct every day. As a mother, Earth is filled with the nurturing essence that not only sustains life, but springs life eternal, and brings order to the spirit of life that resides here. Each day the Sun shines upon her, bringing the growing, the leafing of trees, and the water that sustains us all. All that humanity needs is here for us, from food to medicine. But what have we done? I will not go into what companies like Monsanto have done, or pharmaceutical labs have done. I will not speak of Eugenics, or human sacrifice in the name of a New World Order. I will not mention any False Flag Operations, or Fake Terrorist Groups. We all know what's going on in the world, that is, unless we live under a rock.

I think that the thinking is that mankind has come too far this time to let it all be destroyed. I think the thinking is that it is much easier to heal the planet than to rebuild what is here already. As our leaders become more and more transparent, and as they are seen and heard to lie to us, more and more will come together. not to make war, mind you, but to send love. If enough love is sent into the galaxy, the reptilians and Draconians cannot stay here any longer. They would have to go by default. Love is the answer, not hate. And fighting is getting us no where. Do you really think that the most highest creator who made all of this care what religion we are? Whether we are democrat or republican or independent? What color we are? I have a secret for you....if we could all step out of these human skins, we would all look the same! It is time for Earth, and Citizens of Earth, to come together in Unity. Not in a religious sense, or a political sense, but a tree balance of intelligent thought, and an understanding of all things emotional. Earth is a vibrant planet filled with beautiful life, and a beautiful nature that demands our respect.

Thanks for listening.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Religion has a bloody history for sure. But does the religion cause the bloodbath or do the practitioners cause it. With Islaam part of the doctorine is convert or kill. So in that case religion orders people to cause the bloodbath. Christianity takes a more peaceful approach.

I don't think you can be a christian and a wiccan, at least not in the true sense. The polytheistic belief structure of Wicca conflicts with christianity.
Matthew 6:24 - No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
2 Corinthians 6:14, 15 - Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

So being as the Wiccan belief structure directly conflicts with some of christianity's basic principals, a happy union is implausable. The Catholic Church treats Wiccans the same as Masons. The conflicting belief structures make it impossible to be a true blue bible thumper while practicing wicca.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Now we must talk about aliens.

ET Beings, be they good or bad, are here. They have been here. The thing is, do we need them? Well, I happen to think we do need them, but note that all are not our friends...

"They sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions... although they saw that human thinking was superior to theirs... For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception (apaton), leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity."

S & F, good thread

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I don't think you can be a christian and a wiccan, at least not in the true sense.

I don't either, for obvious reasons one can read in this forum alone. But, being a Wiccan myself, I give credence and thanks to both the God, and the Goddess, his wife and lover. Now I know Christians will loudly disagree with this, but even in the Bible is says, "As Above, So Below," and..."What you hold to be true on Earth, I will hold true in Heaven."
So there you go, here on Earth everything that is a living, breathing being, there are both males and females, and these mate up to produce families. So it just stands to intelligent reason and logic that God has a wife, or a least a lover. This is how creation works, and if you have ever brought forth a child, you know what I mean by this.
by the way, a Female Goddess was worshipped for many thousands of years before Yahweh came along...



Although Adam, Eve, and a nasty serpent define images of origin in this culture, historical, mythological, and archaeological evidence indicates:

* a male-oriented view of divinity can claim only about 5000 years of history.
* female deities were worshipped at least 7000 bce, thousands of years before Abraham served as prophet of Yahweh, and some say as far back as 30,000 bce (based on Upper Paleolithic figurines, cave paintings, and other archaeological finds in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa).

The Goddess would have been thought of as the original creator (since this makes sense as a female role) and as patroness of sex and reproduction. These early social and religious structures, when acknowledged to have existed, have traditionally been dismissed as "fertility cults."

Searching for the Divine Feminine

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

No one can serve two masters

Exactly. Here lies our source of division and constant pain from searching for completeness , we can not serve two masters, yet we are forced to do this very thing in the form of duality. When duality is overcome our God and Goddess become one again, they become whole in one Source.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Politics is the root of all evil.

Majority of politics is under the belt with denominations claiming specific order and specific belief. I've studied enough to know that God, Abraham God does exist and is the creator. I haven't been in church in months.

Religion is a doctrine of men with political idealogical thinking that has been pass down through the ages, trying to keep everyone in a small-minded box. Christianity is spread through spirituality. women held chrisitanity more than men when it first started


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