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2012 doomsday prediction nothing but a hoax, says NASA scientist

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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by littlebunny continue from page one

I don’t know what the truth is about our future, but I know damn well we are being lied too about our past… whether on purpose or by innocent ignorance I don’t know… but I know damn well we know very little about our real past, or about this planet and/or our solar system… for those people at NASA to come off as if they know for certain… or… for people to take what they have to say about what will happen with any seriousness… Makes me laugh… Science believed these things were absolute truths… Just twenty years ago Comets where nothing but frozen ice balls. Just over sixty years ago if you dare detonate a nuclear bomb many in science believed you will destroy the entire universe… Seventy years ago science said man will never ever reach the speed of sound because his body let alone the airplane will simply be torn apart… or how about eighty years ago when science demanded we stay away from the heart, one hundred years ago when science demanded that man will never fly… let alone Star Trek and what science demanded about their devices in the sixties and seventies… science demanded everything within that show was purely science fiction and people needed to grow up, just like they are saying about ancient statements about our possible future! I could post for months all the crap science has gotten wrong, or I could just remind you to study NASA’s history and find the truth about their miserable record with being right about any damn thing.

This rant is not about believing in Nibiru/Planet X or in believing the world is going to end… This rant is simply this… study ancient cultures and learn what they had to say… Study science and what we think we know is true…. Logically think about what either possibility is and then have an honest discussion as you continue to search for your own answers. Using NASA or this website for truth is like asking a whore what equals virtue and then passing that information on as if it was handed down from God himself…

I’m just sayin!!!

--Charles Marcello -

[edit on 20-10-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

If you want to broaden your understanding of The Mayan Calendar, check out Carl Johan Calleman's & Ian Xel Lungold's research of it on Youtube. The Mayan Calndar was never measuring tme as we might know it; it was a meter for the evolution of consciousness across the span of the galaxy

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Littlebunny and what we know is that you can see a planet the size of jupitar that would be 3 years out. You can prove this with calculations and measurements.

This isnt lack of knowledge this is simple mathematics and equations.

A planet a certain size can only be but so far out to reach earth in the 2012 time frame. If said planet is close enough to reach us in said time frame we would be able to see it.

It has nothing to do with nasa knowing everything in the universe. Nasa doesnt know the tip of the iceberg! BUT they do know how to look and see if a planet is coming.

I dont know everything about the universe but i can look up at the sky and tell you with certainty we dont have two suns.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by fallenearth]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by fallenearth
A planet a certain size can only be but so far out to reach earth in the 2012 time frame.

Well, that depends on whether the human binds him/herself to human perspective and thought process.

- The "planet" might not be a planet as we understand.
- The "planet" might not be confined to laws of physics, as it may be controlled by a force that we either have no concept of, or deny the existence of.
- The "planet" might not be a planet at all.

Just thinking outside the box.

[edit on 10/20/2009 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Misfit

And if this is true then what Planet X fans are relying on is more so in the realm of PARANORMAL. Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.

A Planet from other dimensions popping into ours. A planet the size of jupitar or any celestial body that size just doesnt pop out of then air. So is this a ghost planet?

I could say a giant space dragon that eats planets is coming our way and id have the same amount of proof.

Unknown Virus

All possibilities, i can buy into any of those. Even a alien attack id buy into that before planet x coming in 2012.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by fallenearth]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by fallenearth
A planet the size of jupitar or any body that size just doesnt pop out of then air

Why not? Because the human has never witnessed it to have happened? Is the human experience the most that can possibly happen throughout the entire universe on all realms?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Misfit

OK then their is a possibility my Giant Space Dragon exist and will devour our planet.

If your talking about a universe where no bounderies exist, or laws and anything is possible tomm a giant pink space bunny could poop on our planet.

Now dont get me wrong im not trying to be a smart arse im just pointing out if anything is possible then anything is possible.

Reguardless what people on this board think other people have their eyes to space.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by fallenearth]

[edit on 20-10-2009 by fallenearth]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by hermantinkly
reply to post by littlebunny

If you want to broaden your understanding of The Mayan Calendar, check out Carl Johan Calleman's & Ian Xel Lungold's research of it on Youtube. The Mayan Calndar was never measuring tme as we might know it; it was a meter for the evolution of consciousness across the span of the galaxy

Littlebunny I enjoyed reading your posts

Herman I also really enjoyed Lungolds research, have his dvds- a shame he died.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by fallenearth
Now dont get me wrong im not trying to be a smart arse

I know
Don't think I am trying to be "above you" with the following, because that's just not my way.

Many years ago, I was of the same thought process, that things which seem impossible ARE indeed impossible. But then things started happening at a pace that made me stop, look, and learn, that I am bound only by what I think I am bound by. It started with a motorcycle spill that should have killed me, and was long before Neo and the Matrix was thought of (in case you think that's where I got the preceeding notion from).

NO, that does not mean I can make a giant pink space bunny jump out of your monitor and poop on your keyboard. It does mean that I am open to the possibility that somehow - it could indeed happen, that it would not surprise me if it did.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:08 PM
My last comment on this thread.

Misfit i believe in the human soul, i believe in alien life forms. I believe in multiverses.

But the laws of this universe seem to dictate planet x isnt possible or we would have seen it by now.

I also believe in human deception and greed from not just governments but everyday people.

It just seems to me when confronted with scientific facts, the Planet X advocates reply with "…governments are sending out disinformation and covering up the true observations of Nibiru." or " the governments cant see it its in another dimension, invisible, hidden etc"

I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, I will however not support anything in the name of Planet X. If the basic science behind what we are led to believe are the foundation of Planet X existing is wrong, it seems a poor argument to say "the government did it".

Therefore, the story that Planet X will arrive in 2012 is, in my view, total bunkum (but it helps to sell doomsday books and DVDs by scaring people).

[edit on 20-10-2009 by fallenearth]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by fallenearth
But the laws of this universe seem to dictate planet x isnt possible or we would have seen it by now.

But the laws of this universe which are understood by the human is on a human scale, not a universal scale, nor even a paranormal scale for that matter.

Originally posted by fallenearth
the Planet X advocates

I am not an advocate of it. But if it does happen, I will not be taken back by it, because I am of the thought that anything can happen.

Originally posted by fallenearth
I will however not support anything in the name of Planet X.

And you don't have to support the notion of it

Nor do you have to shut the possibility of it out.

That's not to mean anything similar to something I hear alot about religion: well, you should believe in Jesus "just in case it's real, then you won't go to hell".

I just like to remain open. Hell, for all I know it IS about Jesus and the Bible IS literal, and if so, then of course I would accept what is true.

Don't think I am trying to "convert" you or anything, lol, just thinking out loud with ya

[edit on 10/20/2009 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:36 PM
I believe the producers of the film 2012 are on track as far as as the devistation on earth via the oceanic activity , once the gravitational pull is affected on Earth. Not to mention the solar activity that could fry most of the Earth , predicted at the same time.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:35 AM
i think the aliens are gonna show up and give us all ice cream sundaes and anal probes, then tell us that they are tired of having us for pets and are going to trade us for dogs....

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by chrisd250
i think the aliens are gonna show up and give us all ice cream sundaes and anal probes, then tell us that they are tired of having us for pets and are going to trade us for dogs....

In that order?

I'd prefer my anal probe first - *then* the ice cream. You know, get the worst of it out of the way and have the treat afterwards. At least the ice cream would then feel deserved

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by noonebutme

Originally posted by chrisd250
i think the aliens are gonna show up and give us all ice cream sundaes and anal probes, then tell us that they are tired of having us for pets and are going to trade us for dogs....

In that order?

I'd prefer my anal probe first - *then* the ice cream. You know, get the worst of it out of the way and have the treat afterwards. At least the ice cream would then feel deserved

they like to do it in reverse order of what would happen after your tonsils are removed, since it involves a different orafice...they also want to gain our trust with desert first, then move in for the kill

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by L.HAMILTON
I believe the producers of the film 2012 are on track as far as as the devistation on earth via the oceanic activity , once the gravitational pull is affected on Earth. Not to mention the solar activity that could fry most of the Earth , predicted at the same time.

geez, I wish you hadn't used the words gravitational pull

my dream was a combination of some god awful disaster and the use by someone (dont know who) of holograms (which I didnt even know about until I started reading here and came across Bluebeam)

I was an observor, it wasnt happening to me but suddenly it was the like the air was being sucked out of the earth people were hanging onto things for dear life like street lights etc but the force was too great and the whole thing just went, people were literally flying off the earth- holy bat poo that was the gravitational pull LOL

I'm not a dream type person took so many drugs in my life I've hardly ever dreamt at all but that dream was pre drugs and I have remembered it for over 20 years.

I'm really going to start believing it doesnt happen in this timeline- we create with our thoughts learnt that basic years ago- if we all buy into the doomsday 2012 scenario we could make it happen.

I'm not going to see the movie and suggest for others to give it a miss also- buying into the fear isn't going to help anyone and it's seriously not good for your health being petrified of what might might not happen too- that is a much better way to look at it

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:36 AM
People are getting far too carried away with this being doomsday etc...

The world will not end for a long long time.

It will however be a period of change. Something will happen and I'm going with extreme weather and climate change.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I heard that the date of 2012 is just false and the real date is 2208 or 2220. Can someone confirm this ? There is full evidence?

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