posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 12:40 PM
OK, this gets my goat a bit.
Who are these celebrities?
Someone who can play a guitar, or sing a song well, or act well, or has good looks, ir is blessed with rich parents who paid for their success, or
manufactured dolls in an entertainment world.
Doesn't make them experts in international politics.
sure as heck doesn't give them any more legitmacy in their comments over anyone else as to the Iraq.
What amazes me is as soon as people get called 'celebrities' they suddenly become all wise and all knowing about politics, and other matters as
well. Suddenly because they can act well they grow massive intelligence, and become like Yodas.
Crap, they are just as big an ignoramouses as the rest of us but with the clout to voice their thoughts more.
Why do people take any notice of them, and why do they feel they have the right to suddenly instruct others on what to think and do? ... when all they
are are glorified performers...