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Zirkle: Why not segregate the states?

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Oh how wonderful and insightful. I can see it all now. Black states, in which only those having some modicum of black geneology are allowed to reside. Ditto for white, which, in itself, a melting pot. Following that, every label we affix to people's geneology will have to have their own state.

Then, each and every religion and cult will have to have their own state.

Everyone stays within the borders of their demographic, and trade between becomes impossible. Perfect. The United States doesn't have to be stricken by influences from outside, they'll just anihlate themselves internally.

Why stop there? Spread the love. Make it a global thing; get everyone on the face of the Earth polarized against virtually everyone else.

I think this quite possibly is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard, and there have been some doozies. This is a blueprint for complete and total global breakdown.

If anyone thinks this idea has merit, then answer this: What punishment will be levied upon those who are caught outside of their demographic? will they be able to get a "jury of their peers" or do we just toss the whole Constitution -- foolish and archaic document that it is? silly founding fathers, wanting to create a UNITED States. Folly.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:22 PM
This is such an idiotic idea. How could this even work. I see all kinds of potential problems. What about mixed couples? I'm white and my wife is Asian. Where would we live? My business partner is African American and his wife is Mexican. Where would they live? What we need to do is learn how to get along with one another. I mean, if I can learn how, anyone can. I grew up in a very racist environment. My father hated anyone who is not white, and he got over it. My great grandfather hated Japanese, and here I am married to one. We are all very different in many ways, but we are still people. We have the same basic wants and needs. Most of us are good natured. What we need to do is divide the people who are law-abiding from the habitual criminals. Never mind race.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:00 PM
I think we are already segregated more then people notice. The behaviors of communitys when minorities move into a predominately white neighborhood are shameful, but only because people do not want to lose what they worked hard for.

The following example is 100% truthful and in no way ment to be offensive. I am only stating what goes on around here, and pretty much any other location I have ever visited. I would love to hear the opinion of somebody who has experienced this on both sides of the fence, either as one who moved into a neighborhood or as one who had to move away.

So anyway. What happens when black people start to move into a white community? All the white people move away. It has happened to plenty of towns around where I live and is much more then rare occurances here and there. There is a town called Darby, PA near me that used to be a beautiful town twenty years ago when my parents lived there. Now, after all the white people have moved out and the majority of the town is black that has all changed. These days its filled with drugs, violence, graffiti, trash, and all the houses are totally destroyed. We even had to move away from the town I grew up in because of all the crime that came when many of the black families became the majority of the town. Everybody around here completely avoids any and all black majority areas due to the crime, drugs, prostitution, and general lawlessness. There are plenty of areas that I would never, ever even drive through at night and I'm sorry to say, but these are predominately black areas.

Why is it like this? I have no idea. But it proves that we are more segregated now then many people would choose to admit.

Its sad. But whos fault is it? It doesnt matter what ethnicity moves into an area, but if every time in any town a group of people move from the city into a upper-middle class neighborhood and then five years later its filled with graffiti and drugs - then yes, there is a problem.

Now, I have black and mexican neighbors currently who are the best neighbors I have EVER had in my life (as well as the Mexican food is amazing) But why is it that when a minority group becomes the majority in a town it slowly turns into a cesspool? I know this doesnt only happen around my city. It happens everywhere. The question I want to know is WHY?

So think, if they were to do this with whole states, I would not be suprised to see the same effect on a much larger scale. And also, the divide between races would be so large, much more so then now, that it would be a step back to the days before MLK and other advocates of equal rights which is the completely wrong direction that people have worked so hard to overcome the last fifty years.

I would love to be proven wrong. Maybe its just my area? But I would like to hear this from both sides of the fence. Maybe I'm missing something, or just not understanding a different culture. Either way, we as a nation are unbelievably segregated - just nobody wants to admit it.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:00 PM
double post. please remove.

[edit on 5/23/2009 by deadline527]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
One thought: American Civil War part 2.

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

yeah, that is what I was thinking. Good luck getting anyone besides the KKK or some other such group to support such a move.

Talk about taking one giant step backward.......

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
One thought: American Civil War part 2.

yeah, that is what I was thinking. Good luck getting anyone besides the KKK or some other such group to support such a move.

Talk about taking one giant step backward.......

Your lack of historical knowledge abounds it ends up showing not only ignorance, but a bit of arrogance as well (especially your KKK comment. Very untactful, especially for a forum moderator, for shame). The civil war was NOT fought because of "slavery" anyone that thinks so has obviously deluded themselves or has not bothered to go beyond high school education. Anyone with any shred of real knowledge knows that the civil war had more to do with federal govt. overstepping their boundaries, and not only that, but would also know that Lincoln was either a) a HUGE racist himself or b) a two timer/flip flopper politician.

Why do I have the nerve to say this? Because I remember reading in one of his speeches how he himself believed that there should definitely be a role of master and another of subservient. He believed that the role of master should be given to the white man. He also stated in one of his speeches that he NEVER intended to give African slaves the status of full American citizen, but rather, if it was up to him, he'd send the whole lot of them back to African and have them fend for themselves. Sounds like a "nice guy" huh?

As for the confederates? Well this struck me a bit of shock (I know, I fell for the trap that is the public school system too) when I found out that the confederates too had blacks fighting to keep the confederate states, not only that, apparently (at least here in GA) there were even Indians that fought for the confederates as well. Granted, it was because apparently they were promised that they would not be kicked out of their land. Who knows, maybe they felt that the confederate states, unlike the union, might actually honor the agreement (The union tended to break treaties with the indans whenever they felt like it pretty much. Maybe they thought the confederates would be different.)

[edit on 26-5-2009 by Question]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:07 AM
I thank it is a good idea,,, barbed wires, ovens and guard boars!!!

Hells ya

If it gets to complicated we can just kill the half -quarter breeds - or chop um in portions

Like chop a half Norwegian/Swedish person up into to pieces and throw the parts over the corresponding fence ( THAT'LL TEACH EM A LESSON NOT CROSS BREED)

I know I often punch myself in the face because I hate the 1/8th French in me.

What America needs is racial purity
is it 1830-40?

GO GOP!!!!

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

Regarding your question "is it just me or is the Republican party becoming the white people's party, and the democratic party becoming the black people's party".

It's just you. No democrat could ever win office without the majority of white support. Remember, Blacks are a "minority". There are not enough Blacks in the country to put someone in office without white support.

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