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CIA Directors letter to Obama is a threat IMO

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:34 PM
They are basically telling him to stop the criminal investigation into alleged abuses in the CIA’s interrogation program or something could happen in my opinion. We all know the CIA has dirt on everyone.Looks like the president is getting pulled to the side and told to chillax

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Better Mouse Trap
They are basically telling him to stop the criminal investigation into alleged abuses in the CIA’s interrogation program or something could happen in my opinion. We all know the CIA has dirt on everyone.Looks like the president is getting pulled to the side and told to chillax

Do you have a link?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Better Mouse Trap
They are basically telling him to stop the criminal investigation into alleged abuses in the CIA’s interrogation program or something could happen in my opinion. We all know the CIA has dirt on everyone.Looks like the president is getting pulled to the side and told to chillax

Interesting, very interesting. Where is the evidence? Where is the letter? What letter sent by whom when and where? Links or sources are welcome and appreciated.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:38 PM
One random link....

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:41 PM
As said, links?

Although, they already warned him off by flying a presidential jet low over NY City and publicly embarrassing the administration while making it clear that they could get to him and his family at any time.

Did you not see him crawl to the CIA immediately afterwards to "thank them"?
And then he miraculously dropped any further mention of holding people accountable for their crimes.

Do none of you pay any attention?

Edit, above link posted while posting, ignore my request for linkage,

[edit on 18-9-2009 by detachedindividual]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:48 PM
"The former CIA directors told Obama that reopening the cases “creates an atmosphere of continuous jeopardy.”

Hmmm.......jeopardy to who???

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Well the CIA have a history of murdering presidents. So I wouldn't put it past them to bump of Obama. The CIA should be banned!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:05 PM
banned by who? kinda hard if they have the power to "bump" off the president willy nilly.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:45 PM
This is from the e-book '50 things you're not supposed to know' in its whole form.


It's no big secret that the Central Intelligence Agency breaks the law. But just how often its does in is a shocker. A Congressional report reveals that the CIA's spooks "engage in highly illegal activities" at least 100,000 times each year (which breaks down to hundreds of crimes every

Mind you, we aren't talking about run-of-the-mill illegal activities — these are "highly illegal activities" that "break extremely serious laws."

In 1996, the House of Representatives' Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released a huge report entitled "IC21: The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century.

Buried amid hundreds of pages is a single, devastating paragraph:

The CS [clandestine service] is the only part of the IC [intelligence community], indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world in the face of frequently sophisticated efforts by foreign governments to catch them.

A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) DO [Directorate of Operations] officers engage in highly illegal activities (according to foreign law) that not only risk political embarrassment
to the US but also endanger the freedom if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occasionally, of the clandestine officer himself.

Amazingly, there is no explanation, no follow-up. The report simply drops this bombshell andmoves on as blithely as if it had just printed a grocery list.

Basically, an CIA agent could walk into a room full with dozens of witnesses, millions if televised; walk up to the president, and shoot him in the head and get away with it

[edit on 18-9-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

I think what the passage says is far from your conclusion. Now I am not defending the CIA at all. However, some of those criminal activities have included bugging consulates and such in the USSR. WE must remember that at least part of what the CIA does is attempting to help keep America safe.

Maybe they only want us safe to help strengthen their power base. But, at least they are trying.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:36 PM
I love how so many people on this board and in the media paint the C.I.A. as this uber-evil organization hell-bent on world domination at any means necessary. Even funnier that alot the people that believe that don't understand that , if they live outside of the U.S., that thier intelligence agencies do EXACTLY the same things. MI, KGB/FSB, Mossad, etc etc etc. That is the nature of intelligence. To affect an outcome with minimal expenditures with maximum effect in a clandestine manner. The more people try and hold these agencies to Law Enforcements standards of operations is dangerous and basically turns the agency into the NSA. Sit and listen. Holder does need to desist, this is nothing but partisan politics to appease the far-left. And the former directors, both republican and democrat see that.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by djvexd

I doubt you have first hand experience, thus you possess no ability to understand what 90% of the C.I.A.'s activities actually consist of. Around 1980, C.I.A. assumed near total control of all importation and distribution of coc aine. When the government speaks of "the war on drugs", what they're really talking about is eliminating any competition. The "mob" used North Bimini Island, which is due east of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as their drop off/pick up point for narcotics until C.I.A. informed "A. Arnone" his operation was being shut down and all mobsters in the country would be buying their supplies from the Agency - or else. Much of the cash made through the Agency's operations goes to fund "black ops", the remainder goes directly into the pockets of the most powerful people in this country - the ones who ACTUALLY run this nation ("Bilderberg", "C.F.R.", "Trilateral Commission", etc.) and decide who their next "front man" (POTUS) will be. In the beginning, the "MAC 10" and "MAC 11" submachine guns used to be traded 1/1 for kilos of coc aine. Trace the history and players involved in "M.A.C.", "S.I.O.N.I.C.S. POWDER SPRINGS", "R.P.B.", "COBRAY", and "S.W.D.". You'll discover some extremely important, deadly, and powerful, yet very obscure characters, who have made many millions, up to billions of dollars for themselves and possibly trillions for others. (Yes, I understand how outrageous the figures sound, but the facts support what I'm telling you - "b. t., d. t.".) Revolutions, assassinations, provoking wars through "false flag" operations, drug importation, money laundering, operating a "secret government", and many more covert operations are conducted by C.I.A. If you conduct a proper search, you will also discover the major players, especially "S.I.O.N.I.C.S. POWDER SPRINGS" and its late former operator, "Mitchell WerBell III", can be directly linked to the JFK assassination. JFK had promised to investigate and do away with the C.I.A. shortly before he visited Dallas. What I have stated is not "theory", it is fact.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by djvexd
I love how so many people on this board and in the media paint the C.I.A. ........

C'mon... We all just know the ONLY reason they are saying this to him cuz he be black!

Da CIA be raciss.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

If it is from an e-book, then it must be true.

Odd how anyone- even the Director, would know a clandestine organization, such as CIA is committing over 100000 crimes per year.

Clearly racism is involved here.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Ex-Intel

Actually I don't have operative experience , and that ASSUMPTION you are correct. However I have worked as a JTTF liason for both TSA and CBP in the DHS. 5 years. So I have been in contact with and worked with the CIA. Soooo...yeah. Next time you attempt to discredit someone I think you need to ask. Links. Show me links. Not from a CT website. FOIA releases. Or are you claiming to be an insider? I am not trying to say that what you posted didn't happen, becasue if you don't have verified gov't docs it didn't as according to the gov't. If you claim to be an isider I would suggest that you rethink that oath you took. I took one and signed a piece of paper, though low level, it was a matter of trust and if you are disseminating SSI in an attempt to garner attention, as your moniker would suggest, then I would just be about your way. If you are trolling then I suggest you do the same.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by djvexd

You're a low level lackey. You have no clue what truly goes on in the CIA anymore than anyone else. Just because you "work" with other low level lackeys doesn't mean anything either. What Ex-Intel says is MUCH closer to the truth and can be found in numerous books and stated by people much higher up in the CIA than you or others. Just like any government organization the minions at the bottom are merely pawns who have no clue what the higher ups have planned or are actually doing. They are pawns. The United States Presidency is the exact same thing nowadays. Obama doesn't control or really dictate anything, especially when it comes to foreign policy. Those lurking in the shadows, men who most of us have never heard of and will never hear of run things. Although not uber-evil per se, it's completely naive to think the CIA is anything other than a very corrupt and tyrannical organization since its inception. Oh wait wait..........they are keeping us safe right? Yeah right! We are really safe nowadays. The world hates America. South America, the Middle East especially. These two areas of the world have probably had some of the most influence by the CIA.

And news to you buddy.......just because you take an "oath" of secrecy doesn't make everything okay. This country has too damn many secrets and people hiding behind those secrets. It's time we tear down some of these organizations starting with the CIA.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by Zosynspiracy]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

So you are refering to books by "supposed" clandestine ops that can neither be confirmed nor denied but yet you are telling me that I don't understand. nice. I am not going to feed your theories any more. I am gonna say good night and so long. Back to the original post, ALL intelligence agenices globally conduct themselves the same, with a few exceptions. Stop pissing on the CIA and trying to demonize the CIA and American intelliegnce agents.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by djvexd

I'd tend to believe well researched and verifiable facts and figures from hundreds of books written on the subject and hundreds of interviews from higher ups than the word of some low level DHS employee like yourself. No offense. I'll stop pissing on organizations like the CIA when they and my government quit pissing on the American people. And just because other countries conduct themselves a certain way makes it okay for us to? I thought that's what separated Americans from the rest of the world????????????

[edit on 20-9-2009 by Zosynspiracy]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

So in other words you will believe those you pay money to. Gimme a couple bucks I will spin a yarn. The broad brush you paint with doesn't discern from "low level-lackeys " as myself. You still haven't addressed the other part of my post that the world's other intelligence agencies do the same if not more horrific things. But becasue it is the U.S. it is fashionable and more readily accessible to rail against. Here is a little taste:Germany

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Better Mouse Trap

woah woah.. so let me get this straight... lol..

you actually think that a president was elected at this tumultuous time in our history.. that somehow WASN'T in line with CIA agendas?


//scrolls back up to top of page to make sure he's still reading on ATS...yup ATS.. what the...///

ever hear of news theatrics?
make people perceive that there is //gasp// controversy in the higher rungs... make journalists 'sound' like they're asking tough questions...

it's all necessary to get to where we're going... to move the flock along with the least friction possible.....but MAN.. are you freaking serious in not seeing it lol ??

i come here to discuss it but not really complain about it.
but for someone not to see it... it shouldn't be on ATS... maybe like.. the comment section of Newspeek or uh.. USA Today... but ATS?


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