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Are these legit pictures of aliens?

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posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

The first vid is freaking awesome !!! The blinking eyes look so real !!! Unfortunately, it acted completely unintelligent...more like a bird or lizard than a space-traveling/extra-dimensional being...obviously fake and totally disappointing !!!

Geez...I wish that these guys were really here visiting would change the world !!!

[edit on 4-12-2009 by polychronopolis]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by star in a jar

That's hilarious - Who the heck would shave a monkey. Just saying it makes me laugh-

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by polychronopolis
Ha ha ha !!! I totally agree...and I wish that they showed more pictures of female aliens...Why are there no alien boob-slip pictures ??? Or crotch shots of them getting out of their spaceships ??? It's definitely a cover-up of the highest degree...I demand the truth !!!

Watch this video:

[edit on 5-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by maybee
reply to post by star in a jar

That's hilarious - Who the heck would shave a monkey. Just saying it makes me laugh-

I think that must have been standard procedure for putting the
pressure suits on. The monkeys were put on rocket sleds.
To test pressure suits?
To make little green aliens?
Guess we can't find those news reels and more.
Shaving a monkey is a nasty job briefly described by Bill Lyne in
"Pentagon Aliens"
Makes me think of the people taking away the life's work of Tesla.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by internos

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by IAmRobot
Is this a joke or what? Just some quick examples for genuine photos:
From Alienpictures:
Picture three ("The grown up ..."), picture eight ("This dead alien ..."), and picture nine ("The best thing about....") are real.
The other pictures are fake or uncertain.

  • Picture three ("The grown up ..."),
    has been identified by mexican researcher Luis Ruiz Noguez as a crop from a backstage photo from the movie Intruders (1992)

    some articles about it can be found here:

  • "Mexican researcher"? “Luis Ruiz Noguez”? The photo showing the woman and the alien was obviously PHOTOSHOPPED. And not from some movie “backstage photo” but from the genuine picture three (on the left side, compare the neck region for instance). Then they added that woman, to muddle up. As we know sweet Govt buddies like to do such magician tricks to allegedly debunk “too good” footage. Don’t they.

    And on the sweet buddies claim: “Believers would immediately say the woman was inserted in the photo to discredit the “3 second Eben” photograph. It’s possible. But if you look at the Brazilian cover for the movie. It’s clear that it’s the “3 second Eben” from Fox’s “50 years of denial”. The outfit, head, eyes, even wrinkles between the eyes. You can’t deny it.” That the final proof? Just because of "similar" outfit/head/eyes/wrinkles? ROFL What logic. Fact is because there’s allegedly “similar” outfit/head/eyes/wrinkles the sweet buddies CHOSE that movie as a tie-in for their hoax explanation.

    About Sorry, it’s in Spanish. Try a chinese website and it’ll be even more difficult to counter-debunk.

    picture eight ("This dead alien ..."),
    was taken from an actuall rotting corpse, but a HUMAN one:
    warning ****graphic***

    Already gone. Suspicious.

    and picture nine ("The best thing about....")
    the worse thing about it is that it was taken from Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

    You can even watch the scene in which it was shot, and read the full article here:
    CRedits: Kentaro Mori

    “Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man" is a thrilling X-Files episode, thanks for the link. Unfortunately there’s not the slightest similarity between the two beings/images on .

    Originally posted by IAmRobot
    From Alienpictures pg2: Picture four and six ("The next collection of ..."

    Well that was admittedly a really nice try by the Govt buddies. So, many will believe this “debunking” evidence. Unfortunately I’ve already counter-debunked it in my post at the top of page 5.

    Thanks. And have a nice day too.

    [edit on 13-12-2009 by IAmRobot]

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:00 AM

    Originally posted by xAZIMUTHpx
    I think all of you are not even close on what aliens really look like, I believe its a little more closer to this picture. Just look at it and open your mind. lol!

    Unfortunately that sweet child will HAVE to learn what aliens look like, some day. Hopefully not all too late.

    [edit on 13-12-2009 by IAmRobot]

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:01 AM
    reply to post by IAmRobot

    It's definitely not an umbrella.

    I'm curious what you're implying by "Govt buddies"? Doesn't it seem pretty logical that at this point the government doesn't even need to spend money faking up real pictures of aliens, considering a picture won't be proof anyway?

    They're smarter than that. Besides, UFOlogy as a whole is in the tank already in a public relations sense, so again, there's no reason for the government to waste its time and resources plying this huge disinformation campaign that believers scapegoat so often and vigorously.

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:34 AM
    reply to post by EsSeeEye

    Originally posted by EsSeeEye
    I'm curious what you're implying by "Govt buddies"? Doesn't it seem pretty logical that at this point the government doesn't even need to spend money faking up real pictures of aliens, considering a picture won't be proof anyway?

    No, and you know it. Most shpeople still have no idea about the real significance and importance of the alien subject. So, from the view of the Govt, it would be stupid not to “invest” at least a very small percentage into disinformation efforts. That’s why they OF COURSE do it.

    They're smarter than that ...

    It’s not a matter of smartness. But of keeping on and on lying to the people. Plain and simple.

    [edit on 13-12-2009 by IAmRobot]

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 03:02 AM
    reply to post by Phage

    You must make a nice living being a professional debunker? Shill pay is good $$$?

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 04:01 AM
    reply to post by star in a jar

    I agree. I read a book on the picture that claimed to be a hoax and soon to be found that it was a shaved monkey. I never seen the second picture.

    And incase if you didn't know the pictures below me are frames from a recorded camera. The photographer was a man from Mexico who then told the government about the video and stole the video camera away from the man. Sorry I don't have the source, bu the only reason I know about this was because a UFO researcher named Jaime Maussan recorded the incident.


    (sorry that I am missing the other few frames)

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 04:29 AM
    I think it's safe to say that this is a fake. But what do I know?

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 06:52 AM
    reply to post by wellsybelieves

    Originally posted by wellsybelieves
    I came across this one thought i should share it:

    not sure if it's real or not

    And I found these:

    ... These HOAXES undoubtedly prove: Humans are FAKE, completely fictitious. DEBUNKED.

    [edit on 13-12-2009 by IAmRobot]

    posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:48 AM
    The 2nd picture with the Alien being put into the car just screams fake.

    posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 02:54 AM
    using my newb expertise i dub these fake, they look like theyre scoring dope more than anything, and they looked at the camera and apparently did nothing, and why does everyone assume aliens all look that same way? i kind of like the idea from "the knowing" with Nicolas Cage, they had cool ships that made freakish sense and they were transparent and glowing and sort of resembled spirits very unique. pretty neat pictures some of them though, the autopsies almost got me several years back hehe : /

    posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:37 PM
    Those are red x's, not aliens. Sorry.

    posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:51 PM
    reply to post by sphinx551

    I'm going to go ahead and say definitely maybe possibly not but maybe yes.
    Is that conclusive enough?

    posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:52 PM
    In my opinion, those are fake.

    posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 12:09 AM
    Fake or Real, in due time all will be revealed. Why is everyone in such a hurry to learn if aliens exist. In a nut shell, how many galaxy's are currently known to the public.

    Do you honestly think that we are alone ?

    Now that you know, has it changed your life ?

    edit:Denial of Disclosure is Disclosure


    [edit on 27-12-2009 by tristar]

    posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:30 PM

    Originally posted by Sator
    What do you do?

    Show us your picture
    Not everyone screams 'FAKE' right away

    posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 11:52 PM
    Anybody seen this movie "intruders"

    I am reading the book right now...
    found it for like a dollar...
    its very good...
    It is very similar to the movie 4th Kind
    or shall I say that "fake" movie was based on this real case study as the book "intruders" is based from 1983-1986
    published in '87

    anywho I was just wondering...

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