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The Cause and Cure for Cancer

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

*shrug* All I know is that, if your methods were so effective, people would be flocking to the cheaper and safer 'healing' techniques. The information is widely and freely available in print and electronically. Instead, we see an increase in the number of patients coming through the ER and wards every year.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by nwodeath

*shrug* All I know is that, if your methods were so effective, people would be flocking to the cheaper and safer 'healing' techniques. The information is widely and freely available in print and electronically. Instead, we see an increase in the number of patients coming through the ER and wards every year.

That's because people like YOU are out there convincing them they need doctors to do what nature can take care of by itself.

More and more, people are discovering natural remedies like Urine Therapy and less and less they will listen to quackery spouts like yours.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

If they can truly find smoething that works, wonderful. Like I said pages ago 9or maybe it was in another thread, can't recall), the positions I'm applying for are salaried public health jobs, so I couldn't care less if my patient base decreases, so long as everyone that wants care is getting it. i do find it curious that we're seeing more and more advanced cases of disease in the hospital, though, likely as a result of homeopathic treatment gone wrong. Someone takes a couple of herbs, drinks a little urine, and thinks that because they *feel* better that the condition is cured. Lo and behold, a month later, they have a festering infection whereas a month ago, it was a simple case of strep throat that would have been cleared up with a couple weeks of ampicilling.

[edit on 10/15/2009 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by nwodeath

If they can truly find smoething that works, wonderful. Like I said pages ago 9or maybe it was in another thread, can't recall), the positions I'm applying for are salaried public health jobs, so I couldn't care less if my patient base decreases, so long as everyone that wants care is getting it. i do find it curious that we're seeing more and more advanced cases of disease in the hospital, though, likely as a result of homeopathic treatment gone wrong. Someone takes a couple of herbs, drinks a little urine, and thinks that because they *feel* better that the condition is cured. Lo and behold, a month later, they have a festering infection whereas a month ago, it was a simple case of strep throat that would have been cleared up with a couple weeks of ampicilling.

[edit on 10/15/2009 by VneZonyDostupa]

That's absolute hypothetical conjecture.

In other words, total nonsense.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by nwodeath]


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:20 PM
The following might be slightly off topic. Please note I am not going to get into some kind of flame war or heavily defend my statements because frankly everyone must make up their own mind no matter whether their ideas are right or wrong.

I read this entire thread and I'm kind of surprised no one has said this already. I think it's fairly common knowledge that cancer is the result of something going wrong with a cell/multiple cells in your body. What apparently isn't common knowledge, or what people tend to forget is that cells differ slightly from person to person. The reason cancer has proven to be so difficult to cure is not because people aren't trying, they're dumb, poor nutrition or whatever excuse you want to come up with. It's due to the fact if John Doe and say your Uncle Bob both get liver cancer, their cancer won't be exactly the same since the cells in John Doe's liver and your Uncle Bob's will be slightly different. Compensation for those slight differences are a fairly substantial hurdle to over come in my opinion. Currently, at best, modern/alternative medicine only has treatments for cancer. Depending how bad your cancer is, where it's at and a whole host of other factors the treatments may work or they may not. If chemo and radiation work then that's amazing! Likewise, if reducing sugars and taking mineral supplements works that's also pretty incredible!

Having said that, can we all just take a step back and realize that if you have been beaten any kind of sickness, be it through modern medicine or something alternative that's freaking AWESOME! Who cares if you took an antibiotic or rubbed cat brains yourself? You beat it didn't you? Remember we're not all 100% the same and no one will ever have the end-all-be-all best idea ever regarding anything. Something that works for you may not work for me. That's a fact so let's end the pissing contests and instead give ourselves a pat on the back for over coming adversity anyway we can.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

When we consume sodium our bodies maintain the sodium concentration in our blood by retaining water. The kidneys SHOULD then respond by excreting the sodium in the urine, relieving the body of salt and water simultaneously.

Not only does insulin inhibit this process, it also increases blood pressure by stimulating the nervous system. Lewis Landsberg, an endocrinologist, was the first to report on this.

In epidemiological studies, researchers in support of the salt-hypertension hypothesis failed to recognize that those societies being observed eating little or no salt also ate little or no sugar and white flour.

It's also worth noting that that with the introduction of the western diet(processed and sugary foods; easily digestible carbs), epidemiologists observed hypertension was accompanied by all other diseases of civilization(cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.), which suggests that there is a single common cause and that there is a strong possibility that it's dietary in nature.

Though it might seem off topic, the data above just may identify the most common cause of cancer - sugar and easily digestible carbs - as evidenced by epidemiological data and corroborating lab studies.


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by MMP

I couldn't agree with you more.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

When we consume sodium our bodies maintain the sodium concentration in our blood by retaining water. The kidneys SHOULD then respond by excreting the sodium in the urine, relieving the body of salt and water simultaneously.

Not only does insulin inhibit this process, it also increases blood pressure by stimulating the nervous system. Lewis Landsberg, an endocrinologist, was the first to report on this.

In epidemiological studies, researchers in support of the salt-hypertension hypothesis failed to recognize that those societies being observed eating little or no salt also ate little or no sugar and white flour.

It's also worth noting that that with the introduction of the western diet(processed and sugary foods; easily digestible carbs), epidemiologists observed hypertension was accompanied by all other diseases of civilization(cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.), which suggests that there is a single common cause and that there is a strong possibility that it's dietary in nature.

Though it might seem off topic, the data above just may identify the most common cause of cancer - sugar and easily digestible carbs - as evidenced by epidemiological data and corroborating lab studies.


Sugar and Carbs both FEED Candida. That is why is should be considered that Candida could be the cause of Cancer. There is a correlation. The doctor in Rome found that all cancer tumors have Candida inside them at the base. I believe that lots of things contribute to cancer, but Urine will alleviate all the problems for anyone suffering from it. Some may take longer than others depending on their condition.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

Alternative Medicine for Cancer (Part 5) Cont
I've Cured Cancer using these Recipes & Alternative Medicine.

Vitamins and Supplements
Take these vitamins and supplements daily except Vitamin A use 50.000 IU on weekdays, -(M-F).Vitamin A can be toxic if used in high doses for an extensive period time, like months or years. After 6 months you can lower the dose to 25,000 IU daily thereafter, but may not be necessary, until your cured. Then use 10,000 IU daily thereafter. NOTE; The total amount of IU per day should be included in the total IU with the Multi Vitamin which you should take daily. Come as close as you can to the Daily Recommendations.
Niacin(non flush) 500 mg - (1,000 mg in divided doses.)
Vitamin C in divided doses 2,000mg - 10,000 mg. Minimum is 2,000 mg. Vitamin C is non toxic at any dose, but it can cause stomach upset, esp. if you have an ulcer, Ester C or Buffered C is recommended. Higher doses can cause diarrhea. If you have loose stool lower your dose.
Carnitine, an amino acid, 1,000 mg - 4,000mg daily in 2 divided doses on empty stomach when you arise in the morning and at bedtime 2 hours after consuming food. (Example 1,000 -2,000 mg 2x's a day.)
N-Acetyl-Cysteine an amino acid, 1,000 mg- 2,000mg in 2 divided doses on empty stomach.
Taurine, an amino acid, 1,000 mg -3,000 mg in 2 divided doses on an empty stomach.
Magnesium, 400 mg. daily.
Selenium, 400 mcg. daily. (800 mcg, total when taking a Multi-Vitamin.)
Bifidobacteria, 1 TBSP powered with meal.
Drink ESSIAC Tea. Order online at, I suggest the 1 lb Package, follow instructions.
Co Q10 200 mg - 400 mg in divided doses.
Herb Astragalus, Pau d'arco, Dong Quai, Reishi,, as directed.
Turmeric, Ginger Tea. Boil 8 oz of distilled water, add 1/4 teaspoon of both herbs, 2 x's daily.
Always check with your doctor first before using any herb or vitamin, esp if you use prescription drugs.
If you can't get all of these supplements right away, focus on Carnitine, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Taurine. They will raise your blood pressure slightly temporarily, so check with your doctor first. These Amino Acids are very powerful in curing you of cancer. Turmeric, and Ginger is good too.

Also when off fast put 1 TBSP of flaxseed oil in a 1/2 cup of Cottage Cheese. This has powerful anticancer properties when combined together. Eat Soybeans or Tofu with Garlic or Garlic tablets or garlic powder daily, combined they are both powerful anti cancer fighters. Always take a 100 mg Kelp Tablet with Soy/Tofu products to balance hormones.
Do not eat any meat products until you start to feel better, unless it is fish, like Salmon or Tuna.
Foods that should be eaten daily, fresh Garlic, Red Onions, *Green Leafy Vegetables, ground Flaxseed's and Flaxseed Oil -(1 TBSP daily). These should be organic and without pesticides. Garlic can be taken in tablets also. *Suggestions for Green Leafy Vegetables - Spinach, Mustard Greens, Kale, Swish Chard, Parsley, Beet Greens, Red or Green Leaf Lettuce (not head lettuce, which has very little nutrition). Other Vegetables: Broccoli, Tomatoes, Brussels Sprout, Cauliflower, etc. For Stomach cancer eat Egg Plant, Tomatoes especially Tomato Sauce Products.
Note: Do not ever use store bought Salad Dressing they are poisonous to your body, make your own using simple ingredients, Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, and dry (or fresh) Herbs.

Alternative Medicine for Cancer (Part 6) Cont

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

I'm sorry, but I have to agree with VneZonyDostupa. You have a preconceived notion and are searching for anything to support your hypothesis, yet you adamantly deny/ignore any evidence to the contrary.

I'm not saying that the hypothesis is wrong, I'm simply asking where the evidence is that supports it. Anything would be nice, really, other than anecdotes.

Where are the studies? I'll even accept epidemiology as a start.


Edit to add: Correlation does not imply causation! Your argument is a logical fallacy.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Allright, no problem I will dig up some research for you. I have to work for a few hours so it will be later this evening.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

I understand renal phys, I promise you. Of course the kidneys maintain a constant ion level in your blood. The mechanism of hypertension, however, is a result of that compensation by your kidneys. The more sodium you ingest, the harder your renal system has to work to compensate for a higher osmolarity in your system, which will eventually cause less urine output in order to keep more fluid in your system and bring the osmolarity down.

I've provided you with just one study showing a strong link between high sodium diets and hypertension. Here are some more:
Angiotensin-Aldosterone Effect (Journal of Hypertension)
High-sodium diet in Chinese population (American Journal of Hypertension)
Societal healthcare cost-saving by cutting sodium (American Journal of Health Promotion)

Those three are just from this month. I don't know how else to prove to you that dietary sodium intake is strongly correlated to a rise and fall in blood pressure, based on your diet.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by StinkyFeet
reply to post by nwodeath

Why pour it on. I am going to stand in the shower, aim up, and just piss right on my own face to get it as fresh as possible.

Was that really necessary?

Your posts in this thread are starting to crack me up.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:42 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:45 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

Hello nwo!

It seems you know a lot of health stuff.

I recommend you this site:
And please give me your opinion.


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:56 PM

out of all these posts i figured there would be at least oNE person who bring this up. but maybe some of you are afraid of it and what society thinks of it. but i tried this, i still make it, i still take it even tho im not sick anymore, never had cancer but had other blood related disease that i do not like mentioning. but i will say that it is related to having sex! and no not AIDS. so anyway watch and read this with an open mind, the more you learn about it the more you will be convinced.

and btw if anyone wants to try this and has questions let me know. like i said i make this every 4-5 months for the past 2 years.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:10 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:31 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by nwodeath

Alternative Medicine for Cancer (Part 6) cont
A Healthy Enviornmentwhere you live is Very important. Remove paint and toxic chemicals out of your house. This would include Comet cleaners which contain bleach, and Lysol sprays etc. Do not ever let these chemical touch your body or fill the air in your environment! If you smoke, Stop! There are over 40 toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke!

Laundry soap should be use to a minimum, because your body will absorb this into your body through your clothes and toxify it. Don't even touch it! If you do come in contact, rinse your skin off immediately and thoroughly. Your body has to work harder to remove these toxins and it will suppresses your immune system which you need to free up at this time. Use alternative bleach for whites. Rinse well or use minimally.
Damp Dust your house weekly because dust suppresses your immune system.
And do not even touch dish soap, not even a molecule! Use rubber gloves and rinse well, in fact dish soap is not needed if you are single except for super greasy objects. Use simple shampoo.
Simple RAIN shampoo and other simple shampoos and conditioners should be used and rinsed the out well.

Do not ever apply lotions, etc., to the skin, it is directly absorbed into the skin into your blood stream! Do not put anything on your skin that you would not consume! There are to many preservatives in them. Only use only Caster Oil, Olive Oil and or Almond Oil, or Natural Oils without fragrances in them and Bee's wax to moisturize with. Do not use Baby Oil it robs your body of minerals!

First shower in hot then cold water, applying water to trunk, front & back for 3-4 minutes, followed by 60 seconds of cold water in cycles of 3-5 times. The strong spray of the shower head is very helpful. Not too hot!

Your body detoxifies threw your sweat glands or in a humid environment.
Another option is to alternate between cold packs and heat packs on area. Apply hot packs 3 minutes to 30 seconds of cold. Three in a row. Use three times a day.

You can also use large thick bath towel soaked in tolerable hot water, wring it out & place on chest and abdomenal areas. The temperature should be hot. Cover yourself with blanket, rest comfortably for 5 minutes. Remove towel. Then take a thin bath towel soak it in cold water. Wring it out, but leave some moisture in the towel. Place towel over chest and abdomen areas. Place blanket back over your body. Keep the cold towel on for 15 minutes. Then if you can, turn over on stomach and repeat the same hot and cold procedures.

Foot Hydrotherapy;Soak feet in tollerable bot water for 10-15 minutes. Then soak in cold water for thirty minutes
Acute conditions: one to two times daily. Chronic conditions: three to five times a week, until condition is resolved.

This therapy is very effective so don't under estimate its ability to trigger a immune response which is needed.

Bathe only with simple Ivory Soap, Olive Soap or Glycerin Soap.
Don't use harsh chemically laden soaps with perfume in them. It is very hard on the body! Plain Ivory Soap is best to bathe with, but other natural Soaps can be used.

There is a cure for your disease and it can be treated immediately. You have nothing to lose.
Drink Odwalla CARROT juice, pronto! You will see pronto results! Then when you see the effects you wont hesitate to do the rest. The Pain leaves. Powerful anti cancer properties in Garlic. Consume 6 Cloves of Garlic a day. Colon Cleanse.

There is a thing called a pain reaction that occures. This reaction is good. This will occure if you do the right things. But if after you use or consume something that is not healthy for you, it is a bad response. Stop using it right away or spit it out, if Ur not sure.

Wishing U all well! Stay Happy!

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