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How many around you seem suddenly "befuddled" ?

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:21 PM
There are a numerous strains of theories involving chemtrails, flouride, overmedication, electronic means, etc. being used by TBTB to dumb down or "befuddle" the masses. Even if none of these are true, its pretty well established that there is a ton of medication in the water supply now, just from decades of people using and tossing out every type of medicine under the sun. So unless you are drawing your water from a pristine antactic core-drilled well, chances are you are drinking a brew of who knows what every time you take a sip of water.

Rather delve into the nuances of the theories themselves, I will just ask this question: Does it seem to you, personally, that the people around you are acting more "befuddled" than normal all of a sudden?

The brave among you can even answer whether you YOURSELF feel this way. But few are willing or even able to make such assessments accurately. A (slightly) more telling answer to such questions can usually be attained by asking about people's friends, family, acquaintences etc.

I'd be curious to know how many of you have a sense that "mass befuddlement" is actually taking place.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:32 PM
I have noticed it. I'm not as sharp as I used to be and I'm not that old either. I forget words I used to easily recall and use, but now I can't seem to remember them. Something is or has definitely dumbed us down.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:32 PM
Not only do I see stupidity spreading like cancer, I feel it growing in myself as well.

Is that honest enough?

Yes...10 years ago, the country I am currently in was not this clueless, overreacting, angry, babbling, lost and completely blind.

At times, you need to snap your fingers in front of a person to snap that zombie look out their eyes.

Forget expecting full sentences and viewpoints "not provided priorly by a TV or website", most people can't even communicate a list of their favorite foods without getting derailed or paused during doing so.

Seriously...It has gotten so bad that I have to almost "trust" that aliens have turned these people into Pod-People.

More like IPOD people.

Holy crap are you ON THE BUTTON when it comes to pointing this out, and God only knows what is actually turning these people to "walking burp-machines".

All I have been wanting to know is-

"Is this effect an intentional attack on our country"

Or are people really just getting this "stupid", this fast, this drastically and all at once?

Eh, whatever the case...they weren't that bright before it started happening to my attention.

Neither was I.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:37 PM
OK, the posters above just confirmed exactly what I suspected. Thank you for your honesty.

Keep the tales coming, people. Opposing viewpoints welcome as always.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by skepticantiseptic

I'm not as sharp as I used to be and I'm not that old either. I forget words I used to easily recall and use, but now I can't seem to remember them.

This exact thing is happening to me as well.
It started about 6-12 months ago and is very frustrating, i assumed it was just stress, but you never really know.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:46 PM
My spelling has taken a big step backward recently. I do feel overall "not quite right" but my spelling mistakes of late have been very noticeable and I find myself drawing a blank on more and more words.

Dear god. Queensland only started adding fluoride to the water a year or so ago. Maybe less, not quite sure. Typing this reply has suddenly made me realise this may not be a coincidence.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:47 PM
I wouldn't call it dumber...but I have felt detached, lazy, and spaced-out way more than usual the last 9 months....drug-free by the way. (as far as I know)

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Signals]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:49 PM
Mind if I ask if any above posters are from Queensland?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:57 PM
Well, to be fair, there are brilliant people still. It just seems the quality of the crop as a whole has diminished, though water cannot be blamed entirely. Education has suffered greatly. When one stagnates and no longer learns at regular intervals, the mind will atrophy.

You would think increased access to information through the internet would foster greater knowledge and intellect, but we haven't seen that. People are paranoid, depressed and anxious. The causes can be debated, but the effects of such states of mind cannot. If one is afraid and miserable, that same person will not feel motivated to learn.

Our culture itself does not reward intelligence. Stupidity is confused for a sense of humor and an abundance of pop culture knowledge often admired.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by SmokeandShadow]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:58 PM
I think more than anything it is electronic in nature. There are days that while my mind is sharp and clear I just have no real interest in doing things like work, even though I get paid per project, and always have projects pending to do that clients are often desperate to get in a timely way.

I guess its best described as an apathy or malaise?

It’s often accompanied by what I can best describe as a tension knot in my forehead. It doesn’t produce a pain like a headache but just a noticeable tightening of the muscles in that area.

When I am having especially bad days or need to get something done I scotch tape some refrigerator magnets to my forehead. That clears the tension and restores my drive and initiative and overall sense of well being.

I honestly feel like I am the subject of some type of electronic interference. My USB drives attached to my computer will periodically light up as if they are being run for information even though I haven’t queried them and often am not even using my computer when that happens.

If I leave the volume on my computer speakers occasionally a series of static beeps will come from them like they are picking up some kind of electronic resonant feedback, that usually lasts 10-30 seconds in duration.

The freakiest thing of all is sometimes even when I am talking on it and the battery is fully charged my cell phone will just go completely blank and power off instantaneously without even going through the normal cycle down shut off process first.

I had it checked at the phone store by the carrier I purchased it from and all the wiring is fine, and the programming up to date, they can’t figure it out.

Finally the pages here on ATS sometimes will just not load on my computer and will just keep cycling through the download process without ever fully loading the page. None of the other websites I visit for business or pleasure do that. I have updated my browser and internet connection but on average I have to click on a page by attempting to load in as many as 6 different open tabs before one of the will finally load. It’s like I am being redirected through another server that just never completes the connection.

It’s all rather bizarre and I try not to let any of the above bother me but just take it all in stride and do my best to work around it.

It’s entirely possible I am just going stone cold crazy but I really don’t think so!

Thoughts anyone?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:00 PM
It may be because of Twiter, facebook, etc. People are only interested in expressing their viewpoints or thoughts online and in person aren't as interested. To make it worse, there is only a limited space where they can express how they feel about something - so it conditions people into limited viewpoints.
It is a shame that we are heading that way but it seems to be the case.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:02 PM
Best part being-

No matter how slow,dumb,lost,bedazzled,hoodwinked,etc people are increasingly becoming, you can't stop the mantra of-

"people are waking up man!"

That is all you hear from the most "wasted" of minds-

"Duuuuude, global consciousness is making people wake up!"


Waking up to God.

Waking up to political lies and inside jobs.

Waking up to aliens.

Waking up to the NWO and the Illuminati.

I see a fricken army of "high-5-boys-n-girls" all twirling glow-sticks while singing about how "enlightened and awake they are becoming" as they play with thier cell-phones and forget where the hell they are walking while texting.

And when you ask them who woke them up?

Its David Icke, Alex Jones, Cliff High, Jessi Ventura, Glenn Beck, Celente, Hoagland(sp?), or some other radically unprovable (yet profitable) line-slinger selling his line of BS!

I mean, people sincerely seem to be "looking for truth more", but that is to be expected in any bad economic times...but "seeking" has nothing to do with being "aware", it simply makes an individual gravitate towards "answers".

Sadly most people are taking "answers" from dope dealers and talking-heads!

"being awake" has become a T-shirt slogan, nothing more.

I was not exaggerating about snapping fingers in people's faces to drag them back into conversations or tasks at hand. It is becoming impossible to translate a simple idea to tons of people in the walking public.

It is like they are all just "going away", and doing it faster each year.

Of course, in objectiveness, I will admit I am a jerk-snob who can't stand people mumbling or failing to finish a thought, and perhaps I am getting increasingly harder on these types.

But no...I see it happening.

Everyone I ask , also swears to see it.

I just can't figure if it is intentional, and if so, who is doing it.

I have speculation and conspiracy stories to give me "some ground" on understanding this phenomena...but you won't see me swallowing any pill (blue OR red), or following Alex Jone's bullhorn on "what is going on".

Alls I know is this-

"The AWAKE crowd is usually the people who remind me the most of talking-wood-posts"

And the rest of society is not that far behind them.

Whooosh...felt good to get that off my "face".

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I'll be honest and say that I feel it myself. It started around 5 years ago. I am 27 now and do feel that I was able to focus better in high school. I don't smoke or drink, but I feel impaired almost. Even if I can do things, they are a bigger challenge to do than they used to be, or would have been.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Nventual
It may be because of Twiter, facebook, etc. People are only interested in expressing their viewpoints or thoughts online and in person aren't as interested. To make it worse, there is only a limited space where they can express how they feel about something - so it conditions people into limited viewpoints.
It is a shame that we are heading that way but it seems to be the case.

I have also considered along these lines.

I do agree that the problem is at least "partly electronic".

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:07 PM
All symptoms described are indicative of clinical depression, which makes sense, as it sure is depressing living amongst a herd of ignorant and arrogant simpletons, which is depressing, because it sure is depressing.....

wait what were we talking about? Did anyone hear that Lost might be interrupted by the state of the union. Who does that kenyan muslim anti-christ think he is?


[edit on 1/10/2010 by skunknuts]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:10 PM
Thanks again to all the posters so far.

I am particularly intrigued by those who note spelling and verbal errors (forgetting common words, etc.) I am pretty sure I personally make more such mistakes than I did a year ago.

Not from Queensland or Australia, either.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:10 PM
Boy are there a multitude of ways in which we're currently being stressed on every level: physically, emotionally, intellectually, & spiritually. Researching and knowing this, I've slowly been able to empathize and forgive, both myself and my fellow man for the utter stupidity which is apparent amongst even the best of us.

Personally, I've sharpened up in the last couple of years. I'm 27 years old. At the age of 17 in 2000, I was starting to decay. I'm in Texas. Rumors have it that this state has been sprayed hard and for many years. This may or may not be part of the reason for this. Regardless, the water, soil, food, and air is tainted.

I was somewhat intelligent as a child. From ~2000-2007 I slowly withered away. It wasn't until I became aware of how much this had impacted myself, that I invested an interest in overcoming the malady. Those around me said things like, "who cares", "you're just paranoid", "you seem fine to me", etc, etc...I knew better.

If you would like I can continue to tell the various methods that I've undertaken to improve my well being. Today, I most definitely process faster than most, more clearly, am more aware, etc..Not to brag, and in fact, I will admit that before, I was quite dull. Basically on my deathbed. It's been a slow, but ever worth it, recovery process.

Most people are still out of whack, from what I can tell. Not only that, there is a sort of sedativeness that I sense in people. This comes out as both complacency and apathy. This bothers me dearly. How are we supposed to rise against when we're this jacked up?

Is this all intentional? Is it merely greed driven? I can't say for sure, but from my perspective at the highest levels money plays little part. It seems all about control.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by skunknuts
All symptoms described are indicative of clinical depression, which makes sense, as it sure is depressing living amongst a herd of ignorant and arrogant simpletons, which is depressing, because it sure is depressing.....

This is the type of answer I would agree more with if I also was noticing an epidemic of depression.

I do not see that.

As for arrogance and ignorance, hell that is par for the species and the first to step out of that circle "unharmed", surly is superhuman or alien for sure.

But yeah..depression does/will cause changes in reaction and emotional levels. So will stress, long lasting pain, distress or various other things we all deal with in one way or another time and again.

But...I swear...I see it.

People who were able to function, at least to a level that didn't look horrifically sedated/lethargic just a few years ago, now seem to be walking-talking-zombies.

I myself have noticed my speaking pattern altering and a feeling of getting a tad "slower" (a thing that is highly apparent to one's self when his speed/patter of speech is used daily)...but hey, could be a brain tumor or some jazz, who knows.

I dunno...maybe I'm just crazy. THAT sounds more likely.

But people always agree and say they see something similar (or exactly) happening as well.

Dunno Skunky, I hope I am just bonkers and seeing/feeling things that just aren't there.

But if you ask me, people around here (my area) are showing signs of "signing out".

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder
Thanks again to all the posters so far.

I am particularly intrigued by those who note spelling and verbal errors (forgetting common words, etc.) I am pretty sure I personally make more such mistakes than I did a year ago.

Not from Queensland or Australia, either.

Without a doubt my spelling skills have gone downhill. My wife and kids would usually run a word by me in the I'm running it by my 9 year old first....even when I write some words and I KNOW they are spelled correctly, they still don't look right!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Y'know, I'd like to think that someone didn't just push the "stupid" button, but I can't deny that we humans are a dumb group of individuals.

I honestly have no way to tell whether it's always been this way, or just during my lifetime, but just watch a few episodes of COPS and you'll see some downright stupid people.

I don't know, I tend to hang out with some relatively intelligent folk so it's not often that I see someone in my core group of friends say/do something really Rock-brained. But, then, I know people who literally get twitchy if you take their electronics away. If you've got their phone and iPod, they're more likely to beat you bloody before waiting for you to give it back. Heaven forbid if they can't tweet their latest mind-fart every twenty-three seconds.

But as far as mass-befuddlement, to get to the original question, I don't know. I just don't know. But, to carry this to it's logical end, if there is a, planned or otherwise, mass befuddlement event being carried out, we may have no way of recovery.


(Edit for Grammar)

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Epsilon5]

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