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the alternative history of humankind ( just a question that popped into my head. )

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
I'm appalled by the simple ignorance in this thread. The synopsis: Normal sized people left Mars and came to Earth. They became giants. The Earth is really hollow. All Seeing Eye is a self-regarding genius. Scientists are liars.

There's not a lot of logic in any of these points and no evidence at all

Well, thank you, its about time someone payed attention

I think you may have misunderstood me, and that is my fault, because I did not make it clear that my assault is against the "Institution" of Science, not scientist's themselves. The problem is the "Institution" puts blinders on them from the start.

Answer the questions I posed. If they are true, then we must start over, period!

If you have never heard of Giants before please follow the previous links I provided. If you have never heard of the "Hollow Earth" theory please follow the this link. It is a very good primer to the subject.

The Expanding Hollow Earth Theory

The Expanding Earth idea has been around for a long time, but science has not considered it worthy of genuine investigation because a driving force was missing. This is where the Hollow Earth theory comes in. A new understanding of Gravity gives rise to an expanding, hollow Earth and once and for all neatly solves the drifting continent phenomenon.

This website sets out to prove that the Hollow Earth Theory and the Expanding Earth theory have credible scientific merit and should not be ignored. There is a wealth of evidence surfacing today that throws our current beliefs regarding the structure of our planet into serious doubt. Our goal is to accumulate as much of this information as possible and provide it in one easy-to-access place for all.

stephinrazin, your comments are appreciated.

What is science? A group of theories based on limited evidence, and a limited view of reality. They are hardly concrete, or indisputable. In a few generations all our scientific knowledge could be disproven.
Now, you are correct

Yes, people were taught at one time the world was flat, and in time that was overturned, and corrected. But in my view, its not so much the view of a flat world, as the reason why people were taught it was flat, in the first place. We know from records that the ancient peoples of South America and the Sumerians knew the world was spherical, why reinvent the geology of earth? Why?

Why was a arbitrary point in the northern hemisphere designated "True North" when in fact it is not? Magnetic North is the truth north! Why? The grid system would have worked just as well if the arbitrary point was placed in the center of the north pole magnetic flux as it would the 1500 miles away it is presently at. Why move the location of the north pole, in the first place?

There have been some dirty rumors flying around ATS for quite some time now, and now I will address them. Yes, I am a Genius! But that is what you call someone with a IQ over 135. But in saying that please do not confuse information with intelligence. A computer with only a 286 processor given enough information can, in time, come to the same conclusions as a 486 computer with less information. One computer is no smarter than the other, but given additional information, it may appear that way.

Give yourself 30 years and you may find the logic in my arguments, that is, if, humanity has 30 years left.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye
There isn't any evidence of a giant race in history. It isn't there. There are tall skeletons littering our history, but tall people live today too and don't represent a race.

Hollow-Earth/ Expanding Earth theories are fine for those that choose to believe them. If the thinking behind them appeals to you, you're welcome to it....I suspect discussion would be pointless. Here's a short extract to show other members the creativity behind hollow earth...shocking, just shocking...

Continuing on with polar holes, we explain how atmospheric pressure had built up inside the planet over millions of years and when this pressure escaped it caused flooding of the outside world. This is a possible explanation of Noah's Flood. The holes left behind from this event were silted up forming a false sea floor and these areas help explain areas where unusual disappearances occur such as the Bermuda Triangle.

Yes, people were taught at one time the world was flat, and in time that was overturned, and corrected. But in my view, its not so much the view of a flat world, as the reason why people were taught it was flat, in the first place. We know from records that the ancient peoples of South America and the Sumerians knew the world was spherical, why reinvent the geology of earth? Why?

The Sumerians believed in a flat earth....nevertheless, flat earth has been less 'taught' than simply 'thought.' To some minds it seems reasonable that the Earth is flat based on their experience of it. A mate of mine once asked why, if we can see the moon, can't we see China? I also recall reading Mayhew's London, the working poor of London believed the Sun to be closer than the was warmer. Common sense at its best and not dictated by anything more than a lack of education.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

The Sumerians believed in a flat earth
I believe you might be mistaken.

The ancient Babylonians have long been recognized as the preeminent astronomers of the far, distant past of the ancient world. Several thousands of years before Copernicus they realized that the earth and other planets were spherical and that all revolved around the sun. With this knowledge they were able to accurately predict the eclipses of the sun and the moon. Up until modern times, most scholars assumed that the Babylonians had developed this astronomy themselves, the result of their need to do accurate calculations for their astrology. This however turns out not to be the case. Newly translated Babylonian texts indicate that the position of the stars and planets were calculated instead according to complex equations inherited from the Sumerian civilization.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye
The Sumerians believed the earth was a flat disc and the sky was a dome. Within that dome they recognized the five visible planets...

The boundary between heaven and earth was a solid (perhaps tin) vault, and the earth was a flat disk. Within the vault lay the gas-like 'lil', or atmosphere, the brighter portions therein formed the stars, planets, sun, and moon. (Kramer, The Sumerians 1963: pp. 112-113

An existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a dome that covered the flat earth; Outside of this dome was the primordial body of water known as Tiamat (not to be confused with the Subterranean "Apsû").[1]. In Sumerian, the designation "An" was used interchangeably with "the heavens" so that in some cases it is doubtful whether, under the term, the god An or the heavens is being denoted.

They might not have had a four elephants standing on the back of an eternal turtle swimming through space...but it was close.

Absolutwe Astronomy: Flat Earth

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

These ideas explain a lot of riddles.

Like the flood. And the life expectancy before it happened.
The water would absorb much more radiation protecting life below it.

Interesting I'll sure check them out.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
reply to post by Kandinsky

These ideas explain a lot of riddles.

Like the flood. And the life expectancy before it happened.
The water would absorb much more radiation protecting life below it.

Interesting I'll sure check them out.

Good luck with that...can't for the life of me see any connections to the 'flood' in the links.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

You don't ?

An existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a dome that covered the flat earth; Outside of this dome was the primordial body of water known as Tiamat

We are not aware of any Tiamat are we ?

If there is some truth in it. I guess it probably took about 40 days and 40 nights to fall down.
Water in or above the atmosphere will absorb much of the radiation from the sun.
Less radiation would probably result in a healthier and longer life.

Tiamat is a perfect explanation for Noah's flood and biblical and other stories of a multi centuries lasting lifespan. The people living after the flood never got to be so old again. If it's true of course. ( on both )

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Some of the Judeo-Christian faith believe there is a water mantle encircling the Earth, and that the flood was caused by this mantle raining down to flood the world. They also preach that a new disaster (asteroid strike?) will restore this water mantle and it's ability to extend our lives due to it's supposed ability to absorb harmful radiation. When it comes to religion there's all sort of beliefs, I couldn't begin to tell where this water-mantle belief comes from, except it has it's precedent in Sumerian and other Near-Eastern myths.

Back back to the OP, the notion Mars ever developed sentient life is pretty far-fetched, it never had a proper Magnetosphere, it's atmosphere was blown off and oceans evaporated very very early in its existence. If the oceans lasted long enough to develop microbial life then it would have to exist deep within the crust (but more likely is since eradicated by radiation).

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I've talked about it off and on on other OP's when discussing ancient civilizations and the rise of man. I'm starting to lean just a little to Hoaglands theory that Mars may have been a moon of another planet. I never thought about it and with Mars being as small as it is it could have been a moon of a much larger planet that no longer exists in this system. Something could have happened epochs ago or even longer and the planet shattered flinging debris all over the system and some could have landed into the Earth long ago causing cataclysms and such. What really makes me believe more than mars was a moon is as silly as it sounds from a Television show. Everybody who have been on this site have heard stories and such on how the elite uses the media to get their information across and how people in the media do sometimes leak stuff without knowing they are. The show is Caprica from the BattleStar Galactica reinvisioned series (which I liked). The beginning 2 hour pilot showed two shots of Caprica's single moon. The first shot is when the camera is panning toward the planet to the surface and the other was a cityscape scene to denote time passing as the red moon slowly rises on the horizion behind the city. This thing is massive because it's so big and it's so close to the planet. It even was red just like mars and if you look closely it resembles it.

It's just worth mentioning, but I do have a question.

We had dinosaurs on this planet for hundreds and hundreds of millions of years before humans and/or mammals, what if one or more species of dinosaurs actually evolved on this planet? Seriously, what if instead of one sentient species on this planet (humans) there was another (Sauron). I've tried to find out how this Reptilian conspiracy ever got started and maybe it's left over memory from a time so long ago when hominids where fighting for supremecy along side of another species Saurons. In almost every society the snake/lizard is shown either in a bad light (European dragon, Garden of Eden, there's more writings but not enough space to tell you just google Reptilians in the bible or ancient times) or as a friend (Eastern dragons etc.). Maybe a war was raged in a time so long ago that we can't remember, and the only thing left is stories and sayings and impressions of why you hate/like this particular animal.

We don't know what really happened (some do trust me) back in this ancient time, but whateve it is it's enough for them to fight like hell to keep it closed off. We are a species either on purpose or by accident has forgotten it's true history on this planet. And I believe the elite are doing our people and them a disservice in keeping this information hidden.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by hoghead cheese

You probably right on human history.Dinosaurs lived more then long enough on earth, to have spawned numerous different intelligent reptilian species.Ok evidence is missing but if they've had a burial of their kind in 30 years it's all gone.

Mars a moon ?

If you put Mars and the Moon next to each other aren't they about the same size. Mars only slightly bigger. The planet it belonged to ( if true ) must be destroyed, vaporised ! It would fit perfectly between Earth and Jupiter if it was bigger.

Are you familiar with The Disclosure Project ?
One of it's witnesses is told about an estimate of 36, 37 different alien races are known present time. He told about one species that claimed to have come from Earth. A reptilian race. However this would stop it to be an alien

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:34 PM
I look at this whole subject as a exploration into the edge of Humanities reality similar to the explorations to the new world. When rumors finally hit the east coast about Yellow Stone National park people could not believe it was real. So too is the reality of our past and of this Solar System. There are those who have ventured out into the vast unknown, bringing back stories so unbelievable it would send Psychiatrists to the Loony bin.

One thing for certain, it will take years to go threw all the data and make sense of it all. Okay, back on topic.

frankensence, the answer to this might be found in the bible in Genesis

1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
The religions seem to teach that there was a envelope of water that encircled the firmament, the earth. Water above, and water below.

In a solid earth this would be hard to explain and as you have seen attempts have been made by saying the sky was full of water, but lets look at this possibility.

Gravity would have pulled this arrangement down shortly after gravity was established, before any life forms had a chance to take hold. This would put the great flood, not thousands of years ago, but billions. Not logical.

But if, this passage is actually describing a firmament that can have a ""Above"" and ""Below", then you are taking about a structure that is not flat, but hollow. It describes a planet that has water in the form of rivers, lakes, and oceans on the above, and below.

hoghead cheese

We don't know what really happened (some do trust me) back in this ancient time, but whateve it is it's enough for them to fight like hell to keep it closed off. We are a species either on purpose or by accident has forgotten it's true history on this planet. And I believe the elite are doing our people and them a disservice in keeping this information hidden.
I believe you are absolutely correct. I have encountered this force many times. You would expect people to be more open to the subject and more questioning in there responses. But instead you find people who enforce the Status Que opinion even in the face of undeniable facts and proofs, they just look the other way and call you a crazy.

Why do they fight so hard? No need really, in my opinion. I would imagine they have been taught that we "Surface" humans are not as divine as they, and what they posses belongs strictly to themselves. "They" have enlisted slave masters and double agents to enforce their view of reality concerning us lowly surface human animals so we will never see the truth, the divine truth of our creation and that of this planet.

Sinter Klaas

You probably right on human history.Dinosaurs lived more then long enough on earth, to have spawned numerous different intelligent reptilian species.Ok evidence is missing but if they've had a burial of their kind in 30 years it's all gone.
Again very logical. We surface humans have only been able to discover that which is close enough to us to unearth, if it is there in the first place. We assume incorrectly that because we have not found the bones of these intelligent dinosaurs that they must not have existed, therefore ruling out the entire possibility that maybe the surface of this world was not their original domain, or at least in the last 100 or 200 million years. Their domain may have very well been within the crust of the planet, or the interior of the hollow at one time. Personally I believe this to be the case. I also believe that early in their development they also claimed another planets interior as their new home, but still wish to reclaim the planet earth as their own, again.

So to me it all boils down to the physical construction of this planet, is it hollow, or not. Are all other planets hollow, or not. The question of Mars once holding intelligent life can then be answered and the possibility that life was transferred from there to here be solved.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

I believe you might be mistaken.

Now THIS is what science is supposed to be. Who needs proof, evidence and stuff like that? Strong, positive statements like the one above are enough to shake the "Institution" of the Matrix.

I believe it might be time for us to sleep

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Maegnas
Why Hello Maegnas, how ya been? Wondered what happened to ya.

I see you tuned in rather late on this one, must of been busy studying or something. You must forgive my ignorance, but, whats your point? A general statement like that could be taken so many ways, with so many ulterior reasons

Have you watched all the documentaries I sent you? If not, your doing yourself a real disservice.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

So to me it all boils down to the physical construction of this planet, is it hollow, or not. Are all other planets hollow, or not. The question of Mars once holding intelligent life can then be answered and the possibility that life was transferred from there to here be solved.

The idea of Mars developing life that evolved to the extent that it could pop over here is ambitious. It overlooks some conflicting information. Old Hoagy doesn't care...he's in love with his ideas at the expense of his dignity.

For most of the Earth's history (80%), it barely had any life. 4.5 billion years old. For the first billion+ years it was a killer environment. Volcanic and an atmosphere that was unsuitable for life as we know it. 3.5bya the earliest organisms began to appear. It took another 3 billion years to get close to something like us. From there, it's taken some 500, 000 years to get to the point of firing bullets at the Moon...excuse me...rockets!

Mars is thought to have been losing its atmosphere for 4 billion magnetosphere to protect from the solar wind. Basically, the length of time it'd take for Martians to evolve enough to nip over here wasn't an option.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Life happened, Eye!

I didn't have the time to see them, no. Maybe in the future, when more time is available.

The thing with the hollow earth theory is that it contradicts so much of the physical world we experience around us (aka physics) that there are 2 alternatives. Either we accept the physics we know and ditch the hollow earth or we keep the hollow earth and ditch the physics. I go one way, you go the other, as I can recall from our private talks. I favor what I can see, test and verify, you favor conspiracy theories of some "ancients" that rule our world from within and "hide" our history and science for fear of...something (cannot remember what). I may be a slave to my logic but it's all I have.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Shaq is technically a giant, being over seven feet tall. Lets ask him about it, I think he knows more than he lets on.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Maegnas
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Life happened, Eye!

I didn't have the time to see them, no. Maybe in the future, when more time is available.

The thing with the hollow earth theory is that it contradicts so much of the physical world we experience around us (aka physics) that there are 2 alternatives. Either we accept the physics we know and ditch the hollow earth or we keep the hollow earth and ditch the physics. I go one way, you go the other, as I can recall from our private talks. I favor what I can see, test and verify, you favor conspiracy theories of some "ancients" that rule our world from within and "hide" our history and science for fear of...something (cannot remember what). I may be a slave to my logic but it's all I have.

Your position is quite understandable. The only real difference in our positions is that I leave open the possibility that "ancients" have influenced our perceived reality by covertly manipulating institutions and secret societies, so that we can not see the truth.

The simplest truth is, our world is solid, or hollow, and it really isn't anymore complicated than that. And to be a bit more honest, your inability to view the evidence is degrading your integrity as a researcher. To be able to decide one way or the other you must at least look at the materials, its only fair. You can only critique the materials when you have fully investigated it for yourself, and to stop relying on institutions with questionable integrity to give you the answers.

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