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What (Really) Killed The Helpless US Military Victims At Ft. Hood.

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posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by EyesWideShut

So you're saying the reason the whole billion+ Muslims living in the world aren't ALL hell-bent on killing us, is because they're too poor.

Thanks for clearing up my misconceptions that you were simply being a bigot. You're being much clearer now.

No , It's common knowledge that people in poorer countries cling to religion whether it be christian Muslim Hindu or Buddhist. (They're easier to control that way) I promise you that If the economy was good and the people were living in relative comfort with plasma tv's in their houses like we have here they really wouldn't have much to be pissed off about because they'd be too busy being brainwashed by what they see on the television. The Elites or ones with Money aren't as devout , no matter what religion we're talking about. I've been to the middle east , IT SUCKS!!! , If i was living there , I'd be pissed off too.

The ISOLATION of the whole billion + Muslims to Muslim Majority countries is why we don't see this more often. Go for a walk in afganistan or Iraq or Iran with the American flag on your shoulder and have this conversation with one of the Extremists over there and let me know how that works out for you.

I'm still waiting for you to post facts and not opinions. All I see is snark and emoticons. I guess thats all you have to fall back on when your argument is weak. How's that Manchurian candidate theory going so far?...

[edit on 14-11-2009 by EyesWideShut]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

You know what all 3 countries you mention have in common besides having Muslim populations?

I'll give you some time to think of answer.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by eradown
I can't recall seeing a Muslim proselytizing even once. I don't think Muslims are the gun grabbers. They are not the people destroying our rights inspite of what people are saying about sharia law. The Muslims are not pushing the Brave New World on us. The Muslims are much farther away from world domination than some other enslavers are at this point. People should pay attention to the police staters and how they are spinning this.

Muslims are probably targets of a massive propaganda campaign for several reasons. Muslims hold many positions in our Universities. Muslims are not practicing self genocide through population control. Islamic countries refuse to allow the banking cartel to abuse their citizens. This more than anything else is probably contributing to the up surge in negative propaganda directed at Islam.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by eradown]

Many people resist the notion that America is, or is process of becoming fascist.

When I have compared America to Nazi Germany, people are repelled.

However the similarities are striking.

Mass media to control peoples minds, invasions and occupations of other countries, Obama = Hitler, the cult of personality - form over substance, a huge military, very strong patriotism, military service is aggrandized - those who speak against war or the military are disparaged as not patriotic .. and many more things.

And now, we have the American version of the Jew .. the Muslim Arab.

They are seizing their property - how long before they are detained and put into concentration camps, all the while the population will support this - evict them from the country they say .. hmm ..

We have seen this movie before - it was called The Third Reich.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 02:38 AM
By deception you will do war.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

WAKE UP! That's better. Monitor gone yet?

I think you're barking up the wrong tree when you mention "Islamic extremists".

WTF is an "extremist"? Is it someone who is extremely right? Is it someone who is extremely p*ssed off with the almost BLATANT genocide being carried out by the US and her buddies? Is it someone who is extremely distressed by hearing about US troops torturing people? Is it someone who extremely had enough of it all?

Personally - and I find MYSELF repeating - I don't think you can do the things the US has done and not expect these incidents.

Also, I think any follower of any religion, worshipping someone who is not there, is a complete nutcase. Let's face it, if there is a god he's not doing a very good job - not for christians, not for muslims, not for anybody that has suffered at the hands of the US or, indeed, it's enemies.

Nobody's winning - except maybe the shareholders in some of the big corporations in the US (so maybe god's working for them).


[edit on 15-11-2009 by Stanton Dowd]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)

One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?

1) The message doesn't get out.
2) A lot of time is wasted
3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged
4) Nothing good is accomplished.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by EyesWideShut
reply to post by Stanton Dowd

How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)

One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?

1) The message doesn't get out.
2) A lot of time is wasted
3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged
4) Nothing good is accomplished.

This was a reply to my post?

It has nothing to do with the points I made.

Please go back and read my post again and make sure you fully understand it before posting spurious comments.

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:25 AM

First off, Islam killed the victims at Ft. Hood. Islam is a cult of death and violence. Its victims around the world are only at peace when they submit unconditionally to its excesses, or when they are dead.

What a crock of crap.

Gibberish like this gets written by people who actually have no personal responsibility and who are unable to come to terms with the fact that, in the past 500 years more violence, death and destruction has been wrought on the world by non-muslims than by any muslim nation, or group of people.

Boer War, World War 1, Spanish Civil War, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghanistan - that's just the past 150 years. The death toll from all of those is upwards of 30 million people.

Put that into context with the Iran/Iraq war and the other smaller wars in the Middle East involving Israel, where the body count numbers less than 2 million.

Furthermore, other than in the middle eastern troubles, and the Gulf War, when the Iraq's fired Scuds at Israel, no muslim nation has ever attacked a non-muslim one, in recent times, as far as I can recall.

Yes there have been acts of terrorism carried out by muslims, but there have been acts of terrorism carried out by non-muslims as well.

To try and demonise on such a large scale is, frankly, stupid. Anyone with the time and inclination to look up the actual facts, instead of drinking the kool aid and jumping on the bandwagon of simply hating islamic people because they exist will figure it out for themselves.

Its believing crap like the segment I quoted above that ends up in genocides.

[edit on 15/11/09 by neformore]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by neformore

They've been killing each other in droves well before we were ever in theater... It's in their ideology , It's what they do.

"Suicide bombings in Iraq since 2003 have killed thousands of people, mostly Iraqi civilians, and arguably constitute a new phenomenon in the history of warfare. Suicide bombings have been used as a tactic in other armed struggles, but their frequency and lethality in Iraq is unprecedented.[1]

A 2005 Human Rights Watch report analysed the insurgency in Iraq and highlighted, "The groups that are most responsible for the abuse, namely al-Qaeda in Iraq and its allies, Ansar al-Sunna and the Islamic State of Iraq, have all targeted civilians for abductions and executions. The first two groups have repeatedly boasted about massive car bombs and suicide bombs in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas. Such acts are war crimes and in some cases may constitute crimes against humanity, which are defined as serious crimes committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population."[2]

suicide bombings in Iraq

Iraqi bombers kill 127 last week

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

More simple generalizations....

All basketball players are black

All baseball players are steroid using cheaters

All CEOs are money grabbing dirt bags

All democrats are liberals

All Republicans are conservative...haha

All UFOs are aliens

All patriots are nationalists

All conspiracy theorists are "loons"...

All my perceptions are right and and ALL YOUR perceptions are wrong

Well that last one isnt really a generalization..

But if we are going to generalize 1 billion+ people then why not generalize the rest of the world the way some of us would like to?

I could care less about your percieved political correctess...I will never consider islam my enemy. Nor will I consider Christianity my savior or visa versa...There is real good and real evil on both sides of the religious isle.

No doubt there seems to be some serious flaws within Islam...No doubt there seems to be some a large movement of muslims moving toward the extreme end of the spectrum...It needs to be dealt with, certainly...

But I wonder how the same people (Christians) in these forums would have reacted 80 years ago when the KKK was in power and using Christianity as cover for their terrorism... I wonder if they would be so wiling to generalize all Christians as evil and the "enemy?"

Dont worry about responding...The question was rhetorical...

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 02:37 AM
I agree with the OP. Starred an flagged!

It's refreshing to see that someone is throwing away the veil of political correctness. I hope this will happen more and more amongs the sheeple.

The PC bs, combined with islamist expantionism is creating a real threat for the future of the us and Europe. Our history, legacy, society, way of life and believes are under direct threat.

Time to wake up.

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