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Connection to conspiracies possible NWO link

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 02:25 PM
I know I wasnt going to post anymore F up crashed disgraceful just venting. Had to sacrifice whole life just not ultimate sacrifice yet for my time with them. From 13 --26 arranged traumatic brain injury herded into institiionalization, felt suicidal at times in the past go in circles and waste time then kids from high school younger than me Mabus fake friends of false rapture angels have will to allow BS to reach mind of Satan and all the retarted crazy ploitics that brought me to this day. Sacrificed for some sort of fascist dictatorship or they can do whatever they want use me however they want, anarcky dont think you have any rights or anything. Heard a song "cold war kids" and the rappers do whatever they want kanye or jay--z based on lies or misinterpretation, you know cant we go back and you pick someone else I would have liked to live a normal life from 13--26 not have to jump through holes for you people and your businesses. I think you know a girlfriend or wife by now whatever been better than endless critization, maybe its the "apocalapse". And eminems new cd " C T N A A V K T and maybe F" on bottom , I know what that might mean trying to pretend I am same as you based on lies that never happened made in high school I used to go to in normal life. "AHHHH ,carpal tunnel carpel tunnel, you need more bengay". I apologize if its not but I always try to hack and get to every possiblity or what things could mean. And possibly coming after me in last track or here and there, you know Truman s tired Truman just wanted a normal life, not Frankenstein, Nexus 1 or freddy krueger. I used to look up to eminem first rapper I listened to I was gothed out and use to get made fun of a lot so I just used to look at those people like all sorts of gay and weak. In Operation Mindcrime 1988 "Operation mindcrime an underground revolution working overtime Operation Mindcrime". If I didnt stand up for my rights and find out what was going on they couldve eventually got to assination of their figurehead. Live cursed now great waste of a show Truman locked up and doesnt even care anymore.

P.S. I was home alone and black out with certain substances I dont know whatever delirious nightmare or things they might have misinterpretted all they have is audio if any surveilance.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by P. O. W.]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 02:48 PM
im confused... is this supposed to be a message with hidden meanings inside it?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 02:57 PM
All of my conspiracies are sort of connected and I went on a journey of sorts since getting here, I dont know what to believe but after I amassed a lot of information I dont know. All of my conspiracies are sort of connected and most people dont reply on my threads so just putting this out there somewhere. It was a long strung out magical freakin journey like most of mine are , and this makes a little sense to me. I have been researching things since late 2001 or 02 , I dont know what this looks like to the average person, just Rage against the Machine I guess.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Sorry but in the words of Mr T.....I got no time for the jibba-jabba!

Try putting some full stops in somewhere and it may make slightly more sense to people

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Sorry about that, I hit escape button when I was almost done had to type the whole thing over again. I know I have made an a$# out of myself before and I shouldnt post no more. It was just like worlds collide and my whole life been a lie or like cattle in anarcky anyone can do whatever they want my neighbors, high school . And now there is nothing left missed out on childhood and youth and completely F over now. Just frustrated , I dont know how many people this reaches but some might now exactly what I am talking about.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:05 PM
I got stoned just by reading it

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:27 PM
I know I shouldve banned myself for being a mess up, but watching some of the disgusting imagery vin videos ie. Busta Rymes and here and there I exiled myself from life and the television .Why do I have the personal biblical damnation in front of everyone(sigh). I listened to the Eminem cd again for the second time in 2 days and it says on cd case may lead to violent mood swings a whole paragragh. It makes me think of my time with the agent-cy and nagging or makeing fun of me here and ther for I dont know awhile. I told you, my name is ..... NEO.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:01 PM
I dont know to sum it all up after high school , my TV "may" have communicated with me and I got 3 months institutionalization and a court order for over 2 years mandated to go to program 15 months 5 days a week then after others got a shot in my hip every month of 60's anti-psychotic haldol. Then I went online in 05 when it ended asking about if anything happened cause it might have shown up in an eminem song, "all these rappers who vs me put a curse on authorities in the name of adverity". I emailed newspapers , news networks , anyone that would help me for 2 weeks cause I was pissed off they can explain what happened when everyone pretends nothing, no one got back to me. Went on living life and ignored TV , played video games and wouldnt watch TV . Then after trip an email end of nov. 2006 after 3 months in hospitalization 5 "meds" and injection cause I lost my patience with them. April 6th 2007 my neighbors started their Mabus called it guerilla warfare and mispelled guerilla. They have been gathering info been annoying trying to get me into trouble with mental illness people and family and "scanning" me probably cause of implant. They might have gotten money out of deal I got nothing but agrivation for me and my family and a big cd collection. When they showed up I was sort of possibly had chance with a girl who was cryptic behavior maybe, had a kid get to normal rest of life. As I had out of body experience watched her writhe in annoyance or agony cause of messed up politics , or neighbors saving universe from Evillllllll. And I park in handicap spaces while handicap people make handicap faces uuhhh I am an a$#*ole A-$-#-%-O-L-E. After 14 months I didnt care anymore I had been researching case for almost a decade. Then attempted murder possibly sterile , sick for month and retarted people from high school trying to win lotto. And still to this day 31 months later doing there nonsense in the backround I cant call the cops my hands are tied. The most recent wave of music that might be encrypted with something is like what the he??. I dont know why they are still coming after me this is supposed to be america , Truman? I dont know I was pissed off , I am sorry. This ruined my life I had 3 strokes cause of some cover-up involving castration, (young) beast with head injury who survives? I need to move eventually probably and start over , I am sorry for driving at high speeds and crashing all over the place here. It is like a curse, yeah music is great ideas or concepts anyone can relate to I didnt want to sacrifice life for it or no one has to tell me whats going on then pay my neighbors for doing nothing and not me life wasted away in sweatshop. My neighbors , evil the devil , I am just some kid in my house playing video games, I dont know what that means if anything how they can percieve this megalomaniacal emperor sith lord or something.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:09 PM
I have been trying not to post that much anymore and I should stop completely and this wont turn into last thread where I am talking to myself. I am a member of the younger I dont know rebellious youth and I grew up with family disfunction like nomad so a lot of time to wander around by myself. I read most of Behold a Pale Horse from 1991 and I was just considering if there was something maybe closest going to be resembling revelations. I thought I had a responsibility from lifes misery maybe a reinterpretation or encourage people to be overjoyed just to be alive and here and to not take it for granted . I get critized by my neighbors all the time and a lot of people dont like me I was just considering what if this is heaven , I wasnt trying to cause any problems I was attempting to make people extremely happy and thankful just to be here. I remember some of sunday school in elementary school and comics I used to read when I was younger with religious imagery. When I almost died and had 3 weeks of no recollection I studied lucid dreaming for years to find out what happened and if I saw the "light" you know or went somewhere. I just read recently by the guy who wrote "the lost symbol" I dont remember exact words maybe faith or something was a life long journey of discovery or consideration.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:11 PM
uhhh I am going to stop posting completely soon , I now the stuff or crashing I do in the past can be seen as offensive or wrong or obsence. I just had trouble dealing with things. In eminems new album says the anti-christ is back makes references to hannibal being a vegetable and jason and freddy krueger and edward scissor hands . I was delirious before but I can understand the concepts of good and evil reflected in pop culture. In my past I have been taken adjantage of my lord of the flies repeatedly , I am a generally good person sometimes I fly off the handle or feel like caged animal or get caught up in its not fair. I know religion is a sacred thing and I sort of obliviously fell into some things. I thought or felt breifly suicidal around the tsunami that happened cause I was dillusional and running from the "very bad "thing possibly going on in music and I couldnt cope watching it over and over again on TV. I know I mess up in the past a lot and I shouldnt do it again and try to edit it. I said I was going to try to get proof of listening in on thoughts over next 6 months if I buy spy sound epuipment and video equipment to tape it. I dont know a little like wolverine or just lost younger kid away from society or on black side of moon and people keep messing with me, I dont know I am sorry I know I might have been disgraceful in the past I am sorry.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Ok this will be my last post, I know I have been annoying this site is addicting. They all went for the jugular when this first started with gay induendo or whatever, in "america" we are not supposed to do this tv talking or sending subliminals clever with english. After they brought me to court for over 2 years and left me on locked psych 3 months they can tell me whats going on. Destroyed half my life, whatever next wave of possible subliminals in music why do you have to include me I was waiting for this to be over , go for the jugular or destruction with a smile on their face while doing tricks with the other hand. Dont even touch on the subject music gods , we talk and sing and dance and look cool and people through millions of dollars at us. You know great I have to work to make $10 an hour working class or markist revolution then eventually hopefully go to Vegas and live every day on holiday, cause its never gonna happen here, for the whole possibly 15 year draft and you know what you still dont have to pay me. Just post this somewhere were it might get back to people I have to work with or anybody can see, I am sorry for bothering other normal people on this site with my nonsense. This will either be over in 6 or 5 weeks or June and anything if there dissipates and we get further and further away from this, and come on seriously dont try to imply I might of had anything to do with people getting hurt, cause I have no rights and I am not allowed freedom of speech.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:14 PM
I am sorry for bothering you again this is it though. I am trying to run away after several injustices, I know I got in trouble here with freedom of speech. I know how to change my identity change the way I look and I was going to go into training to get physically stronger (after all the times I have been locked up on psych and drugged with people trying to take advatage of me I can do 30 push ups and think nothing of it) And I was a physical trauma victum so I usually carry things that can be used as weapons. I know I messed up joking around or just pissed off about whatever high school has been doing in hospitals or whatever trying to get away with stuff. Incubus warning blonde haired girl with screaming at 10:24 then Megalomaniac next album youre not jesus youre not elvis, you know great why did we do this I have freedom of speech too man. Behold a Pale Horse gov. run day care I know what that means and carrying or seizing coc aine from a plane , coc aine was involved , cant sleep caffeine or sugar or the chemicals in brushing your teeth, the chip maybe alien implant, yeah man maybe that too. I even got a little carried away with dancing with the stars if it meant something with a phophecy for a future that hasnt happened yet 2 millenia. Why cant they just let this die already being victimized or abused or thanksgiving with the indians and english, (oh did they mention that in a new adam sandler movie which one). Great we gonna wrap this up anytime. People that dont know me personally whatever they might assume already tried to put my face online and that will only make things harder but can be worked around. Towards the end I really didnt care about not being allowed to say things cause of mental illness credibility cause I was thinking I dont care what they do. They set me up almost a decade ago if any covert things were no one can contact me is going on and crashes and maybe truman and people behind back laughing cause they think I am retarted great who was going to tell me what was going on or not to talk if not its all pretend great I got to get a job and save up for a car.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 04:49 PM
I am sorry this is just a final post to wrap up my other posts. I used to be a normal person family friends then red carpet might have waged war , this kid told me to watch the intro to Saving Private Ryan with the boats and deafness ringing for awhile. Come after me, people I know truman players for stupid thing maybe freemasons of illuminati. You know the things I considered here can be taken as offensive to the people I know I really didnt want to do any of the things I had to do last decade , swirl out of mind cause my neighboirs are nazi 's forever. My life or love life is none of their business and I wish they didnt include me or provoke me so I wound up where I am now. I shouldnt of been out of control or disrespectful and tried to apoloogize or edit things. I already tried moving out of state in 04 to get away from this , if we are going to do this for another 4 years maybe someone should tell me whats going on. Why give money to neighbors they slaveowners or in on the exploitation ring , well the people that tried to kill me got off then set me up for columbiner pretend and 31 or 32 months with the Juniors or Sopomores flanking me, lets try to create lawless anarchy or you know what whatever this is already over practicully, if you do this again do it different next time.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:07 PM
I am sorry for being obscene or hostile, just rebeling of a lifetime of second class citizen. No room here or there or never ending journey (enigma ) or wander around by self , self taught away from society rebuild cause of job or politics of being used. I dont care anymore , here and there I got some help here and sometimes negativity whatever it doesnt matter and doesnt touch me. Just upset about the life I had to leave behind swirling around and causing problems or the life that s empty lifeless game. Use to be a person , here and part of something. I know there are things that are very real my time with possible shadow or black ops even if it faded after stopped paying attention for most part after 05. I only have a few things too look for traces after that but there there too. I know its real sorry if my misguided emotional animal being messed with or lets all sing about the apocalpse and think nothing of it. Like blade runner the end,"If you can see what I have seen the birth of solar systems and the nebula something something and its a shame " then bows his head and willingly goes to "retirement", what they called destruction of androids.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:40 PM
I am sorry , all my threads combined have been like one long disaster. I went into exile stopped watching TV (around 05) kept talking to myself cause I assumed someone was listening, but I still listened to music I listened to in high school Tool, Korn, system of a Down . I really didnt know what was going on if anything and I was messed up on meds and swimming in my head. If there is anthing going on I can see it if it is unspoken or something, and I might have caused a lot of big stupid problems for a lot of people. I was watching this special on FUSE tonight while waiting to go on the internet after mom and sister, and lady gaga was on talking about a new 8 song cd and videos on next to a skeleton in a bed and saying things. Talking about a homophobic rapper on radio and hello I am homophobic too dont you people realize what you have done with crazy neverending phantom of the opera, destroyed my life, I listened to new Eminem cd all the retarted lies or sheduled hits and sometimes I really hate these people, do you want me to say sorry for ruining your business or the illegal exploitation ring? Been destroying my life for almost 15 years people tried to kill me and castrated then set up for columbiner cause I may have been a target for a suicide or blamed and people were so respectful of possible government following or truman. Nobody else knows whats going on, this girl is younger than me, yeah I dont care I wasted a lot of my life and dont care and am putting myself in witness relocation program myself somewhat in Vegas so tell everyone I am super-gay or whatever I dont care going to Vegas what more do you people want.OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he made me upset ruined songs well I got money and this makes me mad. Why dont we make everyone of everybodies fans watch the movie "Role Models " for just a little while longer. I want authority problems about whats real for a decade so you can assembly line your music that your supposed to give to your fans.

P.S. I dont know their was this old system of a down video with a kid an alien eyes and they put banners on buildings and all around him , the video ended with upward spirals facing down of him collapsed on the ground in the middle of the band. You know so many great ideas people why did we do this who ever thought it would be a good idea? I dont know social suicide again and I am pissed off and going to move , destroy the world around you, I know people who were affected by this negatively, whatever happens happens? In GTA IV they have this line on the radio,"well its not my money". Sorry for causing problems --just walk away slowly and pretend nothing happened.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by P. O. W.]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:34 AM
I know I said I was going to stop vposting thought I should do the appropriate thing if I really offended people just considering things if they had to do with religion. This isnt going to turn into my last thread talking to myself. Looking for subliminals in GTA IV or always considering possibilities of abstracts or code , how could that be misinterpretted or expanded. In Behold a Pale Horse talks about the illuminati NWO and I think freemasons , and all these things just happen to happen? My neighbors still trat me like android or cyborg or less deserving of human rights, it could have been an interesting experiment but they are trying to break me and I am not going to let them win or some red carpet supremists or rich people who wanna pretend their cool cause their all corporate money people surrounding them or whatever.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I am sorry for my behavior at times, afte3r I got framed in high school my enemies told everyone I was gang molested after being gay at a kids house and then wanted to scare people with a gun , death threats. I know for a fact this is not legitimate or true and I was unaware at the time while the whole Island knew or found out over time. When I was almost killed it gave my mom gray hair in the hospital and I remember my parents attitudes when I woke up, then they didnt need the whole town going against them cause of some retarted not a crime and never investigated. I didnt need over 2 years with the courts so MTV can make fun of me or 1000 days with my younger graduating class neighbors. Lady gaga said yesterday "youre disgusting or your disease attached to me" and eminem was talking about some cross dressing michael myers jason freddy edward scissor hands and "the anti -christ is back". For 15 years putting my life in danger for youre stupid businesses or material think they dont have to pay me and can ruin my life or future more than they already have. Cut off someones penis barely 13 yeah sociopathic or psychotic and savage and all sorts of problems , megadeath had an album called "united abominations" or Resident Evil or nemisis or 2-face or joker scarred on face or phantom of the opera scarred underneath mask. Music is just music I wish I kept my mouth shut just lived my life and I am sorry for causing all sorts of problems with people just making good music. They shouldnt of been coming after me or making fun of me. On the radio, possible subliminals on TV, I get recognized a lot and conspiracies in popular music all over nation its been a year and a half maybe word of mouth. Listening again to music I used to listen to in high school Nirvana or Radiohead OK Computer or Atari Teenage Riot burn berlin burn?????

P.S. I have some a lot of circumstanial evidence every house in my town or district could of gotten $50,000 if after all this time and I might have been paid or should of, if I didnt mess up some contract with my soul???

[edit on 24-11-2009 by P. O. W.]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:26 PM
uuhhhh , mostly what I have is speculation and I didnt mean to possibly open a pandoras box with the whole site when I started posting. I figured just attach this to all of my other threads and try to take a break for awhile if any one finds it. Schizophrenia one of the things I learned about it is finding patterns where they dont exist. If there were any columbiner copycat things going on years ago I figured that would be really bad on a number of levels , I tried to get out of it and run from it and hide or went into exile from life stopped watching TV stopped going outside unless absolutely necessary and avoided contact from people. Now I am not sure if certain people want me around or how I am gonna get a job or the end of all this crash smash my head with the neighbors if they are trying to play mental illness card while surgical strike through my disability. Anything can mean anything and I hope people arent asking themselves serious questions. I dont believe you can see into the future and I dont know that much in depth stuff about religion , been sort of distant my whole life. I was just a kid in the hospital like anyone else. I know it preaches love , peace and be a good person but awhile ago my head was all screwed up trying to analyze things and overanalyze things and been in a bad frame of mind thinking wise just havent been myself.( it was earth the whole time , damn dirty apes aarrrggghhh) I am sorry if my statements trying to get peace of mind or prove innocence so things wouldnt escalate to my eventual death and all the other craziness, bothered anyone.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:47 PM
I dont know if I read to much into everything or always looking for subliminals or spent a long time specializing in language. I thought my past posts were bad sometimes like a bull in a china shop or out of my mind sometimes or pushed in certain directions. My neighbors are deceptive sort of allowing somewhat torture caused a hell of a lot of problems for me and others almost 3 years and I would describe them as cruel or evil conduct or immoral. They call me evil or the devil and I dont know what it means, just a person used to be in hospital then high school I dont know whats on MTV I dont watch anymore , destroyed my life should throw them in jail. I dont know where I am now if I got in the middle of a theological discussion and a philosophical discussion with aethists, christians, catholics , maybe muslims , jewish or agnostic or wicca. My head is spinning I dont remember where I have been and I should or need to get off ride.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:19 PM
uhhh, in the last decade I have sort of had this obsession with trying to get to the bottom of whats going on. I was sort of disconnected and alienated before that or alien foriegn perspective. I talked to myself and was convinced there was something going on big, and I eventually avoided people became introverted or somewhat anti-social and alone point of view or withdrawn. My neighbors pushed me off the edge of "what is going on" and considering seemingly impossible. My head was so screwed up at times but I just kept going and moving forward. Considering every thought possibly listened to and flanked surrounded and my mind would race so fast I wasnt sure if I got ahead of myself or didnt place certain thoughts. I was just doing messed up math equations considering possibilities if something doesnt work drop, it start over and try to make sense of it or fit it some other way. I am sorry if I offended anyone, I was considering if certain things or some things might have fit into a pattern. I know I said I was going to stop before I was just trying to wrap everything up.
P.S. I was at times delirious or really strung out or breaking down they would make fun of me at times and dealing with a whole bunch of psychological baggage. I have already been called on possible "threat" was half sarcastic strung out (eminem cd considering art or yeah right) and can see how that would make sense, for the mods and I am just really tired maybe sloppy really F in stupid super S hitty cards I was dealt anyway. I wont post no more just read and so disconnected from "real life".
p.s. Its all really disgusting the brother of the football player who set me up for different types of illegal detainment and life going nowhere for 8 years who up with bleach stains around his mouth like 3 times . I didnt know what was going on I thought I had telepathic powers cause of town kids ghestoppo crap all messed up in head, trying to win lotto yeah I cant do anything my hands are tied, F you. I am not gay . And this will wrap up my Bourne Revolution.Put myself in witness relocation in the desert maybe.------
[edit on 27-11-2009 by P. O. W.]

[edit on 28-11-2009 by P. O. W.]

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