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People just don't care about ufo's/aliens

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posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:19 AM
I believe people in general just don't care about the subject. For instance I mentioned in another thread that my sister finally told me enough already with the ufo and alien talk. I was shocked because I thought I had been keeping my comments on the subject short and to the point, as to not overload people with something they're probably not interested in. I thought I was saying enough just to keep her and others aware of the topic and not jamming it down their throats as she put it. I guess I was wrong, that's not the point though.

At any rate what she told me was that if the subject is true and aliens are visiting us, so what, it doesn't matter. There's is nothing that can be done about it, (getting to the truth is what I think she was referring to) knowing or having proof that it's real, wouldn't affect us at all. We would still have the same problems, jobs we don't like, issues with friends, family, etc.

She has a point, if I woke up tomorrow and the worlds news agencies are all reporting giant mother ships all over the world, that's great and all but it wouldn't really affect me in regards to my day to day life. I'd love it and have to be forcefully removed from my computer and tv, but I'd still have to go to work, have the same issues with the same people and so on. With that viewpoint in mind she said that taking about is pointless and a waste of time. I'm not a big fan of that attitude towards any subject but that's a different topic all together.

My question for those interested in the subject of ufo's and their possible connection to extra terrestrial life is this. The subject is niche at best but society at large is at least aware of it. Is the mindset of, "I don't care, it doesn't affect me", good or bad for the subject and does that apathy work for or against any possible disclosure.

I tend to think the "I don't care" attitude is good, because to me if you don't care about something you're at least acknowledging that it exists. I'll take "who gives a s###" over laughter and "you're crazy" any day.


posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Most folks I know would go the latter (your crazy) which I'm surprised at.

For me I'm personally interested but in the end don't care one way or the other until it has a direct impact on life. Only then do the claws come out from one side or the other. And only then do we know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing at least I hope we know then.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:26 AM
It's not mainstream thats why,but people have alot of things to worry about.If you push people enough with questions,answers and evidence they may come around and say they think there may be a ufo presence on earth...there is hard evidence for that imo,not for aliens.But think about it,if they are aliens and lets just say they have been around earth for 300 years(just a number) and they have made no official contact with humanity.It seems to me they simply dont want to and have no interest in getting together with humanity.Giving us technology,science and answers to things.So other than wanting the age old answer to the question *Are we alone?* it wont directly impact your average person here on earth anyway.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I think definitive knowledge of alien visitiation would also mean definitive knowledge of incredibly advanced technology, being able to bend time and space to your will being just one example. I expect we would enter a new period of focus on advancement in science and technology, which would effect everyone regardless of how much time they spent thinking about such matters.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:47 AM
wonderful thread Bigern....I often get the same response and have tried to talk to friends/family about the subject and it gets laughed at....

A question for you. What brought you to this site and made you intereted in the subject...??

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by bigern

I personally dont care what anyone thinks about what I believe. I personally believe that when disclosure comes and we see with our eyes an alien or a ufo on TV and know it's for sure 100% it will affect everyone after that. People say it wont but it WILL I believe. Think about it....Sure you will go to work but what will be the ONE thing discussed when you get there? Aliens/Ufo's of course. It will start to make those who dont already know what's going on wonder about what else the govt has lied and kept secret. This is just my opinion remember that.
I dont think people think about what would happen afterwards. Many peoples belief system will be crushed so it will affect their lives. My family tells me the same thing when I talk about ufo's or alliens even in round about way. They just dont seem to care or they are just scared about the possibility. Who knows.


posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 08:57 AM
Thanks for the responses everyone, and the stars and flags.

As long as I can remember I've believed in extra terrestrial life but it's only been in the last two or three years that I finally stared to research the subject. Reading up on aliens and ufo's is what lead me to ATS a few years ago, and I probably lurked for months before registering.

Throughout the years though bringing up the topic I've gotten far more laughs and "what are you talking abouts" than "who cares". At least the who cares responses opens up the possibility of a discussion where the laughs, more often than not, are brick walls.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by fls13

I think definitive knowledge of alien visitiation would also mean definitive knowledge of incredibly advanced technology, being able to bend time and space to your will being just one example. I expect we would enter a new period of focus on advancement in science and technology, which would effect everyone regardless of how much time they spent thinking about such matters.

It's seems that the UFOs must have an incredible power source, and you don't hear reports of them pulling up to gas stations and stealing all the gas. Water from ponds and lakes? Yes, I've heard of that.

If they would share it with us (maybe if we promised to behave and stop having wars all the time), imagine the impact on all our lives if we had a source of power that was not dependent on the petroleum industry! Hmmm, cause for secrecy maybe....

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:02 AM
To say that no one will care if aliens declared themsleves to us is simply not true. To say you would still go to work is madness.

For one thing think of the old people ? the ones whos minds are so closed its unbelievable, think about every religious group. Think about the people whos minds are closed and wander aimlessly around this Earth eating,drinking,working,sleeping, oh how their lives will change.

Think about the people who will start to ask more and more questions and want to fully understand why our governments lied to us for over 60 years.

Think about the traffic, the people panicking trying to escape, because all they have learnt about ET is by watching films about alien invasions, think about the army, think about the navy, think about businesses worldwide.

I assure you nothing will ever be the same again.

To say that people will just carry on their daily monotonous lives making rich people richer IMO is simply not feasible after this event.

[edit on 9-6-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:03 AM
Why do people keep using the term UFO when they mean alien spacecraft?

Is it because they believe that every UFO is an alien spacecraft?

Frankly, the more exposure I have to people who "believe" in aliens, the more sceptical I become. When a movement is obsessed with finding evidence to support their cause, they will interpret any sort of nonsense as evidence. And their belief opens them up to the inevitable hoodwinking of people who have a copy of photoshop or a picture with a reflection in it.

If there is a provable alien visit in the future, I'll care. But don't expect people to care about a bunch of obsessed zealots peering at blurry photos of earth for tiny dots in the sky, peering at space pictures for reflections and space junk, and peering at Mars pics for faces in the landscape.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:03 AM
The trouble we have as the UFO community is that because it is 'unbelievable' for the following reasons :

1; We have been bombarded with TV and media #hite for the last few years with TV shows like 'Big Brother' , Pop Idol and various other 'reality' shows that people only believe the way to exist is to be either a footballer, 'glamour' model or minor celebrity and to think that way is great, look at the majority of 'celebs' these days , can't even string a sentence together or are of such a low intellect that theyre laughable.
We are told that 'you don't need an education to get on in life' , and that money is the end all and be all of this world..

2: Aliens don't exist because 'religeon' tells us where we came from, and has 'all the truths we need'.

3: UFO's are NOT alien but are military aircraft being tested to fight the war on terror, the enemy menace that is Muslim* or Islamic*, Pagan* or Christian*.*insert religeon that is 'evil' at the moment.

4: That world leaders still want us to believe that the world is flat , the Sun revolves around the Earth and that Dinosaurs may exst at the centre of the Earth. There is NO OTHER LIFE in the whole of creation, Man has been created by God in HIS image.

5: Aliens don't exist and have NO WAY to get here if they did , because IF aliens existed ( which they don't) then they would have the same level of technology as we have seeing as the universe is x years old and man is x years old and technology is only x years old as well, so therefore aliens wouldn't be able to get here ( if they existed at all) because they don't have the technology available to them. We are the pinnacle of technological supremecy in the universe.

6: Anyone who believes in something 'not normal' 9i.e UFO's) is not right in the head and needs to be looked after by the state as they obviously aren't capable of looking after themselves. UFO's and aliens are NOT normal thinking so therefore you and others like you are 'crazy'..

7: we are innundated with Movies , TV shows and radio productions that portray Aliens as evil and war like, look at all the films that have been produced , all but 2 that I know of ( ET and Starman) all show aliens in a bad light, they want to suck out our brains, breed with our women, kill humanity and use our bodies as vehicles or food etc etc. Most media show aliens as warlike and technologically advanced enough ( which isn't true because they don't exist) to wipe out not only us but obliterate our beautiful planet into spacedust.

MY THEORY and MY OPINION , is that Aliens DO exist, any sign that we are not alone in the whole of creation would turn this planet upside as people have been programmed not to think outside the box ( or atmosphere) , we have to chase down that last penny, to live the life of luxury that so many 'celebrities' have, and that any free thinking is frowned upon as that kind of thinking leads to terrorism and 'immoral' thoughts .Aliens would show themselves to us fully but have been turned away from Earth because our governments have told them that they would rather see us ALL dead and spacedust than to lose control over us, they want us to think they are in charge of us and that they have to teach us the truths we are longing to hear.

Truth is? we are not alone, we are not being ignored, but WE ARE being blocked , we ARE being used for medical purposes , we ARE being killed , we ARE being raped not by aliens but by ourselves and the 'leaders' we think we are electing.
It doesn't matter how loud your voice is or how much you protest on the net or in the media, it only matters when the majority of us are prepared to get off our aspartame and MSG riddled backsides and take teh fight to the governments and military power whores. We will only have disclosure when we take up arms against the oppressors and free ourselves from religeous indoctrine and political BS.
We need to think for ourselves, to learn from OUR mistakes and not repeat the same mistakes we have let our 'leaders' make in the past. We need to fight for freedom otherwise we will become sheep to the slaughter, and we will go willingly.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
But think about it,if they are aliens and lets just say they have been around earth for 300 years(just a number) and they have made no official contact with humanity.It seems to me they simply dont want to and have no interest in getting together with humanity.

I have always considered aliens to be space travellers, the same way a boat crosses the ocean, I believe there are explorers, travellers, pilgrims, tourists, and all the rest, across the Universe.

As such, I think that maybe a scientist or someone might stop on Earth and attempt contact, but I think just as many, if they are advanced and see similar planets all the time, would just travel right past us the same way we pass by cows behind wooden fences when we drive on country highways.

I think we might simply be uninteresting to UFOs or aliens in general, and they probably come here to refuel in whatever way they do that, notice the "cows" or "sheeple" if you prefer, and just sigh "moo" at us, screw their gas cap back on and try to make it to the next galaxy by dinnertime.

I think we're totally unremarkable to an advanced intelligent race that all evidence supports have known all about us for thousands of years.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
Why do people keep using the term UFO when they mean alien spacecraft?

Is it because they believe that every UFO is an alien spacecraft?

I didn't mean to imply that I thought all ufo's are in fact alien spacecraft, I just assume that it's widely accepted that some are, some aren't. The funny thing is I wrestled with even including "ufo" in the title. I suppose I should have been more descriptive in my op in regards to that.

[edit on 9-6-2009 by bigern]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
It's seems that the UFOs must have an incredible power source, and you don't hear reports of them pulling up to gas stations and stealing all the gas. Water from ponds and lakes? Yes, I've heard of that.

If they would share it with us (maybe if we promised to behave and stop having wars all the time), imagine the impact on all our lives if we had a source of power that was not dependent on the petroleum industry! Hmmm, cause for secrecy maybe....

My opinion, which isn't worth much, is that the UFOs navigating in our atmosphere have an advanced power source, but the ability to travel light years in a reasonable amount of time is something entirely different and well beyond our comprehension. Guys like Kaku can ruminate about it, but that's as far as we can go with that.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
I would guess that Joe Public isn't interested in UFO's mainly due to UFOlogy's fringe elements that come out will all the wacky stuff. It's the wacky stuff that the media flocks to like a moth to a flame and thereby discredits the whole phenomena. Ergo, Joe Public thinks there's nothing to it except a bunch of crazy people that have forgotten to take their meds.


[edit on 9/6/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by bigern

I do care, it does affect me, saying otherwise is denial on a high level. Anyone who hides a secret like this is doing so because revealing it jeopardizes their own comfy world.

1. Aliens advanced enough to reach our planet could bring even more technology.
2. Aliens that advanced could help with our global government.
3. Full disclosure means global awareness of the subject, and more minds working on that technology.
4. Aliens could aid us in preparing and preventing major disasters.
5. Aliens could help us understand much more about ourselves, our spirituality, and our world.
6. Awareness of an alien presence could bring us together as a species.

There is a lot of suffering down here, and what they know could help. It does affect us, it's a major point in human history, and we cannot shrug it off and unimportant to the little man. That's a defense used by those in control, or those under control.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Great responses guys, definitely some things I hadn't considered, thanks. Next time I talk with the "who cares" crowd I'll have some better arguments to counter them with.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by bigern

It's okay man. I totaly understand that myself. I've been on the receiving end of some pretty harsh criticism for bringing up the topic in the past.
Just remember that they're the ones brainwashed down the deepest ends of the barrel by the mass media machines that influence & control their reality; you're the normal one. We can see more than meets our common, everyday senses. What we may see might be unclear at first, but we just "know" it exists. We have a trait that was purposely rid of hundreds of years ago during the Catholic Inquisitons: Intuition -- if you were thought to "know" something without first providing the material, physical evidence beforehand, you were dragged, burned at the steak, hanged, etc. Millions of women were killed for having it. It's our direct connection to divinity, so embrace it!

[edit on 9-6-2009 by Itzamná]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 05:20 PM
I completely understand where your coming from as most on here will aswell.It is strange how uninterested people are in the ufo phenomenen which is probably the most important subject for mankind.I don't really talk to anyone about it too much,when I do talk about UFOs I get looked at like I got a screw loose or something.I often wonder in what way the world will change when it is confirmed.

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