posted on Feb, 14 2003 @ 10:17 AM
Originally posted by FreeMason
Yeah, you know what, I think you should return Whales, and Scottland back to the native populations.
Yeah, save the Wales. Heh. Devolution has been taking place for some time, actually. Speaking as one who has Scottish blood, Sean Connery for king.
British are probably the most bastardized race in the world. Our very language is an unholy soup of a dozen other languages. I probably do have Norman
blood, and Anglo-Saxon blood, and Celtic blood, and Germanic blood... It's a good thing. Whoever's island it is, I imagine most of the population's
still got blood connections.
It's coming up on a thousand years since we were successfully invaded, and we dealt with that in the time honoured fashion of absorbing their
culture. The successful invaders spoke French; you'll note I'm still posting in English. I suspect it's something in the water. The AU where the
Germans succesfully invaded Britain, and twenty years later had cheerfully settled down to drinking tea, being bad at cricket, and feeling sorry for
everyone who didn't live in Britain. After two generations of patient absorption, the British are slightly sterner, eat more sausage, and appreciate
Rammstein more. Hee. We are Britain of Borg.
Pretty much the only people in your area that have native blood, are the Irish, and a few Scotts, and they need to swap lands because they basically
traded off, Scotts invading from Ireland and such.
Actually, according to the Asatru faith and certain articles of Icelandic history, the British royal family are descended from Odin. Do you think this
accounts for the inbred superiority complex?