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Is a time machine like this ever possible?

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 05:31 PM
If something can be imagined by the human brain, then it can be created and made real.

Initial Conception is the hard part. Once the first person conceived of Time Travel the rest is just a matter of Time (no pun intended, well maybe it was intended).

Already such a subject is the basis for not only thousands of books, several Black Ops Budgets, but an entire field of Science too!

Hey, we already have tech inspired by Star Trek, Star Wars, and the Predator series. Sci-Fi is just the precursor to Science and Technology. One dreams, while the other makes the dreams real.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Paradox is the problem with time travel.....even if only to observe the past....lets say you are in your time machine and you displace yourself back to 1901 in an open materialize on top of a bee that is polinating a the bee cannot pollinate other flowers that may have fed other animals that may have fed other animals and so on and son on until you get to the Big Mac that Obama could have eaten yesterday but now he didn't so he changed his mind on universal health care because he was hungry.............some how Kevin Bacon is involved...I just know it......

I guess what I am saying is that even the most insignigicant change could have far reaching impact down the timeline.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by wdkirk]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:10 PM
may I suggest .

the problem is one of the nature of a mobius loop .

if you have a peice of paper , and paint only one side black and one side white... or .... have a place in time befor a thing is , and a time when a thing is not .

you have a good picture of reality .

but time is a mobius , so the black fades in to white , and white into black.... e=Mcc ....but the white and black is fix'd in its place.

human awareness has a beginning , middle and end.
so it is not with in the nature of immortals , and can move to diffrent places , repeat moments endlessly , or draw out or compress .

the body and mind can not do this , but awareness can .

this is the key to understanding of time travel .
it is awareness which is free to move , not the mind or body .

no machine can move thru time , nor can information move .
but your awareness is uniquely suited to this ... it is all a matter of understanding the concepts and defining the terms of the order that binds you to reality .

becareful what you ask for , you may get it .

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by RyanLA123
How can you travel into the future if the future hasn't happened yet?

That one is easy...there are many different futures, nay different realities, many different dimensions of time and space, which are essentially one and the same.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by fraterormus
If something can be imagined by the human brain, then it can be created and made real.

Initial Conception is the hard part. Once the first person conceived of Time Travel the rest is just a matter of Time (no pun intended, well maybe it was intended).

Already such a subject is the basis for not only thousands of books, several Black Ops Budgets, but an entire field of Science too!

Hey, we already have tech inspired by Star Trek, Star Wars, and the Predator series. Sci-Fi is just the precursor to Science and Technology. One dreams, while the other makes the dreams real.

I whole heartedly agree! Star Trek inspired several generation of scientists and inventors. The cell phone if an idea from the Star Trek communicator. You are right too, people can conceive of a thing, and can bring that material thing into being, I have seen it happen.
I once knew a girl who really needed a car. for two days she sat in deep meditations. One the morning of the third day, a man she had never seen before came to her door and gave her a running car. We all do this, but here in this third dimension, there is a time lag between thought and creation. When we pass over to the Spirit word, thoughts will immediately become reality. One is where one thinks they are, and they are surrounded by the people and things they love. I have visited this world, and it is an amazing place, if you could call it a place. Wake up people! We are the Creators here. "He" is not out "There."
"It" is inside us. We are, I am.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Yes... it is possible. From what I have heard, what needs to be done is to accelerate all of your atoms to just above light speed. It can be done without speeding through space. It can be done with waves either energy or gravitationa/magnetc. The idea is to move all of your atoms back and forth at light speed, causing you to break free of natural universal movement. Once free, the direction you take forward or back depends upon the polarity of electro-magnetic force that is applied. It would not be a long period, only a matter of intensity. Like when you hit a golf ball, the distance depends upon force. This is why John Titor used micro black holes, or, singularities. It provided a limitless amount of force.

Actually proof of time travel is all around us, but in a primitive way. In our mind we can freely return to relive yesterday, or wander the unwritten future. when we take a picture of someone, we capture that image in a moment of time. That we can see it proves time travel is possible as it comes along with us in suspended animation. When you fast forward or rewind a disc or VCR tape, you time travel, though in primitive form.

So yes, the machine is a possibility, although I think John Titor had it right about parallel universes.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by readerone

I read you readerone.

I have seen it in art.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 03:25 AM
The easiest way to time travel one would not actually travel in time as in those movies, but you would have a virtual time machine that would allow you to glimpse certain places in time.

Of course it would seem like you're traveling in time, but it would actually be a simulation using real data, so your body would stay in it's original time while your mind travels through the data stream via the computer interface using an advanced VR helmet or even more elaborate Holodeck.

The user or time traveler could actually feel as if they're in the target time - even though they are only seeing a reflection of that time & place.

In order to get an accurate data stream of the past we would accelerate multiple streams of zero-mass photons or other particle or use existing worm holes - at reflective targets so that it would bounce back to your machine and be put back together to allow you to view or glimpse the target time and location.

To go into the past you would have to use existing technology of the target time, apparatus or even mirrors to bounce your photons or particles off of, so your resolution would be limited, but from now into the future we could have specifically designed transceivers that would allow us to get broader resolution. Hell if we could tap into the internet we could use all the web cams as well as any other data or devices in our target time.

Eventually one could perhaps even manipulate the target time by sending data or interfering with others or machines in that time and use them to do the manipulating for us. One might be able to add or overlay data to the existing media technology of the target time for communication or manipulation.

[edit on 2-10-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

titor was not a time traveler , he is a dimentional slipper .

they seem the same... but they are not .

if you take a single atom , and remove it totaly ( both its energy , and location ) from this time /space .

if it has not future ... then it has no past... and you create and hour glass paradox of effect , changing the future and past ...

at either end of the hour glass you have infinites , at the point of revortex , you have a singlularity of the finite .

what titor does is to connect in echo transdimentional interfaces ...
his nature : in a word ... he connects his soul thru out all eternity , and push's each soul , and jumps between time lines .... so that for ever soul that goes into the future , there is a soul going backwards in time , into the past .

what is not understood by those who don't understand time travel , it comes at a terrible cost .. he relives time lines and shortens his life by a percentage of eternity ...

like watching a movie hundreds of times ... smell the coffee!
the movie never changes , its fun the first 10 or 20 times... but titor's soul must see it an infinite number of times ... little wonder the man went mad .

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:14 AM
I think even better ones exist NOW.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:57 AM
I don't think/believe that it's possible for any sort of linear time travel, but there may be a way to travel inter-dimensionally to other time lines/possibilities. That would be a matter of quantum mechanics.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 10:37 AM
Yes i think time travel is possible. I think that we do not need a machine for it. When humans can see beyond our physical world and come to the truth of who we really are, we will be able to move freely from one "time" to another. Time does not exist. It is just a tool. Free the mind and anything is possible. There is no spoon.

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