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Hurricane-calming technology: Bill Gates

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:08 AM

Hurricane-calming technology: Bill Gates

Good news, folks. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has turned his attention to controlling the weather.

Five U.S. Patent and Trade Office patent applications, made public on July 9, propose slowing hurricanes by pumping cold, deep-ocean water in their paths from barges. If issued, the patents offer 18 years of legal rights to the idea for Gates and co-inventors, including climate scientist Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:08 AM
The weather is now privatized, this is yet another attempt to control weather and now even Microsoft has pitched in.

If weather control falls in private hands in the US and elsewhere, without the govt keeping tabs on what the private sector is doing, we could have a complete disaster.

If it is now Hurricane control, then there will be rain control, drought control and all the chemtrail stuff

If Microsoft is going into this then there is obviously profit in it for it, just the royalties from these patents would give them enough for 18 years

So now there is a price attached to our lives being safe? For the next 18 years we are going to be hurricane free, BUT the taxpayer is going to pay for it.

I think these technologies are better off in the hands of the govt instead of the private sector.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:19 AM
Why does this make my head hurt so much? And if something goes horribly wrong what do we do? Alt-Ctrl-Del?

Sure there's profit...

Want rain for your crops? Pay up! Otherwise you live in drought.

Water is the new oil.

And oh by the way that's a lot of what it's all about in the middle east...control over pipelines...yes...but most everyone assumes that's for oil/gas, and not many realize it's in large part water too.

[edit on 16-7-2009 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:56 AM
Oh yeah, that's what we really need.

Microsoft © Weather ® 0.9 Beta.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:58 AM
thats....actually a really cool and simple idea.

i suppose they could also make hurricanes worse by superheating the water that they suck up from the ocean depths.

my only questions are:

1) would the water from the ocean depths affect the salinity and therefore the sea life in those areas?
2) what if sea creatures get sucked up?
3) what if this fails and the barges are put into serious danger?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:00 AM
This isn't a bad idea really.

Think about the massive amounts of damage hurricanes cause. If this could help save homes being destroyed or people killed then I think we should go for it.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:51 AM
So, by pumping cold water up from the depths in the Gulf, wouldn't that weaken the Gulfstream? Does Bill Gates have a plan to keep Europe from freezing when the gulf is artificially cooled?

I'm gonna so point and laugh when Bill Gates causes the ocean currents to crash and instead of pesky hurricanes to wash all the soda bottles and crack vials off the Miami streets and into the ocean where we think our trash belongs, we'll have glaciers in London, yeah, that's much better.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:26 AM
It's good to see people using their brains and technology to actually save lives and help instead of using it to steal candy from babies.

Ive had a similar idea as his, but instead, using heat.

As you should all know, hurricanes are caused by hot and cold differences, and equalizing those differences would make the hurricane go away (in theory).

It's a good idea, however, most of you just hold a grudge against Microsoft for unknown reasons, and you have fear in your hearts, so you will jump to conspiracy conclusions.

Bill Gates doesn't even run Microsoft anymore.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:31 AM
Its funny how people said that they could control hurricanes, where called wackos.

Now gates comes out with this, a thing they must of tested, and now people say they may be controlling the weather. They probably have been controlling weather for decades, in some ways or forms.

What do you guys not know, about this stuff.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by DezertSkies

No Bill Gates has no plan to prevent Europe from freezing they challenged him in that antitrust lawsuit a couple of years back and he has no intention of letting them forget it.

There is no way this plan could possibly work, the volume of water to pump would cost as much the damage of a Hurricane 99% of the time.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:25 AM
I thought that WE caused this global warm-up? In turn, it caused more powerful hurricanes. You know, the "green-house effect". So maybe this is they're answer. Cooler water, pumped into the oceans, to slow hurricanes down. Who do they think they are...Mother nature's army? I don't think that messing with our natural cycle of events, ocean currents, or weather-related systems is good at all.

Green-house Effect. You never hear that anymore.

You would think that if these natural disasters caused enough damage over time, people would migrate elsewhere. Guess nature hasn't been convincing enough.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 07:40 AM
OK, a few problems I see here.

1 What effect would this have on the North Atlantic drift? and as someone has pointed out the knock on effect it would have in Europe.

2 How much water would they need to pump to the surface to cool the oceans top layers, ask yourself this. Can they pump more water up than the sun can heat? think of the surface area of the ocean, could it be possible that after time all they would be doing is actually increasing the temprature of the ocean and if so what effect would that have on the forecasters models?

3 Environmental issues, if it worked what happens to the marine life thats used to swimming in temperate waters, bang all of a sudden they are freezing there little fishie b...s off.

Why does this scare me and give me a "day after tomorrow feeling".

I can just see florida in the middle of summer having blizzards and the main news on the TV will be a BSOD saying "we have unfortunetly encountered an error on the weather front try CTRL ALT DEL or emigrate".

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 08:22 AM
Yeah...I guess I don't understand what's going to happen to all the cold water they pump up? Isn't it going to get warm? Won't this eventually raise the temperature of the seas even further than they are already doing naturally? Isn't that a bad thing? Don't hurricanes get larger over warmer waters?

Once the hurricanes have become 'dependent' on our manipulation to remain 'controllable,' what happens when the barge driver sleeps in and forgets to go pump the water? Will the hurricane be even worse than it would have naturally been, given the constant manipulation?

Do WE then become dependent on the technology to keep the hurricanes from progressing into a new category? Are we in for category 7 hurricanes?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:10 AM
Does anyone else not think there is no need what so ever for this kind of thing? Nature has got thing's sorted on its own for how many years?

Hurricanes are a natural part of our weather that have always happened, they are part of the global weather systems that have worked fine since the beginning. Yeah sure its inconvenient when places get destroyed by harsh weather, but that's life. Its inconvenient when earthquakes happen, volcano's erupt and destroy things... Its part of this planets natural traits, we either live with it like we have done forever or risk causing a domino effect by interfering which could present bigger problems down the line.

Bill Gates of all people getting his hands into something like this is a bad idea, people like him are driven by two things, money and the power that comes with it. Lets face it nothing Microsoft produced when under Gates ever worked well the first time, because corners were cut to save cash and consumers were left waiting for fix after fix. Do we really want a guy with a history like that messing with the weather? How long would we have to wait for a service pack for the weather?

(edit: spelling

[edit on 16/7/09 by refuse_orders]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by refuse_orders
Does anyone else not think there is no need what so ever for this kind of thing? Nature has got thing's sorted on its own for how many years?

I agree 100%. I don't care WHO it is. The fact that it's Bill Gates makes it worse, but I don't think ANYONE should be dinkin' with the way the Earth regulates itself.

I don't have anything against Bill Gates. He did some dumpster diving and some hard work and amassed a fortune. That's what this country is supposed to be about. I just don't see where that makes him an expert on the weather, or the ramifications of maniplulating it.

Edit to ad an 's'

[edit on 16-7-2009 by KSPigpen]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Well thats very scary news indeed, this has the possibilty of destabilizing the worlds weather. We will all fear the blue sky of death!!!

[edit on 16-7-2009 by Kurokage]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Its funny. People think that we have a NEED to control EVERYTHING. I think its a WANT to control everything.

I agree with all the above posters. There is absolutely no need for this.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

We have been able to control the weather for a while now, but now they aren't trying to hide it. Of course its one of our governments secret projects.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by menguard

We have been able to control the weather for a while now, but now they aren't trying to hide it. Of course its one of our governments secret projects.

I think it is possible that the govt already controls weather, and that they have the technology for it. Decades ago, cloud seeding became a very common thing, and now it seems the govt is with chemtrails

There is one natural disaster that we would like to control though and that is earthquakes. There is no warning for earthquakes like there is for hurricanes, so if we can predict and avoid earthquakes in some way, that would be good use of the kind of technology that Bill Gates wants to invest in.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by DezertSkies
So, by pumping cold water up from the depths in the Gulf, wouldn't that weaken the Gulfstream? Does Bill Gates have a plan to keep Europe from freezing when the gulf is artificially cooled?

This is my only concern about this. To be honest, I see Hurricanes as part of the equilibrium of the earth's cooling and heating system.

Doesn't this cause more problems in the long run, and if so why not?

I would just like to see those questions answered...

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