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Soros: China should lead 'new world order'

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Soros: China should lead 'new world order'

China should step up to the plate as the leader of a new global economic order, and the US shouldn't fear the establishment of a global currency because it would help the economy, billionaire investor George Soros says.

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Soros said that China hasn't been pulling its weight in reorganizing the global economy after last year's economic collapse, and the way to convince China to lead is to allow it to "own" the reorganization of the global financial system that is underway.

"You really need to bring China into the creation of a new world
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 11:50 PM
I think that a growing number of people truly fear that we will see some type of world government based more on socialist dogmas rather then personal freedoms .

I have felt for a while now that China would be what any future world government would be modeled on .

I personally am troubled by such comments coming from Mr. Soros and I see this as more evidence that the world elite do long for a world government .
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Max_TO]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Max_TO

Looks like one more of Obama's commie coworkers and commie buddies singing the praises of a communist nation. If it was up to these damn Progresives we would just bend over and invite the Chinese to do as they please.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by CommieSayWhat?

Actually its more like sell them everything we can at discount prices .

They give us wallymart items at a steal so we give them national corp's for a steal , fair no ?

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 12:21 AM
It will never happen..and if it does....the world will be worthless due to the huge war that will commence before so. Screw the progressive foolish ways of socialistic power without personal freedom and liberty.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 01:02 AM
Soros is a pimp.

The last time he got heavily involved in international politics Georgia and Russia went to war, maybe he's decided to play in the big kid's toy box?

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 01:08 AM
S & F

Interesting Article.

It's true. However now is not the time IMO. The transition needs to happen at a slower pace otherwise it will be like somebody with the bends from deep sea diving in a decompression chamber going from 7 atmospheres down to 1 in a second SPLAT!

I noticed they followed up at the tail end with this little tidbit.

Some critics of the global financial system have argued that SDRs are the thin end of the wedge to the creation of a world government, arguing that institutions like the IMF and the G20 undermine the sovereignty of nations by taking control of economic policy out of the hands of national leaders. Soros' comments are unlikely to assuage those concerns.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 01:36 AM
Facilitate: (tr) to make easier; assist the progress of

President Obama has issued the power and authority of his office to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, an (American of Chinese descent) and two term Washington State governor - who is now in China.

Specifically, the delegation of powers reads:

"Presidential Determination No. 2009–31 of September 29, 2009 Presidential

Determination On the Delegation of Certifications Under Section 1512 of Public Law 105–261 Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of Title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to you the functions of the President under section 1512 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (NDAA). In the performance of your responsibility under this memorandum, you shall consult, as appropriate, the heads of other executive departments and agencies. You are authorized and directed to publish this determination in the Federal Register.

And what exactly does this Section 1512 authorize?

Sec. 1512. Certification of exports of missile equipment or technology to China.

SEC. 1512.


The President shall certify to the Congress at least 15 days in advance of any export to the People’s Republic of China of missile equipment or technology (as defined in section 74 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2797c)) that— (1) such export is not detrimental to the United States space launch industry; and (2) the missile equipment or technology, including any indirect technical benefit that could be derived from such export, will not measurably improve the missile or space launch capabilities of the People’s Republic of China.

So, that's why our Commerce Secretary is in China this week, maybe? 28 Oct 2009.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 01:51 AM
Can I say for the 20th time i told you so?....

Slowly but surely it seems that the Socislit, i mean the Progressive elite are siding with China, after all they have the same ideals in mind.

Soros represents the rich Socialist, I mean...Progressive elite who want a one world Socialist, excuse me...Progressive...government...

And of course, the Commerce Secretary is in China to sell them, or even give them more of our secrets, just like every other Socialist, I mean...Progressive President ahole has done before....

[edit on 29-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by antmax21
Screw the progressive foolish ways of socialistic power without personal freedom and liberty.


I wish getting rid of communism was as easy having a nuclear war. I guess our top generals decided it was impossible to.

MacArthur could have ended it if we gave him the bombs he wanted - but that was then....

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

I wish getting rid of communism was as easy having a nuclear war. I guess our top generals decided it was impossible to.

MacArthur could have ended it if we gave him the bombs he wanted - but that was then....

Naa, Americans, and other people around the world were indoctrinated and brainwashed into believing Communism was not a problem, and instead the indoctrination worked to make many Americans, and Europeans accept Communism as "the best form of economy/government", but instead the names of the new Socialists/Communists was changed into Progressives, and Democrats, or at least for those in power.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I wonder if this story implies that China has been given a " back room nod " to take Taiwan at some future point down the road .

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
I noticed they followed up at the tail end with this little tidbit.

Some critics of the global financial system have argued that SDRs are the thin end of the wedge to the creation of a world government, arguing that institutions like the IMF and the G20 undermine the sovereignty of nations by taking control of economic policy out of the hands of national leaders. Soros' comments are unlikely to assuage those concerns.

Ever since I read about the involvement of Soros and the IMF in the destabilization of Bosnia-Herzegovina, I have had profound reservations about the motivations of either.

IMF does indeed undermine the sovereignty of nations, and by taking control of economic policy out of the hands of national leaders, especially in Democratic or Republican nations, you are effectively taking that control out of the hands of the People and giving that control to the Elite few.

That is never a wise idea, and it is precisely what the Founding Fathers of the American people fought against.

However, I do agree that at some point America has to admit to itself that they are not the only world power, economically or otherwise. We cannot dictate to the rest of the world how to conduct itself, and most of all, we have to stop trying to do such, especially under threat of economic or military sanctions if we don't get our way.

Personally, I think there is much wisdom in a Laissaz-Faire attitude. Rather than have any agency or government be a New World Order, maybe it might be in everyone's better interest if all the agencies and governments of the world stayed out of everyone else's internal affairs and recognized sovereignty for what it is.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by CommieSayWhat?
reply to post by Max_TO

Looks like one more of Obama's commie coworkers and commie buddies singing the praises of a communist nation.

It was only a matter of seconds before an obsessed person would bring the President into this discussion. No matter what the thread, it will happen on the first two pages. Rape in California? Thank Obama for that. Cash for clunkers program worked? No, Obama just wasted money. Next time you are going to blame Barak for dinosaur extinction. I'm pretty fed up with this idiocy.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:57 PM
The only reason Soros would be promoting the idea that China should lead in the forming of the NWO and global currency is because he can make money off of it. Soros is evil..

Don't believe me? Just research what this guy did to the Pound Sterling back in 1992.

Soros made his name by reaping the dividends of another financial meltdown when he "broke the Bank of England" by short-selling the pound sterling before the currency dropped out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992, landing Soros a profit of around $1.1 billion.

"I don't know why on Earth they interview Soros since he has been proven again and again to deliberately spread financial rumour for his own exploitation and gain," wrote one, "Soros became a multi multi billionaire precisely through manipulating markets like this - if this man says that we are heading for a 1930's style crash you can guarantee he already has plans to profit from it."

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Victims of Colour Revolutions and attempted colour revolutions and on-going civil unrest masked as law and order issues: BURN IN HELL YOU RODENT!

Sorros money is behind a lot of the ills in various regions of the world.
This man is dangerous. He has no concern for human life.
He is shielded though because the money trail is non transparent, and the dirty work is done by NGO's on the ground, created of disloyal locals, and 'guided/directed' from abroad behind the scenes.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Of course China has been selected to play the prominent role in a New World Order.

It is the prototype New World Order State. That's what has been going on the past decade as they build and tinker with China and it's industries and political systems.

A totaltarian authoritarian police state for workers. A capitalist based reward system and additional freedoms and liberties for managers.

The Government reigns supreme and without question over both.

China has the largest population. They are in the best position to police the world as a cohesive ethnic and cultural force with a shared identity as a result.

The Chinese citizen has been rigidly indoctrinated into a Godless faithless mind set of absolute compliance, and submission and obedience to the State for successive generations.

Thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart and Target folks, not buying American, supporting our unions and hiring illegal immigrants to work for you more cheaply!

As Chairman Mao would are a reckless adventurer whose actions play into the hands of the existing order!

That they have, that they have!

[edit on 29/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 10:38 PM

I wish getting rid of communism was as easy having a nuclear war. I guess our top generals decided it was impossible to. MacArthur could have ended it if we gave him the bombs he wanted - but that was then....

At least progressives aren't calling for a nuclear war against people because their economy is different than ours.

If socialism happens in America, it will be because the majority got their representatives to vote for it. That's how a republic works. Democracy is the freedom to be wrong. And that goes for both liberals and conservatives. The times they are a changin, and if you don't like it, you can always go and start a free market country somewhere else.

Thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart and Target folks, not buying American, supporting our unions and hiring illegal immigrants to work for you more cheaply!

God forbid those damned union workers get better wages and working conditions.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 11:30 PM
George Soros...the destroyer of currencies!!!

He's hurt the US dollar as well.

I hate that man and I hate that some Liberals like him.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Erasurehead

Didn't the Rothschild patriarch make his billions by sending false reports back to England that Napoleon had won? The market collapsed and he was able to buy everything for pennies on the dollar.

Isn't pump and dump illegal? I've learned that you can actually get away with crime and keep the profits, you just have to make the crime and the payoff big enough.

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