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UFO Sceptics

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posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:22 PM
Attention to all sceptics of UFOs, just for the record, not all believers believe in it all. I don't believe in alot of it, but some of it has to be real. If, for example, you are isolated from sci-fy UFO stories, and you saw one, i would believe it if it was a legitament story.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:33 PM
yes,first of all I think that people shouldn't say something like "it is impossible" and we shouldn't talk about it (for example because UFOs are fantasies).All things,especially these strange should be studied very carefully...I don't belive in most stories about UFOs and aliens.But there are some stories that we cannot explain so easy.And after all - whatever UFOs are - we should explain it very quickly.Because it could be important for us.If they are just imagination - that everything is OK.But if there is someting wrong we should better know about it!!!

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:45 PM
When UFOs Arrive: The U.S. and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact.


posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:48 PM
governments, even if they have made contact with UFOs, have made a plan. The website you posted is a good example. i had several but they were deleted when my computer was hacked.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 08:55 PM
I think alot of problems with "Normal" People believing are the Super crazy people who also seem to be the loudest. Reptilians Living underneath us going to use us as food?

Not sure about the UFOs There s alot of evidence but just like Big foot none of it great, or Proof positive, But some of the stories I have heard where army officials on the record have said they don't know what it was , are very intriguing. I believe in inteligent life on other planets, wether or not they have visited. To me I could go either way depends on the day =)

But to say there is NO WAY is pure ignorance

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
I think alot of problems with "Normal" People believing are the Super crazy people who also seem to be the loudest. Reptilians Living underneath us going to use us as food?

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Cardu
When UFOs Arrive: The U.S. and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact.

It would be idiocy not to. Space is too big, and the possibilities too great not to have a plan. Just because there's a plan, however, doesn't mean they must be out there. SETI was developed without knowing for sure they're out there, but rather to find out.

I don't know about you guys, but every time I go treking in the deep woods of North Wisconsin, I have a plan if I get lost. It doesn't mean I'll get lost, or even that I expect it, but I plan for the worst. The boy scouts have one of the best mottos I've ever heard: "Always be prepared". If you're prepared for an eventuality, you will be able to conduct yourself rationally. If you go into a situation without any kind of plan, you're likely to panic. Someone goes into the woods and gets lost, they may panic and just start running. With a plan, they may have a compass with them, or even survival knowlege.

Always have a plan.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:11 PM
Think of it there is at least 100 Billion of galaxies, and long before they thought our Milky way was the entire universe
So where are they? maybe they are really close


posted on May, 26 2004 @ 09:16 PM
Yes, space is so large. But just the fact, I think personally, UFOs have come to earth kinda' makes me think.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:19 AM
My opinion on UFOs is as follows. There has been no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. They are simply Unidentified Flying Objects. Most UFO believers use an argument from ignorance: we don't know what UFOs are so they must be extraterrestrial in origin. In my opinion we shouldn't draw any conclusions at this time. Most UFOs can be explained by normal phenomena, some can't. This doesn't mean aliens are visiting us. All arguments using as a premise that aliens are real and that they are visiting us are therefore speculative at best and should be avoided.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:31 AM
Speculative YES.....unless YOU have allready met them, if they are abducting you. Then there is NO speculation at all.

I have NOT met any Aliens.
But .....I HAVE seen some wacky/strange stuff in the skys. Sure they very well COULD be military stuff.......BUT, I know people, REAL humans with strange scars, they claim CAME from otherworldly beings checking them out. I have SEEN such scars.
I think SCARS make for some serious evidance.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
...BUT, I know people, REAL humans with strange scars, they claim CAME from otherworldly beings checking them out. I have SEEN such scars.
I think SCARS make for some serious evidance.

Oh me God, a scar, really? Call NASA.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:37 PM
I'm not just a UFO skeptic, I'm an "everything" skeptic. I question ALMOST everything I read and ask myself these kind of questions,


I used to be one of those immature "free thinkers" that would believe everything I read from Reptilians to Galactic Federations...I grew up and realized that the goals and beliefs of the UFO community will never be taken seriously by the world until I stopped allowing disinformation created by the UFO community itself to drag me down.

[Edited on 5-28-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:48 PM
*cheers for Preest*

If only the entire community would realize that this is how things should be.

Personally I myself studied science and work for NASA a bit and in other fields.

A friend of mine in computer tech is now working at white sands on experimental ...stuff.

If only all these people who claimed conspiracy would grow up and participate instead of be paranoid they would see that you can get on the inside of these things. Even high level R&D military are made up of people... they are just people. But people who did something with themselves.

"Normal" people scoff at a lot of the things said on ATS because they are aware of the fact that there ARE secret s in this world and know why.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by amantine
My opinion on UFOs is as follows. There has been no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. They are simply Unidentified Flying Objects. Most UFO believers use an argument from ignorance: we don't know what UFOs are so they must be extraterrestrial in origin. In my opinion we shouldn't draw any conclusions at this time. Most UFOs can be explained by normal phenomena, some can't. This doesn't mean aliens are visiting us. All arguments using as a premise that aliens are real and that they are visiting us are therefore speculative at best and should be avoided.

Yet why for holding this very rational view are peole such as we ridiculed?

Big up to Preest, perfectly said with the questions.

Handy quote that applies tro this thread:

Absence of evidence does not correlate to evidence of absence

Another point for most sceptics.

We can be sceptical believers. I believe UFOs exist. I believe ETEs exist. Yet i do not believe grey skinny dudes in flying saucers come to earth to give anal probes.

For ufos to be taken seriously, this is the kind of view we need more of.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:22 PM

Yet why for holding this very rational view are peole such as we ridiculed?

Because it isn't rational. Its comming to a conclusion without a reason.

I could just as easily say that UFOs are military air craft and be MORE rational becuase that is based on known fact like the existance of other once secret military craft. Yet even that is jumping to conclusions and irrational.

I wouldn't even think of claiming UFOs are military craft. At best I will claim they are most likely military in nature.

The dead truth is we know there are UFOs...thats it. We do not know how to explain them.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 08:13 PM

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 06:45 AM
i mean most of you people belive a fairy tale about some carpenter being crucified 2000 years ago and you build your whole life on it, wars have been waged for him even if there is no real proof he existed. I mean its all a book. So everyone belives in a book.

I absolutely understand u cant accept the idea of other intelligent life if you dont even see the wonder that is all around you. And most people dont. But is it really so impossible to just accept it? It puts the whole new perspective on life itself.
As for ufos they might as well be human made...i think i might make one myself...with a little help from my friends

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 06:46 AM
i mean most of you people belive a fairy tale about some carpenter being crucified 2000 years ago and you build your whole life on it, wars have been waged for him even if there is no real proof he existed. I mean its all a book. So everyone belives in a book.

I absolutely understand u cant accept the idea of other intelligent life if you dont even see the wonder that is all around you. And most people dont. But is it really so impossible to just accept it? It puts the whole new perspective on life itself.
As for ufos they might as well be human made...i think i might make one myself...with a little help from my friends


posted on May, 29 2004 @ 09:52 AM
One other thing... How do we explain those lights that show up on the space shuttle camera's in space (sts)??? Ice particles???

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