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Three Clear Photographs of Black Triangle over South Carolina

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I live in SC and I can tell you that these black triangles do indeed fly over. My buddy was working an overnight shift at a plant and while outside the plant witnessed 5-6 of these black triangles fly low and slow over the plant at about 4am. No sound whatsoever. He said it shook him up pretty good, and he's not one you can easily shake-up.

About dusk one night, 7pm or so I was picking my wife up from her workplace. I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for her when I saw lights approaching low and slow from the southeast of my position. As they got closer you could see that they had green and red lights running all around the edges. Not like FAA anti-collision lighting but more like Christmas tree lighting and yes I'm being serious. The lights raced around the outside of the craft in no discernable pattern that I could pick up. As they got closer and passed over us you could see that they were triangles and they weren't making a sound. They passed over pretty low, I would say no higher than 500-1000 ft and were very easy to view due to their slow speed which I would say was no more than the 40-60 mph range. While passing over, the trailing triangle in the formation did some kind of funky slipstream move and jumped past and in front of the lead triangle. It was a kinda herky jerky move.

Well, we didn't have a camera but we managed to show the other people still working at the business the back lights of the vehicles as they crossed the road as seen through some tall pines lining the highway. The highway is probably 600 feet from the business and the pines probably 50-60 feet high so as I said the objects were pretty low in the first place to still be seen through the pines across the highway with a good level view of the back-end. The back end view illustrated how thick the craft was and was filled with a bank of white round lights. I remembered reading how there are alot of triangle sightings near the interstate and sure enough that's the direction that these two were heading. I jumped in the car and got on the interstate which took a minute or three, but when I got on the I, even with a good 360 degree view of the sky I lost them. As slow as they were travelling I don't know how they wouldn't have still been visible but they were just gone. Took the I all the way home but never saw them again so maybe they shut off the lighting or kicked it into high gear, I dunno.

However, neither of these sightings were of the "giant black triangle" or "silent vulcan" class of sightings which indicate a craft that is 300 feet from tip to tip to tip. I think when it comes to the giant black triangles of Euro fame, that's a different animal all together. The triangles witnessed in these sightings just weren't that large I'm afraid. Also we have Shaw Air Force base about 50 miles from here and an Air National Guard base not far from Shaw but I don't know if it has any bearing on what we saw or not.. ..(..)

edit on 18-6-2011 by UnderAlienControl because: typo

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 04:56 AM
Yesterday I met one interesting story of a Russian black triangle UFO hunting.
They consider the black triangles as not directly dangerous and not engaged
in the abductions. They also make some allusions to the symbolics of the
triangle as the all seeing eye in the ancient scripts:

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 05:15 AM
OMG this thread is 2 years old I thought it was new
edit on 19-6-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 05:29 AM
If it's a triangle it is a rather imperfect one and if it's a new scramjet it's flying sideways.

It looks like it is only a few feet above the lamp post to my eye.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:55 PM


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