posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:27 AM
Serious students of the UFO phenomenon know that this topic is totally legit.
Skeptics all too often seem to be completely unaware of the magnitude and logic of the available information indicating the topic's legitimacy.
So here's the challenge:
To those of you who are sure there is something to all this UFO mumbo-jumbo, you have one shot. Put up a single link to the one online resource that
you consider to be the most convincing, thought-provoking piece of evidence on the Web along with a brief blurb explaining your choice. Pretend you
have the archtypal skeptic sitting in front of his/her computer right now, and that he/she is guaranteed to look at whatever you place on the screen
with a skeptical, yet open, mind. Your evidence might be a journal article, a scientific study, a documentary, a FOIA document, etc. It's up to you,
but you only get one chance, so choose wisely.
To the skeptics, your challenge is take a look at the information that is presented and comment on it as you see fit.
Let's begin.
The UFO Evidence, originally published in 1964 by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, edited by Richard Hall
This rather huge document is essentially NICAP's collection of "unknowns" organized in a reader-friendly format. It includes various sections
focusing on topics like pilot sightings, radar evidence and reports filed by police officers.
The sheer number of reports and the patterns that appear therein, along with a wealth of intelligent, informed commentary, make this a compelling
collection as far as I'm concerned. It was published back during a time when at least two civilian UFO organizations actually had some balls and were
worth a damn. NICAP was one of them.
Also if you get a chance check out my in-progress UFO Education page: