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the alternative history of humankind ( just a question that popped into my head. )

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:55 PM

I was just wondering.
Most of us know about histories sagas and myth about Atlantis, Sumeria. Sitchin's work about the Anunnaki . Maya, Hopi, the bible and many other stories, theories etc.etc.

My question is about giants.
Every people and ancient civilisation tells about them.
Wide spread speculation about Mars and it's megalithic structures and even about a city called cydonia.

Has anyone opened a thread or discussion where the topic is about a martian based start for humankind ?

I mean Mars is much smaller then earth and it's gravity is, correct me if i'm wrong, only a sixed of earths gravity.
Does this smaller gravity makes it possible to grow much larger then her on earth ?

Giants should be normal size on Mars.

Mars evidently was doomed by major catastrophe and lost it's atmosphere and became a cold en desolate planet.
It's a small step to migrate to the Earth. This would make it much more plausible for giants to roam the Earth early in human history. Well... to a point in time our knowledge lets us believe anyway.

Any thoughts or ideas ?
Maybe a link to another thread ?

Well... just a mind fart so.

Peace !!

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 01:20 AM
There is a link to a radio interview concerning the expanding earth, hollow earth.

The Expanding Hollow Earth Theory

The Expanding Earth idea has been around for a long time, but science has not considered it worthy of genuine investigation because a driving force was missing. This is where the Hollow Earth theory comes in. A new understanding of Gravity gives rise to an expanding, hollow Earth and once and for all neatly solves the drifting continent phenomenon.

This website sets out to prove that the Hollow Earth Theory and the Expanding Earth theory have credible scientific merit and should not be ignored. There is a wealth of evidence surfacing today that throws our current beliefs regarding the structure of our planet into serious doubt. Our goal is to accumulate as much of this information as possible and provide it in one easy-to-access place for all.

In the interview they go into a certain amount of detail about less gravity will lead to larger life forms.

It is stated that in the interior of all planets, gravity is less than that on the surface. So under this theory it is quite possible for larger life forms to have come from Mars, or any other planet.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:05 AM
Thank you !

Unfortunately you are the only one who even tried to think along !
I've read and seen both theories and they are absolutely fascinating ! 'm not really in to the hole in the Earth theory but the Expanding Earth really lets my mind tweak !

You tube provided me with allot of videos , for backing it up. I think it is mind boggling to see the same theory works on all other moons and planets of our solar system.

but it brings up more questions then answers and i've still the same ideas about Mars. They would be Impossible. An even smaller planet could not even be capable to keep it's atmosphere getting blown out into space.

I even read it has a hard time doing so right now. Probably because it has no Magnetic field.

Who knows ?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Thank you !

Unfortunately you are the only one who even tried to think along !
Umm, yes, I'm quite unique when it comes to thinking outside of the box, in fact, I'm so far out that most of the "Intellectuals" who come here have collectively ban my inputs because it challenges their concept of reality to the point of no return. But to be honest, when one enters the great and deceiving "Rabbits Hole" of Matrix lies, deception, and con jobs, one shouldn't ever think they will come out the same, or even in the same reality. They want to conveniently keep a "Anchor" in this reality so they can safely stick their head back into the sand if need be. I have no such need, and they resent it.

The truth is not something "everyone" agrees to agree to, regardless of how they try to apply the lies told to us in the beginning. Scientists, the Priests of the holy "Hollow" secret are created by a institution that are wholly owned by the very same forces, who try to dissuade you into believing. It was the only reason scientists were originally created for. If this were not true we would be sitting in a utility building on Mars at this very second discussing the ancient ruins we were sent to explore. Talk the large talk, but walk the very small walk.

Who knows?
It would be logical to assume "someone" knows more of the truth than we, but they "Aint talkin". And why do thy not talk? Because in one way or another, one shape or another, one logical reason or another, they simply sold their souls. They can't talk! Well fine, so be it, but don't expect the rest of humanity to sell their souls to exit the matrix.

Ask a scientist to prove gravity, they can not do it. Ask them what the sun is made of, they can not prove it. Ask them what is at the center of our planet, they do no know! It is all THEORY, and the honest ones will even go out of their way to say so. Well, thank God for that!

The safest and most honest answer is to start completely over, and admit, we know nothing, and go from their!

but it brings up more questions then answers
You are absolutely correct, as it was intended from the beginning! Hiding part of the truth is just as bad as hiding all of the truth. One truth based in a lie will result in a million questions, but the very nature of the truth is that it is universal, it is self evident, and it is timeless! What was true in the beginning will be true in the end, period! But since our entry into this existence, this matrix reality, we have never been given the truth, the whole truth. We were only given what was perceived to be the truth at that time.

My question is about giants.
Every people and ancient civilisation tells about them.
Wide spread speculation about Mars and it's megalithic structures and even about a city called cydonia.
I personally would suggest anyone interested in researching "Alien" life forms, first study what it is to be a human being! It is only then that you can appreciate the subtle and suttle differences between life forms. One truth is that all life forms "think" in the very same manner, its just some can do it on a much more efficient level than others. Some factors involved are the characteristics in the brain itself and its processor speed. "Intelligence" is no guaranty of truthfulness because just like a computer, garbage in, garbage out!

This leads to another characteristic, information. No brain can function unless it has one of two things, input in the form of physical information, or information supplied by what Science has decided is not real, Dreams. Dreams do not, nor will they ever "Belong" to the scientific community!

Has anyone opened a thread or discussion where the topic is about a martian based start for humankind ?
As I recall the subject was once referenced in a thread some years back, but to be honest, there seems to be some debate as to its relevance in today's world.

My personal view is that Mars was a planet very similar to ours in the ancient past and did suffer the effects of the solar system wide war. As with any war, the victors get to tell the story, and the vanquished get to hide in shame and guilt. This can be bore out in the old testament of the Christian Bible. After a time the defeated will even doubt the facts concerning what lead up to the war, who did what, and for what reason. They have no choice but to do the bidding of the winners and see history the way they teach it, if your smart and want to continue breathing you will live the lie of the matrix being forced upon you.

Again, personally, there is more than enough information that Mars at one time had great amounts of water on its surface. The erosion patterns and the polar caps clearly show water was plentiful. Then we have the stories of great floods here on earth and a great debate as to how this event occurred. Here on earth it appears there is a excess amount of water as seen by ancient settlements being 300 to 400 deep in water. The main question is where did Mars water go, and where did all of our excess water come from. It seems the victors are not talking about it. And the loser's haven't even admitted they exist yet, so where does one find the truth?

The "expanding Earth" may be agitated by the extra weight all this excess water has placed here forcing the crust to "Thin", but that is too much to ask a "scientist" to consider, because then, he has to stick his neck out and accept a hollow and expanding earth theory may be based in fact..

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:43 PM
Wow !!

You really put some time in it, didn't You ? Respect !

I believe we have the same way of thinkinh our thoughts. I sense you also have to make yourself stop. When you have so much to share, don't you.

I can only say a like it. I always write or say more then was asked or wanted. Amazing ! Is it to read you explaining my own problems and experiences . Almost to the letter.

So you are an out of the box kinda guy. May i ask where you're ideas etc. are coming from ? Are you a well educated person or is it your understanding from experience and allot of curiousity leading up to it.
The ability to connect dots, nobody ever notice, along a keeping a level headed mind ?

I'd like to ad the electric universe theory to the list of very plausible but ignored by mainstream science.

Ask a scientist to prove gravity, they can not do it. Ask them what the sun is made of, they can not prove it. Ask them what is at the center of our planet, they do no know! It is all THEORY, and the honest ones will even go out of their way to say so. Well, thank God for that!
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

This is someting i argue with when discussing the universe or whatever.
People will even get mad and demand evidence an sources for my statement, it's fair to say. We don't know. Like our knowledge of the universe is worth about 4 % of anything in it. Scientist say.
So. I said they should stop what their doing, get a chair and a beer and just enjoy the beauty of it all.
4 % says to me, you don't no sh*t.

The evidence of waterways isn't even deniable.
My question on this denial was for an explenation of any other cause, their isn't a force massive enough to get the same effect. Well there is but Mars does not have continental drift.

I like your idea about the transfer of water.
A flood, i think isn't open for debate. The cause of it very much is.

To bad my martian migration isn't a topic for some.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I sense you also have to make yourself stop. When you have so much to share, don't you.
There are subjects I will not broach, yes I stop short, in some areas. In fact, I wont even discuss the areas!

Are you a well educated person or is it your understanding from experience and allot of curiousity leading up to it.
It all depends on how you classify "education". I have had technical schools in the field of aviation. But I must admit it was all thrown away when I saw my first UFO. I realized it was all based in a lie, or willful ignorance and started over from the very start. I am self taught from that point on. I do not trust the institutions in that they have mankind's best interests at heart.

The ability to connect dots, nobody ever notice, along a keeping a level headed mind ?
Anyone can connect the dots, its just that the average person does not, or can not see all the dots. And, it doesn't help when some of the key dots, are destroyed or hidden by intention.

Being "Level headed" is just another way of saying a person can control their emotions. I have learned that no matter how mad we get, punching a wall does nothing but bruise your hand, not solve the problem. It also helps to separate emotions from your research. Wanting this or that to be true is nice but not a prerequisite for finding the truth. You just cant wish the earth to be solid, or hollow, it is what it is.

So. I said they should stop what their doing, get a chair and a beer and just enjoy the beauty of it all.
4 % says to me, you don't no sh*t.
You can not let other people make your mind up for you, if they agree fine, if they do not, fine! No, I do not let peoples positions on any subject influence my mind. I look at what they have and if it turns up true I try to build from it. If it is false, then I discard it, and review the person giving it, and their motivation. Needless to say, I respect honesty.

I'd like to ad the electric universe theory to the list of very plausible but ignored by mainstream science.
It has crossed my mind that planets act very similar to atoms, electrons, and neutrons. There may be a truth in that,

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Well... I really recognised some of myself, in your post.

I was only introduced in these alternative world and everything else, not considered Not to be mainstream knowledge, understanding and possible better alternative theories, only about a year and a half ago. Before this, I didn't know.
I did already have curious personality and surfed the web and library to serious instead. I also seem to have a talent for connecting the the dots. Seeing rather quickly, a cause and solution for a problem.

You can not let other people make your mind up for you, if they agree fine, if they do not, fine! No, I do not let peoples positions on any subject influence my mind. I look at what they have and if it turns up true I try to build from it. If it is false, then I discard it, and review the person giving it, and their motivation. Needless to say, I respect honesty.

I told this for showing the guy just was way to up tight and did create his disappointment for expecting to much.
I was messing with him, do to his reaction. He noticed

What I didn't tell him anymore was my vision was my very own understanding , based on all Intel and experience I've sucked up in life.

Electric Universe theory part 1 of 4 You Tube.

Your post also feels a little up tight and serious. But this can also mean, me understanding, your post is just not good enough.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:37 AM
Mars is supposedly about half earth's size and has about a third of earth's gravity.

Earth does expand... and contract.

Keep thinking big.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 11:41 AM
So there were giants but there's not a single fossile remaining? How improbable. How ridiculous. There should be evidence of any such creatures. The only giant I've seen was a hoax using Photoshop or some such software.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by ivorywire

I read about OODTS like a way to big of an axe for a normal human being to even hold up. Among a few others.

I saw a lot of burial videos, with skeletons 3 to 10 times bigger then the guys standing next to it.
I absolutely have no way of knowing the were real or not. Probably not.

However evidence written in ancient scriptures an carved in stone. Our myths sagas etc. All over the world from Scandinavia to Easter Isle and Britain to South America. and North America to Greece, India, China and so on. All of them tell about giants on Earth. The bible and Koran do so to.

Even as scepticisme makes us question their reliabilities.

Their is still an awful lot of evidence they were for real.

Who knows ? I wasn't there.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I told this for showing the guy just was way to up tight and did create his disappointment for expecting to much.
I was messing with him, do to his reaction. He noticed .

What I didn't tell him anymore was my vision was my very own understanding , based on all Intel and experience I've sucked up in life.

Not knowing who your referring to I could only look at it threw my eyes. I found in life, its not nice to mess with people. It leads to chain reactions, some good, some not so good. Are you looking down at this person, intellectually? There are always reasons for everything.

Was this person a friend to you, or a play thing, a intellectual slave? Did this person share with you, and you held back? Again, for me, honesty is the most important attribute to a persons soul. But then again, maybe both of you just didn't care enough to find a way to solve your impasse.

The idea of humanity originating from another planet is fascinating to say the least. Of course you hear all kinds of stuff on the internet and the one thing that is good is you get to hear it, not like mainstream media that picks and chooses what you will be fed for the day.

So the "Creators" had more homes than one? Sounds like it. One called earth, one Mars, One Tiamat, one Saturn. Start a colony here one there and before you know it, there going to fight because that is their inherent nature due to the core values of their "Creators". Yes, it seems we can decide what values we will live with, and which creators values we allow to rule our personal lives. What is not right or fair, is to hide the truth so people understand they have a choice in the way they act.

I personally try to write without added emotion, some may see that as "uptight". Well I say, its controlled writing. Emotion has been and still is used as a weapon, or advantage over those who can not control it. In the movie "The Green Mile" John Coffee warned us about emotion "They Kill Them With Their Love".

I have proven to myself that there has been a covert agenda on earth to "teach" the people that history is based in mythology, not fact. There is more than enough evidence a large race of people once lived on this planet, the remains are spread across the world in ancient geological sites. You have to be blind or controlled not to see it. We were not destroyed back to the stone age, we were tricked back into ignorance.

Cold hard fact, there is nothing to support the idea that mankind got its start on Mars. The bits of technological evidence I have seen on Mars do not support the theory, there are many reasons it could be there. Bits from the war, craft exploding, or just junk that landed there. If there was great stone buildings on Mars they are are not recognizable today, unless you have evidence you would like to submit. If it is your position that Martians live in the hollow Mars, then state it.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 02:10 PM

That's what i missed, no emotions !

The guy i talked about, made an assumption and was wrong.
I Immediately told him. I also feel honesty will get you further and greater in life.
He just started complaining. I simply let him feel his place .
No fighting or argue. I most definitely don't look down on anybody.

I share your deciscion it's better to avoid then create possible problems.
I do know when I have watch myself observe. And i trust my charming ways to have a good conversation. I never fight. I've been punched in the face a few times.

However when a situation occurs where their is a need for an alpha male to keep things down. I will not walk away. But no never looking down on people. I usually see someones respectful side the first time.

Wow no emotions.
It's a choice but if I could change your mind. It's so much more a conversation, instead of a feeling somethings missing.

Thank for your explanations
looking forward to learn your believes in future threads !

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Every people and ancient civilisation tells about them.

Not all cultures have myths of giants.

Has anyone opened a thread or discussion where the topic is about a martian based start for humankind ?

I mean Mars is much smaller then earth and it's gravity is, correct me if i'm wrong, only a sixed of earths gravity.
Does this smaller gravity makes it possible to grow much larger then her on earth ?

No. We actually had huge mammals (the size of two story buildings) wandering around Earth before the last ice age. Gravity isn't the factor here, but surface area and biology are.

It's a small step to migrate to the Earth. This would make it much more plausible for giants to roam the Earth early in human history.

They'd drop dead promptly.

Mars' atmosphere is 97% pure carbon dioxide. Its nighttime temperature at the poles is the freezing point of carbon dioxide (so far lower than the freezing point of water (ice)). Other elements that are in our bodies are not present on Mars.

Martian life forms (if any) would collapse and be unable to breathe our atmosphere imagine yanking a human being into a chamber where the air pressure was a hundred times greater than normal. You'd crush that human. Imagine trying to eat food that didn't provide enough of the right kinds of chemical nutrients (you'd get sick and starve). They would be too weak to move in our gravity (imagine trying to walk with, say, 1200 lbs of gear on your body.)

If we were going to escape to colonize a planet, we wouldn't pick Venus with its atmosphere full of hot acid and lack of water. We might go for Titan or Mars or another planet instead; something more similar to Earth where we wouldn't have to worry about how to make water out of sulfuric acid.

If you'd grown up on Mars, one of Jupiter's many satellites would be a better match for you than the very dangerous environment of Earth.

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Byrd
I have noticed the subjects you have "Steer clear" of, and they are key to understanding the subject.

Yes, you are correct that not all of earth's surface populations have "Memories" of the giants and titans, only the most ancient societies do. Younger societies would obviously not have any memories of olden times.

For those who have no background in the subject of "Giants" here are a few links for you to consider.

They'd drop dead promptly.
Would they? That might be true for today, but what if some time in the ancient past there was a atmosphere on mars that had greater amounts of oxygen in it. What if Mars at one time did have oceans and lakes and rivers. Would these bodies of water not generate a "air" that was capable of sustaining life?

This is the problem with "Science" and "Scientific Facts". Assumptions are used in the very beginning and if the assumption in the beginning are wrong, everything that flows from it, is wrong as well.. similar to how the federal reserve works. Everything that is created from a "crime", is criminal as well.

Oh you say but everyone accepts the federal reserve as being legitimate, then what you are saying is that everyone has agreed to be "Criminals" "Science" works exactly the same way, but in stead of criminal, they are willfully ignorant.

Explain to me again how planets revolve around the sun again, without using assumptions. Explain how gravity works on a solid planet without complex theories.

Now in saying this it would appear as though I am against "Science" or the Federal Reserve, I am not. I am against willful ignorant criminals who have lied to the people from the beginning for their own personal criminal gain, or continued criminal gain!

As we find the criminal intent in the Federal Reserve we then make a attempt to right the wrongs. And "Science" is not going to be spared this reorganization either!

Is the Earth Hollow, true or false!
Was their Giants who walked the earth, true or false!
Did ancient space travel exist, true or false!
Does mankind have ancient ancestors who are still with us today, true or false!

It is really that simple? True or False!!

If you answered false to those questions, go put your money in a federal reserve bank!!! If you answered yes, buy gold!!!!!

Science must start over at day one! History must start over from day one. Society must start over from day one!

Science has many true finding and it seems those finding are always hidden because they interfere with the "Racket".

My advice to the general public is to only do two things, consider the possibilities and think for yourselves!

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by Byrd
I have noticed the subjects you have "Steer clear" of, and they are key to understanding the subject.

Yes -- as long as that "understanding" concludes that I'm preparing for my PhD qualifying exams and only pop in every few days and make just quick comments before getting back to writing research papers.

Yes, you are correct that not all of earth's surface populations have "Memories" of the giants and titans, only the most ancient societies do. Younger societies would obviously not have any memories of olden times.

The Sumerians have at least one myth of giants (the Stone Child, also it's somewhat hinted that Gilgamesh was much larger than usual... however the Egyptians (same time frame, Middle East) don't.

They'd drop dead promptly.
Would they? That might be true for today, but what if some time in the ancient past there was a atmosphere on mars that had greater amounts of oxygen in it. What if Mars at one time did have oceans and lakes and rivers. Would these bodies of water not generate a "air" that was capable of sustaining life?

I considered that (given the red color of Mars and the Permian red beds that were created when the Earth's atmosphere rusted into lots of red rocks during the Permian Extinction. But the highest percentage of element in the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen. Now, that's a lightweight gas (which I also considered) and easily blasted off. I also considered the heat of the core and the effects of the solar wind as well as the fact that the atmosphere being CO2 means that a lot of oxygen is bound up with the carbon.

Oceans and water don't create air, though they do put humidity into the air. But the planet is still half the size of Earth, much lower gravity (so it can't retain any atmosphere as thick as Earth's), so there's nothing to hold an Earth atmosphere down.

That means that any surviving atmosphere wouldn't be very Earth-like.

This is the problem with "Science" and "Scientific Facts". Assumptions are used in the very beginning and if the assumption in the beginning are wrong, everything that flows from it, is wrong as well..

Erm... beg pardon, but wasn't the original statement an assumption not supported by any facts?

Explain to me again how planets revolve around the sun again, without using assumptions. Explain how gravity works on a solid planet without complex theories.

Thanks, but no one wants me to post a huge long set of posts explaining that or links to all the experiments and confirming data.

I'm not sure what your point is.

And "Science" is not going to be spared this reorganization either!

An excellent idea. Do you have a better test of truth or falsity other than "I think it's full of hokum and the scientists talked about it"?

Anyway, back to homework.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Thanks for your comments.

This is the problem with "Science" and "Scientific Facts". Assumptions are used in the very beginning and if the assumption in the beginning are wrong, everything that flows from it, is wrong as well..

Erm... beg pardon, but wasn't the original statement an assumption not supported by any facts?

Especially this one !
I believe we should never throw science overboard, as if it's a fact science is BS. Although exceptions exist as well. After all science is done by a human so statistically the probability is quite high to have flaws and BS around.

Oh... You were right. I even wrote it down as topic titel.

Have fun studying.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:09 PM
I'm appalled by the simple ignorance in this thread. The synopsis: Normal sized people left Mars and came to Earth. They became giants. The Earth is really hollow. All Seeing Eye is a self-regarding genius. Scientists are liars.

There's not a lot of logic in any of these points and no evidence at all

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:04 PM
I don't know if giants were real. I think buddy all seein eye got it right. You don't know ANYTHING for sure. As I deprogram more and more I realize all these things I believed were indisputable are not even close. What is science? A group of theories based on limited evidence, and a limited view of reality. They are hardly concrete, or indisputable. In a few generations all our scientific knowledge could be disproven. Truth is a loaded word. What is truth to you may not be so for me. Is there a definable truth? Can anyone get it? I don't know. All I know that each time my conciousness expands truth seems to go with it.
What about expanding beyond language or thought itself? What about beyond thinking just about the possibilities in this world. About reality with out the physical body and mind, or beyond the possibility of the mind to comprehend. Whoa man . Trippy...

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Giants are easy to explain.

Take for instance, the Biblical Goliath. The Israelite weren't a very big people. They'd spent a lot of their history as desert nomads, and that kind of lifestyle just doesn't bulk a person up that well. The Philistines on the other hand, were a settled people with extensive trade networks. On average, they would have been quite a bit larger than your average Israelite because of this.

Now say you have a guy who the Philistines consider just a big dude. What will the scrawny little Israelites think of him?

The same thing happened in the reverse in China. The Chinese, whos origins lie in southern Asia, tended towards smallness. Their society regarded small people as preferable as well, more attractive. Then you get these dudes from the northern steppes who, thanks to a diet that consists pretty much entirely of protein and spite are some pretty chunky, burly folks. How are the Chinese going to regard them? Especially when these fellows are tearing through the supposedly flawless Imperial defenses? "They wrere giants! Enormous men! We had no chance!"

And then there's simple perception. When I was little, I was climbing a tree, and I happened across a hornet. This hornet, in my mind's eye right now, was at LEAST the size of a cat. What it really that big? Nope. But i was a five year old who'd never seen this sort of bug, and did not expect it to sting. So in my memory, it's freaking HUGE.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 04:44 PM
@ Kandinsky

No arguing with your post. You're 100 % right.

I just like to hear strange new things related to the what I already have a need for a next hit, like ATS.

However if what you imply is correct, what is it we are doing on ATS.

Lack of evidence does not prove anything.
Evolution for example.
The perfect argument for life without physical evidence. (not start of)

I also see a lot of threads about religion or reply or argument with religious based answers.
These are also ignorance at is best. almost all conspiracy could be ignorance from the truth. By the believe of something is wrong paranoia.
I simply tried to make an existing ignorance better to understand.

Evidence does prove, it can also be corrupted.
As Evidence is excepted as truth. People will trust you can # a peanut in a basket 6 feet high. Only the lie it's scientifically based is enough.

Above all else I believe a mistake is the best way to learn and it proves to you it is in fact not what you seek. This makes it easier to avoid and use in future life.

@ stephinrazin

As it can be learned to be false, science can also be forgotten.
History provides the evidence of a lot of forgotten knowledge.

The bible with for example hygiene.
Koran is known for science in it, people are not able to have according our knowledge.
Maya civilisation along with Sumerian. Astrological understanding superior to ours only a century ago. Yet they didn't even invent the wheel.
Egypt also knows it's heavens. Building Knowledge and experience not even with modern technology. We can reach the same structure within the time periode given finished and ready to use. Even the way of light to see in the dark inside is not known. As a torch leafs smoke particals, yet there none.
The Romans used concrete we invented again.
The Minoan civilisation left evidence of streaming water in their house ( A pre Greek civilisation )

@ TheWalkingFox

Like Napoleon, or others from those times. Not long ago people her build themselves a closet to sleep in called a bedstee. I'll have to cut of my leg from the knee down to fit in it. I'm 1.8 m long and I know a lot who are longer then me even way longer.

You make a good point.

I remember climbing trees, they where much larger and much more fun to do. Like those tiny chips bags for kids or for sharing. It looks to me the are smaller and faster empty.It could be true they were bigger before, I'm not sure.


Speculation exist of life on Mars as well there is of intelligence evidence like buildings and other structures.

Evidence of water and possible atmosphere.
Not mentioning it could all be false.

Because the future brings us new knowledge what will prove some to be true and others false.

But for an open mind asking of an already known unproven question.
To learn more of nothing. It's very much learning of others opening doors to new questions,or even more.

I believe we should not doubt what is proven by any means but the prove for it to be false.

Next time, I'll try to have evidence for or by a topic.

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