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If you eat meat your a nazi

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posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 05:05 PM
PETA�s thought-provoking display �Holocaust on Your Plate� spotlights this disturbing parallel by juxtaposing stomach-churning images of Jews� and animals� experiences on freestanding 8-foot panels. As observers walk around the display, they will gain an understanding of the common roots of victimization and violence and how they can help fight them through decisions that they make every time they eat

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 05:45 PM
What? Have you never wondered what a chicken thinks of the chicken farmer as he approaches with an ax? Or when that same farmer comes into the coop everyday to steal her "babies"?

However, you also have to wonder if the chicken even knows what an ax *is*? The Jews (& other races murdered by the Nazis) *did* know what the ax was...They *did* know what the gas chambers do. That's what seperates humans from the animals...Besides, in the Book of Genesis, didn't God put humankind *above* the animals? Thinking along the lines of the authors of that website, *all* living creatures have been Nazis since the beginning of life on this planet.

Yes, if you use *their* line of thinking, even vegetarians are Nazis too because even they must slaughter innocent plants to continue to survive...

It's a prime datum of the universe that life continues to survive by consuming life...It's part & parcel of our existence as physical beings on Earth, as given to us by God. People like those who make such websites have a twisted way of thinking about Life, the Universe & Everything. However, I don't scorn them, nor would I seek to censor their views or way of expressing their beliefs...As long as they don't seek to censor mine.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 07:46 PM
I love a good steak, what the heck call me a nazi over it I don't care!

Grass fed is better than grain fed!

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 10:43 PM
I guess that makes me a Nazi as well. What a low blow by PETA. Makes you wonder who in the hell thinks up this garbage. Oh wait, here is a list of the board of directors over at PETA:

Ingrid E. Newkirk
Michael P. Rodman
Jeanne Roush

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 11:50 PM
Cool, I'm a nazi ... and I love it!

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 11:58 PM
OK Im a nazi... now pass the Heinz 57 and dont let the Tbone burn... medium well done for me please

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 05:46 AM
I personally enjoy meat. However, I generally only consume red meat perhaps once a week, maybe twice. I think it is perfectly fine, and is part of a good diet. There are certain proteins that you can only get from meat (not sure which ones) that you cant get from vitamins or vegeatables. On the other hand, I cant stand PETA. I think it's great that they have a cause, and they stand up for animals. But I think it's crap how they can value animal lives over human life. If they're so concerned about testing on animals, why dont they volunteer themselves to be tested on? I'm sure the shampoo, and drug makers would love that.

[Edited on 23-2-2003 by Grommer]

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 08:15 AM
Im going to carry on eating meat with a clear conscience thank you very much.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Grommer
I think it is perfectly fine, and is part of a good diet. There are certain proteins that you can only get from meat (not sure which ones) that you cant get from vitamins or vegeatables.

Bollox to that.

You can get everything you need and more from vegetative flora.

I remember reading that if you offer a child a pear and a piece of meat, child will reach for the pear without hesitation.

I want you to remember that there is no difference between killing a jew, a cow, a chicken or any other form of life. You, average domesticated ape, are no better than anyone else on this planet, in fact most are probably worse.

Eating meat to survive is one thing but with current meat industry it's another.

And finally, let me reassure you, if you do this to animals, don't be surprised when it's done to you too.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 08:56 AM
Tyler,It is done to us lions,tigers,sharks will all not think twice about killing any of us vegetarian or not.When they are finished Hyenas,Vultures,and ants would pick our bones,and lick their lips.

I'm reminded of the book "A Clockwork Orange"where the main character was forced to watch concentration camp horror while Beethoven was played.It was a Macabre take on the famous "Pavlov's Dog"experiment where the victim could never enjoy Beethoven because he always would associate it with those sickening images.The same seems to be happenning here.My advice is to imagine happy cows dancing down a conveyer belt tap dancing and singing.Think happy associations.It could even be a musical for cinema called"I'll steak My Life".

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 09:00 AM
'You, average domesticated ape, are no better than anyone else on this planet, in fact most are probably worse. '

you can not like my opinion, and I could care less if you dont, but dont you think it's a bit immature to start name calling? and since when has voicing ones opinion in any way shape or form made them a bad person? geez, lighten up a little.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 09:32 AM
So if we do find a way to clone healthy animals then it will be ok because its no longer an animal it is one of "man's creations" and then we can selectively clone those animals to get the greatest flavor. Once it is done this way then we can all be happy. And netchicken- Grain fed is better


posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 09:39 AM
If Peta really wanted to make a difference I think that they could spend their money in a better way to help animals. Instead of trying to get people to change their views they could open up reservations for animals to be protected, or something along those lines. They will never change my opinion at least. I will eat meat till I die!

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 09:43 AM
I don't remember the nazis were eating the Jews or the other peoples they were killing in their death camps.

PETA peoples have right on many points, but they are acting like idiots.

Last but not least, I like meat ! Huuuuum, a juicy steak !!!

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 09:52 AM
"You, average domesticated ape, are no better than anyone else on this planet, in fact most are probably worse."

I see nothing insulting in this statement.It was first used(aproximately)by the distinguished anthropologist Dr Desmond Morris see "The Naked Ape".

Meat eating and vegetarianism bring out passionate debate.Let's not let this thread detereorate in the same way as the previous animal rights threads have.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 11:22 AM
The nazi's treatment of the Jews was a pointless, inhuman slaughter. When we kill animals for their meat, we are acting naturally - we need it to survive. We are only following the way of nature. And tyler, if you offered me a pear or a piece of meat, I would choose the meat

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 11:34 AM
Eat or to be eat, that's the question !

I say, eat them all, or they'll eat us !


posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 11:43 AM
humans are designed to eat meat - our dental patterns show that. However it is indeed personal choice whether or not we do. I personally don't eat red meat and it doesn't agree with my makeup, but I do eat a lot of fish.

I think the consumption of meat is not the problem, it is the method in which the animals are slaughtered and the conditions in which they live. Maybe if our society showed a little more respect to the creatures which feed us?

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 12:06 PM
Don't forget what sort of organization we are talking about here...

IN Israel the palestianians wired some explosives to a donkey and made it walk into a village, when it walked near people they blew t up and killed a girl (So I read)

.. peta complained to Arafat in writing because they killed a donkey

..didn't seem to care less about the girl that was killed....

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 12:44 PM
"I want you to remember that there is no difference between killing a jew, a cow, a chicken or any other form of life. You, average domesticated ape, are no better than anyone else on this planet, in fact most are probably worse. "

If there is no difference, then what difference does it really make? We kill them, they kill us, it is all part of the natural order of things. Do you really want to split hairs here?

I'm getting really tired of the "holocaust" continually being used as the exemplar of human atrocities. Anyone else? Why can't we leave these things in the past? Of course, as they are brought up I guess it is only fair to mention others! Despite what the media would have us believe there have been numerous holocausts in history. In fact there was another one in WWII:

"On the 13th February 1945, 773 Avro Lancasters bombed Dresden. During the next two days the USAAF sent over 527 heavy bombers to follow up the RAF attack. Dresden was nearly totally destroyed. As a result of the firestorm it was afterwards impossible to count the number of victims. Recent research suggest that 135,000 were killed but some German sources have argued that it was over 250,000. Whatever the figure, it was probably greater than the 51,509 British civilians killed by the Luftwaffe during the whole of the Second World War and the 70,000 immediate deaths at Hiroshima after the dropping of the first atom bomb on 6th August 1945."


Or how about the murder of 800 civilians at Sabra and Shatila in 1982? This incident earned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon the title, "The Butcher of Beirut".


"I want you to remember that there is no difference between killing a jew, a cow, a chicken or any other form of life. "

Lets give them all equal time, shall we?

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