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2012. We have two choices.

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:36 AM
Well after reading yet more doom and gloom about 2012 I have come to a personal conclusion. Our ascension is totally in our hands. We have been given the choice and free will to do as we wish. We have been given two choices and it is these that will play a major part in what we manifest.

LOVE and FEAR. In truth these are the only choices we have, everything else inbetween is a shade of one of these two choices. These are the two emotions the soul can decide between. They are of course completely opposite to each other and this I believe is how our duality was brought about. LOVE/FEAR are part of the one spectrum which was created from the ONE to show us what we are not. We are all of LOVE but in order to remember this on the road to ascension we need to have fear there to show us what we are not. I once chose fear, but in choosing it it showed me what LOVE is NOT. To learn what we are NOT is one way to bring us closer to what we actually are.

Our thoughts are energy, they are a creative energy that is able to manifest form. What we think we become. EVERY human thought is based on either FEAR or LOVE. In every situation we face our INITIAL thought will be based on either LOVE or FEAR. It is that initial thought of the soul that has as its source the power to create.

Unfortunatly from birth we are programmed to make the majority of our initial thoughts (those that are the powerful ones capable of the creation and outcome of our own persoanl realities) based on FEAR. We are taught it is the survival of the strongest, most educated, richer and powerful that is what matters. We now live in a fear based reality even though we may be totally unaware of this. All or most desicions we make (relationships, religion, business, family, economic.....) are based on the choice of FEAR. Think about this and you will see it is correct.

I think the whole point to the 2012 ascension is to change to a thought process based TOTALLY on unconditional LOVE. This is what we must do, we must choose LOVE over FEAR.

The more doom and gloom we feel over 2012 the more we will actually manifest it. Frequencies of love have been sent to help raise our souls ability to choose LOVE as our manifestation thought of choice, but it seems there are other forces at work blocking this as many many people still feel more comfertable choosing FEAR as their souls creative force.

Love and fear are the only emotions we as human entities are able to express. All the others are just sub-categorical emotions. For example, on love's side there is joy, peacefulness, happiness, forgiveness, and a host of others. On the other hand, fear reflects: hate, depression, guilt, inadequacy, discontentment, prejudice, anger, attack, and so on.

Love and fear can not coexist.

LOVE and FEAR can NOT coexist, which is why it is so important we choose LOVE.

Love is LIGHT. Fear is DARKNESS. When you turn on a light, darkness is no more. There is not a trace of it left! There is not even a hint of darkness ever having been there! God is LOVE. Love is light. We are all children of God, therefore, in truth, we are only LOVE. When we act out of fear, we are turning out the light, denying our truth, and entering into the darkness. We leave our love behind and attempt to be something we are not. We attempt to be apart from our Source; apart from God.

So the more we vibrate at LOVE the closer we are to the source. Is not 2012 ALL about getting closer to the source?

FEAR is the choice of those who dont want this ascension. To stop this ascension is to remain in control of us and our planet. Reject FEAR and you reject them.

To me once we choose LOVE as our force behind all we are, all the decisions we make and lessons we learn,this impending doom and global catastrophe really dont have any place.

Is this the mistake our ancestors made? The majority chose fear over love and so this is why we did not ascend last time around???

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I believe that we are not alone in this huge universe but please, i wish people stopped believeing in all this stuff, similar 2012 predictions have been done many many times in the past and nothing ever happened, with no scientific evidence, what makes this time different? you cant base this off of a few people saying blahblahblah or a calender!

The calender ends... yes, but so does ours... it just resets and starts all over again, just like the mayan calender will.

Apparantly something is going to hit the sun tomarrow and we might get fried, ill bet you £1000 nothing happens, same thing over and over and over again and im quite sick of it.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:09 AM
A bit on and off topic here.

I wont go into the 2012 debate, but I will go with you on the LOVE/FEAR.

I have discussed this with people many times. Its like trivia of self. What is the dominating emotion that all emotions come from? LOVE. Pure and simple. Every emotion can be traced back to LOVE or the lack of LOVE. I also agree with the fact that we live in a society and time where FEAR is the most widely used control mechanism of the masses because it has proven to be the most effective means.
When people fear loss, injury, pain, suffering and death, then all one has to do is promote the potential for one or more and the masses will cower beneath warm blankets, close their eyes tight and think "if I dont see it, it will go away".

Opening up to LOVE allows a person to challenge and embrace what they FEAR. This leads to overcoming and seeing through the veil of darkness that so often surrounds FEAR and breaks free the bonds it once held over you.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:23 AM
what will aquarius do if we tell him he's not welcome?

if we don't want collektive consciousness?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:32 AM
haha, you are funny

collective means you are allready in it,
you just have to choose if u want to stay there or not.

by love, its not an action eh, it is seeing,
seeing what you are doing, because it's life that is doing it,
you just follow it, until you understand it, (= forgive)
and then you become one.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by wheresthetruth
A bit on and off topic here.

I wont go into the 2012 debate, but I will go with you on the LOVE/FEAR.

I did and still do struggle whether this is 2012 related or that it is infact a timeless choice we must make. I have linked it to 2012 as so many energies are within our solar system and atmosphere that 2012 seems one reason for these forces many now feel. Your right it may not be 2012, this evolution may be timeless. However this seemed the most suitable board for this thread.

I agree LOVE /FEAR are the only two real choices we have, yet it seems Ive spent most of my life unaware of this very important universal rule.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:15 PM
not totally true

the choice is


if you ignore FEAR then you do not love everything

it has a function, if you see fear before it beats you
you will be safe. it's a motor.

i gonna explain something that looks opposite of love,
but it is love, if you understand this, you understand

When you forgive, you became angry first
some people will be so angry they loose consciousness
they will react as monsters
when their anger is over
they will regret
and WILL come HOME

evil is ignorance, not anger.
but if you ignore your anger,
then you are acting as heaven before it is heaven
the anger will explode much harder
and you risk to avoid coming home

God is one, Life is One, Truth is One

use fear, because it is care
one is you and the rest, but also you
it is us.

what will happen is that ignorant people,
will react so slow, that they will not understand
the anger of people who do care,

it's very complicated on first sight,
but a lot of people in fear and anger are good people.
there are two phases,
first reaction is to anger towards the free ones, the angels
second reaction is regret

ignorant people will try to keep their peace, when the world
as it is will come to a rest, be prepared, because it is
going to storm a lot.


[edit on 21-8-2009 by pasttheclouds]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Not more rubbish. Argghhhhhh!!! ATS is so full of this crap.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by john124

Let's assume it is all crap, that 21/12/2012 will just be like any other day, is mankind changing for the better, crap?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Neo-V™
[Let's assume it is all crap, that 21/12/2012 will just be like any other day, is mankind changing for the better, crap?

Well yes I do totally believe he/she is changing for the better.[mankind) You see when the source decided to create us to experience itself through the big bang as it did it created a shadow. The big bang created a shadow. It is this shadow/dark that we know fight. As the light exploded in such a way it caused a shadow on the wall. It was unavoidable and has now grown beyond its size. I am not a light warrior but i believe they exist. I believe such beings of honour/light do exist and it is up to them to stop this shadow we have now created.

Remember whenever a light is enlightened/set free a shadow will form. That shadow is still part of the one but over time it gains individuality.

Which side will you choose.....LOVE or FEAR? I plead to all light warriors out there to help, I know you see this battle, this battle that is really not mine but has been shown to me...I plead to ALL light warriors take up your arms of light and fight this dark with your absolute know who you are. Now please fight the fight you took an oath to fight. Please do what you are meant to do.

From my heart I can say or ask no more. I have seen the fight and it is not one I am equipped for but if you feel you are you MUST fight.

You must. You absolutely must fight if you are able and aware enough.

[edit on 21-8-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:44 PM
Hello, my name is David. I am God's son and unworthy to be so. I hope to be a gracious judge as I grow.

Love is only a small part of Charity.

Charity is the "general direction" of gifting.
Order is the "general direction" of perfecting.
Charity without Order is Chaos.
Order without Charity is Pride.

So, our choices are more accurately;
OrderCharity (true existence) or Pride/Chaos (the latter two are both temporary existence).
- The most basic name of the Creators is "perpetually existing existence."


Those who give to God and their neighbors, these are the tribe of Israel, the sons of God. How else would you expect the sons of God to act? Would the sons of God have been given so much power as to run much of the world and yet still be fearful/faithless? The sons of God have strength and are gentle. The sons of God are rich and are not spoiled. The sons of God have understanding and are not conceited. The sons of God have counsel and are not forgetful. The sons of God are touched with the sicknesses of pride and chaos but are not overcome by them. The sons of darkness are pride and chaos which are death and yet expect to live as God's favorite.

In the days of old, God taught man order and man became pridefully chaotic.
In the last days, God taught man charity and man became chaotically prideful. To all who are sons of God, brethren, do not worry, darkness does not stay for a long time. Give to God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Give to your neighbor as you would give to yourself if you had the same need.

If you will order, order charitably.
If you will give (charity), give orderly.

OrderCharity is everlasting.

[edit - 1. changed wording in one sentence - 2. changed "afflicted" to "touched"]

[edit on 8/21/2009 by Dasher]

[edit on 8/21/2009 by Dasher]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

totally agree with oyu OP, ascension required work, without the work and time put into it one will never achieve it. No global shift will ever make ascension happen, death maybe, ascension no.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:58 PM
This is the clearest explanation I have ever come across. Truly awesome work, thank you for sharing this.

I am going to carry this in my signature.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Mr Green


“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives

- William James

And that for me is what 2012 is about and find it frustrating when people say 2012 is all nonsense, because of the underlying message of unity, and realising that WE can change the World, we just have to change our ways.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Neo-V™


Thanks for those quotes. I especially like the one above that says our conscious awareness of vibration is a "feeling" and that WE decide at what frequency we allow our spirit to vibrate at.
It is right, the sound of God/Source is through our vibration/feeling. Our "gut feeling" is usually right because it is this very first initial thought we have that is our connection to the source. It is the source directly guiding us to take the right path. Many of us, and Im guilty of this often FEAR following our initial instincts and so never follow them through. So many times I am told a path is wrong yet I do not have the confidence to choose LOVE over FEAR and so end up in a state of lower frequency due to not following my instincts..because I am basically AFRAID to! We are choosing FEAR over our inner God connection and souls guide.

God speaks to us in many ways but feeling (gut feeling) is the main way. This is because nothing can compete with actually feeling something and experiencing it. People can tell us things or use the written word to get their point across but until we actually FEEL something we never really can truely accept something. I could tell you all for years that lemons are bitter but until you experience this you will never truely know it as the truth. This is why feelings are Gods way of guiding us and speaking to us.

Never does God speak to us with FEAR! The Source will never allow us to feel FEAR as a way of guiding us within. Fear is the language of the dark not of the light. The Source ALWAYS guides our souls with feelings of LOVE. It is by listening to these feelings of LOVE that we are able to raise our spirits vibration to one of a higher awarness. This is what ascension IS.

Feeling is the language of the soul - N D Walsh

The Source is here NOW within us all. It always has but now especially it is calling out to us to change, it is guiding us to ascend to a higher vibration so that our spirit can feel and be on a higher realm of awarness, an awarness of a conscious connection to the Source and an awarness of total and unconditional LOVE.

How can I hear the source within many may ask?

Mine[God] is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything else is from another source. Love is the ultimate reality. It is the only. The all. The feeling of love is your experience of God - N D Walsh Conversations with God.

If we were to choose LOVE over FEAR we would be free to live our lives to the fullest in total connection to the Source. We would have NO FEAR because we had chose LOVE over FEAR. This is possible, it is an obtainable state to reach at we just need to listen to the Source within and follow its guide of LOVE.

Thoughts are very powerful. They are literally able to manipulate energy and manifest form. When many like minded people think one same thought things happen, things change. Like energy attracts like energy. as more and more of us choose LOVE over FEAR the populations spirits will become more and more aware. More will follow. So you see we CAN change things, we can change our world but we have to start with ourselves first.

Just like you say Neo-V we can change the world if we change ourselves.

FEAR is a magnet for more FEAR. What you fear most will follow you yet over and over again spiritual masters will say FEAR NOT. What we think we create...think love you create love..think fear you attract more fear and at the end of all this...


[edit on 22-8-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Like energy attracts like energy. as more and more of us choose LOVE over FEAR the populations spirits will become more and more aware. More will follow. So you see we CAN change things, we can change our world but we have to start with ourselves first.

"Drop the fear. Fear was taken up by you in your childhood, unconsciously. Now consciously drop it and be mature. Then the life can be a light which goes on deepening as you go on growing."

- Osho

A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research reports on one of the most dramatic sociological experiments ever undertaken. Researchers predicted in advance that the calming influence of group meditation practice could reduce violent crime by over 20 percent in Washington, D.C., during an 8-week period in the summer of 1993. In fact, the findings later showed that the rate of violent crime--which included assaults, murders, and rapes--decreased by 23 percent during the June 7 to July 30 experimental period. The odds of this result occurring by chance are less than 2 in 1 billion. Rigorous statistical analyses ruled out an extensive list of alternative explanations, according to John Hagelin, lead author of the study and director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.


One Percent for World Peace

A few years later Maharishi made a prediction: If as little as 1% of the world's population practiced Transcendental Meditation, there would be no more wars. The peaceful influence created by people practicing Transcendental Meditation, he said, radiates throughout the environment, like the light from a bulb radiates throughout a darkened room.

At that time, in the early 1960s, there were too few meditators in the world to test Maharishi's prediction, even on a small scale. But by the end of 1974, more than 250,000 people were meditating in the United States, and many small cities in the country had 1% of their population practicing the technique.

The first study to test Maharishi's prediction occurred in December 1974, when scientists measured quality-of-life indicators in 4 cities where 1% of the population was practicing Transcendental Meditation. They examined such standard and publicly accessible indices as crime statistics, accident rates, and hospital admissions.

Decreased Crime in 1% Cities

When these findings were compared with similar research from four control cities matched for population density, geography, economic conditions, etc., a remarkable discovery was made.

The cities with 1% of their populations practicing the Transcendental Meditation program showed a decrease in crime rate while the matched control cities showed an increase in crime rate -- as did the U.S. as a whole.

The researchers then expanded their study to include eleven 1% cities and eleven control cities. They found a 16.6 percent reduction in crime rates among the 1% cities compared to the non-one-percent cities.


All we need now is the "Hundredth Monkey".

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Neo-V™

"Drop the fear. Fear was taken up by you in your childhood, unconsciously. Now consciously drop it and be mature. Then the life can be a light which goes on deepening as you go on growing."

- Osho

Yes fear is taken into our being from a very early age in an unconscious manner. Human fear (psychological fear and not immediate danger fear like being trapped in a fire) is based in the mind , it comes in many forms such as unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension and dread. These emotions are very different from an instinct to leave a situation like a fire.

Psychological fear (opposite to love) is always based on what we think might happen and not what is actually happening. Our spirit knows fully we have nothing to fear but our mind tells us we do, it tells us we do because since childhood it has been conditioned to feel fear over love. We have learnt to choose fear because we have lost connection to spirit, our spirit fears not, but our mind does.

Most peoples lives are run by desire and fears. Desire is the need to add something to yourself in order to be yourself more fully. All fear is the fear of losing something and thereby becoming diminished and being less. - Echhart Tolle

Your right we need to drop the fear, because we have nothing to fear, we are everything we ever can be already and this can never be taken away or diminished.

The answer to 2012 is to be found in the inner space of each of our hearts of this Im convinced. Just as the Mayan descendants have said in the excellent video you put up...

...Our world is created by the consciousness connected through our heart centre.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Well after reading yet more doom and gloom about 2012 I have come to a personal conclusion. Our ascension is totally in our hands. We have been given the choice and free will to do as we wish. We have been given two choices and it is these that will play a major part in what we manifest.

Mr. Green, a Star and Flag for you. Great post. You are absolutely correct here too, we are our own saviours here, and the ET everyone is talking about are here to watch, to see what we do. The ones who ascend will have prepared themselves for this, and will be open to it. The tools for ascension are freely given to anyone who wishes to open their mind to new possibilities.

LOVE and FEAR. In truth these are the only choices we have, everything else inbetween is a shade of one of these two choices. These are the two emotions the soul can decide between. They are of course completely opposite to each other and this I believe is how our duality was brought about. LOVE/FEAR are part of the one spectrum which was created from the ONE to show us what we are not. We are all of LOVE but in order to remember this on the road to ascension we need to have fear there to show us what we are not. I once chose fear, but in choosing it it showed me what LOVE is NOT. To learn what we are NOT is one way to bring us closer to what we actually are.

Clap clap! By any chance, have you read "The 21 Lessons of Merlyn?" I am in full agreement here. These are the ONLY two choices anyone has, and will ever have, Love, or Fear. I especially like that last sentence, "To learn what we are NOT is one way to bring us closer to what we actually are." wish I'd said that! Personally, I can feel myself changing into that which I really am, even though I am not sure what that is, I am open to it, and ready for it. Fear has no place in a strong mind and will, but sadly, fear drives those who are afraid, and those who cling to old beliefs forced upon them by the priestly class.

Our thoughts are energy, they are a creative energy that is able to manifest form. What we think we become. EVERY human thought is based on either FEAR or LOVE. In every situation we face our INITIAL thought will be based on either LOVE or FEAR. It is that initial thought of the soul that has as its source the power to create.

This is something I have been trying, without much success to postulate to the members. That everything is energy, really, and the only real difference is the frequencies of the energy. The lower frequencies deal with fear and greed, and anger, the higher frequencies deal with love and giving, and creation. You may not know this, but material objects have been manifested by human thoughts, as far back as 1970 or so. (Montauk Project)

It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in quite may humans.

Unfortunatly from birth we are programmed to make the majority of our initial thoughts (those that are the powerful ones capable of the creation and outcome of our own persoanl realities) based on FEAR. We are taught it is the survival of the strongest, most educated, richer and powerful that is what matters. We now live in a fear based reality even though we may be totally unaware of this. All or most desicions we make (relationships, religion, business, family, economic.....) are based on the choice of FEAR. Think about this and you will see it is correct.

Autowrench: Again, right on. We are even taught to Fear God! The competitive spirit is driven into children at a very early age, the breed fighters and soldiers. Those born into the Rich Elite Classes are taught to rule, and the Lower Classes not in the elite are taught to enlist and fight. Has there not been a war for every generation since the Civil War? And, haven't all wars, with the exception of the Civil War, fought over religion,? or the lack of it, in the case of Korea....

I think the whole point to the 2012 ascension is to change to a thought process based TOTALLY on unconditional LOVE. This is what we must do, we must choose LOVE over FEAR.

Is this the mistake our ancestors made? The majority chose fear over love and so this is why we did not ascend last time around???

I think we will have a chance to go forth and create our own universe. You can laugh if you wish, but I have been thinking that for many years now, and there are a lot of us who are attempting to do this. We are awake, and tired of being in the cycle of fear and mind control, or artificial happiness, and lack of sustainable resources. Is anyone of us really, truly happy?
Even the rich are unhappy.

This is a very good post, Mr. Green, I am adding you as a friend.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM
fear is good.

if you are going to battle fear you will loose it
if you use it as a direction sign it will help you

it's fear that allows people to do 'wrong' and regret it
another name for care
which is building truth

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Mr. Green, a Star and Flag for you. Great post.

Thank you very much. The contents of this thread have been a long time within me but its like I wasnt listening to the messages my soul was sending me. I have asked now for many years whats life all about and now see the answers are within us all, we always had them we just need to listen . Fear prevents us hearing the Source within.

have you read "The 21 Lessons of Merlyn?" I am in full agreement here. These are the ONLY two choices anyone has, and will ever have, Love, or Fear. I especially like that last sentence, "To learn what we are NOT is one way to bring us closer to what we actually are." wish I'd said that! Personally, I can feel myself changing into that which I really am, even though I am not sure what that is, I am open to it, and ready for it. Fear has no place in a strong mind and will, but sadly, fear drives those who are afraid, and those who cling to old beliefs forced upon them by the priestly class.

No I have not read those lessons. The books that helped me open my heart to the love of the Source and loose my connection with the fear of the mind(ego) are The Power of Now, A New Earth (E Tolle) and Conversations with God(N D Walsch). These books have totally transformed the way I think about who I am and what the world is around me. All these books were recommended to me by ATS members.

Your right when you say you can feel yourself changing, your not sure what it is, but be open to it, just go with it with no fear. I am changing too and I did fear this change, now I do not . Fear stops this process, love enhances and opens us up to what is a connection to God, a real connection that can be felt even though we are still in our bodies. Its an absolutely amazing experience if we just allow this love to flow within and do what it is trying to re connect us to the Source.

This is something I have been trying, without much success to postulate to the members. That everything is energy, really, and the only real difference is the frequencies of the energy. The lower frequencies deal with fear and greed, and anger, the higher frequencies deal with love and giving, and creation. You may not know this, but material objects have been manifested by human thoughts, as far back as 1970 or so. (Montauk Project)

Yes everything is energy. It starts with a thought, this then becomes the Word which then turns into an action. Thoughts create, we become exactly what we think. We all need to think really carefully about what it is we ACTUALLY want to be, how we want our lives to be. When we are totally clear about what we want to be then we need to think it. Think it so strongly that no other possibilities are remotely possible. Throw ALL negative thoughts out as soon as they arise, throw all doubts, and all fears out of your souls initial thoughts (the thoughts that can manifest). Then after a while if you do this you will speak (the word) and become (the action) of your thoughts. I AM is a very powerful creative thought, it is one the Universe responds to.

Once we start to become aware of our spirits real thoughts and needs (the initial gut feelings) we start to see just how much of our thoughts are unconscious thoughts that are started from Fear and not spirit.

We are even taught to Fear God!

No one should EVER fear God. The Source loves all unconditionally and would never want us to fear our creator. The Fear of God has been driven into us over time by people who wish to use this as yet another control mechanism. No never should we fear the Source ever. The Source wishes us to unite again with it and to remember who and what we really are. This is done by choosing LOVE over FEAR and it really is that simple.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Mr Green]

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