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Conspriacy theories you fear if true?

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:10 PM
That chemtrails exist, but they're not to harm us, they're a last ditch effort to protect the planet from a solar fear which will probably destroy most life on the planet, or just completely obliterate the planet anyway.

This would fear me consindering that when I think about the government, it seems more likely that they're keeping the doomsday under wraps, spreading out bogus reports about the fact that nothing's going to happen, keep it on a down low so while they spray the skies in certain areas, they're currently building deep underground tunnels in attempts for the elite and most powerful to survive the blast. The rest of us will be burned alive, while they survive, due to us only having the coverage and safety of our tunnels, while they have underground tunnels that burrow several miles beneath the ground(Mount Weather)

There is a suggestion . . . that Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the thirteenth [baktun]. Thus … our present universe … [would] be annihilated on December 23, 2012, when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion

Hmm... that's kind of scary, "degenerate" makes me think of our bodies being melted to the point of disintegration, and "our present universe would be annihilated", which makes me think it will be completely and utterly destroyed. I don't think it means the whole universe, just our universe-the one's we, as human beings, project and know just like a way to express that we'll be extinct

What is yours?

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Deus Ex Machina 42]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:14 AM
I'd say that aliens have a base on the moon and have warned us off, something about it really scares me, the fact that we could be being watched from an enemy that we thought was in another galaxy or extremly far away. The moon would be the ultimate weapon against us, the moon controls the tides, and has a huge role on the axis, if we decided to suddenly attack them (if they are real) then they could easilly detonate the moon problem solved humanity is doomed...

I'd also say Dulce and the Fema Camps, i'm not American, but if Dulce and the FEMA camps are true I'd certainly join any countries army that was against them. Dulce on the othe rhand... reports of the nightmare hall and all scare me quite abit.

Oh and also OP this was is a great idea for a thread in my opinion, it'll good to see the responces from everyone

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:19 AM
If any of you are not familiar with Phil Schneider, youtube or google his name and watch his lectures. He is very informative about Dulce because he worked there and he is also very informative about underground bases. Unfortunately he died several years back.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:40 AM
I have a theory or Idea; I read here that they found Aluminum Oxide in the air after a chemtrail, and then I read about the magnetic field of Earth is waning or reducing in it strength. What if they are putting this crap in the air to try to fix the EM field?

Also I wonder if they are using chemtrail ingredients in conjunction with the HAARP arrays around the world, maybe Aluminum Oxide + EM or scalar waves "enhance" the effects?

Just throwing some thoughts out there...

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:21 AM
The conspiracy theory i fear most, are those rumors and speculations about the abuse of children at Guantanamo or elsewhere.

After John Yoo said that the president has the authority to crush a childs testicles in front of their parents to make them talk, I'm worried there may be some truth to them.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by sourdiesel
I have a theory or Idea; I read here that they found Aluminum Oxide in the air after a chemtrail, and then I read about the magnetic field of Earth is waning or reducing in it strength. What if they are putting this crap in the air to try to fix the EM field?

Also I wonder if they are using chemtrail ingredients in conjunction with the HAARP arrays around the world, maybe Aluminum Oxide + EM or scalar waves "enhance" the effects?

Just throwing some thoughts out there...

EXACTLY what I've been thinking, it's all a last ditch effort, you see. They don't CARE that these chemicals harm us, because this is the LAST chance for them to fix it, they're taking extreme measures to make sure we survive.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by jimminycricket
The conspiracy theory i fear most, are those rumors and speculations about the abuse of children at Guantanamo or elsewhere.

After John Yoo said that the president has the authority to crush a childs testicles in front of their parents to make them talk, I'm worried there may be some truth to them.

I heard the second part somewhere... I just dont know where, I want to say I saw it on TV but I dont really knoww hat channel would actually air such a thing, but I HAVE heard exactly what you're talking about i just cant remember where

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 03:06 AM
I personally am afraid of the Swine flu conspiracy over anything else for the moment. If that is true along with all these mass graves being dug and so forth, then yeah we all should be afraid very afraid. Don't trust the vaccine

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:45 AM
There's so many doom and gloom conspiracies, that they're all pretty depressing really.

I suppose if I was to choose one that would be really depressing, then it would be Nibiru being right and hitting us in a few years. I think the idea of Nibiru returning full of creatures hell bent on enslaving the human race would be more palatable.
The idea of Nibiru alien slave masters has got to be better than the entire human race snuffed from existence. Slaves would at least have an opportunity of rebelling




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