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A little something that I got from nothing.

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:01 AM
We create our own reality by the systematic maintainance of specific concepts, ideas and beliefs.

Most of this occurs in the unconscious (or, as I would like to call it, ultra-conscious) because its just way too much information that if released all at once to the conscious would simply overload the system and create a breakdown or shortcut which would bring us back to when the system was still being designed.

This is not a malfunctioning program as it may seem, its actually just perfect if you realize the primal intent of having it come to existence. And that intent is to continuously create a program that offers more possibilities of creation or manifestations of the infinite possibilities that in totality escape even the original mind.

Zen teaches us to clear our minds of all concepts so that afterwords we are able to build or continue to create more efficiently in respect of the original intent. Why clear our minds? Because the ideas, concepts and beliefs that we sustain are not really ours. They are passed down culturally or traditionally. And these (modern) traditions and cultures tend to be completely ignorant about the primal intent or anything else really. These cultures and traditions are fixated, obsessed in a detail of the program, that which we can call the biological features, understood, sensed and manifested by us humans through our instinctual urges and desires.

In all these concepts, ideas and beliefs that we maintain usually without even realizing so I believe there is one pair (cultural concepts always work in pairs, opposites, the existence of one is dependent on the existence of the other one) that heavily influences us in the creation of our world: Finite and Infinity. Ending and Endless.

In my perspective these are core ideas. This specific pair of concepts that deals with time is the base for our entire way of living and experiencing this world. Through them we make our decisions of how to behave and we invariably maintain one idea or the other if we believe that we think.

Now let us realize which concept of the two (Ending, Endless) we are most familiar with. The one that we are more prone to defend and to repass as being the best one to sustain. Simply become aware. Don't try to explain to yourself why you believe in that or that you actually believe in both, not now at least. Having one or the other, or both integrated in your mind makes you qualified to continue with this reading experiment.

What is the purpose of this reading experiment? To become aware and create the world you wish to see. Let us continue.

Once you realize what you believe also realize how almost every single action you take is based on the idea of ending or never ending. Your behavior is a product of your ideas and beliefs.

Now let us go a little bit deeper into the nature of our behavior.

Hendrix once said: The world will know peace when the power of love is greater then the love for power.

At first we totally agree and have trouble identifying what he said with ourselves as individuals. We can easily relate his statement with groups of people. We understand what he said as being objective, as being a reference to something 'out there'. But is it really? What is he talking about here? Is he talking about the world we share or is he talking about the world that is unsharable, the subjective world of each experiencer? Is he referring it to a group or is he referring it to an individual?

The maintance of concepts by our unconscious drives us towards the love for power. Because as I said before, these concepts are passed down culturally and are perpetuated by our instinctual urges and desires. If you only know the love that you see in TV or that your friends, family or church talk about be sure that you are being tricked. This cultural love is all about power. Having stability, having one instinctual desire met so that we can pay more attention to the others that are left and that cannot ever be met.

We want to be correct, we want to make life more worth it, we want people to be proud of us, we want to be proud of ourselves, we want others to want the same we want. This is a reflection of the love for power.

If I believe in infinity (in relation to my existence) I will have the incredible urge to say to someone that doesn't believe to calm down, to be more mellow. Because there is no need to rush, no need to run after what you want because it will eventually come since time is not against us.

And by doing this I'm truly believing that I'm doing the best that I can, that I'm being compassionate, just trying to help. But I fail to realize that my behavior is really just a product of my own love for power. I want people to accept what I think and am unable to accept what they think as true love would do.

Same thing goes the other way around. If I believe there is an end to my existence I will have the urge to tell who doesn't believe the same that they ought to be more rational, more impulsive and pro-active, to try as hard as they can to make this experience worth it since time is running out.

This behavior is also a product of our love for power. We are no different then the so called NWO incentivators. No different then the illuminati or simply just an extension of all that we fight against, whatever that may be. Because we behave without being aware of why we behave the way we do, we end up being self-destructive and going totally against the primal intent.

I'd like you to understand that my intention here is not to make anyone start believing in something or disbelieving in something else. All I want by writing this is that we become aware of what we think and believe and how profoundly that affets the world that we experience.

The world is just our perspective of it. If I believe there are wrong and right people there will always be wrong and right people, there will always be a problem with something or someone and there will never be a world of fully righteous people even though that may be what I most want (or what I think I most want).

Let peace reign.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:34 AM
I'm not sure about what you're trying to say. Succinctly are you saying that we all behave contrary to some "primal intent" due to culturally biased beliefs?

If so, what is this “primal intent”?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Mike_A

That is precisely what I'm saying.

I stated what the primal intent is in my second paragraph.
"And that intent is to continuously create a program that offers more possibilities of creation or manifestations of the infinite possibilities that in totality escape even the original mind."

Let me try to explain this a little better since its difficult to understand the complexity of the original mind. I am still working on this idea so I would appreciate any input.

There was potential, awareness of potential being the potentiality itself. Then there was the intent to explore this potential, to take from it the maximum that it could in form of experience or manifestation. What this means is that the potential was boundless in its "non-existence", waiting to start to become or to exist infinitely in the realm of manifestation that is made of boundaries. In other words, to manifest the possibility of infinite possibilities. To recreate constantly always adding a new feature that creates the possibility for other new features that were lost in the realm of infinite possibilities to come to play.

This is a very hard concept to grasp and even more to talk about.
If you ask questions it would help to clarify it.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Hi Geladinhu, nice to make your acquaintance my friend. (just added you to my list)

Love the thought you put into this, glad to see there are still some thinkers out there...

I totally agree with what you are trying to say even though it is a little hard to follow......I like to say, "our thoughts create our reality."

If one dwells on 'fear', 'doom and gloom', 'I'm not worthy,' etc...that is exactly what they will manifest for their other words, 'you are what you eat'........

I have learned to make a habit of NOT letting fear enter my mind.....
staying focused on positive thoughts......if negativity (fear) does sneak in I get rid of it by repeating words such as, love, peace, unity, joy, harmony, truth, doing this I am manifesting MY reality.....

We are living in a very special time now here on 3D earth.......Nov. 8 we will be entering the 6th night of the galactic underworld.....more and more people will start to understand the concept you are putting forth....


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Can you elaborate further into this Galactic Underworld thing?
I'm not sure what you are talking about.

I understand that we are in times of big change, just curious to know more about your terminology.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Geladinhu

It is part of the cycle of the Mayan cosmic time keeping.....

I will give you some links so you can do some research if you are not familiar with it....keep what resonates true for you and disregard what does not...

Carl Johan Calleman:

Ian Xel Lungold:

If the links don't work just google the names.....Ian has two youtube series on the Mayan calendar.....he really explains it very clear....he really opened my eyes and mind....

He died shortly after he did that conference but I know he did his job, what he came here to do....he will surely live forever through many of us...


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:50 AM
I disagree; If you want to see what our 'primal intent/instinct' is then one only has to look at the natural world. Look at how the rest of our ecosystem conducts themselves. That in my opinion is true peace. We're killing our planet by caring about the weak of our own species and by caring even more we destroy our planet even more. Our world is incapable of your version of peace, that is not how the natural order of thing's works and without a few viable alternate planets in which we can shuttle seventy-five percent of our population to, then your version of peace will be the end of our world. We can not sustain humanity by caring for every weak individual that would have naturally died in the real world. Civilization and religion is systematically destroying the only planet we have.


Just to not sound like a hypocrite; In another thread I put forth the idea that it would be wrong to purposefully kill any part of the population in order to make our planet more sustainable for the population that is left. I still stand by that belief, but would like to add that we should simply let the stupid and weak kill themselves off on their own as nature would intend naturally. Harsh, maybe, but in the end we're left with free thinking people who can make a real difference and a better world.

[edit on 5-11-2009 by sirnex]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I really liked your theory, and although I must read it more thoroughly and examine it more, I do believe that you are on the right track.

One part that really grabbed me was what you said about Zen. I haven't really gotten to study Zen yet, but I am familiar with other Eastern philosophies. How can one as you say "clear our minds of all concepts so that afterwards we are able to build or continue to create more efficiently in respect of the original intent?"

I would like to get more info on this if you could provide me with some explanation, links, or suggested readings I would appreciate it. Thanks.


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by abandonednation

How can one as you say "clear our minds of all concepts so that afterwards we are able to build or continue to create more efficiently in respect of the original intent?"

It's a contradictory statement. What he means is clear your mind of all other concepts except the concept of love *which is technically a chemically induced emotion for mating purposes* and use that concept to build further upon that emotional state.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by sirnex

You do realize that babies are weak and unlearned...right?

I do not see where lack of compassion has ever made anything better.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by sirnex

How would you explain the love for the ones you do not want to mate with then?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Conclusion

You do realize that babies are weak and unlearned...right?

Let's look at the natural world to understand this more. Every species that bears weak young takes care of that young until they have learned enough to survive on their own. This has been true even within our own species in the past and in some primitive tribes today where attaining adulthood can be as young as thirteen or in some cases younger by proving yourself capable. Some species of animals don't inherently take care of their young at all and will either lay the egg and move on or bear a live baby and move on after a short time.

I do not see where lack of compassion has ever made anything better.

Don't confuse compassion with natural order of thing's then. Obviously compassion for those who would die under the natural order of thing's isn't making our planet any more better. We're almost at a tipping point we're we are going to screw ourselves royally if we can't figure something out. Human nature is not to be utterly compassionate to every other human being, in other words, we may never find a solution to the problem.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by sirnex

I think you misunderstood a lot of what I have said. I didnt even mention the consequences of my version of peace in a social scale. What I shared with you was a subjective understanding, one that works for individuals and not for groups. I mentioned that the world is our perspective of it. This world that Im talking about is not the absolute independent world that we can quantify and correlate with ecosystems, its the world that we experience, the world that is dependent on our existence.

But my point is mentioned by you. This world needs to CONSTANTLY end so that we attain what you call my version of peace. Im not talking about humanity here. Im talking about you and me.

I have no idea where you got the idea that we need to care about the weak. We need to care about our own personal peace (which if explored throughly would be understood that is directly related to the peace of whatever is around you), and that is it. And you know what? There is nothing more peaceful then death, so die and let die!

I agree that we ought to look into nature to receive important information about how we should behave.

I think you completely misunderstood what I wrote and I would like to ask you to read it again. I'm not at all advocating that we need save everyone. What I'm saying is quite the opposite actually, that we need only to save ourselves.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by abandonednation

We clear our minds of all concepts paying attention to the now. This will be a paradox, and that is precisely what zen is. Thats why in true zen you don't even talk about zen. If you are talking about it, you are not experiencing it in its pure form, thus the teacher slaps the student when he asks such questions as what is zen. Pay attention to that which we try to avoid, in this case, our instincts. Breathe, realize that we do it no matter what. That we do it all the time. We are trapped by our survival instinct. But for a good reason. Pay attention to all sensations. Let ideas and whatever else comes into your mind pass away as the stream of a river does. It doesnt stop a single particle of water, it lets it be and allows it to flow. Stay in the now. No expectations, no resentments.

If you want to understand there are koans. You can search about koans on google. But I'll tell you already, there is nothing to understand, only to sense, to experience and to observe. Zen is the art of being in the moment, totally present and aware.

This is a very good website that gives you hints about the nature of zen:

I think the website above is all you really need to read and learn about zen. If you feel the need for more search for meditation techniques. Any kind will do, you can even invent your own type of meditation. Meditation is the practicing of observing and becoming present. I recomend the book "The Joy of Living" by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche if you want to really get into it and need some help.

There is also lots of good info here on ATS if you look for it.
This thread for instance is really excellent:

Peace and love!

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I think you misunderstood a lot of what I have said. I didnt even mention the consequences of my version of peace in a social scale. What I shared with you was a subjective understanding, one that works for individuals and not for groups. I mentioned that the world is our perspective of it. This world that Im talking about is not the absolute independent world that we can quantify and correlate with ecosystems, its the world that we experience, the world that is dependent on our existence.

I don't know of a secondary world dependent on our existence. I probably am misunderstanding you, but it could be on your analogies like that. I'm more of a realistic literal-ist myself.

But my point is mentioned by you. This world needs to CONSTANTLY end so that we attain what you call my version of peace. Im not talking about humanity here. Im talking about you and me.

But, you and me and the rest of the population of our species is humanity. I don't understand what you mean by constantly end though, can you elaborate on that?

I have no idea where you got the idea that we need to care about the weak. We need to care about our own personal peace (which if explored throughly would be understood that is directly related to the peace of whatever is around you), and that is it. And you know what? There is nothing more peaceful then death, so die and let die!

I assumed based on a quote made in your first post.

Hendrix once said: The world will know peace when the power of love is greater then the love for power.

Granted, the majority of your post was hard enough for me to grasp, but this one quote was easy enough, so I naturally assumed this was the gist of your idea.

I think you completely misunderstood what I wrote and I would like to ask you to read it again. I'm not at all advocating that we need save everyone. What I'm saying is quite the opposite actually, that we need only to save ourselves.

Ah OK! It's wonderful to meet a real free thinking human being who understands the natural order of our planet! I was under the assumption based on my misunderstanding that we should bolster up our efforts to show compassion towards everyone and save the whole lot of them.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:19 PM
A lie is still a lie wether everyone believes it, and the truth is still the truth wether no one believes it. If someone claims God does NOT exist,ask him to prove it. It must include a claim to know everything, for if you do not know everything, you cannot disprove God.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by bargoose

I refute that with a minor change to the statement given

A lie is still a lie whether everyone believes it, and the truth it still the truth whether no one believes it. If someone claims God exists, ask him to prove it. It must include a claim to know everything - since lack of knowledge is not proof of God.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by sirnex

How do you not know a world dependent on our existence? If you cease to exist, the world that you perceive will also cease to exist, or do you believe to have some sort of absolute perception that includes the perception of every other points of awareness? I think you are having difficulties realizing the difference between objectivity and subjectivity. This thread is about subjectivity. Im not sure what a realistic literalist is. Someone that doesnt believe in subjectivity? Tell me more about your perspective, if you will.

First you need to understand that Im talking about the subjective world and not the objective world to see my point fo having this world constantly end. This constant ending of the world is in actuality the renewal of our ideals and beliefs, or a non-attachment to specific concepts and to the urge to be right.

See, I think you are understanding everything objectively when its suppose to be understood subjectively. I thought I made this point clear right after I quoted Hendrix on my first post. We tend to understand what he said in an objective sense but I'm proposing that we try to understand it a little bit different from what we would perceive from a fast analysis.

We should show compassion towards everyone. Not because we need to save everyone, but because we need to save ourselves. To be truly compassionate is actually the same as to be truly selfish and vice-versa. This is a really hard concept to grasp, but as I already said, one cultural concept cannot exist without the other one to sustain it and make it real. I can elaborate on this if you need further understanding.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Great stuff Geladinhu.
Its not often that I post, but your thread is something special.

Personally, I have nothing to add.
There is relaly nothing to say.

Except maybe thank you for making the attempt to point people in this direction.
You've done a good job!

Peter Penkala

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by penkala

Thanks for your post! Its really important for me to know that what I think and write is appreciated, that way I can continue to think and write.

Peace Love and Change.

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