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Magick VS Science. We are the wizards of today!

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posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:08 AM
I am sure I am not the first to have ever noticed this correlation. Did an ATS search to see if anyone else was interested in this sorta thing and could not find anything on the subject. So here is my findings.

In all the holy books and mythologies across the planet, we hear of stories of Gods who had magickal powers. Fairies, demons, angels, dwarves etc...

I posed the question a few years ago that said "What if there never was a such thing as magickal beings? Instead, maybe they were individuals/aliens/time travelers or whatever that understood and used science and technology in a way that perhaps made Ancient humans perceive them as magickal Gods". Much like the abilities of the Christ, the Buddha and the Annunaki were said to have.

We all know of the supposed healing powers of some of History's biggest figure heads. It would seem that recently, science has begun to give us the same powers those figureheads had all along.

In August 2005, Lee Spievack, then in his early sixties, accidentally sliced off the tip of his right middle finger just above the first phalanx. His brother, Dr. Alan Spievack, was researching regeneration and provided him with powdered extracellular matrix, developed by Dr. Stephen Badylak of the McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine. Mr. Spievack covered the wound with the powder, and the tip of his finger re-grew in four weeks

And here we see that astrology has always been a big part of human evolution. And just now we are starting to understand the skies as in depth as some of earths most ancient cultures.

And who is to say that psychokinetic can't just be explained as an Electromagnetic phenomenon? Our brains use electricity and electricity causes EM fields.

All psychic and psychokinetic phenomenons are the direct result of the biological system of communication. The external and internal transmissions of electrical signals by the brain/body send and receive information an instructions within and outside of the human body. These internal electrical signals are interpretable by the brain/body while the external electrical signals are interpretable by specific objects in our surroundings. Similar to asking a computer to change the name or location of computer file, the psychic is asking the natural system to change the state of the object by requesting the alteration of the current information known to the natural system. The natural system is an intangible platform that allows the biological system of communication to function in this manor.

I have always found this subject to be fascinating. Hopefully someone else does too.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:39 AM
I've always wondered about this.
Maybe science and technology is fundamentally the same as magic in the sense that it is all just learning how to manipulate our environment.
Maybe the only difference is that "magical beings" don't know why something happens when they do something to cause it, or cast a spell or will it to happen. For them it just happens.
Really it may be the same for science and technology because when we dig really deep into why things fundamentally happen in our environment we really don't know. I'm talking about quantum physics where we have mapped out what happens when we do something but we don't understand at all why that happens.
In other words we may push a ball to make it role across the floor and that is our magical effort but at a quantum level we have know idea how that ball is moving or existing or what the floor is made of.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:33 AM
IMHO, There is no such thing as magic... just fanciful thinkers and ignorance combined with natural phenomena/processes we simply don't understand using our current knowledge and technologies.

Primitive people could be forgiven for such an error. They simply didn't know any better. If we could go back in time and display almost any of our modern technologies to them, they would either see us as gods or burn us as heretics.

However I see no excuses for modern humans... yet the ignorance and claims of 'magic' continues... whether it be astrology, channeling, tarot, clairvoyance and the like.

Perhaps some of our alien neighbors could best be described as the wizards of today?


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

with the wizards part, I suppose that makes more sense. And with human ignorance...I would agree also. Still never ceases to amaze me though

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:19 AM
Well could be magic is real but disinfo'ed to general public. haha that would be awesome.

How can anyone know if it is fake... why would infared disclaim clairvoyance and the like as well, is he omnicient... I doubt it.

Anyways, I think if there was once magic it is probably still here. Maybe it is the chakra control, or telepathy.. or psychic healing. Just different names today.

In this world the more we learn the less we once knew as certanties are proven false... Quantum physics show us that almost daily. We view ourselveves as solid, but we arent we are full of spaces between the wave matter. So if manipulation of wave matter was possible with the use of telepathy or the like, then that would be magic... huh

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:19 AM
Well could be magic is real but disinfo'ed to general public. haha that would be awesome.

How can anyone know if it is fake... why would infared disclaim clairvoyance and the like as well, is he omnicient... I doubt it.

Anyways, I think if there was once magic it is probably still here. Maybe it is the chakra control, or telepathy.. or psychic healing. Just different names today.

In this world the more we learn the less we once knew as certanties are proven false... Quantum physics show us that almost daily. We view ourselveves as solid, but we arent we are full of spaces between the wave matter. So if manipulation of wave matter was possible with the use of telepathy or the like, then that would be magic... huh

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:23 AM
Magic is probably the wrong word, but it seems likely to me that certain people have had "abilities" other havent. Its no stranger than how some people with autism remember everything they experienced.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Have you ever watched the anime Full Metal Alchemist? It's about how people can use science (alchemy) to seemingly transform things to their liking by just knowing what a certain thing is made of and skill. It seems like a form of magic, but actually isn't.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:23 PM
All the points so far are well taken. And that is exactly what this thread is for. One of the articles I posted said something about telekinetics and telepathy as part of the electromagnetic system of the mind. I personally believe it is more in depth than that, involving quantum mechanics.

Science has become almost a religion of sorts. With all the amazing things it can do nowadays.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:42 PM
As the late Arthur C. Clarke said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." One example that comes to mind is when the "primitive" natives of New Guinea first saw airplanes, they thought of them as being supernatural. They even built mock airplanes hoping to lure the planes back and bring more cargo and goods. It's kind of like the beginning of a new Von Danikenisk religion or cult.

One SF writer says all the magic or mana has been "used up" so that's why we don't see real magic today. Others believe magic only works if you believe in it too. I personally think science has supplanted magic and if there is any real ESP (as the CIA believes there is) we will prove it scientifically. So yeah, I agree with you in that today's wizards are scientists.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Star and flagged Toodles! I love this idea. The first thing I think of is the story in the Bible when Moses confronts Pharaoh and tells him to let his people go. This is an awesome analogy to what you've presented.

Moses does miracles and the Pharaoh's magicians follow suit. They seem to be able to mimic everything that Moses does. There are little differences at first, like the snake that Moses conjured eats the ones that the magicians conjured. It gets far worse after this.

God uses their very own God to systematically destroy Egypt. It was epic! Anyway, we know in the end times that there will be someone who is seemingly doing magic and that he will fool everyone by those means. I believe he will be using science and technology that is quite human. Just my take on it though. Great topic my friend.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by jackflap

You know how it goes. Supposedly the US military's top secret technology is roughly 30 years more advanced than what we see on the market. And at the current rate of developement, in 30 years we could potentially see things that are impossible by todays standards. So you never know.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Where have you heard this if you don't mind me asking? The reason being, it sounds about right. Everytime something new comes on the scene I always wonder, if we are getting to see this, what do they really have? So the thirty year thing I totally buy into. Just wondering where you may have heard that. I also believe every new technology is weaponized and hidden first.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Mr. Toodles
In all the holy books and mythologies across the planet, we hear of stories of Gods who had magickal powers. Fairies, demons, angels, dwarves etc...

Maybe Death lost a head and thought the right idea was to try each one on until one was found.

Maybe Death doesn't wanna look or smell like Death anymore, and rather be honored virtuously... would be a nice end to a long hard worked JOB.

Maybe Our Magical God knows how to um... arrange this kind of sort of DEAL!

[edit on 21-9-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by jackflap

You know, I don't remember where I heard that. But I know I heard it a few times. And it always made sense to me. Since we never hear of the military in need of technology upgrades. We never hear of the military needing to use civilian facilities. In fact, everything is in military use BEFORE it goes to the public market. So it only made sense.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

And here we see that astrology has always been a big part of human evolution. And just now we are starting to understand the skies as in depth as some of earths most ancient cultures.

The point you make here is so true. When I watch shows that talk about the understanding of a past civilization relating to the cosmos I am blown away. How, with limited technology, did they know so much? It makes me believe that they either had a helping hand, or they had something that we are just unaware of today.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Here is something else I found interesting. It is kind of biased with emphasizing how "real" magick is. But the fact that they tried to explain it scientifically is what I found pretty cool.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Interesting link. I do believe there are things that are allowed to happen in this material world that cannot be explained by science. I believe it is spiritual in nature. I once heard a story from a military chaplain about a haunted doll that he bought for his daughter at a yard sale. He didn't know it was haunted at the time of course. It was a very creepy tale.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

I beleive that magic/spirituality whatever the labels is exactly the same thing as science, but once upon a time someone decided to seperate the two for the benifit of us we wouldnt see our selves or see the wizards within each and everyone of us. we are all merlins

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:07 PM
I look at it this way. Our minds produce magnetic and electrical fields. Electrical and magnetic fields can and do affect other electrical and magentic fields. So on some small level our minds affect reality at the base level. Thus, "magick".
In a nut shell.

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