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Columbia University On Trial For Treason (Obama related)

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Hon. James David Manning, PhD says Columbia University is selling degrees. Recorded on Friday, 8 January 2010.
Visit Link to watch video


Interesting video with strong statements for sure

A trial date is alleged to be set for the 14th of May holding Columbia Univ for the treasonous act/s of falsely selling a bachelor of political science to the then Barry Soetoro now known as "Barrack Hussein the long legged mack daddy Obama"

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:03 PM
I believe the premise of this posted story. I believe the premise so much that I have made a note to keep this matter in my minds focus for the immediate time frame and I will run down some other ideas about this Colombia issue.

Something about Obama's time at Colombia just doesn't fit my sensibility gauge. I have other concerns about Obama's time at Colombia or perhaps Pakistan during that time frame. I suspect that they are related, but of course its just conjecture at this point so don't flame me for thinking something conspiratorial.

While I have my own thoughts about why there is a mystery at Colombia if you're interested in those thoughts, read my posting to another ATS subject at the following link. I believe it is related to the premise of this posting. I offer no proof, but circumstantial evidence exists by witnesses named in my posting to begin formulating some food for thought. Enjoy the thoughts.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Oh NO! This means I am a fraud too! I went to two different colleges. Silly me, I tossed my ID's when I no longer needed them. Are you supposed to keep them in case you become president? The only proof I have that I ever went to any college, let alone two, are the records they gave me. What am I gonna do now?!?!?!?!?!

edit to fix a grammatical error pointed out to me. tsk tsk.

[edit on 1/27/10 by Lillydale]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:11 PM
What's with the toilet paper? Do these people realize how foolish they look? Who cares how solid their evidence is when they present themselves as moronic rubes?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
I believe the premise of this posted story.

Then you believe a false story! It is just another birther lie. Manning has not got a valid PH.D, nor did he attend Columbia...

read my posting to another ATS subject at the following link.

Why ignore the fact that that link is just a April fools joke, as that thread points out?

[edit on 27/1/10 by dereks]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:03 PM
WooHoo! That's no joke. The Honorable James David Manning is quite serious, I think.
The plot thickens... or unravels!
May 10th... will be an early birthday present for me.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Dogdish

The good doctor gave himself a Doctor of Philosophy degree eh? Never attended Columbia even though he claims he did. Hmmmmmm....What did you want for your birthday? A black male Orly Taitz?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

No, from you a simple "happy birthday" will suffice. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Lillydale.

BTW, there's a good "Truther" thread going on over at the 911 Conspiracies forum that you and Dereks might want to jump on. Joey Canoli is all alone over there.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
Hon. James David Manning, PhD says Columbia University is selling degrees.

The use of "honorable" as a prefix here is strange. Not only is this disreputable gentleman decidedly dishonorable, he has none of the prerequisites to justify such nomenclature.

As a younger man, Manning burgled homes, mostly on Long Island. He spent about three and a half years in prison in New York and Florida for burglary, robbery, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges before his release in 1978.

Manning is lying about having attended Columbia University. As he was not there, it's hardly surprising he failed to encounter Obama there.

Manning defines Obama as a long legged Mack Daddy (Mack Daddy- A Male of superior looks. A player of players. A romantic lady killer. One with many model looking girlfriends.) This shows an obvious basis for Manning's spite. - He's most unChristianly burning up with jealousy against a fellow African-American who is tall, handsome, powerful and attractive to women.

Is this proven liar really the best witness Obama haters can produce?

How sad it must be to see one's hate-fuelled hopes unravelling like the toilet-paper in this silly video.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Dogdish
reply to post by Lillydale

No, from you a simple "happy birthday" will suffice. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Lillydale.

BTW, there's a good "Truther" thread going on over at the 911 Conspiracies forum that you and Dereks might want to jump on. Joey Canoli is all alone over there.

LOL. You are obviously NOT familiar with anything I post if you are suggesting that I have any thoughts in common with either of them pertaining to 9/11. Thanks for making it clear you are willing to make a judgment of me based on ignorance at best. If you did one moment of research, it would strike you a little odd that Dereks and I might agree on ANYTHING EVER ANYWHERE FOR ANY REASON. That should make you think a little about this.

Hey, never mind the fact that this man never went to Columbia and says he did and is only a doctor because he decided to call himself that. Just skip right over that and go for something personal and wrong. Nice job defending Doctor Manning.

Maybe in your next post you can actually try to provide some credibility to this story since the man telling it has none.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale
Oh NO! This means I am a fraud too! I went to two different colleges. Silly me, I tossed my ID's when I no longer needed them. Are you supposed to keep them in case you become president? The only proof I have that I ever went to any college, let alone two, are the records they gave me. What am I gonna do now?!?!?!?!?!

Now you've done it! So did you see Obama when you were training in your terrorist training camp in Pakistan? After all, I can't find anyone that claims to have ever known you, and I'm sure someone would ahve remembered you. Iron clad proof.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

Actually, I heard it differently. What I heard was that he was given an ID from whatever seminary school he attended and that school had a degree program in common with Columbia. That he would have seen him, as a matter of course, was also stated.

I also heard that Fox News was unable to find anyone who could say they have ever seen Barry on campus, or the surrounding area. He also said, if I heard correctly, that he was not able to find anyone who could state this.

I also heard him say he got a masters, not a doctorate.

I may be incorrect in my assessment of The Honorable J D Manning, and I actually appreciate you (and others) pointing that out. I was enjoying the moment, while it lasted however, and went with it. Much the same as you, I think, when you threw away your college ID's.

My apologies for my snap judgment of you and your opinions, I was basing this on what I perceived from your off the cuff post, which I thought unusually... biased.

My humble apologies.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Dogdish
Actually, I heard it differently.

You heard? No link?
No source?

What I heard was that he was given an ID from whatever seminary school he attended

Lol, an ID from whatever . . .

and that school had a degree program in common with Columbia.

That would not account for Manning's unfounded claim to have been "a member of various internal organizations with Columbia".

That he would have seen him, as a matter of course, was also stated.

We still have no information to support Manning having ever attended a class at Columbia.

I also heard that Fox News was unable to find anyone who could say they have ever seen Barry on campus, or the surrounding area. He also said, if I heard correctly, that he was not able to find anyone who could state this.

And I'm sure Fox News and Manning would have both looked really, really hard.

I may be incorrect in my assessment of The Honorable J D Manning,

There is no justification for Manning's use of the prefix "honorable".
You are simply illustrating another example of Manning's determination to deceive.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Dogdish
reply to post by Lillydale

Actually, I heard it differently. What I heard was that he was given an ID from whatever seminary school he attended and that school had a degree program in common with Columbia. That he would have seen him, as a matter of course, was also stated.

Where did you hear what you heard? That would make 3 stories. I heard he never went to Columbia. I also 'heard' this

On top of that, he claims he himself was attending Columbia at the time, was a member of various internal organizations with Columbia that would have guaranteed their paths to cross but never did.

It is his claim that he attended Columbia and if it was only as part of one class, why would he be a part of so many internal organizations.

Let me ask you something and be serious.

You are questioning Obama's legitimacy and I am sure for good reason. When did you research Manning? Did you check his credentials? Did you see what schools he attended and demand proof from him? No and no are the obvious answers. Why would you demand these things of the president but not of anyone else? I would think proving you yourself attended Columbia would go a long way toward arguing you should have seen him while there.

What is honorable about this man? His past as a thief or his present as a con-man? You did read up on him and see where he got his Phd from right? You have proof of it all that you have seen and verified, correct? That is right, again the answer is no. So you demand the president go to some strange lengths to prove something to you. You have no problem just taking this known criminal at his word though? That does not seem a little bit funny to you?

Of course my remark was biased. I paid attention to the OP. It was a pile of crap and I am biased against crap. I have had that problem a long time.

As someone so eloquently pointed out above me, who the hell remembers me at school? I had my own friends and did not bother to make new friends with people that sat by me for a few months out of my life. I am certain you could go to either of my schools at reunion time with a huge poster and not find anyone that remembers me. The only people that think everyone at Columbia should know each other never went to any kind of college at all. Even small community colleges can be like little cities with people passing by wordlessly every day.

Besides, who asked again? Fox and Manning? Hmmmmm. Are either of them known to be biased against Obama? I guess I will have to wait until tonight and call Hannity on his "STOP OBAMACARE EXPRESS" and see if he has any bias. Then I can call "MACKDADDY" Manning and ask if he has any bias. That will be a wonderful waste of all our time won't it? Find a real source and tell me that they contacted EVERY person that attended Columbia while Obama was there and each and every single one INSISTS he was definitely NOT there. Then you might, MIGHT get some attention.

[edit on 1/27/10 by Lillydale]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:17 PM
This is kinda funny..

MRS. RONDEAU: At this point, on one of your videos, you said that an indictment has been filed against Columbia University. When was that filed? DR. MANNING: Well, when I say “indictment,” I mean in the moral community sense; I have not filed one with the State of New York. I do plan to bring charges officially, civilly, in the State of New York Supreme Court against Columbia. That I will do. Right now we’re talking of a moral, social community indictment which has been filed.

above quote from here

I see wiki doesn't mention Manning attending Columbia and I'm looking for verification other than Manning saying "I have my card"

The guy is a character for sure.

Here's a million dollar challenge for Obama to release his grades from someone in his same class and major that doesn't remember him.

wayne-allyn-roots-million-dollar challenge


[edit on 27-1-2010 by Bspiracy]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Bspiracy
My question is can anyone else back up the claims that Barrack's fellow students have been interviewed to remember if he was there.
THAT is what's peaking my interest.

I would guess since the thread got to the point it did with you responding with the info you did that the answer is NO. Apparently no one can confirm this. We are forced to take the word of this man and FOX news on that. Not sure about you but I would like a little more than that.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Lillydale

Obviously, I heard what I wanted to hear.

I was wrong, that much is obvious.

Even more obvious, was the level I stepped to, in order to defend this wrong opinion.

Very sorry.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Dogdish

Wow. You just admitted that you could be wrong. I NEVER see that on ATS. Not even from the people I really admire. They might never be wrong though, lol. Do not ever apologize for simply admitting that there might be more to a story. Whether you agree or not, believe or not, accept it or not is your business but at least being open to hear opposing evidence is certainly something to be admired around here as it is a rare treat.

You just seemed a little too eager to believe this in the beginning and I have done that on some things too. This is the first time I saw someone start a thread like this (there are soooooooooooo many on this) and yet turn around and say "Hmmm maybe I should look into it more."

So that makes me curious though. I promise this is not to lure you into a flame fest or something, I genuinely want to know. Why is this something you would want to believe so much so that you had to stop and think about it like this? What is it that makes you hope this man is guilty of sneaking into our country and stealing our government to fail at implementing health care? I promise it is an honest question.

edit to add - So I am not putting words in your mouth or tainting the question, by "fail at implementing health care," I basically mean do very little of anything so far really radical. The things he has done that have most people upset are extensions of what Bush was doing. OK, just forget that part then. Just why is this something you are hoping for?

I am asking you because I believe you might be genuine enough to give me an honest answer.

[edit on 1/28/10 by Lillydale]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by Bspiracy

you are truly a funny can you think anybody will take you seriously....please stay on the sarah palin web sites with that type of chuckle paranoia.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

I never said this was a serious subject. Only interesting. I figured the repetitive use of "Hon" before Mr Mannings name gave that away. I guess it was just a but subtle for you. Maybe I should sprinkle derogatory remarks in there so I can "fit in" with your trend.

Do you always sound like such a mule or do you just have a goal to be that one mule per thread?


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