posted on May, 11 2004 @ 04:21 PM
...and this confirms suspicions that people have that the war on terrorism is partially about boosting Israeli fortification. Remember the neocons
war-cry? "We MUST invade Syria and Iran? No wait, forget Syria... let's just go for Iran right now. They've got nukes in progress! A serious threat
to our interests...". For the record, if Iran is producing or has produced nukes, there is NO WAY they could reach the borders of the US. Not even by
a miracle. There is no serious threat to US interests in terms of weapons of mass destruction, IMHO. Israeli interests on the other hand...
Not only this, but such an incident would most definitely be the start of World War III... I hope I am VERY wrong on this prediction, however. If
Israel attacks, and they are dying to, particularly before Sharon loses his grasp over Israel, then Iran will respond. If Iran responds, so will the
US. If the US responds... well... who can say, really, but those in the know?
And don't get me wrong. I am all for a peaceful resolution and would much rather have no such sabre rattling going on between those two middle
eastern powers. I don't want to see Isreal or Iran under attack from each other, or from anyone else for that matter.
[Edited on 5/11/2004 by AlnilamOmega]