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Those that have awakened or had flashes of "oneness" realization...

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posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:12 PM
Bravo ! Great Thread topic !
41 years of pulsing in and out of this awareness ! I was 5 years old for my first
nde and can only relate my present reality as " pulsing". The intensity of the awakened mind can be modulated with frequent "time outs" for rest and Incredible soul surging light-being highs that last for hours. Healing occurs at
this awakened state and energies radiate out in all directions. Awesome !
And for me solitary ! When the outer layers of the personality are "peeled"
back the soul is so sensitive to " All " and itself. Hard to describe and so
beautiful ! I know to some this may sound like someone on the lunatic
fringe but I'm trying to be sincere ! can anyone relate ?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Misfit
Is this to say that both of you have, basically, lost your human sexual drive? I went for a while through the mental stage of "what's wrong with me", finally to resolve the conflict by accepting it's because I (we) are changing.

I'm not sure if all people are changing, though I'd like to think this is the case, based on what I see as inevitably happening in the not too distant future. But, yes, based on a rather profound experience I've been fundamentally changed. Friends, coworkers, loved ones have all noticed it. Regardless of how much I try to mask the full extent of how its affected me and the implicit understanding that came along with it.

I've been trying, unsuccessfully, now for several months to put all the thoughts in to a coherent, linear presentation so others who haven't had a similar experience can understand what this suggests, in an actionable way, for our future and arrive at the same conclusion by means of logic.

It's very strange looking at people and realizing everyone is fighting uncertainty and waves of desires that stem from biological imperatives, psychological baggage, nature enforced limitations, and dancing around the solution, never understanding why they can't find lasting satisfaction or contentment.

I visualize this in my head as though someone took all the world's oceans and dumped the fish out on to the land. Then watching these poor, unprepared things flop around desperately struggling for some unknown salvation, unaware of what it is, why they are where they are, and not having the slightest idea what to do.

Most people then ask me, "So you see people as pathetic?" And the answer is always, "No, I see them as worth helping if they can or will be helped."

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Everyone wants what they want in this world, but i think the wanting is something you will lose if you get anywhere near what you are saying here.

Peace is what your after, but if your wanting that then your not there yet either.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Everyone wants what they want in this world, but i think the wanting is something you will lose if you get anywhere near what you are saying here.

Peace is what your after, but if your wanting that then your not there yet either.

I think this is why I always took exception with all religion and even various philosophical schools, because it always seemed like some unknowable thing that was subjective by each persons standards, as it should be.

However consider if the "want" is the perpetuation of all things in accordance with the way things should and need to progress. Then is that a want? Or simply alignment of ones self with reality?

You're right though basically wants do disappear with this type of mind-set, and in a world with natural exigency that's a dangerous thing. Especially when there's always a bigger fish always willing to exert its primacy over another more peaceful one.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Xtraeme

Healing those flopping fish is an instant wave of truth wrapped sincerity kiss
and off ! If you dwell in their condition the "gift" of your healing attention gets
dilluted by the confusion of perceptions wrapped up in dualism. If my attempt to describe this makes any sense great if not I'll keep working on it ! I hope what we are opening up to is this next leap forward ! Homo Illuminous ? Could this be the New Novelty ? Purer awareness, acknowledged oneness and simple
nonverbal communication ?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Xtraeme
I'm not sure if all people are changing

Oh I know their not. I see too many humans that are dead even in their eyes. It's kinda eerie at times. I never know quite how to interact with most people anymore. That's what people take as the anti-social aspect of me, but I'm really not.

I've been trying, unsuccessfully, now for several months to put all the thoughts in to a coherent, linear presentation ..............

Well, should you succeed, you are far more accomplished than I !! I can never find the words for all of this, unless I am talking with someone else that is experiencing it as well; but even then I don't need to say much, because it's already understood

and dancing around the solution, never understanding why they can't find lasting satisfaction or contentment.

I see that (those people) as not being able to let go of what we have known to be true, to instead take hold of something completely intangible and never before experienced It is quite a big step

Most people then ask me, "So you see people as pathetic?" And the answer is always, "No, I see them as worth helping if they can or will be helped."

I am SO GLAD to read that !!!! Once, while chatting about people that literally freak out at chaos or catastrophe, I heard the statement from a family member that they want to just slap those people silly for freaking out. My response was that if one isn't freaking out when chaos ensues, that one should help those that are. Kinda similar to your thought.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

i was like you at first, just getting tastes here and i started learning more and more i started coming to realizations on my own and now i'm even able to hold that state for longer periods of time.
its really been a journey though. through the years i've come upon more and more realizations and taken a lot of paths that have finally led me to where i am today. for a while i was so frustrated, first because i wanted spiritual knowledge and awareness to open up to me and i didn't know where to begin, then once those opportunities came to me to open my mind i became a bit frustrated that i couldn't hold on to that feeling of oneness with all.
after i read the law of one though, it all came together like i had wanted all along (though i didn't understand it until i was ready for it) and now its quite easy to take common stressors with ease and treat people with unconditional love.

mostly the feeling now gives me an incredibly strong urge to help others in many ways. both on the physical plane and in spiritual ways. one of the main ways i take advantage of every day is just being a beacon of light and just loving and sharing love by example. i have expressed the desire to help others in bigger ways and have been presented with more opportunities to share the wisdom i've accumulated over the years.

but still there is a BIT of frustration, i guess now its more excitement, to learn MORE and grow and be as full of love as i can.

i'm so excited for you, for me, for everyone! whats so exciting is the more awareness and spiritual evolution you reach the more people in the collective unconscious will begin waking up...its like a domino effect.


ps!! i like to play a game when i'm in public and bored...its called "i am you." basically i look at a person and really get a feel for them and put myself 'in their shoes' and try to get a feel for the person (often times those you look at and see as grumpy really feel sad-makes it easier to treat them with love despite their angry facade) its even fun just to try to look through their eyes or perspective.
its easy once you reach this understanding you have since essentially you ARE the person you are everything and everyone, all you have to do is tune into that station, if you will.

[edit on 10/24/2009 by double_frick]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Some awesome experiences shared here people---Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing.

Another thing that was inferred to me, and this will likely get me in huge trouble with certain folks (lol), is that WE are the CREATOR, experiencing or expressing itself in illusionary form. Everything we percieve is a manifestation and creation of our consciousness. We focus the "reality" into being (although it is much different than our brain leads us to believe). We are the architects of this realm. We have only been in a state of amnesia to this realization. But many are seeming to begin to remember.

Again *just my personal thoughts or feelings, based on my own experiences*...No aspersions cast upon anyone else's beliefs.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:40 PM
As a young man in the late 60's and early 70's I experimented with all of the mind-altering hallucinogenic substances that were available at that time. I had the pleasure/pain of taking real '___', which seemed to dredge up all of my young adult mental issues and manifest them in bizarre and, sometimes, cathartic ways. I did peyote, which brought forth vivd hallucinations of my Nordic past. I am reminded of Karl Jung's notion of a collective racial memory when I think about those experiences. I also tried psylocibin mushrooms and they honestly blew my mind away. There were probably 15 or 16 of us gathered at that lakeside hunting camp that night. The evening was clear and the sky ablaze with stars. We were all partying pretty hard with beer and pot at first, and then the mushroms were brought out. Not everybody chose to partake but I eagerly accepted the hallucinogen.

It was maybe a half an hour later that the drug really bgan to kick in and i became aware of the fact that I really couldn't make a lot of sense out of what my compadres were saying or doing. I left the cabin and wandered down to the dock on the edge of the lake. I took a seat at the end of the dock with my bare feet hanging into the water. At this point my buzz was increasing exponentially and I was becoming acutely aware of everything immediately surrounding me. At some point I bacame aware of the sky above and all of those stars and I then started to realize that there was really a very complex exchange going on between my physical being and the world around me. I became aware of the fact that there was a consistant exchange of gases between me and the universe thru my constant and deliberate breathing. I bacame aware that the light from those very disttant stars was also a message. "I'm here" it said, "I'm here". "I exist."

As i gazed into the water that gently lapped the dock i began to percieve the very water molecules themselves, constantly changing in relation to each other and to the resst of the world, vibrantly interacting with everything around them in some kind of strange and enchanting dance. In some sense they semed alive to me. There was definite action and rection in their movements. As i focused on this amazing interplay I bagan to lose myself in it all. The final culmination was a complete loss of consciousness itself and a joining with the dynamics of the universe. My last recollection of the experience was of a sense of dynamic acceleration into the void and a feeling of being joined with everything.

I came back around 9 or 9:30 the following morning. My legs were still dangling in the lakewater and I was still sitting in the very same place I'd squatted on the night before. My return was gradual and I remember once again seeing those water molecules dance together while the sun directed its energy straight into the heart of them. I could see them react in kind.

This experience changed my life for the better. Since that party I no longer fear death. I feel I died that night, in a sense, and experienced what we all must experience when we finally "shuffle off this mortal coil". That wonderful night I rejoined the cosmos from which I sprang. I clearly saw the dynamic interactions that make make us and everything else a reality. I touched Satorii, where there was no longer any division between me and anything else. I was back to square one.

I have no recollectiions of what I experienced while reconnected to the cosmos. But I can assure you that I came to feeling completely refreshed and invigorated. I was excited to be alive. All in all it was a very positive experience.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
How did you initially react when it was felt, or realized?

I must admit up front, that I have not been able to "hold" this state for extended periods yet, but I have had brief glimpses of it.

Two primary things occur when it is realized and felt:

1. I weep tears of overwhelming joy and awe.

2. I laugh histerically in utter amazement of how incredible it is.

In these brief flashes, I become aware not of who I am, but what I am.

Those that have unfolded this inner knowledge, how did it effect you?

The key is to hold this feeling and apply it to your every day life.

Knowing that helping others will bring on good things, for helping others is helping your self.

Some interesting reads for this

Channelings of "Ra",.This contains all volumes of the books for free, it also includes pictures and revelant conclusions by the researches..By far the most profound life changing literature I've ever come across.

Break down of books:

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by godless

I did the same EXACT thing when looking at water.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I had such an experience, about 10 years ago now since the first time it happened. The experience left me with a new understanding of reality. This oneness feeling left me with the impression that reality is much like a dream. In our dreams there is us and often many others participating within it .. but really, just who ARE all those other people in your dreams? On a higher level, from the perspective of any dream, we are truly all ONE! Another way of stating this is that all of this is gods dreams, and collectively, all of us within this dream are that god on a higher level external to this dream, reality, illusion. Something like that. Difficult to explain, like a red pill kind of thing. For me, this oneness experience has lead me to believe all realities are just an illusion, and everything is happening within the mind of some god, creator, and thus that feeling of oneness. The experience was very similar to having a lucid dream ..

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 02:34 AM
Not entirely sure I'd label it "oneness", however, I've had 2 pretty extreme scenario's of that nature play for me. I've heard it, what, reaching kundalini? Reaching/connecting with Higher Self, whatever it is. Once, on Shrooms about maybe, 6-8 months ago, first time. I felt really connected, if you will, as if my mind was going a million times faster than usual, questions AND answers coming and going. New questions forming. Gained a lot of knowledge and ground to work from on that day. The second was within the previous week. Chillin in my backyard, really focused, meditating excercise mentioned in Carla Ruckherts The Wanderer's Handbook and I saw gold flashes of light from the top fill my vision and feel something pull me, not necessarily my body, but my "inner-ness" or "being-ness" out, pulling me out. Sadly, what happened in the OP, I call it the ego kicking it, is I got excited as well.... but I know my power and consciousness are raising. I'm finding I'm to be a guide, healing entity in this life, that's my contribution. My naturally inquisitive and expressful nature permits me to be very good at another thing a previous post spoke on. Creating a linear, or logical, explanation of this lifestyle and how they can all benefit from the transition. Of being made aware of certain truth's, perhaps they can, themselves, tet themselves out of the deep stage of Darkness they are in. I, however, need to learn a bit more before I can go preaching about spiritual identity and spiritual teachings, however, I have the skilled mind of an expressful intellect. Good luck to all and i love how peacefully the thread is. I wish Love and Light (and lot of Luck) to each individual. on another note, anyone else find it hard to pray to one thing or another? I am starting to find that I ought pray to all of creation for I view all as equal and just as deserving, despite consciousness level. This is what drives me to sacrafice a "comfortable" future, for one of being of service. Each and every atam of the entirety of creation (which is Infinite in MY opinion) is energy and knowledge, treasure to Gain from. my 2 cents.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

For me there have been a lot of different stages of this, and how I felt about it.

The very first time I was dumfounded and shocked by the pure all-encompassing love and colors that I felt (I have synesthesia), and the "distance of it." I wanted to acheive it again and tried many times over about three months but didn't get it then. It only lasted around than a second or two.

I asked a Tibetan Buddhist lama about it and he advised me that attaining that in early meditation is not the goal. A flash of this is to allow us to recognize the bigger compassion of all that is, and how we're connected.

A few years later I began having the connection for a few seconds at a time but didn't try to hold onto it like I did the first time. I just relaxed in it like a jacuzzi lol

Twenty years later it is part of my life every single day. I guess you could say I see things 'out there' as part of myself. It does bring a lot of joy, a lot of sadness sometimes, a real desire to help people (depending on variables), an utter inability to be selfish most times, and a sense of purpose and love and wisdom in what I do.

Peace and thanks for the thread! Glad you're here.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Xtraeme

Originally posted by andy1033
One more thing, is that if you are truly awakened, i would doubt you would ever need to have sex again, ever. I mean this, if you are awakened, you would not even need to fulfill this desire. I would think if you truly are, you would have problems with ambition and wanting things of this world.
So are you in this position?

You're spot on with this point. I've found the only desires I have at this point are accruing the means to affect the changes that I see as being inevitable, but needing an actor to play out the role.

Sex or making love can be about more than one's own satisfaction or desire. [added] In case that's too vague, imagine a guru or enlightened being having tantric sex with another person. That other person may gain more connection and understanding in being with the guru.

Also, just as an enlightened being still has the Karma of a physical body, there are still "material" Karmic interactions with people. Like a big web, some strands can't be broken until we all die or reach enlightnment.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:12 AM
It's a great thing to know truths that ring true at the deepest part of your mind.

The oness concept really ring true to me and it feels as though my mind is re-configuring subtly and I'm beginning to understand more and more.

Thanks to these truths, I learned to not follow gods and follow myself. God taht runs this earth is siphoning off our energy and he's limited and want only worship, prayer and sacrifice to empower.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:15 AM
Let me bust off the Oneness party here. You are not one with anything.

You are none. In that noneness, you are your own everything, and everything else is their own everything, as well. So stop pushing this Oneness Trip on everybody. I've been on it, and to be honest the only reason I laid it upon people was because I was alone in agony with it. I don't want to be one. One is the loneliest number that you'll ever doooooo.

None is fun. None, I can deal with. None opens up infinite possibilities. None has no limits. It is indivisible, yet it is undefinable, and therefore it can go on forever. I reject your one and raise you ZERO!!!

I am not in awe. You don't know the bag of demons you have opened up, DD.

We are, in fact, going to be fooled into thinking oneness is a good thing. This will cause us to evaporate into a sea of burning ceaseless Light...

Not Zero, not nothing.... but No-Thing-ness. The no-thing in which even God is dead. There are no words to express the horror in which you seek.

Lucifer Saves. He bears the light.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

I still do not buy the we are all one stuff.

You would be just as correct saying "all are one" as you would saying "none are one." Oneness is obviously not an easy concept to take in, mostly because it means you have to let go of the idea that you are an individual and alive in the common sense.

Imagine a cave roof with a bunch of stalagtites on it. Each of us is like the lower tip of a stalagtite. We can look and see other tips and think "they're separate from me." But... if you are able to see yourself in a larger [more subtle really] sense, you recognize that you are the entire stalagtite, and are one with the cave roof. This is true of all the stalagtites, just most people only know about the seemingly individual tip.

I don't have a citation for this, it's simply how I understand life and oneness to be.

Edited to add: Nice synchronicity DunwichWitch! We both wrote about 'none-ness' at the same time ; )

[edit on 25-10-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:29 AM
respect the divine.... all is one...... you cannot judge the collective.... and make divisions..... dont let your shadow ego justify separation & selection in your psyche..... bla bla ba.....

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
How did you initially react when it was felt, or realized?

Shock and Awe but in a blissful sense. If a word could be invented it would be "Blissshock".

I must admit up front, that I have not been able to "hold" this state for extended periods yet, but I have had brief glimpses of it.

Me neither. Trying to "hold" it is like a wave trying to "hold" the ocean. That just wont happen.

1. I weep tears of overwhelming joy and awe.

2. I laugh histerically in utter amazement of how incredible it is.

Yes. My biggest event was at age 14. First Ecstasy and Hilarity. Then utter silence and awe. Just sitting around for many, many hours staring in awe.

In these brief flashes, I become aware not of who I am, but what I am.

Since then I realize I am not a body/mind but a state/field.

Those that have unfolded this inner knowledge, how did it effect you?

All in all positively because I know there is something out there / in here that is more REAL than anything else.

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