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Reproduction as a right...yes or no.

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Really? When any entity, be it you or the government takes from me what I have earned for what ever reason, by definition they have reduced my freedom. Why is it that to complain that in supporting the fabricated rights of others while in the process destroying the legitimate rights of others the same as inciting violence?

edit on 19-10-2010 by dolphinfan because: typo

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

If I have no right to smoke and actually have the right to work even though I smoke, then F^%& THEM!!! THERE is NO reproduction rights either!!!! What's good for us is good for "breeders" too!!!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

I completely disagree, with everything you say

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Exuberant1

Really? When any entity, be it you or the government takes from me what I have earned for what ever reason, by definition they have reduced my freedom. Why is it that to complain that in supporting the fabricated rights of others while in the process destroying the legitimate rights of others the same as inciting violence?

You are correct, of course.

I too recognize taxation as theft and understand that the government is a criminal gang writ large.

You must understand that I'm also not writing for a bunch of libertarian anarcho-capitalists here, so I try to put my points in a way that these folks might understand - or which might achieve the greatest effect.

As evidence that my goal was accomplished, I cite the following post wherein the eugenicist proponent of forced sterilization is aghast that his right to use speech might be infringed under my proposed ban( but only insofar as his ability to attempt to derogate from the freedom of others is concerned).

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

It was a sarcastic response to your statement.

You failed to grasp that.

Hey, instead of saying "limiting" reproduction. Why don't we call it "guided" reproduction and use non-invasive methods for birth control, both male and female. Would that make it more palatable? Or would you still feel the need to use violence?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Do you actually believe that using euphemisms to describe forceful sterilization makes it any less worse?

*So if murder was to become known as 'cheesecaking' - would that make it more palatable?

Let us try it out:

"There was another school shooting today, 8 students were cheesecaked with a further 11 partially cheesecaked (injured).

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

As evidence that my goal was accomplished, I cite the following post wherein the eugenicist proponent of forced sterilization is aghast that his right to use speech might be infringed under my proposed ban( but only insofar as his ability to attempt to derogate from the freedom of others is concerned).

I am a proponent of forced sterilizations, so let me explain why your goal was not accomplished, in fact. Freedom of speech should have its limits, for example incinting unjust violence, or preaching against basic human rights.
The thing is, I dont consider procreation to be basic human right, but a privilege with lots of responsibility, like driving a car or possesing military grade weapons. Things like this can be restricted, and are restricted in most of the world.
edit on 20/10/10 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:49 PM
One day this subject will end up being parodically ripped apart by South Park or Family Guy. I can already see the depiction of the sheep-like Americans, holding their caravan of children and screaming "But, But, OUR freEeEedommms!" While a solar flare burns them alive because the amount of pollution as a direct cause of overpopulation has rendered the Earth's natural defenses non-existent. Sorry, folks, your only true freedom is life itself, and you're doing a good job on ensuring that nature itself will take that one away from you if you keep pumping out children like it's your job, your "right" -- who cares what it is, eventually it WILL be taken away so you might as well stop acting like your rights are being attacked. When it comes to saving lives, I don't care about anyone's "right" to reproduce.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
reply to post by SirKnightE

Try reading all of my posts before commenting.

If you want to call names, you might want to revisit the T&C's of this site.

Of course, it's just like a liberal to spew hate. Funny how you assume that I am a "right winger", but your political leanings are self-evident.

Did you not read what I wrote???, I said initially I assumed your were a peice of #, until I did read all of your comments and at the end I actually sorta agreed and understood your concept, Where did I once mention you being a "right-winger" and when did I ever "spew hate"..... Funny how you assume to anything about my "learning" when you could not even comprehend the message I was sending you.....

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

I would say yes it should be someones right.

The title of this thread made me think of China's current problem caused by their one child policy, they have all these old folks that have no one to take care of them. These types of thing should be really thought out before being put into action.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

I am a proponent of forced sterilizations...

Why would you admit such a deficiency?

Surely you do want people to have at least some respect for you.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by Maslo

I am a proponent of forced sterilizations...

Why would you admit such a deficiency?

Surely you do want people to have at least some respect for you.

Let me clarify that:
I am a proponent of reversible forced sterilizations or mandatory anticonception for people which are clearly unable to raise a child properly at a time, for example active drug addicts, child molesters or people continuously on welfare, already having "a few" kids. I think the positive effects of such regulation on the society would outweigh the cons.

Thats better, isnt it?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Oh geeze.

I have decided to make your words into German - everything is more frightening in German, - esp. forced sterilization talk:

edit on 21-10-2010 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

My thoughts are that if I can get pregnant than it's my right to.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by lucidclouds

The title of this thread made me think of China's current problem caused by their one child policy, they have all these old folks that have no one to take care of them.

Chinese population pyramid:

The shape looks quite healthy. Chinas one child policy was a big success IMHO, preventing up to 300 million births.

reply to post by Exuberant1

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Why would you admit such a deficiency?

Surely you do want people to have at least some respect for you.

Well, I got two stars..

I have explained my reasoning behind this many times. You can challenge my points, or challenge your preconcieved notion of so called "basic right to procreation".

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:03 AM

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Why would you admit such a deficiency?

Surely you do want people to have at least some respect for you.

Well, I got two stars..

Yes, but you still revealed your deficiency - so was that worth the two stars? Losing the respect of the right-minded people who read your posts?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Yes, but you still revealed your deficiency - so was that worth the two stars? Losing the respect of the right-minded people who read your posts?

Respect for myself is more important than respect of others, especially on an internet forum. I would have lost respect for myself if I would deny my opinion. And I am sure your arguing about respect instead about the topic of the thread does not help to increase your respect, either.

Besides this, I have mentioned my position on procreation rights many times on ATS since I joined.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Yes, but you still revealed your deficiency - so was that worth the two stars? Losing the respect of the right-minded people who read your posts?

Respect is earned. And if one has not earned your respect, then how could they lose it?

Furthermore, just because somone has a different point of view does not make them any less "right-minded". Of course, flashing a demonic character dressed in Nazi clothing with a poster's remarks written in German tells all of us precisely how you view the topic of "guided" reproduction in modern society.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by queenofsheba
reply to post by Freenrgy2

My thoughts are that if I can get pregnant than it's my right to.

I question that one does not have the ability to reproduce, but rather 'if' or 'when' that person should reproduce. My opinion is that you will start to hear more of this line of thinking in the years to come.

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